Chapter 922 Buying a House

Let’s talk a little bit more about Sun Lanxiang.

In "The Ordinary World", when Sun Lanxiang was in high school, she went to the construction site of the county hospital to carry bags and make money.

A little girl from high school went to work on a construction site.

When people see this scene, they will sympathize with this little girl.

So, why did Sun Lanxiang go to the construction site to make money?

Does Sun Lanxiang have no money?

Her father doesn't give money?

Or is it because her two brothers, Sun Shaoan and Sun Shaoping, don't give money?

When Sun Lanxiang was in high school, it was when Sun Shaoan was making money by burning bricks.

At this time, Sun Shaoan made a lot of money.

Sun Shaoan had a lot of money, but at this time, Sun Shaoan's family was separated.

Sun Shaoan didn't want to separate the family.

But He Xiulian forced Sun Shaoan to separate the family. (In the book, He Xiulian is Sun Shaoan’s wife.)

Later, they separated. (In rural areas, family separation is normal, and there is no intention to blame He Xiulian here.)

After the family separation, Sun Shaoan's money could not be given to Sun Lanxiang casually.

As for Sun Lanxiang, she didn't dare to ask for Sun Shaoan's money.

Why? He was afraid that Sun Shaoan's wife He Xiulian would quarrel with Sun Shaoan over money.

(Because of money matters, divorce, father and son turning against each other, families breaking up, etc., there are many.

To a certain extent, money is a scourge, blinding everyone's eyes and deceiving everyone's hearts. )

Sun Shaoan has money, but he can't use it on Sun Lanxiang.

Where is Sun Shaoping?

At this time, Sun Shaoping was a street job hunter.

When I have work, I have a place to eat and sleep, and I can make some money.

When there is no work, there is no place to eat or live.

Is the little money Sun Shaoping earns through hard work enough to support him and Sun Lanxiang?

I'm afraid it's a bit difficult.

As for Sun Yuhou, there is no need to count on it.

Sun Yuhou is old, so it would be good to be able to support himself.

If Sun Lanxiang could get some food from home, it would be considered a help.

Therefore, Sun Lanxiang in the book can only go to the construction site by herself and carry bags to make money.

just now.

Sun Shaoan and Tian Runye got married.

Of course Sun Shaoan did not separate his family.

Tian Runye never mentioned separation.

Why didn’t Tian Runye mention the family separation?

This may be the difference between Tian Runye and He Xiulian.

Sun Shaoan and Tian Runye never wanted to separate.

The money earned by Sun Shaoan and Tian Runye can be given to Sun Yuhou, Sun Shaoping, Sun Lanxiang, Tian Futang and Tian Runsheng.

Under Sun Shaoan's care, Sun Lanxiang never lacked money.

No matter in elementary school, junior high school, or high school, Sun Shaoan always gave Sun Lanxiang plenty of pocket money.

When I was in high school, I lived with Sun Shaoan.

Basically let Sun Lanxiang eat white noodles every day.

There are meat dishes basically every day, and at least one egg every day. Sun Lanxiang has never been treated badly.

Not only Sun Lanxiang, but also Sun Shaoping never suffered poverty or hunger under the care of Sun Shaoan.

Sun Lanxiang is now admitted to a university in Beijing.

Sun Lanxiang's future life path also changed.

In "The Ordinary World", Sun Lanxiang was admitted to a university in a provincial capital, and then became boyfriend and girlfriend with her classmate Wu Zhongping.

Wu Zhongping comes from a very good family background.

If Wu Zhongping's parents want to help Sun Lanxiang, Sun Lanxiang's future will be very smooth.

Now, Sun Lanxiang is attending a university in Beijing.

Looking at it this way, Sun Lanxiang seems to have missed Wu Zhongping.

However, missing Wu Zhongping is not necessarily a bad thing.

Most of the time, a marriage with the wrong family will end in tragedy.

Here, by the way, let’s talk about Kim Soo.

In the book, Jin Xiu was admitted to the Provincial Hospital

Later, he and Gu Yangmin became boyfriend and girlfriend.

He also had an inexplicable liking for Sun Shaoping.

It is unclear whether Jin Xiu broke up with Gu Yangmin.

Anyway, Sun Shaoping rejected Jin Xiu.

Now, Jin Xiu did not go to the provincial capital to go to university, but also went to the capital.

Jin Xiu's life trajectory has also changed.

This is not necessarily a bad thing.

Most likely better.

Here, let’s talk about He Xiulian by the way.

In "The Ordinary World", He Xiulian married Sun Shaoan at the end of 1975 or the beginning of 1976.

Now, when Sun Shaoan was in his seventh year, he married Tian Runye.

Sun Shaoan did not marry He Xiulian, then who did He Xiulian marry?

In 1976.

He Xiulian still couldn't find a suitable partner.

So I picked a young man from the village who was barely pleasing to my eyes and got married.

After that, they gave birth to children and lived a peaceful life.

Unlike her marriage to Sun Shaoan in the book, He Xiulian had no heavy burdens, no poverty, no suffering, and lived a good life.

However, He Xiulian still asked her man to separate from the family.

He Xiulian often went home to help her father make vinegar.

Until now, He Xiulian's little life has been going well and happily.

Sun Shaoping and Tian Xiaoxia went to the provincial capital.

"My eldest brother asked me to look at the house." Sun Shaoping told Tian Xiaoxia about buying a house.

"This is a good thing. I'll look at it with you." Tian Xiaoxia accompanied Sun Shaoping to look at the house.

More than ten days later.

Sun Shaoping and Tian Xiaoxia found several nice houses.

However, the prices are not cheap.

If Sun Shaoping buys it, he will need to stay away from food and drink for more than five years, and this is assuming that housing prices do not rise.

At this time.

A remittance slip was mailed to Sun Shaoping's unit.

Remittance from Hong Kong Island, 10,000 U.S. dollars.

This remittance order caused quite a stir.

Because I’m from Hong Kong Island, and it’s still 10,000 U.S. dollars.

Ten thousand U.S. dollars is not a small amount.

The magazine's leader, Sun Shaoping, also looked at Sun Shaoping with admiration because of this.

I thought that Sun Shaoping had no background, but I didn't expect that Sun Shaoping had relatives in Hong Kong Island.

Some of the tests and training originally prepared for Sun Shaoping were also canceled and replaced with a better training model.

"Shaoping, who is your relative who remits money to you on Hong Kong Island?" Lao Yang asked. He is Sun Shaoping's leader. He is in his forties, with a red face, a strong body, bright eyes, and he is full of energy.

"It's my eldest brother."

"Is it my dear brother?"


"Why did your eldest brother go to Hong Kong Island?" Lao Yang's eyes widened, a little surprised.

"My eldest brother is studying abroad at Island University in Hong Kong."

"Oh" Lao Yang hesitated and didn't ask, "Your eldest brother is a student, where did he get so much money?"

"Your elder brother is good, you should learn from him." Lao Yang encouraged him. Knowing that the money was used to buy a house, he also helped introduce a good house.

"Our unit doesn't have a house, and there are a lot of people queuing up to get a house. Even if you just come here, you won't be able to get one. It's a good thing to be able to buy a house by yourself." Lao Yang explained why he didn't share the house equally with Mr. Sun.

"President, I understand that there are many colleagues in our unit who have not been assigned a house." Sun Shaoping can understand why he cannot be assigned a house.

In this era, there is a shortage of houses everywhere.

In 1, the exchange rate of Chou Yuan to RMB was 1.5303:.

Ten thousand ugly yuan, that is, fifteen thousand RMB.

Fifteen thousand is not a small amount in this day and age.

Enough for Sun Shaoping to buy several houses.

Not a few days.

Sun Shaoping bought three houses.

There was still a lot of money left, but Sun Shaoping did not dare to spend it.

Sun Shaoping and Tian Xiaoxia worked together to clean up a house and buy furniture, kitchen utensils and other things.

this day.

Sun Shaoping and Tian Xiaoxia bought some vegetables, cut a piece of meat, and cooked together to celebrate the housewarming without inviting anyone else.

Sun Shaoping learned cooking from Sun Shaoan.

Move your hands and look presentable.

Tian Xiaoxia has never cooked at all, so she just works on the side.

"Shaoping, this house is very good. It's quiet around and convenient for traveling. It's not far from your work." Sun Shaoping had a house, and Tian Xiaoxia was very happy.

Why are you happy?

The better Sun Shaoping's life is, the happier Tian Xiaoxia will be.

"This is not far from the provincial newspaper office." Sun Shaoping said with a smile.

After Tian Xiaoxia graduated, she wanted to work in a provincial newspaper. She told Sun Shaoping about this idea. Therefore, the house Sun Shaoping chose was not far from the provincial newspaper.

Tian Xiaoxia blushed and joked: "Then I will live here after graduation."

"You must live here." Sun Shaoping said with a blush.

Sun Shaoping had already planned to propose marriage to Tian Xiaoxia after Tian Xiaoxia graduated.

Tian Xiaoxia blushed and stopped talking. She is a little shy.

Cook, eat, clean the house.

Tian Xiaoxia is here, staying until night.

After dinner, take a rest.

"It's getting late, I should go back to school." Tian Xiaoxia did not stay here overnight.

"Okay, I'll see you off." Sun Shaoping didn't force Tian Xiaoxia to stay.

Just when Sun Shaoping bought a house.


Tian Runye is also buying a house.

Since Sun Shaoan gave Sun Shaoping money to buy a house in the provincial capital, Sun Shaoan would not forget to let Tian Runye buy a house in the capital.

Sun Shaoan gave Tian Runye more money.

A courtyard house in Beijing cost almost 10,000 RMB in 1980.

Sun Shaoan remitted 30,000 ugly yuan to Tian Runye.

Tian Runye bought three courtyard houses.

The remaining money is used to decorate the house, fill furniture and other things.


A courtyard house has been decorated and all the furniture has been purchased.

Tian Runye, two children, Shao'an's mother, Sun Lanxiang and Jin Xiu lived in this courtyard.

"Sister-in-law, did my eldest brother buy this house?" Sun Lanxiang was surprised.

Tian Runye didn't tell Sun Lanxiang about buying a house before.

A courtyard house in Beijing costs RMB 10,000.

Ten thousand, in this day and age, is a lot of money.

Sun Lanxiang didn't expect that Sun Shaoan was so rich.

"Yes, your eldest brother bought three courtyard houses." Tian Runye said lightly.

Tian Runye said this deliberately.

Deliberately surprising Sun Lanxiang and Jin Xiu.

As expected, Sun Lanxiang and Jin Xiu were stunned. They didn't expect that Sun Shaoan actually bought three courtyard houses.

"Sister-in-law, my eldest brother is so rich?!" Sun Lanxiang pulled Tian Runye and asked.

"Yes, your eldest brother wired 30,000 ugly yuan here."

"How much RMB is thirty thousand ugly yuan?"

"Forty-five thousand."

"So much money?"

"Yes, your eldest brother also remitted 10,000 U.S. dollars to Shaoping so that Shaoping could buy a house in the provincial capital."

Sun Shaoan did not hide the matter from Tian Runye about asking Sun Shaoping to buy a house.

Tian Runye did not object, and Sun Shaoan helped Sun Shaoping.

(One more thing here, what if it was He Xiulian? Would He Xiulian object to Sun Shaoan helping Sun Shaoping?)

"Where did my eldest brother earn so much money?" Sun Lanxiang couldn't help but ask.

"I heard from your elder brother that he made it on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange."

“Where is the Hong Kong Stock Exchange?”

"I don't know either. Your elder brother said that you will understand what's going on later."

Houses have been bought in the capital and provincial capitals.

Sun Shaoan stayed in Hong Kong Island for a month or two.

I took the time to come to Pengcheng.

In Pengcheng in the 1980s, very few people came to invest.

But not nothing.

It's just that the conditions here are not yet mature, and it's very difficult to open a factory.

Even so, Sun Shaoan still wants to invest in building a factory.

What factory?

Sun Shaoan had been planning for a long time and planned to build a pharmaceutical factory, a western medicine factory.

Most of the medicines produced in the future will be exported to earn foreign exchange.

Building a factory is not that easy.

There are many things to deal with.

Sun Shaoan found a few young men from Pengcheng on Hong Kong Island and asked them to return to Pengcheng to prepare for the factory.

"Xiao Zhang, Xiao Li, Xiao Wang, I will leave the factory affairs to you." The three young men chosen by Sun Shaoan were all pretty good and would not run away with Sun Shaoan's money.

"Boss Sun, don't worry, we will take care of it for you." The three young men swam to Hong Kong Island last year.

This time we came back by boat.

Sun Shaoan also secured the legal identities of the three of them in Hong Kong Island.

Without staying in Pengcheng for too long, Sun Shaoan returned to Hong Kong Island after some instructions.

In the future, there are still many places to use money, and Sun Shaoan plans to continue to make money.

Time passes day by day.

Sun Shaoan went to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and nearby casinos many times.

However, the money gained each time was not much, and it did not cause any trouble.

All the money gained was spent on Pengcheng.

However, the factory here in Pengcheng is very troublesome.

In the 1980s, it was too early, many things were immature, and things were too laborious.

The three young men all told Sun Shaoan: "Boss, don't build a factory in Pengcheng. It's too difficult. It's better to build a factory on Hong Kong Island."

However, Sun Shaoan knew what would happen next.

Know that difficulties are temporary and will get better in the future.

Therefore, Sun Shaoan asked them to continue to persist.

It's winter in a blink of an eye.

Sun Shaoan came to Pengcheng.

Here, Sun Shaoan bought several shops.

In one store, a telephone was also installed.

"Hello, Zhang San, I'm Sun Shaoan." Sun Shaoan called Zhang San.

"Brother Sun? Where are you?" Zhang San was surprised when he suddenly received a call from Sun Shaoan.

"I'm in Pengcheng. I bought a shop here and just installed the phone," Sun Shaoan explained.

"Why did you go to Pengcheng?"

"I'm building a factory in Pengcheng."

"Ah? What kind of factory are you building?!" Zhang San was surprised by Sun Shaoan again.

"A Western medicine factory."

"Western medicine factory? What medicine does it produce?"

"A medicine for heart disease."

"Oh." Zhang San was a little more confused. He had many questions to ask, but he didn't know how to ask them.

"Everything is okay over there, is everything okay?" Sun Shaoan asked.

"It's nothing. Our factory is doing well and we've made a lot of money.

By the way, Brother Sun, can you buy a few more machines?

The toilet paper we produce is not enough to sell. "

"Okay, I'll order three more machines."

"Brother Sun, why don't you order five machines? I guess the output of three machines won't be enough to sell."

"Okay, then Wutai."

"Brother Sun, there is one more thing. The county is going to hold a 'wealth bragging party'. Can you come back to participate?"

"What is a wealth bragging party?" Sun Shaoan asked knowingly.

The Wealth Praise Club is to commend outstanding households.

There is a standard for being a leading household: an annual income of more than 10,000 kilograms of grain and more than 5,000 yuan in money is considered a leading household.

"That's right." Zhang San explained a few words.

"I know, I can be considered a leading householder, but I'm busy here and can't go back.

Otherwise, let my father-in-law Tian Futang attend this wealth bragging party on my behalf. "

Sun Shaoan's conditions must be considered as a leading household.

A brick-burning factory is considered a leading household.

There is also a factory that produces toilet paper.

Adding the two together, they are considered two leading households.

Sun Shaoan didn't ask Sun Yuhou to replace him, because Sun Yuhou would definitely not participate.

"Okay, let me talk to Uncle Tian. Brother Sun, when will you come back?"

"It's almost the New Year."

Within a few days.

Tian Futang happily participated in the wealth bragging party and met a leading householder named Hu Yonghe.

(End of this chapter)

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