Chapter 920 Grassland

The summer of 1980.

Sun Shaoan is back from Hong Kong Island again.

In the past few months in Hong Kong Island, Sun Shaoan made a lot of money.

Part of it comes from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

Part of it was won at a nearby casino.

Sun Shaoan did not make money by investing in industries on Hong Kong Island.

Shuangshui Village.

The first thing Sun Shaoan did when he came back was to expand the brick factory.

The previous brick factory was a small business and did not produce many bricks.

Now, Sun Shaoan has ordered several brick-making machines.

The scale of the brick-burning factory has expanded a lot.

There are more people who need it.

This allows more nearby villagers to have a place to make money.

If there are enough factories in a place, then most young people in this place will not have to go out to work. The children at home will not become left-behind children.

"Shao'an, the brick-burning factory has made a lot of money in the past few months." Sun Lanhua told Sun Shaoan about the brick-burning factory.

"Sister, I can rest assured that you will do the work. You can take care of the rest.

If your brother-in-law is okay, ask him to come over and help you and pay your brother-in-law's salary.

Also, at the end of the year, there will be dividends. "Sun Shaoan will not treat Sun Lanhua badly.

"Dividends? I don't want dividends." Sun Lanhua didn't help Sun Shaoan for money.

"Sister, you have to listen to me on this. I should pay you dividends. It's like this outside." Sun Shaoan gave some advice.

"Your brother-in-law has some relatives who want to come over to work."

"Okay, come on."

At this time, Tian Runsheng came over and asked: "Brother-in-law, when will you go to Qinghai?"

Tian Runsheng has wanted to go to Qinghai several times in the past few months.

But they were all stopped by Tian Futang.

It’s not that Tian Futang doesn’t want Tian Runsheng to find a Tibetan girl to be his aunt. Ciqu of Jinbo’s family has performed very well. People in the village praise Ciqu as a good girl and very virtuous. But the journey is too far, and Tian Futang is worried about Tian Runsheng being alone. Go so far away.

Tian Futang asked Tian Runsheng to wait for Sun Shaoan to come back and go to Qinghai with Sun Shaoan.

"No time to go." Sun Shaoan was very busy and had a lot of things to do.

"Ah? What should we do? Brother-in-law, I want to go to Qinghai." Tian Runsheng looked embarrassed.

"What? You still have to find a Tibetan mother-in-law?" Sun Shaoan asked with a smile.

Tian Runsheng immediately blushed and looked embarrassed.

Tian Runsheng is still a shy young man.

not far away.

Jin Bo also came over and asked, "Brother Shao'an, have you been to Qinghai recently?"

"What? Is something wrong?"

"It's okay. If you go, help me carry something." Jin Bo wanted to give something to his father-in-law.

"In a few days, let's go to Qinghai again after I finish my work." Sun Shaoan thought about it and decided to go again.

Li Dazhuang from Qinghai had also asked Ciqu to tell Sun Shaoan to go there.

Tian Runsheng ignored his embarrassment and said hurriedly: "Brother-in-law, I will go with you."

"Okay, get ready. We'll set off in a few days."

Finished the expansion of the brick-burning factory.

Sun Shaoan is planning to build a factory to produce toilet paper.

An Yeju.

Sun Shaoan called Zhang San, Li Xiangqian and Zhao Wu over and told them about building a toilet paper factory. He asked Zhang San and the others to help approve the land for the factory and go through various procedures.

"These are easy to handle, but where can I get the machine?" Zhang San asked.

At this time, machines for producing toilet paper are not so easy to buy.

"The machine is easy to find. I have already ordered it from Hong Kong Island."

"With the machine, the rest will be easy to handle." Zhang San hesitated and asked, "Brother Sun, I wonder if we can invest money in it?"

Zhang San and the others also knew that Sun Shaoan had opened a brick-burning factory and made a lot of money.

This time, Sun Shaoan opened a factory again, and Zhang San and others wanted to invest and make money together.

"Okay, how much can you invest?" Sun Shaoan doesn't mind making money together.

"We don't have much money." Zhang San looked at Li Xiangqian and Zhao Wu, and then said, "I'll just invest two thousand."

"Two thousand?" Li Qianqian stared at him, "Zhang San, where did you get so much money?"

"Part of it was saved by me, and part of it was borrowed by my dad."

"You still borrow money from your father?"

"What's the point? How much do you plan to invest?"

"I don't have much money, maybe a thousand at most." Li Xiangqian originally planned to invest a few hundred, but Zhang San invested two thousand.

Li Xiangqian insisted on saying one thousand for the sake of face, and planned to go back later and ask his parents to borrow money.

"Then I will also invest a thousand." Zhao Wu followed.

"That's four thousand, which is quite a lot." Sun Shaoan smiled, "Let's get a contract.

Brothers settle accounts clearly.

The amount of money earned every year should be as much as it should be, and no one should suffer a loss. "

"Okay." Zhang San and others agreed.


Zhang San and the others started to discuss the issue of the toilet paper factory.

Sun Shaoan just handed over the machine to them, and Sun Shaoan didn't need to worry about the rest.

Finish what you are doing.

Sun Shaoan was just about to go to Qinghai.

Something is wrong with Tian Runye.

Tian Runye's best friend, Du Lili, is getting married.

"Du Lili is getting married?" Sun Shaoan was a little surprised and asked, "She's not married yet?"

Du Lili is the same age as Tian Runye, and they are not married yet. Du Lili is not young, she is twenty-seven.

"Yes, Lili got married a little late." Tian Runye also felt that Du Lili got married a little late.

In this era, it is indeed too late for a woman to not get married at 27.

"Are you marrying that man named Wu Huiliang?" Sun Shaoan remembered that in 1975, Du Lili went to Huangyuan and then became boyfriend and girlfriend with Wu Huiliang.


"How many years have they been together?" Sun Shaoan felt that Du Lili's relationship had been a bit long.

Under normal circumstances, one year of negotiation is enough.

"Almost almost five years."

"Will they be happy?" Sun Shaoan suddenly asked.

Tian Runye was stunned for a moment, "I don't know."

Tian Runye's impression of Du Lili is that she has too many ideas, is too idealistic, loves romance, and is a bit unrealistic.

Huangyuan Hotel.

It's very lively here today.

Many respectable people came.

Li Dengyun, Li Dengyun's father, also came.

Tian Fujun was not seen.

Sun Shaoan and Tian Runye walked around.

"Run Ye, the scene here is quite big." Sun Shaoan saw many cars and well-dressed people.

"Yes, Wu Huiliang and Lili have good family conditions."

"Who is the host over there?"

"He seems to be Wu Huiliang's uncle Wu Hongquan."

Sun Shaoan and Tian Runye chatted casually.



The newcomers entered the venue, the banquet began, and the scene was very lively.

"Run Ye, look, this table is full of delicacies from the mountains and seas." Sun Shaoan whispered.

Such a banquet is rare in this era.

It can be seen from this that the people who hold banquets are very special.

"It's not bad. When I'm not in Hong Kong Island, I eat well." Tian Runye didn't care much about this.

"Then we will go to Hong Kong Island next time." Sun Shaoan said nothing more.

Not a moment later.

Du Lili and Wu Huiliang came over to toast.

"I wish you to have a son soon and grow old together." Sun Shaoan and Tian Runye said a few words of blessing.

"Thank you, eat more." Wu Huiliang and Du Lili said a few polite words. Du Lili also pulled Tian Runye and whispered a few words.

Sun Shaoan heard it.

Du Lili wanted Sun Shaoan to buy some beautiful clothes from Hong Kong Island.

Tian Runye nodded in agreement and said that if he had the chance, he would take Du Lili to Hong Kong Island.

Du Lili's eyes lit up after hearing this. After knowing that Tian Runye had been to Hong Kong Island, Du Lili had long wanted to go.

On the way back to Yuanxi County.

Tian Runye talked about Du Lili.

Sun Shaoan frowned and said, "It's okay to buy clothes, but it's a bit troublesome to take Du Lili to Hong Kong Island. After all, she's not a relative of mine, so it's not that easy to let her go."

Sun Shaoan didn't want to have much to do with Du Lili.

"If it doesn't work, forget it. We'll talk about it later."

The journey was uneventful.

Return to the original West County.

Prepare for a few days.

Sun Shaoan, Tian Runye, Tian Xiaoxia, Sun Shaoping, Sun Lanxiang, Jin Xiu, Tian Runsheng, and two children, as well as Sun Yuhou, Shaoan's mother, Tian Futang and Runye's mother, so many people went to Qinghai Ranch together.

This was proposed by Sun Shaoan.

Young people like Tian Xiaoxia, Sun Lanxiang, and Jin Xiu all like to go out for a walk.

As soon as Sun Shaoan mentioned that he would go to Qinghai, they were all moved and were willing to go with him.

When Sun Yuhou and Shaoan's mother heard about it, their first reaction was, "We won't go. We are too old to go."

But after Sun Shaoan's strong persuasion, they agreed to go.

Tian Futang and Runye's mother also didn't want to go out.

But Sun Shaoan said this: "The main purpose of going this time is to find Runsheng's aunt. If Runsheng likes it, he will bring it back directly. Don't you follow to check?"

This sentence convinced Tian Futang and Runye's mother.

They will also follow.

The old lady at home sent her to Jin Bo's house.

Let Jin Bo help take care of it.

Sun Yuting was not found.

Sun Yuting is unreliable and cannot be trusted.

"Brother Shaoan, there is a shortage of tea and salt over there in the pasture." Jin Bo asked Sun Shaoan to help bring some things to his father-in-law's house in Qinghai.

"Okay, didn't you take photos? Bring a few over too." Sun Shaoan brought back a camera before, and everyone borrowed it and took a lot of photos.

"Okay." Jin Bo found a lot of photos.

"Jiligulu." Ciqu also said a few words to Sun Shaoan and asked him to visit her parents.

Take the train, take the car.

There were many people in their party.

Not playing poker, just talking about various topics.

Tian Xiaoxia, Jin Xiu and the others also asked Sun Shaoan about the University of Hong Kong.

"Island University of Hong Kong, teaching building.

dorm room

"Canteen" Sun Shaoan said casually.

“It’s similar in our school.

There are dances every week," Tian Xiaoxia said about her school.

Tian Xiaoxia was also in school and learned to dance.

Sun Shaoping's school also had dances, but Sun Shaoping didn't like dancing and didn't learn it.

Others were talking about college, which made Tian Runsheng look a little unhappy.

After all, Tian Runsheng didn't get into college.

When Sun Shaoan saw this, he changed the topic and talked about Qinghai Ranch.

"The grassland is endless and the horses are everywhere"

Sun Shaoping also memorized a poem: "The lonely smoke is straight in the desert."

On the road for several days.

Everyone seems to be working hard.

Almost there.

Tian Runsheng avoided the others and said to Sun Shaoan with some anxiety: "Brother-in-law, otherwise I won't find my aunt."

Tian Runsheng suddenly felt a little scared.

Before, I also impulsively wanted to find an aunt in Qinghai.

Now, as he was approaching Qinghai, Tian Runsheng suddenly became timid and no longer had the courage to look for him.

"It's okay. I'll see when the time comes. I won't force you to look for it." Sun Shaoan said with a smile.

The county seat near the ranch.

Sun Shaoan and his party went to the guest house first.

After settling the others, Sun Shaoan went directly to the veterinary station without rest.

"Stationmaster Li, I'm here."

"Comrade Sun, you are finally here. I have many questions to ask you." Li Dazhuang was very happy.

Sun Shaoan was warmly received.

Sun Shaoan also solved many of Li Dazhuang's problems.

"Stationmaster Li, I'm going to the ranch tomorrow." Sun Shaoan told him his itinerary.

"Okay, I'll send someone to follow you."


"Is this the grassland? It's so beautiful!" Tian Xiaoxia and the others were shocked when they saw the grassland.

The beauty of the grassland will also fascinate people.


The people here warmly welcomed Sun Shaoan and the others.

After a while, Tian Xiaoxia and the others went out to learn to ride horses.

Even Sun Yuhou and Tian Futang went out to learn horse riding.

Sun Shaoan gave Jin Bo's things to Jin Bo's father-in-law.

"Jiligulu." Jinbo's father-in-law asked about Ciqu's situation.

"They are both fine. Ciqu is pregnant. This is their photo."

"Haha." Knowing that Ciqu was living a good life there, Jin Bo's father-in-law was very happy and talked a lot with Sun Shaoan.

Sun Shaoan took the opportunity to say that Tian Runsheng wanted to find a beautiful girl here.

Jinbo's father-in-law agreed to help and said that he would take Tian Runsheng to see the beautiful flowers on the grassland tomorrow.

Roast whole lamb, roast beef, and other delicious prairie food were used to entertain Sun Shaoan and the others.

Sun Shaoan ate a lot of meat and drank a lot of wine.

Sun Yuhou and Tian Futang were a little uncomfortable. They had never eaten meat like this.

In the evening, rest in the pasture.

The next day.

Jinbo's father-in-law took everyone to visit several nearby pastures.

He really introduced some beautiful girls to Tian Runsheng.

However, those beautiful girls felt that Tian Run was not strong enough and looked down on Tian Runsheng.

Tian Runsheng's idea of ​​finding his mother-in-law here was considered a failure.

However, there were several men on the grassland who fell in love with Tian Xiaoxia and the others.

To this end, they were still around, showing off their extraordinary abilities, be it horsemanship or wrestling.

He also looked at Sun Shaoan, Sun Shaoping and Tian Runsheng with provocative eyes, a bit arrogant.

When Sun Shaoan saw this, he was not polite and went over to compete with them in equestrian and wrestling.

Especially wrestling.

A group of prairie men were all easily knocked down by Sun Shaoan.

This made the prairie girls watching nearby shine with their eyes.

They all fell in love with the majestic and mighty Sun Shaoan and inquired about Sun Shaoan one after another.

After learning that Sun Shaoan was married, they were all disappointed.

The days in the grassland are joyful every day.

Tian Xiaoxia and Sun Shaoping had a great time.

As for Sun Shaoan, besides playing, he also solved some livestock problems, which was regarded as helping Li Dazhuang.

Stayed for six or seven days.

Sun Shaoan and the others were ready to go back.

"Jili Gulu." Jin Bo's father-in-law asked for help to bring beef jerky and many other things to Jin Bo.

Of course, Jin Bo's father-in-law also gave a lot of things to Sun Shaoan and the others.

"Okay." Sun Shaoan waved his hand and purchased a lot of specialties here.

Sun Shaoan and the others returned with a full load.

(End of this chapter)

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