Chapter 915 Departure

on the way back.

"Brother Shao'an, I want to learn animal husbandry and breeding from you." Jin Bo, a young man who didn't like to study, took the initiative to ask for learning.

Jin Bo wants to help Ciqu.

"Oh? Is it for the second song?"

"Yes, I also want to learn Tibetan."

"In this case, you first learn Tibetan from me.

As for animal husbandry, I don’t think it’s necessary to learn.

You will marry Ciqu in the future and will not stay at the racecourse. "

"Okay." Jin Bo nodded and quietly thought about what to do next.

Before Jin Bo graduated from high school, he went to serve in the army.

Now that I'm back, I don't know where to go or what job to find.

In "The Ordinary World", after Jin Bo was discharged from the army, he went to work as a temporary worker at the post office where his father, Jin Junhai, drove.

This lasted for several years.

Later, Jin Junhai retired early so that Jin Bo could have a formal job (to facilitate finding a partner), and asked Jin Bo to replace Jin Junhai in driving at the post office.

However, Jin Bo's blind date always fails, not because the woman refuses, but because Jin Bo doesn't agree.


Jin Bo could not forget the second song.

Jin Bo is an infatuated person.

When Jin Bo was twenty-six years old, he went to the racecourse to look for Ciqu.

When I went there, I found that everything was completely different and nothing could be found.

Eight years have passed and the racecourse is gone.

That beloved girl will never be found.

(Of course, if Jin Bo ignored it and kept looking, I believe he should be able to find it, but Jin Bo gave up.

After all, not everyone can give up everything.

From this perspective, Jin Bo's infatuation is just self-indulgence and he has not given much. )

Jin Bo regretted not coming to Ciqu earlier.

But, what's the use of regret?

It's too late.

just now.

Things are different.

Sun Shaoan didn't want Jin Bo and Ciqu to have any regrets.

So he took Jin Bo to the racecourse and found Ciqu.

If nothing else happens, Jin Bo will be with Ci Qu.

I just don’t know if Jin Bo will regret being with Ciqu in the future.

After all, the two people are very different in every aspect.

"Brother Shao'an, how can you speak Tibetan?" Jin Bo only remembered to ask this question now.

"I learned it from others." Sun Shaoan casually found a reason and asked, "What are you going to do in the future?"

"I don't know, maybe go to Huangyuan and learn to drive from my dad."

"Whether you learn to drive or not, you have a skill." Sun Shaoan did not say that he would help Jin Bo find a job.

In fact, Jin Bo can play the flute and sing, so he should go to a literary and artistic place.

But, there is no way to go.

Sun Shaoan couldn't help either.

back home.

I heard that the Tibetan girl was found, and everyone had a lot of fun.

However, Jin Junhai and Jin Bo's mother were a little worried.

What if you marry a Tibetan girl and bring her home, but you can’t even understand what she’s saying?

Jin Bo also lived in An Yeju.

Learn Tibetan with Sun Shaoan every day.

I studied very hard and made rapid progress.

The days passed by.

It’s almost the Spring Festival again.

This year’s Spring Festival, Yangko began to prepare again.

Sun Shaoan did not get involved in these matters.

Sun Shaoping and Tian Runsheng found it interesting. They actively participated and made suggestions, and seemed to be the ones in command.

Had a lively New Year.

years later.


Sun Shaoan went to the capital alone first.

Sun Shaoan discussed with his family that he would rent a house in the capital, take his two children to the capital, and ask Shaoan's mother to follow him.

This is a bit of a stir.

The family did not agree at first.

However, Sun Shaoan insisted on insisting on this.

Sun Shaoan does not want his two children to become left-behind children.

Sun Shaoan just said: "I can't bear to leave our two children."

With this sentence, Tian Runye should be persuaded first, because Tian Runye was reluctant to separate from the two children.

After convincing Tian Runye, Sun Shaoan continued to convince his mother.

“We went, we had to go to class and the kids needed someone to take care of them.

If you don't go, we'll hire someone.

If the people we hire don’t take care of their children well, we won’t know. "

Just like that, Shaoan's mother agreed to go along.

What to do at home?

Sun Shaoan and Tian Runye went to the capital with their two children and Shaoan's mother.

Sun Shaoping went to Huangyuan.

Sun Lanxiang went to the county town to attend high school.

The only ones left at home are the old lady and Sun Yuhou. What should they do?

Sun Shaoan said he would take the old lady to the capital.

But, this time everyone disagreed.

The old lady is too old to bear the trouble and dare not go to the capital.

Therefore, Sun Yuhou could only be asked to take care of the old lady.

Runye's mother and Tian Futang also agreed and often came to help.

Tian Runsheng also said that he would come over every day to help carry water.

Tian Runsheng did not go to college, so he continued to teach in the village, which was just right to help.

Tian Runsheng also said that he must study hard and get into college.

However, Tian Runsheng studied for two days but couldn't get into it and wanted to give up.

That is to say, Tian Futang forced Tian Runsheng to study.

In Shuangshui Village, two brothers, Sun Shaoan and Sun Shaoping, were admitted to college.

This is the only scorpion tail in the village.

Let the Sun family have a good time.

What about the Tian family in Tian Futang?

Although Tian Runye was admitted to college, he was not as good as Sun Shaoan.

Moreover, Tian Runye also married into the Sun family. Everyone said that it was the ancestral grave of the Sun family, and Tian Runye benefited from it.

Tian Runsheng simply failed the exam. Tian Futang felt a little unhappy that he could not compare with the Sun family.

Tian Runsheng must be forced to enter college.


"Go back, there's no need to send it off. I'll settle down in Beijing, send you a telegram, and wait for you at the Beijing train station." Sun Shaoan carried his luggage and waved goodbye to his family.

a few days later.

Tian Runye received the telegram.

Tian Runye, two children, Shao'an's mother, and Sun Shaoping set out for the capital together.

Why is there Sun Shaoping?

Sun Shaoping helped carry the luggage and sent Tian Runye and the others to the capital.


A small courtyard.

Sun Shaoan rented two rooms there, as well as a living room and kitchen.

The room was not big, but it was enough for Sun Shaoan and the others.

There are other people living in the small courtyard.

He was an old man with a little granddaughter.

My son and daughter-in-law are not in the capital.

Sun Shaoan rented this old man's house.

At the train station, pick up Tian Runye and the others.

Back to the small courtyard.

"Uncle Zhang, this is my mother, this is my wife, and this is my brother," Sun Shaoan introduced.

"Hello, this is my granddaughter, Xiaofang." Old man Zhang was very happy to see Sun Shaoan and his family.


Sun Shaoan conquered Old Man Zhang and her five or six-year-old granddaughter with her cooking skills.

Say a few words.

Carry your luggage into the house.

In the house, Sun Shaoan has already packed up.

Tian Runye and the others put down their bedding and could rest directly.

Sun Shaoan went to cook.


The meal is ready.

He also invited Old Man Zhang and Xiaofang to have dinner together.

Mr. Zhang, every time he has a meal, he is never empty-handed.

This time, Old Man Zhang brought some cooked food and wine and came over to share the meal.

Have a happy meal.


Sun Shaoping had to go to the train station.

He has to take the train back today.

Sun Shaoan sent Sun Shaoping to the train station.

"Shaoping, we are far away from home. Please bring more snacks at home. When school is on holiday, you can go back and visit. Don't worry about travel expenses.

I send money to my little sister every month and let her take it home.

When you get to school, write me a letter." Sun Shaoan gave a lot of instructions. "Brother, you don't need to send me money. I went to school and I got a subsidy.

Moreover, I feel like the article I wrote recently can be published.

I also got royalties. "Sun Shaoping has always worked hard.

Although the articles he wrote were always rejected, Sun Shaoping kept writing.

Finally, the article written by Sun Shaoping was published.

"Wait until you actually get the royalties.

Brother, there is no shortage of money here.

In the past few years, I have saved a lot of royalties.

The salary is usually not low either. "Sun Shaoan's salary has risen very quickly in the past few years of his work.

On the one hand, it's because Sun Shaoan has good skills.

On the other hand, Sun Shaoan had a very good relationship with Qiao Zengming. When there was an opportunity for improvement, Qiao Zengming did not let Sun Shaoan miss it.

"I bought a berth for you. Have a good sleep on the road." Sun Shaoan bought the train ticket for Sun Shaoping.

Sun Shaoan and Tian Runye went to the school to report and transferred their household registration to the school's collective household.

Not only that, but the household registration of the two children was also transferred to the school's collective household.

In this way, tigers and swallows can go to school in the capital.

"Hello, I am Sun Shaoan." Sun Shaoan went to school.

Say hello to classmates when you meet them.

Sun Shaoan's major is mathematics.

It's not that Sun Shaoan likes this major.

It was because there were not many majors that Sun Shaoan could choose from among the recruited majors. Compared with others, Sun Shaoan chose mathematics.

"Hello, which dormitory do you live in?" asked a bearded man. He is twenty-eight or nine years old.

"I don't live on campus, I rent a house outside."

"What? Can I still rent a house?"

"Yes, I'm married. I brought my wife and children with me."

"What? You brought your wife and children here?" Several classmates were shocked.

"Yes, my wife also went to university, the Capital Normal University over there."

"What? Your wife also went to college? Is she so awesome?!"

"It's not bad. I've been busy transferring my household registration over the past two days so that my children can go to school nearby."

"That's not bad. You arranged it well." Several older classmates looked envious.

They also got married.

But his wife and children stayed in his hometown and did not bring him to the capital.


Very simple.

Not everyone has the money to rent a house or live in the capital.

Sun Shaoan's life in school began.

However, Sun Shaoan will not be as content as before.

Sun Shaoan wants to do something.

On weekends, Sun Shaoan went fishing in a nearby river.

You can catch a lot every time.

Not only is it enough to eat, but it can also be exchanged for a lot of money.

In addition, Sun Shaoan began to take on private jobs.

For example: repairing clocks, repairing radios, etc.

There are many things that can be done.

Sun Shaoan's monthly income is quite a lot.

Not only did it cover the daily expenses of the family, but I also saved a lot of money.

The days passed like this.

In school, Sun Shaoan's performance was average, neither good nor bad.

My relationship with my classmates is pretty good.

There were a few close friends, and Sun Shaoan also invited them to his home for a meal.

When I have time, I will take my family around the capital.

We climbed the Great Wall together and went to many places.

We had roast duck together and went to a famous restaurant for dinner.

In the midst of all the busy work, it’s time for summer vacation in a blink of an eye.

"Uncle Zhang, we will go back to our hometown tomorrow and come back in September."

"Going back so soon?" Old man Zhang was a little reluctant to leave Sun Shaoan and his family.

In the past few months, the two families have gotten along very well.

Huzi and Yanzi played well with Xiaofang.

The two families often eat together.

"My grandma and my dad are the only ones in my hometown. I don't know how they are doing. I have to go back and see."

"I have to go back and take a look. Be careful on the road. I heard there are a lot of thieves on the train."

Former West County.


Sun Shaoping, Sun Lanxiang, and Tian Runsheng came to pick him up.

Before the train arrived at the station, they first saw Zhang San and Li Xiangqian.

"Shaoping, your eldest brother and the others haven't come back yet?" Zhang San and Li Xiangqian came to pick them up.

"Brother Third, Brother Xiangqian, the train seems to be delayed and hasn't arrived yet." Sun Shaoping knew Zhang San and Li Xiangqian.

"How is it at Huangyuan Normal University?"


"I heard from your elder brother that the article you wrote was published?" Zhang San has always been in contact with Sun Shaoan.

Once, Li Xiangqian drove to the capital.

Zhang San also followed.

They also had a meal at Sun Shaoan's house.

"Yes, two articles were published."

"That's great. You and your brother are both great."

Talking and laughing.

The train arrives at the station.

"Shaoan, here!" Zhang San shouted when he saw Sun Shaoan and the others coming out.

In the distance, Sun Shaoan also saw Zhang San and the others. He did not shout, but just waved.

Long time no see.

With a few people, some exchanges are indispensable.

Li Qianqian drove here.

Sun Shaoan, Tian Runye, Shaoan's mother, and two children were sitting in Li Xiangqian's car.

Others, ride bikes.

Let's go to An Yeju together.

"How do you feel after staying in the capital for so long?"

"Have you climbed the Great Wall?"

"Is the roast duck in Beijing delicious?"

Sun Shaoan went to the kitchen and made a large table of food.

Everyone chatted while eating.

"Zhang San, congratulations to you." Sun Shaoan raised a glass of congratulations. Li Xiangqian said that Zhang San had been promoted and made a fortune.

"Qianqian is not bad, he" Zhang San also said some changes in Li Xiangqian.

As we grow older, everyone undergoes some changes.

Shuangshui Village.

The old lady and Sun Yuhou are both pretty good.

Usually, Tian Futang and Run Ye’s mother often come to help.

It is worth mentioning that Sun Yuting and his wife He Fengying did not come to help.

The two of them were too lazy to clean up their own homes and would not come over to help Sun Yuhou.

"Grandma, this is the cake I bought for you."

"Dad, these are the cigarettes and alcohol I bought for you."

When Sun Shaoan and the others came back, they still bought a lot of things.

"How are you doing in the capital?"

"Is the money enough?"

Stayed at home for a while.

Sun Shaoan and Tian Runye took their two children to Tian Futang's house.

"Dad, this is medicine to moisturize the lungs. Stop smoking and drinking less."

"Mom, this is a pastry from the capital. Try it."

"Runsheng, these are the fashionable clothes in the capital."

"Thank you, brother-in-law."

"How are you preparing for the college entrance examination? Can you pass it?" Sun Shaoan asked. The college entrance examination hasn't started yet.

"It's too bad, brother-in-law, I can't learn it.

Something that is hard to remember.

I forgot about it in two days. "Tian Runsheng is not a student.

"If you forget it, recite it again and you will always remember it." Sun Shaoan encouraged him.

a few days later.

Jin Bo is back.

"How are you studying Tibetan?" Sun Shaoan asked.


"Then let's leave tomorrow?"

"Okay, thank you, Brother Shaoan."

Sun Shaoan took Jin Bo to Qinghai again.

There, someone was waiting for Jin Bo.

Li Dazhuang is also looking forward to Sun Shaoan going.

I hope Sun Shaoan can provide further guidance on some animal husbandry techniques.

(End of this chapter)

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