Chapter 902 Chinese New Year

I will talk about buying a bicycle for Sun Shaoping when Sun Yuhou comes back.

Sun Yuhou also agreed.

"Shaoan, next year, you want to raise at least two pigs?" Sun Yuhou said.

He also heard the gossip.

Therefore, Sun Yuhou wanted to raise two less, so as to avoid trouble.

"Then let's keep two less." Sun Shaoan thought for a while and agreed.

Sun Shaoan agreed to raise two less, not because someone was gossiping, but because he was worried about tiring Sun Yuhou and Shaoan's mother.

Sun Shaoping and Sun Lanxiang usually go to school.

I can't help much with home chores.

Mainly relying on Sun Yuhou and Shao'an's mother.

Raising two more pigs will take a lot of effort.

Sun Yuhou and Shao'an's mother are getting older.

Don't let them get too tired.

Sun Shaoan agreed because of this consideration.

The next day.

Early in the morning.

Sun Shaoan went up the mountain again.

Still alone.

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve.

Sun Shaoan wanted to get more game.

Breakfast was eaten on the mountain and a pheasant was roasted.

It's past ten o'clock.

We have already shot ten pheasants, eight hares, and picked up a lot of wild eggs.

I also dug up some medicinal materials.

There is also a large mouthful of firewood, enough to burn for several days.

On the mountain, Sun Shaoan saw the wolf again.

Three wolves.

However, when Sun Shaoan saw them, they also saw Sun Shaoan.

The three wolves glanced at Sun Shaoan and ran away.

They are still afraid of Sun Shaoan.

Sun Shaoan didn't catch up either.

The reason why I saw the wolf was because Sun Shaoan was already in the mountains.

Before noon, Sun Shaoan went back earlier.

When they were about to leave the mountain, they saw Sun Shaoping and Sun Lanxiang.

They collect firewood in the mountains.

"Shaoping, Lanxiang, let's go home!" Sun Shaoan greeted.

"Brother, you're back." Sun Shaoping and Sun Lanxiang hurriedly helped Sun Shaoan get his things.

"This one is heavy, just take this egg basket."

"Brother, did you kill a lot of pheasants?" Sun Shaoping looked at the sack containing the game.

"I'm lucky today, I caught a lot of game."

Return to the yard.

"Shaoping, take two pheasants and two hares and send them to Runsheng's house." Sun Shaoan ordered.

"Okay." Sun Shaoping didn't hesitate and went directly carrying the pheasant and hare.

Sun Lanxiang was playing with medicinal materials on the side.

Shao'an's mother came out to collect the eggs.

Runye and the old lady were in the house and did not come out.

Tian Futang's family.

"Shaoping, why are you here?" Tian Runsheng asked, staring at the pheasant and hare that Sun Shaoping was carrying.

"My brother asked me to bring it over." Sun Shaoping handed the pheasant and hare to Tian Runsheng.

"My brother-in-law went up the mountain again?" Tian Runsheng's eyes widened. He also wanted to follow him up the mountain.

"Yes, I'm back."

"Hey, are you staying for dinner?"

"No need." Sun Shaoping left directly.

Tian Runsheng wanted to eat pheasant, "Mom, let's stew chicken for lunch. My brother-in-law asked Shaoping to send over two pheasants and two hares."

"Where's Shaoping?"

"gone back."

"Why did you go back? Let's stay and have dinner together."

"Shaoping has left. Mom, how about stewing chicken for lunch?" Tian Runsheng asked again.

"Okay, you go boil the water."

Kill the chicken and stew the chicken.

When Tian Futang comes back, we have dinner together.

Runye's mother praised, "Shao Anwa is very capable and has shot a lot of pheasants and hares."

"My brother-in-law is amazing." Tian Runsheng also praised him.

"Tell me, how did Shaoan catch so many pheasants and hares?" Tian Futang was a little confused.

Usually, some people go up to the mountains to hunt, but most of the time, they can't catch a single pheasant or hare.

However, every time Sun Shaoan went up the mountain, he gained something.

Tian Futang has mentioned this issue before, but now it is an old matter again.

"What's the point? Shaoan is better than others in everything he does.

When Shaoan went to school, in which exam did he not rank first?

Shao Anwa is very capable. Hunting a few pheasants is nothing. "In the eyes of Runye's mother, Sun Shaoan is better than others in everything he does.

"That's right, my brother-in-law took the junior high school entrance examination and ranked first in the county." Tian Runsheng said while eating chicken legs.

"Your brother-in-law got first place in the county. What about you? Where did you get?" Tian Futang stared at Tian Runsheng and asked.

"I got into junior high school anyway." Tian Runsheng didn't do well in the exam, but he still passed. "Dad, buy me a bicycle."

"Buying a bicycle?"

"Yes, Jinbo's father bought him a bicycle."

"Oh, just ride on me."

"I ride your bike, what do you do?"

"I" Tian Futang hesitated. He still had to ride a bicycle to go to the commune, otherwise, he would be embarrassed and lose face.

"Shaoping said that my brother-in-law wants to buy him a bicycle."

"What? Shaoan also wants to buy a bicycle?" Tian Futang was a little surprised.

"Yes, Shaoping's mother gave my brother-in-law a hundred dollars and said she would buy Shaoping a bicycle after the new year."

Tian Futang thought about it and said, "Since Shaoan bought a bicycle for Shaoping, I will buy one for you too."

Tian Futang has a desire to compare.

As the branch secretary of Shuangshui Village, he cannot be compared with the Sun family and the Jin family.

Sun Shaoan's family also killed chickens and ate chickens.

"Brother, you go up the mountain and ask me to come with you." Sun Shaoping also wanted to go hunting with him.

"Okay, I'll take you up the mountain tomorrow."

"Don't go up the mountain tomorrow." Shao'an's mother stopped her. Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, and there are a lot of things to do.

"Let's go up the mountain again after that year." Sun Shaoan agreed.

Had a meal.

Sun Shaoan was not idle either.

Processed all the game that was caught.

Shaoping and Lanxiang handle medicinal materials.

The next day.

It’s thirty years old.

Post couplets.

Make dumplings.

The family is happily busy with various things.

The New Year's Eve dinner was very sumptuous.

Sun Shaoan went to cook and made a large table, which was full of color, flavor and taste.

After giving birth to Hu Zi, the Sun family is considered to be the fourth generation under one roof.

Sun Shaoan brewed medicine from time to time to treat her, and the old lady was in good health.

"Grandma, eat a chicken leg." Tian Runye helped the old lady pick up the vegetables.

"Hey, Run Ye, you can eat too." The old lady was not confused and had a clear mind.

I know that Tian Runye has always been very filial.

Even before marrying into the Sun family, he was very kind to her.

"Lan Xiang, eat meat." Sun Shaoan helped Lan Xiang pick up the meat.

"Okay, brother." Sun Lanxiang was still a little thin.

"Dad, you also eat meat and dumplings." Sun Shaoan also helped Sun Yuhou pick up the meat.

"You eat it too." Sun Yuhou still couldn't bear to eat the good food. He always wanted to save it for his family to eat.

"Shaoping, do it yourself." Sun Shaoan greeted, and then gave Shaoan's mother some meat.

"Shaoan, you eat too." Shaoan's mother helped Sun Shaoan pick up a piece of rabbit meat.

"This year, the pigs sold for a lot of money, and the mushrooms sold for more than 100 yuan," Sun Yuhou said about the family's income.

Both pigs and mushrooms were sold for a lot of money.

This income is much higher than that of ordinary workers.

"Dad, over to the new kiln, let's hoop a few more holes in the kiln." Sun Shao'an answered.

"Hoop kiln?" Sun Yuhou didn't understand.

"Yes, you can move the kiln with a few holes."

"No need, right?" Sun Yuhou was a little reluctant to spend money.

"Why don't you use it?

The kiln here was originally suitable for living.

I used to have no choice but to live here if I had no money.

Now that you have money, it’s better to build a new kiln and live in a new kiln. "The old kiln of the Sun family was a bit dilapidated, so Sun Shao'an let him build a new kiln.

Sun Yuhou hesitated and said nothing.

There was silence for a while.

"Just listen to Shaoan and get a new kiln." Shaoan's mother said.

The changes in the Sun family over the years were all brought about by Sun Shaoan.

Shaoan's mother is also used to listening to Sun Shaoan, and feels that it is always right to listen to Sun Shaoan.

"I want to live in a new kiln." The old lady said in support.

"Okay, I'll find someone after the new year to hoop a few new kiln holes." Sun Yuhou agreed.

"There are still five or six hoops in the kiln over there, so they should all be hooped." Sun Shao'an added.

"Why are there so many hoops? You don't need them, right?" Sun Yuhou was reluctant to spend too much money.

"It's useful, Shaoping will get married in a few years." Sun Shaoan used Sun Shaoping as an excuse, which made Sun Shaoping blush.

Sun Shaoping was still young and had not thought about getting married.

Sun Yuhou looked at Sun Shaoping and agreed.

Moreover, Sun Yuhou was also used to listening to Sun Shaoan. Over the years, Sun Shaoan has gradually gained control over the Sun family.

New Year's Day.

The Sun family are all wearing new clothes.

Although Sun Yuhou, Sun Shaoan, and Sun Shaoping didn't make new clothes, they were washed and looked almost new.

Sun Shaoping and Sun Lanxiang went out to visit.

People come to the Sun family from time to time.

On this day, everyone is happy.

Sun Shaoan has been at home and has not gone out.

Sun Shaoan cooked all the food.

Tian Runye hugged Huzi and went out to bask in the sun with the old lady, chatting with a group of women.

Sun Yuting's family came to have lunch at noon.

"It was the pheasant and hare that Shaoan shot, right? Shaoan is really capable." Sun Yuting praised Sun Shaoan.

The situation in Sun Yuting's family is still very scary.

The couple is busy with various things all day long, but their life at home is not peaceful.

"That's right, Shaoan is in our Shuangshui Village. He is also a well-known figure, not an ordinary person." He Fengying also praised him, while praising him, he continued to eat meat.

Sun Yuting's family was in a poor situation, and they couldn't eat more than a few bites of meat a year.

"Eat more." Shao'an's mother also helped Sun Yuting and his family eat meat, and she didn't mind them eating too much.

Shaoan's mother regarded Sun Yuting as her son.

Sun Yuting was raised by Sun Yuhou and Shaoan's mother.

After dinner, Shaoan's mother asked Sun Yuting to take back a pheasant and a hare.

Early in the morning of the second grade of junior high school.

Sun Shaoan went up the mountain.

Sun Shaoping and Sun Lanxiang followed.

I remembered that Zhang San might come today.

Sun Shaoan was going to shoot a few more pheasants and hares.

With two long legs, he kept walking towards the mountains.

After a while, Sun Shaoping and Sun Lanxiang couldn't keep up.

"Brother, wait for us." Sun Shaoping couldn't help shouting.

"Shaoping, you and Lanxiang are digging for medicinal materials here. There are no pheasants or rabbits around here. I have to look for them in the mountains. You can just wait for me here."

"Okay." Sun Shaoping and Sun Lanxiang had to agree.

Sun Shaoan quickly entered the mountains.

"clap clap"

We shot a dozen pheasants and six hares.

This time, there were not many hares to hunt.

Calculating the time, it's getting late.

Sun Shaoan rushed back.

Not a moment later.

I saw Sun Shaoping and Sun Lanxiang chopping firewood.

There were no medicinal materials nearby, so they chopped some firewood and did not go anywhere else.

"Shaoping, Lanxiang, let's go home."

"Brother, how many pheasants and hares were caught?" Sun Shaoping asked hurriedly.

"More than ten pheasants, not many hares, just five or six."

"That's quite a lot."

"Stew two chickens for lunch."

Go home talking and laughing.

At noon, we had another good meal.

in the afternoon.

Sure enough, Zhang San came with Wang Xiaojuan.

The car driven by Zhang San.

"Uncle, aunt." Zhang San greeted warmly.

Zhang San has been here several times and knows Sun Yuhou and others.

Zhang San didn’t come empty-handed.

I brought some canned snacks, cigarettes and alcohol.

Chatting for a while.

Sun Shaoan pointed to the pheasant and hare and said, "I just shot this in the morning. Take it as you like."

"Fighted so much?"

"It's not bad. I told you, I'm doing well with my slingshot."

"Where's your slingshot? Let me try it."

"Here, this slingshot is very powerful, don't hurt yourself."

"Good guy, I can't even pull it." Zhang San tried.

"Your hands are not strong enough, you need to practice."

"No, I can't compete with you even if I practice. Who doesn't know how strong you are." Zhang San knew that Sun Shaoan was stronger than the average person, much stronger.

Tian Runye and Wang Xiaojuan also chatted for a while.

Zhang San didn't stay long, they had to go back to the county seat.

"Master Wang said that he was passing by Shuangshui Village on the afternoon of the sixth day of the lunar month and would he take you back?" Zhang San asked before leaving.

Zhang San also specifically asked Master Wang how Sun Shaoan and the others would return to the county town.

"Yes, it's been agreed."

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come back on the sixth day of the lunar month, and we'll have dinner together in the evening." Zhang San left.

I brought three pheasants and two hares.

Sun Shaoan asked him to take more, but Zhang San was not embarrassed to take more.

From the third day to the sixth day of the lunar month.

Sun Shaoan goes up the mountain every day.

I can catch a lot of pheasants and hares every time.

At noon, Sun Yuting's family comes to eat every day.

In this regard, Sun Shaoan said nothing.

There is no shortage of this kind of food at home.

Moreover, Sun Yuting's two children were both skinny and skinny, and Sun Shaoan couldn't bear to drive them away.

It’s Chinese New Year, let the children eat something good.

The pheasants and rabbits that Sun Shaoan shot were sent to Tian Futang's family and Jin Bo's family.

When visiting relatives and friends.

The other party's family was in poor circumstances, so Sun Shaoan also gave him pheasants and hares.

Therefore, although a lot of game was hunted, there was not much left at home.

The sixth day of the lunar month.

Early in the morning.

Sun Shaoan went up the mountain alone and shot ten pheasants and eight hares.

Although Sun Shaoping and Sun Lanxiang also went up the mountain, they did not go with Sun Shaoan.

They couldn't keep up with Sun Shaoan.

Go home at noon.

Sun Shaoan quickly took care of the pheasants and rabbits.

Shaoan's mother and Tian Runye also packed their bags.

Had a meal.

in the afternoon.


Master Wang drove nearby.

Sun Shaoping kept staring.

Seeing the car arriving, he hurriedly called Sun Shaoan and the others to come out.

Two pheasants and a hare.

This was given to Master Wang by Sun Shaoan.

Master Wang declined and accepted happily.

"I pass by your house often. If you want to take something with you in the future, you're welcome." Master Wang offered to help.

"Okay, thank you, Master Wang."

The journey was uneventful.

Master Wang sent Sun Shaoan's family of three to the door of his house.

"See you later, Master Wang!"

Say hello, Sun Shaoan was about to open the door and go home.

Zhang San is here.

"I guessed you would be back soon."

Zhang San came on a bicycle.

"How did you guess that?" Sun Shaoan answered while moving things into the yard.

"Haha, I'm here to feed the chickens at this time.

Don't worry, your chickens are all fine and fine. "

"That's okay. I brought a few more pheasants and hares. I'll pick up a few later."

"Okay, don't make dinner, I'll treat you."

"it is good."

In the evening, I took Tian Runye and Huzi to a restaurant for dinner.

Zhang San also took Wang Xiaojuan there.

Several other people either brought their wives or partners.

This party is okay, it’s just been a year, let’s get together.

It’s similar to the six gentlemen’s dinner party in “The Human World”.

However, Li Xiangqian did not come.

Eat, drink, talk and laugh.

Everyone is very happy.

During the Chinese New Year, no one said anything unhappy.

Finally, when settling the bill, Zhao Wu proposed to split it equally.

Sun Shaoan and others also thought it should be divided equally.

However, Zhang San disagreed, "If you say I'll take it, I'll take it, no need to divide it equally."

Zhang Sanfei wanted to go out alone.

It’s no use trying to persuade him.

"Then it's agreed, I'll invite you next time." Zhao Wu said.

Zhao Wu and Sun Shaoan have been in contact several times.

I think Zhao Wu is a good person, loyal and organized, and he can be a friend.

Sun Shaoan and others also thought it would be better to take turns inviting them.

Zhang San could only agree.

(End of this chapter)

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