Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 841 The Supermarket Is Mine

Chapter 841 The Supermarket Is Mine

"What's going on?" Julie asked.

Su Mingcheng answered the phone twice in a row, and Zhu Li was a little curious.

"Manager Zhang called."

"Zhang Ling? Is there something wrong with her call?" Out of a woman's special feeling, Zhu Li felt that Zhang Ling had other intentions for Su Mingcheng.

Fortunately, Su Mingcheng rarely goes to imported supermarkets.

Even if you go, it won't take long. Just deal with the things that need to be dealt with and then leave.

"It's a coincidence. Mingyu, his parents, and your parents all went to the supermarket today." Su Mingcheng said something.

"What a coincidence?" Julie was also a little surprised.

"Yes, it seems Mingyu and mom almost had a fight." Su Mingcheng was a little worried when he mentioned Su Mingyu and Zhao Meilan.

"The quarrel? Is it because of Mingyu's work?"

"Yes, Mingyu hasn't resigned yet."

"What should we do?" Julie was a little worried.

"We have said what needs to be said and done what needs to be done. The rest depends on what Mingyu and Mom think."

"That's all we can do." Zhu Li nodded, "Mingcheng, my parents and Mingyu all went shopping in the supermarket today. It must be because you gave them shopping cards."

"Yes, I have a shopping card. Of course I have to go shopping. Today happens to be the weekend." Su Mingcheng did not say anything more about Su Mingyu.

"Mingcheng, that Zhang Ling?" Zhu Li originally wanted to ask, "Is that Zhang Ling interested in you?" But the words turned into "Does that Zhang Ling often snitch on you?"

"No, just say it when you see our family."

"Oh." Zhu Li hesitated, but still did not ask whether Su Mingcheng had any relationship with Zhang Ling.

"By the way, Lili, do you want to go to Import Supermarket to manage your finances?"

"Ah?" Su Mingcheng's words had no beginning or end, and Zhu Li was a little confused.

"Lili, that imported supermarket belongs to me completely." Su Mingcheng didn't intend to hide some things.

I didn’t mention it before because the source of the money was hard to explain.

Now, it's easy to fool him.

"What?! How is that possible?" Julie looked surprised.

"That's right, Lili, haven't I been investing money in that supermarket? I have invested enough money in total, so that supermarket belongs to me."

"But, how could other investors agree?" Zhu Li was confused.

Imported supermarkets are very profitable, and most people will not give up such a good and high-quality asset.

"Firstly, they are short of money, and secondly, they have better opportunities to make money." Su Mingcheng made an excuse at random.

Anyway, that supermarket belonged to Su Mingcheng from the beginning.

Later, Su Mingcheng also bought the shop.

The entire supermarket, including the shop, is owned by Su Mingcheng.

It's not appropriate to keep hiding things from Julie and her family, so Su Mingcheng slowly revealed some of the situation.

"Then the imported supermarket belongs to us?!" Zhu Li confirmed again.

"Yes, it belongs to our family. So, Lili, do you want to manage the finances?"

"Yes, I want to manage!" Of course Julie wants to go, she wants to be the boss lady of the supermarket.

"Okay, I'll be in charge of you from now on. Also, Lili, how about you take care of other things in the supermarket from now on." Su Mingcheng planned to let Zhu Li do something too, so she can't just stay at home all the time. Not good for Julie either.

"other things?"

"Yes, in addition to finance, there are also personnel and many other things. You can take care of them all. You will be the big boss of the supermarket from now on."

"Big boss?" Zhu Li smiled, "Mingcheng, I can't be the big boss, so I'll just help you manage your finances."

Julie has the self-awareness to let her take charge, but she doesn't have the ability.

Finance is her major and she is confident that she can manage it well.

"That's okay, you are the boss's wife anyway, and you have the final say in everything in the supermarket."

"Then can I fire Zhang Ling?" Zhu Li suddenly asked.

Zhu Li still has some strange views on Zhang Ling.

"Yes, you are the boss lady. You have the final say. You can fire anyone you want." Su Mingcheng answered directly without any hesitation or asking why Zhang Ling was fired.

Zhang Ling is just an ordinary worker here at Su Mingcheng. She can be fired if she wants to without any worries.

"Forget it." Zhu Li said no more about Zhang Ling, "Mingcheng, who is in charge of the supermarket's finances now?"

"That's that person. I'll call her over tomorrow and ask her to report to you."

"Okay, I haven't managed accounts for a long time, and it feels a bit strange."

"It's okay, take your time. By the way, Lili, do you know the domestic supermarket, right?"

"I know. That domestic supermarket only sells domestic products, and you still took me shopping."

"Well, Lili, that domestic supermarket is going to be transferred to another company recently. Do you think we should buy it?"

"No, right? That supermarket only sells domestic products, so it's hard to make money."

"Lili, that's what I think.

You see, we are now opening an imported goods supermarket.

Didn’t we boycott Japanese goods and ugly goods some time ago?

At that time, domestic products sold best.

If we take down the domestic supermarkets, we will have both imported and domestic products, so we don’t have to worry about boycotting Japanese goods in the future.

I usually sell imported goods.

When we boycott Japanese goods, we sell domestic goods.

In this way, you can always make money, which can be regarded as reducing the risk. "

"But... can Mingcheng's domestic supermarket usually make a profit?" Zhu Li asked a key question.

"I have conducted a detailed investigation and found that although domestic supermarkets usually make small profits, they do not suffer losses. Occasionally, when they boycott Japanese goods, they can make a lot of money."

"In this case, we can consider buying it, but does our family have that much money?"

"Money is easy to come by, just sell a house."

"Okay, let's take it down."

"Lili, when the domestic supermarkets are ready, I will continue to open corresponding online stores, and then open a dozen more."

"We already have more than [-] online stores, why should we continue to open stores?" Zhu Li was worried about losing money by opening too many stores.

"If you want to open a store, the more the better. The model is the same anyway, so you can't hire more people. The most important thing is that the cost of opening a store is very low and the profit is quite high."

"Okay." Zhu Li basically supported whatever Su Mingcheng wanted to do.

"Lili, our family's income has reached a new level. Come on, go to the bedroom, and I will tell you more in detail."

"Why do you want to go to the bedroom?"

"That's right, you don't have to go. The living room is not bad either."

"Ah, the child hasn't slept yet." Zhu Li was suddenly attacked by Su Mingcheng.

The next day.

Zhu Li officially took over the financial affairs of the imported supermarket.

Julie can no longer stay at home every day.

You still need to take some time to go to the supermarket and manage your accounts.

Fortunately, the person who managed the accounts before was not fired, so there was not much that Julie needed to do.

Zhang Ling was still the manager and Zhu Li did not fire her.

It's just that Zhang Ling was a little awkward. After learning that Su Mingcheng would not come to the supermarket often in the future, Zhang Ling had the idea of ​​​​leaving here.

"Hey, Mr. Su, something happened in my hometown. I may have to resign." Zhang Ling made an excuse and told Su Mingcheng about her resignation.

"What's the matter? I can give you a long vacation." Su Mingcheng could guess what Zhang Ling was thinking. Zhang Ling had been working with Su Mingcheng for several years. Su Mingcheng had never thought about killing the donkey and wanted Zhang Ling to continue. Go ahead.

"Is this okay?"

"No problem, you have been working with me for several years, so giving you a long paid vacation is nothing." Su Mingcheng gave some advice.

"Okay, Mr. Su, thank you. I will make it clear to the landlady before I go home." Zhang Ling actually said this because she wanted to meet Su Mingcheng.

But Su Mingcheng didn't answer, and just asked Zhang Ling to make it clear to Zhu Li.

Soon Zhang Ling asked for leave and left.

She didn't know whether to resign or not.

If she resigns, she will need to find another job.

Zhang Ling has a mortgage.

Under Su Mingcheng's guidance, Zhang Ling bought a house early.

For the down payment, Su Mingcheng also asked Zhang Ling to advance her salary.

If Zhang Ling wants to resign, she must first find a new job.

It's just that it's hard to find a home now.

Because, under the same conditions, Su Mingcheng offers the highest salary and the best treatment.

a few days later.

The domestic supermarket has officially become Su Mingcheng's supermarket.

"Mingcheng, this supermarket belongs to us too?"

"Yes, from now on we will sell both imported and domestic products. This will complement each other and make us more competitive."

"What about the finances of this supermarket?" Julie's eyes were shining.

"Of course it's your responsibility, you're the boss's wife."

"Okay, Mingcheng, I will take care of it."

this day.


Su Mingcheng, Zhu Li, and their two children went to the shore of Linhu Lake. "Mingcheng, we went shopping at your supermarket.

I also met Mingyu and Lili’s parents.

We bought a lot of things," Su Daqiang said happily about going shopping in the supermarket.

He also took out the things he bought and showed them to Su Mingcheng.

"Mingcheng, the quality of the products in your supermarket is very good.

Look, it feels completely different from the domestic ones.

It's a good thing at a glance.

It is also convenient to use and worry-free. "Su Daqiang kept saying nice things, but it was indeed the truth.

"As long as it works, Dad, if you run out of shopping cards, sue me and I'll give you another one."

"Give me another one? How much is it?" Su Daqiang's eyes widened.

"Of course it's still ten thousand."

"So much? This one doesn't need to be that much, just five thousand."

Small talk.

Su Mingcheng cooks.

Julie helps.

Su Daqiang and Zhao Meilan play with their children.

The meal will be ready soon.

"Come on, let's have a drink first."


"Mom, eat chicken drumsticks. Dad, you eat too. It's yours, Lili." Su Mingcheng gave each person a drumstick.

"Mingcheng, you eat too." Zhu Li picked one up for Su Mingcheng.

"Well, Mingcheng, these chicken legs are delicious." Su Daqiang couldn't help but praise.

"It's good, Mingcheng, what seasoning did you add here?" Zhao Meilan asked.

By the way, Dad and Mom, let me tell you some good news. That imported goods supermarket completely belongs to me. "Su Mingcheng did not continue to conceal the matter of imported supermarkets.

"What?" Su Daqiang and Zhao Meilan were both stunned.

Su Mingcheng motioned to Zhu Li to explain.

"Mom and Dad, that's it." Julie explained a few words.

Su Daqiang and Zhao Meilan finally understood.

Su Daqiang asked hurriedly: "Mingcheng, how much do you earn per month?"

"Normally, it would be about 50. Years ago, 100 million would not be a problem."

"So many?" Su Daqiang's eyes widened again.

"It's alright."

"50 a month, that's 600 million a year!" Su Daqiang and Zhao Meilan both looked surprised.

They never thought that Su Mingcheng could make so much money.

"Yes, and I also placed an order for a domestic supermarket."

"Is that the supermarket that only sells domestic products? Can that one make money?" Su Daqiang looked suspicious.

"You can make money, but not much, but if you boycott Japanese goods, you can make a lot of money."

"Boycott Japanese goods? How many years does it only happen once? And it can only be a week at most. After one week, nothing will happen." Su Daqiang was a little disgusted that the number of times he boycotted Japanese goods was too few and it was not lasting.

"Dad, look, I sell imported goods and domestic goods at the same time. This is complementary to each other." Su Mingcheng lied.

"That seems to be the case." Su Daqiang was convinced.

Zhao Meilan suddenly said, "Mingcheng, your uncle and aunt don't have serious jobs yet. Do you think you can let them go to your supermarket?"

“Mom, I’m afraid this won’t work.

If my uncle and aunt go to the supermarket, it will be difficult for me to arrange and manage them." Su Mingcheng explained the difficulty, but did not deny Zhao Meilan face, and continued:
"Mom, that's okay. They don't have to go to work. I'll pay them every month."

"They don't have to work but they still get paid? Doesn't this mean they are free?" Su Daqiang was a little unhappy.

Isn't that giving Zhao Qingshan and his wife money in vain?
Why should I give it to you for free?

The home mortgage has not been paid off yet.

"No need." Zhao Meilan shook her head, a little disappointed, "Since it's inconvenient, then forget it."

Zhao Qingshan wanted to "gnaw sister" from Zhao Meilan several times, but Zhao Meilan was not rich and did not allow Zhao Qingshan to "gnaw sister" successfully.

Zhao Meilan has been thinking about how to help Zhao Qingshan.

Seeing that Su Mingcheng owns two supermarkets, he wanted Su Mingcheng to solve the work problems of Zhao Qingshan and his wife.

However, Su Mingcheng did not agree, and what Su Mingcheng said made sense.

Zhao Qingshan and his wife went to the supermarket, which would definitely not be of much help and would only cause trouble for Su Mingcheng.

“Mom, it’s actually not difficult to find jobs for your uncle and aunt.

I know some bosses, and if I tell them, I can arrange a leisurely job for them.

But they have to stay calm and not cause trouble, otherwise, I can't explain it. "

"Oh? What kind of work can be arranged?" Zhao Meilan asked thoughtfully.

"Well, there is a company that produces sausages. I know their boss well. I can ask my uncle and aunt to be the custodians or..."

The sausage company Su Mingcheng was talking about was a domestic product company invested by Su Mingcheng.

Su Mingcheng is the largest shareholder.

Su Mingcheng can arrange for Zhao Qingshan and his wife to do something that anyone can do.

As for the salary, it can be a little higher than the normal level, but not much higher.

"This seems okay." Su Daqiang looked at Zhao Meilan.

"It's not bad. I'll ask Qingshan later." Zhao Meilan also thinks it's good.

Because Su Mingcheng promised to raise the salary and give him better treatment.

Zhao Qingshan would not refuse such a job.

"Dad, Mom, this is the shopping card from the domestic supermarket. You can take it and buy something."

"What good things can I buy in domestic supermarkets?" Su Daqiang was a little disdainful.

Su Daqiang is a typical person who dislikes the poor and loves the rich.

"Domestic daily necessities are pretty good." Zhu Li interjected.The ones she and Su Mingcheng used were made in China.

"Oh, yes, it seems good. That laundry detergent." Su Daqiang used domestic laundry detergent.


"How much money can Mingcheng earn per month now?" Su Daqiang asked Zhao Meilan.

"Didn't you ask before? 50 a month."

"Not only that, there are also domestic supermarkets and online stores."

"Domestic supermarkets don't make much money, and the online store belongs to Lili."

"It belongs to Lili and Mingcheng. With the online store, Mingcheng's family can earn more than 80 yuan a month, right?" Su Daqiang calculated.


"Mingcheng earns so much, let's let him pay off the mortgage, right? Whatever he earns in a month, we'll pay it back."

Zhao Meilan was silent for a moment, "The more Mingcheng earns, the more he spends."

Although Zhao Meilan also wanted Su Mingcheng to repay the mortgage, as long as Su Mingcheng didn't take the initiative, Zhao Meilan would not force Su Mingcheng to repay the mortgage.

"How about asking Mingcheng?"

"I want to ask you. By the way, I'll tell Qingshan about work." Zhao Meilan called Zhao Qingshan.

Su Daqiang hesitated, but still didn't dare to call Su Mingcheng.Because Su Mingcheng just gave me a benefit (shopping card).

Su Daqiang felt that we should wait until tomorrow at least.

"Hey, Qingshan, Mingcheng knows a boss who produces sausages. He can introduce you to him. The salary is higher than others. Do you want to give it a try?"

Over there, Zhao Qingshan agreed.

Recently, Zhao Qingshan is not making much money from evil ways and needs to find a serious job.

"Let's do this. You contact Mingcheng directly and follow his arrangements. Also, you have to work hard, otherwise Mingcheng will be in trouble." Zhao Meilan said a few words and hung up.

The next day.

Su Mingcheng, Zhu Li, and their two children went to the home of Zhu Li's parents.

I also talked about the supermarket and gave me a shopping card.

It’s just that Teacher Zhu was embarrassed to take it and pushed it out hard.

Su Mingcheng spent a lot of effort before sending it out.

Su Mingcheng also received a call from Zhao Qingshan.

"Mingcheng, listen to your mother, there is a sausage company."

"Yes, I know their boss and I know they are recruiting people. Uncle, do you want to go?"

"I want to go. Are their wages and benefits higher than others?"

"It can be higher, it's all for my sake, so I agreed.

Uncle, I spent a lot of effort to find this job opportunity for you. If you go, you must cherish it, otherwise"

"I know, Mingcheng, don't worry, uncle is not an unreliable person." If Zhao Qingshan was reliable, it would be abnormal.

Su Mingcheng didn't say much.

Anyway, give Zhao Qingshan a chance.

As for Zhao Qingshan not doing well and being fired, it is not Su Mingcheng's fault, and he has an explanation for Zhao Meilan.

(End of this chapter)

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