Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 824: Suppression by Foreign Capital

San Francisco.

Su Mingcheng, Zhu Li, Su Daqiang, Zhao Meilan, Zhu Li's parents came together.


Su Mingzhe came to pick him up.

"Mingcheng!" Su Mingzhe saw Su Mingcheng first.

"Brother! This is Zhu Li, and this is Zhu Li's father." Su Mingcheng introduced briefly.

Before coming, Su Mingcheng told Su Mingzhe.

"Uncle, aunt, Julie, hello."

"Hello Mingzhe."

A few people exchanged simple greetings.

Su Mingzhe found a car in advance, and everyone went to the rental place first.

Su Mingcheng had previously transferred the rent to Su Mingzhe and asked Su Mingzhe to help rent the house.

"Mingcheng, where are you going to play?" Su Mingzhe asked casually on the way.

After not seeing each other for a year, Su Mingzhe had a lot to say, but he didn't know where to start.

"Just take a walk, brother, what do you recommend?"

"Do you know Chinatown here? Do you want to go and see it?"

"Okay, San Francisco Chinatown is the largest Chinatown in the country, right?"

"It should be, there are many Chinese restaurants there." Su Mingzhe said briefly.

Zhao Meilan gave enough money, but Su Mingzhe didn't have the work-study program.

Su Mingzhe usually stays in school, doesn't go out much, and doesn't know much about San Francisco.

A small villa.

Lease period is one month.

This is the house that Su Mingcheng asked Su Mingzhe to rent.

"A rented villa?" Su Daqiang and others were a little surprised.

"Yes, the rent here is not expensive. Mingcheng has already transferred the rent to me." Although the villa Su Mingzhe found was not big, the environment was good in all aspects.

"How much?" Su Daqiang asked.

"It's not much money. Everyone is tired. Come in and rest quickly." Su Mingcheng changed the subject.

After a long flight, everyone is really tired.

The house has been cleaned.

Su Mingzhe also bought some ingredients.

"I'm going to cook." Su Mingcheng was in good condition, so he said hello and went to the kitchen.

Julie accompanied him to the kitchen to help.

Julie's parents went to the bedroom to rest.

Although Su Daqiang and Zhao Meilan were tired, they didn't want to rest and took Su Mingzhe to chat.

"Mingzhe, how are you at school?"

"It's good. My tutor is Chinese. We usually communicate in Chinese and we have a good relationship."

"How was the food? How was the accommodation?"

“It’s all good.”

Talking about trivial things casually.

Not long.

Su Mingcheng cooked a table of meals.

"Mingcheng, I didn't expect your cooking to be so delicious." Su Mingzhe was a little surprised.I usually called Su Mingcheng to contact him. Although I knew that Su Mingcheng could cook, I didn't expect that Su Mingcheng's cooking was no worse than that of a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown.

"It's okay, the seasoning is not complete, just eat it." Su Mingcheng unintentionally pretended to be cool, "Brother, what are you eating here?"

"Mainly Western food, hamburgers, fries, fried chicken and the like."

"Then you can eat with us these days. Whatever you want to eat, I will do."

"Okay, it's been a long time since I've had hometown food."

Not much talk.

We are all tired and want to go to bed early.

After eating, Su Mingzhe went back to school.

Everyone simply washed up and rested.

Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li took a break after finishing the meeting.

I found a Chinese female tour guide and rented a car. The tour guide also worked as a driver.

Su Mingcheng and the others first visited San Francisco.

Went to Chinatown.

Silicon Valley went.

I also saw iconic buildings.Of course I took photos too.

Then, drive to surrounding cities to play.

Went to a nearby aquarium.

Also looked at the vineyards and tasted the wine.

Of course, you have to buy some to take back.

Been playing for nearly ten days.


"Please be safe when you go out to play." Su Daqiang, Zhao Meilan, and Zhu Li's parents wanted to return home first.

"I know, let's follow the tour guide and not run around." Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li wanted to continue playing and did not leave.

Send Su Daqiang and the others away.

Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li traveled further.

Just the second day.

They encountered street shootings.

The country is overrun with guns, and there are many shooting incidents every year.

Fortunately, Su Mingcheng and the others were far away, and the tour guide responded quickly and drove away in a hurry.

Afterwards, I heard that many black and white people died in this shooting incident.

The shooter was a black man.

Chouguo Casino.

Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li flew over.

They randomly found a casino to exchange chips, and they planned to have a small gamble.

"Mingcheng, buy the big one or the small one?" Zhu Li and Su Mingcheng played the easiest one first.

"Buy big." Su Mingcheng had already heard this.

"Okay, buy the big one first." Julie had ten chips in her hand, and she carefully placed one.

"Buy the deal and let's go! Four, five, six, big!"

"I won! Mingcheng won!" Zhu Li looked happy.

"Okay, let's continue playing."

"Mingcheng, what are you buying this time?"

"It's better to be big."

"Okay." This time Zhu Li put two chips.

"Five six six, big!"

"I hit again!"


Pressed six big ones in a row.

Julie's chips tripled.

"Mingcheng, what are you buying this time?"

Su Mingcheng had already heard it, it was a leopard, and the dealer wanted to take it all.

"Lili, let's not press this time. Let's go play something else."

"Okay, what are you playing?"

"Just blackjack."

After playing at blackjack for a while, Julie had a lot more chips in her hand.

Although they didn't play for long, Su Mingcheng's chips increased from one thousand ugly yuan to eight thousand.

"Lili, let's change the casino." Su Mingcheng didn't want to win too much and be targeted by the casino people.

"Okay." Julie also wanted to go to a few more casinos to play.


Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li went to six or seven casinos in a row.

In every casino, they can win seven to eight thousand U.S. dollars.

I won about [-] in total.

"Mingcheng, we are so lucky!" Zhu Li thought it was luck.

"Yes, we have never gambled before. The first time we gamble, we will have better luck, but if we continue to gamble, we will definitely lose everything."

"Then let's not gamble anymore."

"it is good."

No overnight stay at the casino.

Su Mingcheng and the others flew back again.

After that, I didn’t come to the casino again.

I originally wanted to watch the NBA, but at this time, there are basically no exciting games.

Flying from Chou country is more convenient.

Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li flew to many places.

It was all fun.

A month later.


"Brother, your school is on vacation, you come back and I will pay for the air ticket." Su Mingcheng said goodbye to Su Mingzhe.

"Okay, Mingcheng, I'll help you take a look at the milk powder you asked about."

Su Mingcheng still looked at Chou Country's milk powder to see if it could be imported back.

At the same time, I also visited merchants in Chinatown and asked if domestic products could be sold here.

"Brother, there are so many guns here, please pay more attention to your safety."

"I will pay attention. I usually don't leave school."

Su Mingcheng waved goodbye, thinking, "There are many school shootings in ugly countries."

Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li bought a lot of things.

Because I won money in the casino.

They didn't think about saving, they spent everything.

There are six large suitcases for two people.

Clothes, shoes, Julie's bags, cosmetics, etc. There are many things.

I bought two brand-name watches, one for each of Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li.

In addition, Su Mingcheng also bought some sporting goods, such as basketballs and outdoor equipment.

I also bought some nutritional supplements, all for Su Daqiang, Zhao Meilan, and Zhu Li’s parents.Wutong Court.

Julie is packing her things.

"Mingcheng, I've been looking at this bag for a long time, but I didn't expect it to be so cheap in Chou Country."

"It's not expensive." Su Mingcheng was also sorting things.He put away the basketball and some outdoor items.

"Mingcheng, these cosmetics cost several thousand in China, but less than one thousand in Chou Country." Zhu Li was sorting out the prices at home and abroad.

"The price difference is so big?" Su Mingcheng was a good compliment.

"Yes, this is equivalent to saving money."

"My Lili really knows how to live her life."

"Mingcheng, does this dress look good?"

"It looks good. My Lili looks good in anything she wears."

"Mingcheng, these clothes are for your parents. These clothes are for my parents." Zhu Li bought some sports brand clothes for both parents.

"Okay, send it to them tomorrow."

"Mingcheng, this is yours." Zhu Li also bought clothes for Su Mingcheng, all of which were sportswear.

"Okay, what about yours?"

"Those are mine." Julie pointed to the side.Her clothes are the most numerous.

There are too many things to be packed away at once.

Su Mingcheng didn't want to clean up anymore, so he went over and hugged Zhu Li, "Lili, it's time to wash up and go to sleep."

"Ah?" Before Zhu Li could react, Su Mingcheng took her to take a bath.

The next day.


Near the lake shore.

"Dad, Mom, these are the clothes I bought for you." Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li came with big and small bags.

"Why did you buy so many things?" Su Daqiang's eyes widened.

"It's cheaper to buy it in Chou Country. This dress is thousands cheaper than in China."

"What? So much cheaper?"

"Yeah, dad, here's your jacket, here's your pants, and"

"Mom, here are your clothes, cosmetics, and health care products."

"Doesn't this cost a lot of money?" Zhao Meilan wanted to give the money to Su Mingcheng.

"It's quite a lot, but we all won."

"What do you mean?" Zhao Meilan and Su Daqiang were both confused.

"Dad, Mom, Zhu Li and I went to Ugly Country Casino. We won [-] U.S. dollars." Su Mingcheng said about gambling.

"How much? How much did you win?" Su Daqiang asked hurriedly.

"Fifty thousand."

"Chou Yuan?"


"How much RMB is fifty thousand ugly yuan?"

"More than 30 RMB."

"More than 30? So much?!" Su Daqiang's eyes widened again.

"It's quite a lot, but we all bought something."

"What? Did you buy everything? Did you spend all of it?"

"Yes, it's all spent."

"How can we spend it all?" Su Daqiang was anxious.

"Dad, all the money we won from gambling was spent, but our own money was saved. This time we went to Chou Country, we didn't use much of the money we prepared."

"You can't spend so much money." Su Daqiang couldn't accept it.

Zhao Meilan also felt that Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li spent too much money, but she didn't say anything.

"Dad, Mom, please try to see if the clothes fit you."

Su Mingcheng cooks.

The family ate and drank.

"Mom, you can also drink that wine. It is said that it can soften blood vessels."

"Okay, I'll drink some when I have free time."

"Dad, that medicine is for regulating the stomach and intestines. Remember to take it on time."

"Oh." Su Daqiang still felt a little worried about money.

Lunch was eaten on the shore of the lake.


Julie's parents' home.

"Dad, Mom, I bought this for you." Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li also arrived with large and small bags.

"Why did you buy so many things?" Zhu Li's mother looked surprised.

"Mom, let me tell you, Mingcheng and I won tens of thousands of U.S. dollars at the Chouguo Casino. It happened to be on sale, so we bought it." Zhu Li kept chatting to her mother.

"Mingcheng, this Zhu Li has been spoiled by us and bought too many things." Teacher Zhu felt a little embarrassed.

Julie spent a lot of money on her trip.

"Dad, it's all money I got out of thin air anyway, so I can spend it with peace of mind." Su Mingcheng didn't mind that Zhu Li could spend money.Because Su Mingcheng can earn more.

"Where else have you been?"

“Also went”

Chat for a while.

Su Mingcheng went to cook.

Teacher Zhu took action.

Julie and her mother were still looking at the shopping, cosmetics, bags and so on.


The meals are ready.

"Open a wine bar?" Su Mingcheng suggested.

"Okay, just in time to taste whether what you bought tastes good."

Had a happy meal.

Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li took a taxi to leave.

In the car.

"Lili, let's buy a car in a while, right?"

"Okay, what car do you want to buy?"

"Buy a cross-country. When we have time, we can go on outings."

"How much does that cost?"

"Let's buy a cheaper one. We'll look around later." Su Mingcheng wanted to buy a more expensive car, but he couldn't tell where the money came from.

Su Mingyu was called to Su Mingcheng's house.

"Mingyu, come on, these are the cosmetics I bought for you." Zhu Li has a good relationship with Su Mingyu.

"Second sister-in-law, I usually don't use cosmetics."

"Why don't you use it? You see your skin is a little dry."

"Second sister-in-law, this brand is not cheap, right? How much does it cost? I'll give it to you."

"No, we won a lot at the casino without using our own money."

"Second sister-in-law, I also made a lot of money on Taobao."

Su Mingyu also made money by opening an online store.

And he also made a lot of money.

Su Mingcheng's goods are all genuine.

Although the price is expensive, online sales are not small.

The reputation is slowly increasing.

Sales are also increasing.

The honeymoon is over.


Julie got up with a happy face.

It's time for her to go to work normally.

I took a month off and accumulated a lot of work.

Julie started to get busy.

Su Mingcheng also has a lot of things to deal with.

However, Su Mingcheng basically does not need to go out.

Normal matters can be solved by making a phone call.

this day.

Under Su Mingcheng, Wang Jie called: "Mr. Su, someone has been targeting our supermarket recently."

Wang Jie, an urban beauty, is in her thirties, mature and slightly charming.

She is responsible for managing Su Mingcheng's domestic supermarket.

"what's the situation?"

"It should be those foreign brands. According to the information I inquired about, they have been suppressing domestic brands.

For example, the bankruptcy of domestic instant noodles some time ago was caused by foreign investment.

There are also MSG and cooking oil
They asked us not to discriminate against foreign-invested products, otherwise we should unite."

"I understand, our supermarket only sells pure domestic products, not 'foreign products'."

"But Mr. Su, we can't guarantee profit by doing this."

"It doesn't matter, I'm not here to make money. I want to give domestic products a sales channel."

"Mr. Su, please don't be impulsive. We open the supermarket to make money. There is no need to struggle with money."

"Manager Wang, I would rather lose everything than bow to foreign capital. Just do as I say."


“Also, I probably know the methods of foreign capital.

Sooner or later they will attack us.

You now collect their information.

We can strike first to gain the upper hand.

Preemptive strike.

Don't be beaten passively.

They can use all kinds of despicable means to deal with domestic products.

We can also repay others with their own methods.

How they deal with us, we will deal with them. "

"Can this work?"

"No problem, just spend more money. Problems that can be solved with money are not problems."

There is a problem with the domestic supermarket.

But Su Mingcheng's imported supermarket is prospering without any problems, and no one seems to dare to cause trouble. (End of chapter)

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