Su Mingcheng hasn't graduated yet.

There are still many things going on at school.

Normally, Su Mingcheng still lives at school.

I just live on the shore of the lake on weekends.

Su Mingyu usually eats either in the school cafeteria or at the Su family's old house. After eating, she comes here to study and sleep.

Su Mingyu ran back and forth like this, which was a bit frustrating.

So, "Mom and Dad, will you move to a new house too?" Su Mingcheng persuaded Zhao Meilan and Su Daqiang to also move to a new home.

"Okay" Su Daqiang was about to agree.

"No, it's fine if we live here." Zhao Meilan refused.

Zhao Meilan refused, not because she didn't like the new building, but because she had other considerations.

Su Mingcheng could more or less guess what Zhao Meilan was thinking and didn't try to persuade her.

"Mingcheng, there is no need to let Mingyu live at your place, just let her squeeze in with us." Zhao Meilan still wanted Su Mingyu to return to her old house.

“Mom, you only have one small bedroom here, and it’s too crowded for Mingyu to live in.

The shore of the lake is vacant, so Mingyu might as well live there.

Mingyu is about to take the college entrance examination.

Let her study hard. "

Su Mingcheng said this, and Zhao Meilan said nothing more.

Time passes day by day.

It's getting hotter.

The money in Su Mingcheng's hands was growing like a snowball.

My relationship with Julie is getting better and better.

Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li are often seen in the woods.

Campus love is always beautiful.

While other students broke up after graduation, it was more interesting for Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li to fall in love before graduation.

Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li have advantages that other students do not have.

They are all local.

And they all found jobs locally.

Su Mingcheng's work can also be regarded as local.

Su Mingcheng also thought about what he would do after graduation.

Wait until after graduation.

With capital.

Just open an imported goods supermarket.

As for the source of goods, Su Mingcheng actually had a classmate whose family was in the import and export business and could get real imported goods.

The lies Su Mingcheng told before are about to become true.

This weekend.


Su's old house.

The family eats.

The food was cooked by Su Mingcheng.

His cooking skills have improved a lot now.

Everyone in the family approved it.

"Mom, you have to pay for this month's mortgage." Su Mingcheng pretended to be a little embarrassed.

Su Mingcheng started to chew on his old age again.

Su Mingcheng obviously has money, but he doesn't spend it.

However, Su Mingcheng is not really eating his old age.

Su Mingcheng did not regard the house on the lakeside as his own. Half a year later, Zhao Meilan and Su Daqiang moved into the house.

Half a year later, Su Mingcheng also had money to buy a bigger and better house.

Su Mingcheng does not necessarily need to be rich, but he must have financial freedom.

However, when the time comes, Su Mingcheng will find a way to 'gnaw at the old man' so that Zhao Meilan will not be able to help his younger brother.

"It's okay. You haven't graduated yet. Let's wait until you make money after graduation." Zhao Meilan agreed immediately.She was also ready to pay off her mortgage.After all, Su Mingcheng hasn't graduated yet or has a job.

"Mom, you are so kind. Eat a chicken drumstick. When I make money, I will honor you and treat you to a big meal." Su Mingcheng seemed to be drawing a cake.

"What about me?" Su Daqiang suddenly interrupted.He was really afraid that Su Mingcheng would invite him to a big dinner without him.

"Dad, I'll take you and my little sister with me too." Su Mingcheng seemed to be talking big words.

In the past, Su Mingcheng's words didn't count, it was normal.

Next to her, Su Mingyu hesitated and said, "Mom, the school has organized an intensive class. You have to live on campus and pay 1000 yuan. I want to participate."

"1000 yuan? That much?" Zhao Meilan didn't want to spend more money on Su Mingyu.

“Mom, the results of Model [-] are out and I’m in the top ten.

My grades are okay and I want to rush to Tsinghua University. "

Su Mingyu studied well.

No worse than Su Mingzhe in all aspects.

What Su Mingyu lacked was just an opportunity.

But her family didn't give her this chance.

"Mingyu, it's like this. I recently asked someone to help you apply for a free normal school student quota.

There is no need to pay, and the school is not far from our home.

After you graduate, you will become a teacher. You will have a stable job and be close to home. "Zhao Meilan has already planned Su Mingyu's future.

(Let’s make some assumptions here.

If Su Mingyu goes to Tsinghua University, then Su Mingyu should be able to study abroad.

If Su Mingyu stays overseas, then Su Mingyu will basically settle overseas.

If Su Mingyu settles overseas, then she will definitely serve the Ugly people.

In the TV series, Zhao Meilan did not let Su Mingyu go to the Qing Dynasty University. What was the result?

As a result, Su Mingyu worked hard in China and served domestic companies.

This can be regarded as retaining talents, right?

This is an interesting hypothesis. )
"Mom, I don't want to go to normal school, I want to get into Tsinghua University!" Su Mingyu was a little excited.

It is Su Mingyu’s dream to become a university in the Qing Dynasty.

So, why does Su Mingyu’s dream be to become a university in the Qing Dynasty?

Because Tsingta University is one of the best universities.

If you are a great person, you can prove yourself.

Therefore, students who study well want to be admitted to Tsinghua University to prove their strength and for a better future.

However, there are too many students from Tsinghua University who go overseas and never come back, especially female students, who basically never come back. This seems to be a 'characteristic' of Tsinghua University.

Although it is understandable why such features appear, it is somewhat difficult to accept.

Again, Maxima often exists, but Bole does not.

Chollima from Qingda University may only meet the real Bole when he goes overseas, thus showing the strength of Chollima.

"Why should you, a girl, go to Tsinghua University? It would be great to be a teacher if you study in a normal college." Zhao Meilan still didn't want Su Mingyu to go to Tsinghua University.

Zhao Meilan doesn't like Su Mingyu.

It’s not just son preference, there are other reasons.

In the TV series, there is an explanation: It is said that Zhao Meilan's first love found Zhao Meilan. He didn't mind that Zhao Meilan already had two sons, and wanted to take Zhao Meilan to the Magic City and start over.

Of course, you can't take away your two sons.

Zhao Meilan readily agreed.

Zhao Meilan is willing to abandon her family and go with her first love.

(Zhao Meilan’s choice is chilling. But this situation is not uncommon. There are many married women who have children and run away with others.)
But at this time, Zhao Meilan was pregnant with Su Mingyu.

Just because of her pregnancy, Zhao Meilan was unable to renew her relationship with her first love.

Zhao Meilan could only continue to make ends meet with the 'coward' Su Daqiang.

Zhao Meilan also disliked Su Mingyu because of this.Because Su Mingyu came at the wrong time.

Judging from this incident, does Zhao Meilan have a character problem?
Gossip less, get down to business.

Zhao Meilan has arranged Su Mingyu's life, and just wants Su Mingyu to live a peaceful life as an ordinary person.

"Mom, it's my dream to get into National Tsinghua University. Mom, please let me beg you." Su Mingyu cried and begged.

But Zhao Meilan was unmoved and gave Su Mingyu two choices:

One is, free normal students.

One is to work as a nurse in a hospital without going to college.

Anyway, I can save money no matter what, and I want to get rid of Su Mingyu as soon as possible.

Su Mingyu is not weak-tempered, she is very similar to Zhao Meilan.

Su Mingyu exploded under the pressure, stood up suddenly, and yelled: "Did I let you give birth to me? You must be responsible for giving birth to me, you can't just live with the tiles!"

Zhao Meilan was furious and thought, "I am not happy at all giving birth to you. It's all a pity! My first love is a lifetime regret!"

With a "pop" sound, Zhao Meilan slapped Su Mingyu.

Su Mingyu ran away crying.

Su Daqiang was so frightened that he didn't dare to say a word.

Su Mingcheng stayed on the sidelines and did not participate in the quarrel.

"Do you want to change Su Mingyu's fate?"

Su Mingcheng shook his head in his heart and did not intend to change.

No matter whether Su Mingyu goes to the Qing Assembly or not to serve the Ugly people, Su Mingcheng doesn't want to change Zhao Meilan's arrangement for Su Mingyu now.

"Mom, don't be angry. I'll persuade my little sister later." Su Mingcheng persuaded her for a few words before leaving.

Near the lake shore.

Su Mingyu ran out of home and came here.

"Mingyu, second brother, there are two thousand here, you can use it." Although Su Mingcheng will not change Su Mingyu's fate, it is okay to let Su Mingyu take an intensive class.

"Thank you, second brother." Su Mingyu was moved to tears.

no matter what happens.

Time always moves forward.

Su Mingcheng is about to graduate, and things are getting more and more complicated.

In addition, I also have to accompany the little beauty Julie.

I basically don’t care about family matters.

Has Su Mingyu passed the college entrance examination?
Su Mingcheng didn't know.

Anyway, Su Mingyu had no chance to go to Tsinghua University, but was admitted to the normal school and became a free normal student.

Wearing academic uniforms, taking graduation photos with Julie.

Su Mingcheng graduated.

College has finally come to an end.

this day.

Su's old house.

"Mingcheng, how's your work going?" Su Daqiang asked. "Dad, I have already discussed with my classmates to get familiar with the business first and open an imported goods supermarket in Suzhou City in about half a year."

"How much money can I get in a month?" Su Daqiang asked, wanting to know if Su Mingcheng could pay off the mortgage.

"Five or six thousand is no problem."

"So many?" Su Daqiang's eyes widened.

"This is still a small amount. When we open a supermarket, it will be trivial to make tens of thousands a month." Su Mingcheng seemed to be bragging.

“Are imported goods easy to sell?”

"It must be easy to sell. Nowadays, everyone uses someone to purchase foreign goods. This is not safe and it is easy to buy fake goods.

Our supermarket is precisely aimed at this demand.
You can definitely make a lot of money. "Su Mingcheng said very enthusiastically.

But Su Daqiang always didn't believe it.

"Mingcheng, do you still have money? Mom will give you another two thousand?" Zhao Meilan was worried that Su Mingcheng was short of money.

"Okay, Mom, I just happen to be short of money recently." Su Mingcheng was still chewing on his old age.

Su Daqiang was a little unhappy and wanted to say something, but he didn't.

This morning.

Near the lake shore.

"Mingyu, there are two thousand here. Take it and buy whatever you want. Don't wrong yourself." Su Mingcheng gave Su Mingyu living expenses.

In the blink of an eye, Su Mingyu went to college.

Su Mingyu had fallen out with Zhao Meilan and almost never returned to the Su family's old house.

Living expenses and other expenses are all taken from Su Mingcheng.

"Second brother, you don't need so much." Su Mingyu went to college and rarely came to live by the lake.

Su Mingyu lives on campus most of the time.

"Take it, second brother has money."

"Thank you, second brother. Where is Sister Lili?"

"She will come over soon and we will have dinner together."

"No, second brother, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first." Su Mingyu didn't stay to be a light bulb.


Julie is here.

"Lili, are you tired from work?"

"It's okay. I didn't get used to it at first, but I feel much better recently."

"That's good, let's eat first and then go out to look at the shops together later."

"Look at the store? Is it the imported goods supermarket?" Zhu Li basically knew what happened to Su Mingcheng.

"Yes, the money is almost there, it's time to choose a store." Su Mingcheng has made enough money.He initially speculated in A-shares, and later in ugly stocks.Make money from ugly stocks faster.

"Great." Julie was very happy.

Because Su Mingcheng has a serious job.

Julie had a boyfriend. As time went by, her parents also knew about it.

Ask Julie what Su Mingcheng does?

Zhu Li told the truth what Su Mingcheng was doing.

Zhu Li's parents felt that what Su Mingcheng did was a bit unreliable.

Now, with the imported goods supermarket, Julie's parents will rest assured that they will not let Julie find another reliable boyfriend.

"Mingcheng, the food you cook is so delicious, better than what my mother cooks."

"Eat more if it's delicious."

"No, I've gained weight recently."

"Don't be afraid of getting fat, just exercise more."

have eaten.

Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li went to see the shops.

Walk around.

Suitable shops are not easy to find.

One afternoon passed.

I just initially chose a larger shop.

This shop is not in the city center, but the location is not too far away.

The rent is much cheaper than in the city center.

The shop was not ideal, but Su Mingcheng didn't want to continue and spent time looking for it.

I had preliminary discussions with the landlord.

Discussed the rent.

There are also terms such as lease terms.

It has been initially decided.

Within a few days, the contract was signed and renovations started.

Su Mingcheng does things neatly and neatly.

A month later.

The renovation is complete.

While decorating, Su Mingcheng also contacted the source of goods.

"Liu Yang, thank you for your help this time." Su Mingcheng said a few words of thanks.

Liu Yang is Su Mingcheng’s classmate.

Liu Yang's father is in the import and export business.

There are channels for foreign milk powder and other products.

For Liu Yang's sake, he gave him a preferential price.

"Thank you for nothing. But Mingcheng, you can do it. It's only been a few months and you've opened such a big supermarket."

"It's good luck to have someone sponsoring it. I wonder if it will sell well?"

"It's definitely no problem. Imported goods are very popular now. Several supermarkets like this have been opened in Magic City, and business is very good."

"That's good."

Sioux City.

Crackling firecrackers sounded.

Su Mingcheng's supermarket opened.

"Is it open now?" Su Daqiang was surprised.

Because, Su Mingcheng quietly opened a large supermarket, specializing in imported goods. The decoration and so on, it looked very high-end at first glance.

"That's still false. This supermarket is mine now." Su Mingcheng looked slightly satisfied.

"Why is it yours?" Su Daqiang didn't understand.

"Dad, I've contracted this supermarket and I'm responsible for its own profits and losses." Su Mingcheng lied again.

"What? How can you take the contract? What if we lose the money?" Su Daqiang was anxious.

“Dad, I can’t pay for it, look, there are so many people buying things.

I can earn hundreds of dollars per bucket of that milk powder.

Did you see that family bought five or six barrels of milk powder?

And the cosmetics, you can earn thousands by selling a set.

There were more than ten girls there who wanted to buy cosmetics. "

"The profit is so high?" Su Daqiang was shocked again.

"Of course, everyone likes foreign products and is not afraid of high prices." Su Mingcheng acted like he was a bit fond of foreign countries.

The opening of the supermarket was very low-key.

Su Mingcheng only asked Su Daqiang and Zhao Meilan to come.

Didn't tell friends and family.

Of course, she is also called Su Mingyu.

However, when Su Mingyu came, Su Daqiang and Zhao Meilan had already gone home.

after a few days.

Julie took her parents to the supermarket.

"Isn't this supermarket big?" Zhu Li's mother was a little surprised.

"Yes, Mingcheng has contracted this supermarket. After deducting rent and other expenses every month, the excess profit belongs to Mingcheng himself."

"How are the sales going?" Julie's father asked.

"It's very good. Look, there are so many people here every day."

"How much money can Mingcheng earn in a month?" Zhu Li's mother asked.

"Mingcheng initially estimates that he can earn tens of thousands a month."

"Tens of thousands? So much?" Zhu Li's mother was a little surprised.

“It’s not too much. It’s such a big supermarket with a lot of customers and high profits. It’s not a small amount of money.

That's still a lot of profit going to other people.

If I had my own supermarket, I would make over [-] yuan a month. "Julie's father made an estimate.

"So much money?" Zhu Li's mother was shocked.

Knowing that Su Mingcheng opened a large supermarket, Zhu Li's parents did not object, and Zhu Li and Su Mingcheng were in talks.

The imported supermarket opened soon.

Sioux City has opened another distinctive supermarket: Domestic Supermarket.

In this domestic supermarket, there is not a single 'foreign' product in the products, they are all 'pure' domestic products.

Of course it was Su Mingcheng who opened it.

The products inside include many old brands from my childhood, which are of high quality and low price, and the business is also very good.However, the profit is not as good as that of imported supermarkets.

Magic City.

Su Mingcheng invited Liu Yang to dinner.

"Liu Yang, I have a lot of domestic products. Do you think there is any way to sell them abroad?"

"You can try."

"Okay, I'll wait for your good news." Su Mingcheng planned to sell domestic products overseas.

Although it is not easy, Su Mingcheng wants to try.

Su's old house.

"Mingcheng, how much money can you make in a month?" Su Daqiang couldn't help but ask.Because Su Mingcheng never paid back the mortgage, so he still asked his family to pay it back.

"Dad, I can earn more than 1 yuan a month."

"so much?"

"It's not bad. Others have made the majority of the money, and I only made a small amount of money."

"That mortgage?" Su Daqiang just started to raise his head.

"Dad, I need your help to repay the mortgage. I plan to save money and open a supermarket again." Su Mingcheng continued to eat his old age.

"What? Are you going to open a supermarket?" Su Daqiang was stunned.

"Yes, this time I pay for it myself. I don't have to share the money with others, so I can earn more."

"What if you lose?"

"If you can't pay, Dad, just watch me make a lot of money." (End of Chapter)

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