Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 810 Fang Chunyi’s Disaster

Chapter 810 Fang Chunyi’s Disaster
In "Little Li's Flying Knife", Li Xunhuan holds Fairy Jinghong in his arms and says to Sun Xiaohong who runs over: "You came just in time."

Then, Sun Xiaohong threw herself into his arms.

Li Xunhuan hugged two beauties at the same time.

Now, Yong Zheng said these words, which directly scared Fang Chunyi away.

There are some scenes that Fang Chunyi doesn't dare to think about.

This made Yongzheng lose a lot of fun.

Of course, Yongzheng couldn't do this for the sake of dignity.

a few days later.

Shen Zishan's family came to the capital, and other people who used Shen Zishan's name to do evil were arrested.

Shen Zishan and his wife were taken to Qianqing Palace.

Yong Zheng called Shen Meizhuang over.

"Today is a family banquet." Yong Zheng had a smile on his face and seemed very 'kind'.

But Shen Zishan and his wife did not dare to make any mistake, and saluted with sincerity and fear, without any disrespect at all.

Food is served in the imperial dining room.

Yongzheng greeted him casually and left because he had something to do.

"Father, mother, how could you be so confused?" Time was tight, Shen Meizhuang did not beat around the bush and got down to business.

"Alas" Shen Zishan sighed, "It was all because my father was confused and got carried away and made a big mistake."

"Meizhuang, many people in the family have been arrested, what should we do now?" Shen Meizhuang's mother looked panicked.Her family members were also arrested a lot.

"Mother, I can only ask the emperor to save your lives. I'm afraid I won't be able to care about the others." Shen Meizhuang did not dare to agree casually.

"What about your brothers? Although they did something wrong, their crime should not lead to death." Shen Meizhuang's mother choked up and couldn't continue.

Now I know I'm afraid, it's too late.

"Mother, if I had known earlier, why would I do this in the first place?" Shen Meizhuang was helpless and a little angry.You can live a good life, so why do you have to break the law?

If her mother-in-law's family doesn't mess around, when she gives birth to an imperial heir, the family will still be prosperous and wealthy.

"Meizhuang, you..." Shen Meizhuang's mother also wanted Shen Meizhuang to ask Yongzheng for mercy.

"Stop talking." Shen Zishan stopped him.

Shen Zishan was worried that Shenmeizhuang would ask Yongzheng too much and make Yongzheng unhappy.

Shenmeizhuang now has no heir, so whether Yongzheng favors him or not is a matter of a moment's notice, and there is no guarantee.

After chatting for a few words about "what if", the entire Shenmeizhuang family was worried.

Yongzheng is back again.

Continue to greet them warmly for dinner.


Yongzheng sent Shen Zishan and his wife away.

"Meizhuang, don't worry. I will deal with your family's affairs lightly." Yongzheng was still humane and would not kill all the families of his concubines.

In the TV series, Yongzheng is really ruthless.Concubine Hua’s family members were all killed.Zhen Huan's family was exiled to Ninggu Pagoda.

Where is Ningguta?
In Heilongjiang.It's freezing cold and inaccessible, making life difficult.

Today's Yongzheng would not be so ruthless.

Shenmeizhuang usually served well and tried his best, and Yongzheng would not embarrass the Shenmeizhuang family.This big fanfare can be regarded as a lesson.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Shen Meizhuang breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Yong Zheng gave her face.If this was an ordinary minister, he would have been sent to prison long ago. He should be sentenced and sentenced, and his head should be beheaded. It should be dealt with quickly.

"Su Pei widely spread the decree that Shen Zishan was deceived by a traitor." Yongzheng let Shen Zishan and others go, but the official positions were still adjusted.

Shen Zishan lost his real power, but his official position was higher.

From then on, Shen Zishan's family settled in the capital and never returned to Jeju.

Yong Zheng also reprimanded some of the brothers who committed crimes in Shenmeizhuang and spared them lightly.

Of course, some slaves will do whatever they want, they are the scapegoats.

Shen Meizhuang was naturally satisfied with this result.

Shen Zishan's matter is finally settled.

That night, Shen Meizhuang tried his best to serve Yongzheng again, hoping to conceive the emperor's heir.

Time passes day by day.

Things from the previous dynasty have never been dealt with.

Yongzheng is just like going to work. He works at a fixed time period every day. He will not work overtime or work hard all night long to think about problems and affect his rest.

Most things require the hard work of others.

Yong Zheng fixed a certain time every day for physical exercise and a fixed time for going to the harem to 'inspect the territory'.

Concubines are arranged to accompany breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Usually during meal time, Yongzheng would meet his elder brother and the princesses.

Life seemed to be going smoothly.

But there is an undercurrent in the harem.

Yongzheng seems to have become smarter.

The obvious frame-up in the past no longer worked with Yongzheng.

Therefore, people who want to cause trouble are thinking of more secretive strategies to cause trouble.

Jingren Palace.

The queen went to worship Buddha again.

dong dong dong.
The sound of wooden fish sounded.

The queen bowed to the Buddha with kind eyes and kind eyes.

But the queen was thinking: "Concubine Hua's child must not be kept. How to make Concubine Hua have a miscarriage."

The Queen and Concubine Hua have been fighting for many years.

Others just get pregnant and give birth to children.

But the queen would never tolerate Concubine Hua having children.

The Queen, a specialist in abortion, is causing trouble again.

However, Yongzheng reorganized the harem.

It's not as easy as it used to be to cause trouble in the harem.

It's almost impossible not to reveal the truth.

this day.

Yikun Palace.

"Concubine Hua, you need to have a good rest." Yongzheng came to see Concubine Hua.

"Your Majesty, you haven't been to my concubine for several days." Concubine Hua felt resentful.

"I have many things to do." Yong Zheng said a few words casually, nodded, and left.

Just when Yongzheng left and Concubine Hua and others were sending them out, a maid secretly exchanged Concubine Hua's incense.

Hua Fei used to use Huanyixiang.

Later, Yongzheng stopped using it.

Huanyi incense is mixed with a lot of musk, which is not good for pregnant women.A woman who is not pregnant cannot become pregnant even if she smells it too much.

Yongzheng did not allow Concubine Hua to get pregnant before, but later he no longer had any scruples about Nian Gengyao, so he asked Concubine Hua to stop taking Huanyixiang.

After Concubine Hua took good care of her body, she also made Concubine Hua pregnant.

Nowadays, the incense used by Concubine Hua is not harmful to the body.

But the incense that the palace maid just changed was mixed with a lot of musk.

Smelling it for a long time will cause Hua Fei to have a miscarriage.

Why did this palace maid harm Concubine Hua?

Why is the method used so old-fashioned?

The person behind the scenes is, of course, the Queen.

The method is old-fashioned, but it works.

Concubine Hua loves to use incense.

Daily incense is essential.

Of course, the incense was also checked by the imperial doctor, and there was nothing wrong with it.

The queen ordered the maid to change the incense, just to catch her off guard.

I hope that Concubine Hua will have a miscarriage before Concubine Hua finds out.

After Yongzheng left.

Concubine Hua returned to the room.

"Huh? Does this fragrance smell better?" Concubine Hua was a little surprised, but didn't think much about it.

The maids and eunuchs of Yikun Palace are all people whom Concubine Hua trusts.

The betrayed palace maid would not betray Concubine Hua under normal circumstances.

It was the queen who sent people to arrest the maid's family and coerce the maid into doing things.

This was an unexpected situation, and Concubine Hua was not aware of it for a while.

Jingren Palace.

"Queen, the matter is done." Jian Qiu said to the Queen in a low voice.

"Okay." The queen nodded, "How is Concubine Duan doing lately?"

After the queen harmed Concubine Hua, she wanted to harm Concubine Duan again.

The queen also inexplicably hated Concubine Duan.

"Concubine Duan is old, and her body bones have always been weak. After she became pregnant, her health has not been good. She has been recuperating her body. Now she takes medicine every day." Jianqiu has been monitoring Concubine Duan's condition.

"Drink medicine? You can't drink this medicine all the time. It is [-]% poisonous. Drinking too much medicine will be bad for your health." The queen said with a worried look on her face, as if she was very concerned about Concubine Duan's health.

"Yes, Concubine Duan often drinks medicine. She never knows when her body will have problems." Jian Qiu understood what the queen meant.

Without saying a few words, he went out to make arrangements.

Yanqing Hall.

The maid who prepared the medicine for Concubine Duan looked a little flustered today.

She has a medicine bag in her hand.

Someone asked her to add medicine to Concubine Duan's medicine.

However, there are always people around.

The palace maid never had a chance to add more medicine.

Until Concubine Duan finished drinking the medicine, the palace maid did not add it.

The palace maid secretly went out during her break.

"Someone has been watching. If I add more medicine, I will definitely be discovered." The palace maid was very embarrassed.

After hearing this, Jianqiu didn't know what to do.

"Wait for my news." Jianqiu planned to go back to discuss it with the queen.

A few days later.Beside the lotus pond.

Fang Chunyi came here to play and asked her maid to ask Yongzheng if he wanted to come.

Yong Zheng would take time out almost every day to bask in the sun and enjoy the wind with Fang Chunyi.Among the concubines in the harem, Yongzheng also favored Fang Chunyi.

However, Yongzheng had something to do today, so he had to find Fang Chunyi later.

Fang Chunyi played for a while and felt a little tired. She asked the maids to stay away and she rested alone in the shade of a tree.

This place is a bit remote, and Fang Chunyi is sitting on the stone again, almost invisible unless he gets closer.


Jian Qiu came nearby, but due to the angle, Fang Chunyi could not be seen.

Jianqiu seems to be waiting for someone.

In a few minutes.

The maid who cooked medicine in Concubine Duan's palace also came.

"I haven't had a chance to administer medicine in the past few days." The palace maid whispered.

Although the voice was very low, Fang Chunyi was not far from them and heard it.

After hearing the medicine being administered, Fang Chunyi remained silent and continued to listen quietly.

"There are people watching when the medicine is being cooked, but what about when the medicine is not being cooked?" Jian Qiu asked.

"Don't cook the medicine?" The palace maid was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Of course I didn't keep an eye on the medicine."

"That's good. Before you decoct the medicine, apply the medicine on the inside of the lid of the medicine jar." Jian Qiu's method of administering the medicine is similar to a certain poisoning scene in a martial arts novel.

For example: "No, there is no poison in the wine, but the wine glass is poisonous!" A certain knight only tested the wine with a silver needle and found that it was not poisonous, so he drank it directly.After drinking it, I was still poisoned, and then I realized that the poison was on the wine glass.

Now, there is no poison in the medicine, but there is poison in the medicine jar.

When decocting the medicine, the water will cover the lid and the medicine will be administered.

The palace maid was stunned for a moment and nodded, "Good idea, this will definitely work."

Fang Chunyi was also stunned for a moment, realized what was going on, and nodded.

It was good that she didn't move, but the alert Jianqiu noticed her movement.

However, Jianqiu remained calm and hurriedly sent the palace maid away.

Then, Jianqiu quietly called someone over.

A eunuch quietly walked towards Fang Chunyi.

Fang Chunyi was still hiding quietly, afraid of being discovered.

Suddenly, a pair of hands rested on Fang Chunyi's shoulders.

Fang Chunyi was about to shout.

But there was no sound.

She was grabbed by the throat.

Fang Chun wanted to resist.

But the eunuch was very strong, and it was difficult for Fang Chun to struggle even if he wanted to.

Seeing Fang Chunyi, he rolled his eyes.

"Bold!" came a sharp shout.

But it was Yongzheng's voice.

Originally, Yongzheng had something to do and would not come so early.

But Yongzheng suddenly felt uneasy.

He stretched out his hand and calculated, knowing that Fang Chunyi was in trouble.

He hurriedly dropped the memorial and hurried over.

Hurry up and hurry up, you're almost late.

Fortunately, the person who took action was a eunuch. If he were a guard, he could basically kill Fang Chunyi in an instant.

The eunuch heard the sound and knew that the matter had been exposed.

The sharp look in his eyes flashed away, directly pushing Fang Chunyi down.

He took out the dagger from his arms. The sharp knife was in his hand, and it seemed that he would stab Fang Chunyi to death in the next moment.

"Whoosh, whoosh!" At this time, the guards around Yongzheng had already rushed over.

The guards around Yongzheng are all masters.

They were agile and had already rushed forward when Yongzheng shouted.

Fang Chunyi fell to the ground and they arrived.

They quickly stopped the eunuch.

Two guards beat a murderer and drove the murderer back with three blows.

This is to capture him alive. If he kills him, it will only take one or two rounds and it will be over.

"How presumptuous!" Yong Zheng looked angry, walked over quickly, and helped Fang Chunyi up, "Okay, it's okay, don't be afraid."

Yongzheng coaxed Fang Chunyi like a child.

Su Peisheng has always been by Yongzheng's side, and seems to be ready to help Yongzheng with the sword at any time.

"Wow" Fang Chunyi burst into tears. While crying, she said, "Your Majesty, he wants to kill me. I heard about it and drugged me."

Fang Chunyi rambled on and on, a little incoherently.

the other side.

Seeing that he was outnumbered, the murderer wanted to run away, but he couldn't.

Jumped directly into the lotus pond.

And stabbed himself.

"Su Peisheng, you stay." Yongzheng left Su Peisheng to deal with the following matters and left with Fang Chunyi in his arms.

After a while.

Yongshou Palace.

Shen Meizhuang and Zhen Huan talked with Fang Chunyi together.

Yongzheng went outside to listen to Su Peisheng's report.

"Your Majesty, that eunuch is from the Ministry of Internal Affairs." Su Peisheng only found out about the eunuch and didn't know anything else.

Su Peisheng wanted to ask Fang Chunyi.

At this time, Fang Chunyi also came over.

"Your Majesty, someone is going to give medicine. I heard the lid of the medicine jar." Fang Chunyi said what she heard.However, she only heard the sound and didn't see who it was.

This seems a bit impossible to find out.

However, Su Peisheng hurriedly went to check again.


The maid who cooked medicine in Concubine Duan's palace was arrested.

And the medicine was also found.

But when the palace maid saw what had happened, she hit the wall and died. (If she doesn’t die, her whole family will die.)
The thread seems to be broken.

Su Peisheng reported the situation to Yongzheng.

Yongzheng thought with his toes and knew it was the Queen's trick.

"Do you want to have a showdown with the Queen?" Yong Zheng wanted to put the Queen into the cold palace.

Yongzheng actually didn't care about the power behind the queen or the queen mother.

However, without evidence, treating the Queen like this would definitely cause quite a stir.

Of course, the evidence was easy to obtain, so Jianqiu and Jiang Fuhai were arrested directly.

Jianqiu may not confess.

But Jiang Fuhai must make every move.

Jiang Fuhai confessed, and there was evidence.

Yongzheng put the queen into the cold palace easily.

“Strengthen the palace guards, Lord Chungui, send a few more capable people here.

As for Concubine Duan, you must also be careful. Everything must be checked before Concubine Duan's entrance. "Yongzheng ordered.

However, Yongzheng subconsciously ignored Concubine Hua.

If Yongzheng sent someone to check Concubine Hua at this time, they might find something wrong with Concubine Hua's incense.

"Hey." Su Peisheng went to do some work.

Yongzheng continued to stay in Yongshou Palace.

Chatting with Fang Chunyi and others.

Shoukang Palace.

Yongzheng is here.

If you want to move the Queen, you must talk to the Queen Mother.

Of course, Yongzheng could not talk about it, or give the Empress Dowager favors, and directly become the empress.

Yongzheng could be lawless and do as he pleased.

But if you really want to do whatever you want, it would be meaningless.

When you are in the game, you have to act according to the rules, so that it is interesting.

If everything were pushed sideways, it would be a lot less fun.

After staying for a while, Yongzheng left.

To give the Queen Mother face, she will not attack the Queen for the time being.

Jingren Palace.

The queen knew everything about it.

The queen also speculated that Yongzheng might know the 'truth'.

"Fortunately, the emperor didn't find out what happened in Yikun Palace." The queen is still thinking about killing the emperor's heir.

Yikun Palace.

After Concubine Hua heard about it.

"Hmph, if a dog bites a dog, there will be no good outcome." Concubine Hua was gloating.She is not worried about the queen's methods.She felt that the queen did not dare and could not do anything to her.

After the other concubines heard about it, they were more careful about what they put in their mouths.

Especially those who have just given birth to a brother and a princess, they are extremely careful for fear of being poisoned.

Fang Chunyi had a fever.

After experiencing life and death, Fang Chunyi was still frightened.

In the TV series, around this time, Fang Chunyi was strangled to death by Zhou Ninghai.

Now, Fang Chunyi has survived the catastrophe of life and death.

In the future, Yongzheng will continue to protect her.

(End of this chapter)

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