Chapter 81
"What kind of look is that?" It's a pity that Mark couldn't understand what Yuko wanted to express when he died.

"Plop, plop." Takakura and Yuko's heads fell to the ground.

At this moment, Mark's heart began to pound wildly.

This is his second murder, and he killed twelve at once.

The first time he killed himself was himself.When I jumped down, I didn't know anything after that.

This time, he chopped off twelve heads cleanly, and the total time did not exceed 1 minute.

Before that, he was just a little special ordinary person with no experience of killing, not even a pig.

He heard the sound of the head falling to the ground behind him, and the sound of blood spurting out, an inevitable image in his mind.

His body also had a violent reaction.

My mind started to think wildly.

"I killed someone!"

"I became a murderer!"

"Will I go to jail!"

But Mark just had an ugly face and no other reactions such as vomiting.

He walked up to Li Xiaoxiao.

At this time, Li Xiaoxiao was still in a coma.She was wearing black sportswear, and her hat fell to the ground during the fight just now.However, her long hair was still tied tightly around her head, so it didn't mess up during the fight.

Mark cut off the rope that bound her casually, wiped the fingerprints on the dagger with her clothes, and threw it on the ground.

"What should I do?" Mark was at a loss.

"There are corpses all over the place. If they are not handled properly, there will be serious accidents." Mark didn't look back at the corpses and the heads that fell.He didn't dare to look at it, he was afraid he couldn't help but vomit.

He hesitated.

"It's better to wake up Li Xiaoxiao first, and let her handle her affairs by herself. I don't have a big head, and I don't have a strong head. It's better not to meddle in the nosy things that shouldn't be meddled. It's reasonable to let professional people handle professional things. "Mark stretched out his right index finger and poked Li Xiaoxiao a few times.He has learned acupuncture and moxibustion. Although he has not started yet, he knows where the pain points are.

Li Xiaoxiao, who was in a coma, felt several needle-like pains on his body.

She frowned, and her eyelids moved, as if she was about to wake up.

Upon seeing this, Mark left quietly.He didn't stay, nor hid in the dark to continue peeking, but left quickly.His steps were very light, and his footprints were very light. In a blink of an eye, he was on the road, and he walked quickly, and there were no footprints.

Along the way, Mark tried to avoid the camera as much as possible.As soon as the cool wind blows, the faint smell he left behind is also quickly dissipating.

He came and went without a trace, and left without a trace.There are too many secrets in him, and he will not be related to a special person like Li Xiaoxiao.

Li Xiaoxiao woke up frowning.

Ignoring the needle-like pain in her body, she hurriedly stood up and rubbed her neck.

"Teng Teng Teng." She saw the corpses on the ground and the heads rolled down, and couldn't help but take three steps back. She hurriedly covered her mouth and didn't make a sound.

"what happened?"

"Who killed them?"

She carefully looked around.

"no one!"

"Someone killed them, saved me, and left?" She breathed a sigh of relief, first picked up the dagger on the ground, and then looked for the small suitcase.

After finding the suitcase.

"These people had their heads chopped off with my dagger!" She quickly checked the corpses on the ground.

"There is no blood on my dagger? Could it be that there is no blood on the sword? Why did no one notify me in advance?"

"No! One Sword Without Blood can only use swords, not my dagger."

"These people were killed without resistance. They didn't even have time to take out my grenade."

"The person who killed them is amazing. I'm afraid it's someone from the name 'Tian'. Who could it be?"

"They didn't smash my phone." Li Xiaoxiao found her phone with the battery removed.

She dialed quickly.

"Hey, something happened. I was ambushed by the Japanese. Rouge is a traitor, and the Siberian tiger may have been sacrificed. I was accidentally rescued by a master of the 'Tian' brand, but I didn't see anyone. The location is here. We need to send someone to clean up the corpse. Two, corpses separated"

Li Xiaoxiao quickly explained the situation and hung up the phone.

She picked up the hat on the ground, hid her grenade, held a small suitcase in her left hand, and a dagger in her right hand. She quickly checked her surroundings and left quietly.

Half an hour after she left.

A group of men in black appeared.

They are all white-skinned people.

They cleaned up the corpses on the ground neatly, cleaned up the blood stains on the ground, and cleaned up the traces of fighting and scattered footprints around them.

They leave quickly.The total time does not exceed 10 minutes.

You can tell they are very professional.

In the hotel bathtub.

Mark took a bath with an ugly face.

The previous images kept appearing in his mind.

He kept imagining the scene where the heads of the twelve dwarfs rolled down and their blood spattered.

"Fortunately, I didn't look back at that time, otherwise, I wouldn't have made up my mind." The sound of his head falling to the ground and the sound of blood spurting out kept ringing in Mark's mind.

"The Japanese should be killed. If they are killed, they will be killed. Next time they meet, they will be killed again!" Although Mark felt uncomfortable about killing people, he still wanted to continue killing.

At this time, his phone rang.

"Hey, Dad, we'll be there tomorrow, can you come?" Ma Li's voice dispelled the bad sound image in Mark's mind.

"I'm leaving early tomorrow morning, and we're meeting up." Mark laughed.

"Dad, how's your food these days?" Ma Li asked a few words of concern.

"I'm all right, you should pay attention to safety, don't run around alone, you must follow the guide," Mark reminded a few words.


Wang Xiaomi also called.

"Second uncle, do you miss me?" She hid in the bathroom and secretly called Mark.She lives with Mary.Ling Mingyu lives with Ma Nao.

"I think about it, I want to see you now." As soon as he heard Wang Xiaomi's voice, Mark's face became brighter, and his previous sense of depression suddenly disappeared.Wang Xiaomi is the right person who can make him feel happy and relaxed.

"Second Uncle, I also want to see you now!" Wang Xiaomi said excitedly.When she was in the capital, she didn't see Mark for such a long time.

"Xiaomi, where have you been playing these days?" Mark asked casually.In fact, Ma Li would tell him where he went to play every day.

"Second Uncle, we, Second Uncle, I miss you so much!"

"I miss you too, go to bed early, see you tomorrow!"

"Okay, uncle, see you tomorrow, mua"

Li Xiaoxiao went to a hidden place.

She relaxed.

She took off her tracksuit, which was already soiled.

Put a pool of hot water and start to take a bath.

"Hiss, it hurts, several places on my body are turning blue."

"It seems that the Japanese only hit me on the neck, and didn't hit me anywhere else. The purple spots on my body were...that 'Tianzihao' expert poked me? He poked me hard several times in order to wake me up. .”

"Who is he? He is much stronger than the Siberian tiger! If the Siberian tiger had his strength, maybe it wouldn't be caught by the Japanese, right?"

"The higher-ups replied that there is no obvious Tianzihao expert nearby, so it should be a private expert?"

"Could it be that there is a new Tianzihao master in Xiongguo?"

"No, no, if Xiong Guo is a master, he shouldn't leave the mess all over the place."

"Could it be the master of our Xia Kingdom?"

"Who is he? Do I know him?"

"I don't know what happened to the Siberian tiger? He must have been caught by the Japanese, I'm afraid." Li Xiaoxiao's eyes, tears fell silently.

"Damn Yanzhihua, I must kill her!"

(End of this chapter)

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