Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 777 Rescue Lu Zhaopeng

Chapter 777 Rescue Lu Zhaopeng
It is not easy to fabricate evidence against Yue Weishan.

Zhou Qiang hasn't figured out yet how to deal with Yue Weishan.

Yue Weishan had already beaten Lu Zhaopeng to pieces.


Serious punishment.

Lu Zhaopeng was beaten into a bloody gourd.

Lu Zilin is a softie and a coward.

But Lu Zilin's son Lu Zhaopeng is a real tough guy.

Lu Zhaopeng vowed not to surrender to the enemy.

After Lu Zhaopeng was caught by Yue Weishan, threats and inducements could not shake Lu Zhaopeng's determination.

Yue Weishan had to be tortured.

But despite the torture, Lu Zhaopeng still didn't say a word.

Lu Zhaopeng already has the will to die.

"Yue Weishan, give up on this idea, I won't say anything!" Lu Zhaopeng spat a mouthful of bloody phlegm on Yue Weishan's face.

He wanted to anger Yue Weishan and let Yue Weishan kill him.

But Yue Weishan was not fooled. He wiped away the bloody sputum and was still thinking of ways to pry open Lu Zhaopeng's mouth.

As a result, Lu Zhaopeng's father, Lu Zilin, was invited over.

Yue Weishan asked Lu Zilin to persuade Lu Zhaopeng to surrender.

Zhou house.

Lao Liu came in a hurry.

"My boss, Lu Zhaopeng was severely punished."

Zhou Qiang nodded and said nothing.This is to be expected.

"Also, boss, Yue Weishan slandered Lu Zhaopeng for adultery." Lao Liu was still holding a newspaper in his hand.

"Oh? Yue Weishan wants to ruin Lu Zhaopeng's reputation?" Zhou Qiang took the newspaper and looked at it. The front page reported Lu Zhaopeng's evil deeds.Of course it's all fabricated.

"Master, what should we do? Can we save him?" Lao Liu wanted to save Lu Zhaopeng.

"We can't save him at the moment." Zhou Qiang still felt that he couldn't rush to take action.

In this case, not many people can rescue Lu Zhaopeng from prison.

Even if there was no evidence of being caught, Yue Weishan knew that it was Zhou Qiang who saved him just by thinking about it.

Because Zhou Qiang is the only one in Zishui County who has this ability.

"Lao Liu, the disaster has become more and more serious recently. Please send more people to big cities to order food." Zhou Qiang was still worried about the famine.

Zhou Qiang was still optimistic before.

Now, the famine is getting more and more serious. The food stocks in Zishui County alone are far from enough to cope with the famine.

Zhou Qiang had to purchase grain from other places on a large scale.

Fortunately, Zhou Qiang has the strength to get food back from outside.

Fortunately, the food reserves can still support us.

"Okay, boss." Lao Liu responded and left.

Zhou Qiang picked up the newspaper again and read the facts fabricated by Yue Weishan.

In the TV series, how was Lu Zhaopeng rescued?
It should be considered that two groups of people rescued Lu Zhaopeng.

Along the way were Tailor Han, Bai Ling and the others.

They approached Hao County Magistrate of Zishui County at the time and tried to find a way to rescue Lu Zhaopeng.

County Magistrate Hao is of course from Lu Zhaopeng's group.

County Magistrate Hao made a plan to rescue Lu Zhaopeng on the road when he was taken to the provincial capital.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and Yue Weishan wanted to kill Lu Zhaopeng ahead of time instead of sending him to the provincial capital.

County Magistrate Hao had no choice but to propose shooting Lu Zhaopeng on Bailuyuan as a deterrent.

At the same time, Bai Ling went to the bandits' den to ask the bandits to help rob the execution ground and save Lu Zhaopeng. (In the bandit den, Hei Wa has become a bandit, so he has an acquaintance.)
However, when Lu Zhaopeng was shot, Bai Ling and the others were still on the road.

Obviously, this was a failure.

On the other side of the road are Mr. Zhu and Mr. Leng.

In the TV series, Mr. Leng is also Lu Zhaopeng’s father-in-law.

Knowing that Lu Zhaopeng was arrested, Mr. Leng has been trying to save Lu Zhaopeng.

After Mr. Zhu found out, he came up with an idea.

Let Mr. Leng bribe Tian Fuxian with a lot of money and let Tian Fuxian find a way.

Mr. Leng did as he was told, pulled out a lot of silver dollars and gave them directly to Tian Fuxian, and said, "You must have a way, we don't care about the rest."

After saying that, he left without worrying that so much money was wasted.

Tian Fuxian indeed has a solution.

He replaced Lu Zhaopeng with another death row prisoner.

During the execution, Tian Fuxian put a black hood on the condemned prisoner.

And find an excuse to prevent others from opening it and looking at it.

In this way, Lu Zhaopeng was saved.

Of these two methods, Mr. Zhu’s method is the simplest and most trouble-free.

If Bai Ling and the others had only relied on them, Lu Zhaopeng would have been killed.

Of course, the key here is that Mr. Leng gave up his wealth.

In this regard, he is infinitely better than Lu Zilin.

Because Lu Zilin doesn't want to give up money.

Who is Lu Zhaopeng?
Lu Zilin’s son!

Lu Zilin was reluctant to spend money to save Lu Zhaopeng.

From this point of view, Lu Zilin is inferior to a beast.

After successfully rescuing Lu Zhaopeng, Lu Zilin just knelt down and kowtowed to Mr. Leng to express his gratitude, without mentioning the repayment of the money.

Mr. Leng almost went bankrupt in order to save Lu Zilin's son Lu Zhaopeng.

Lu Zilin was still penniless and had no money to pay.What Lu Zilin did was so disgusting!

After that, Lu Zhaopeng recuperated from his injuries at Mr. Zhu's place. It was a time of famine. Lu Zilin didn't even get a bite of the food Lu Zhaopeng ate. He had to use the food borrowed from the bandits by Bai Jiaxuan to get through it with difficulty.

At this time, Bai Jiaxuan didn't have much food.The family doesn't have enough to eat and has to feed outsiders.

As for Lu Zilin's family, there was still plenty of food. They had pancakes for breakfast, while Bai Jiaxuan's family had thin stick stubble porridge.

In the TV series, the setting of this scene is a bit creepy. Is there a father like Lu Zilin?

It's fine if you don't pay.

What about food?
There is a famine, don't you know how to give me some food?
Is Lu Zhaopeng Lu Zilin's son?Lu Zilin is worse than a beast.

Zhou Qiang thought for a while and suddenly discovered that Tian Fuxian, the core figure who rescued Lu Zhaopeng, was still serving his sentence.

I just wanted to let Tian Fuxian be released, but they didn’t.

Because it is already too late to let Tian Fuxian go.

Two people who rescued Lu Zhaopeng:
On the first road, Bai Ling was gone, but Tailor Han was still there. Tailor Han should be actively rescuing.

It’s just that without Hei Wa in the bandit’s den, and without the bandits, where would Tailor Han find people?
Fortunately, Tailor Han and his men had not suffered much losses in the previous arrests, so there should still be some.

Secondly, without Tian Fuxian, Mr. Leng is no longer Lu Zhaopeng’s father-in-law. Who would sacrifice money to save Lu Zhaopeng?

Who is going to try to hide the truth?
In fact, in the TV series, Tian Fuxian's method of saving Lu Zhaopeng had quite a few loopholes.

Under normal circumstances, before being shot, the person must be identified.

Can Tian Fuxian stop him from being identified?

Didn't Yue Weishan come in person?
There are many problems here.

Now, how to save Lu Zhaopeng?Zhou Qiang hasn't thought about it yet, but he must find a way.

Over there at Yue Weishan.

"Lu Zilin, if you want your son to live, let him write a letter of repentance." Yue Weishan hoped that Lu Zilin could persuade Lu Zhaopeng to surrender.

"Okay, I'll let him write it." Lu Zilin entered the cell, and when he saw Lu Zhaopeng turned into a bloody gourd, he couldn't help but burst into tears and burst into tears, "Zhao Peng, dad is here, why were you beaten like this, wu wu ."

Lu Zilin couldn't help but cry bitterly, and also tried his best to persuade Lu Zhaopeng to surrender.

Yue Weishan listened outside for a while and left.

At this time, someone reported the situation to Yue Weishan.

"What? Many people from the Sixth Sect have left? Are they going to other places to buy food?" Yue Weishan has been sending people to keep an eye on Zhou Qiang.

As soon as Lao Liu sent someone out to buy food, Yue Weishan received the news.

Yue Weishan frowned. He always thought that Zhou Qiang would save Lu Zhaopeng.

He has been loosening outside and tightening inside, setting up an ambush, waiting for Zhou Qiang's men to come, so as to catch them all in one go.

In this way, even if Zhou Qiang does not die, he will still have to shed his skin.

However, Zhou Qiang remained indifferent and refused to save Lu Zhaopeng, which made Yue Weishan very irritated.

"Continue to monitor, I want to know Zhou Qiang's every move!" Yue Weishan stared at Zhou Qiang.

Why is this so?

One mountain cannot tolerate two tigers.

Zhou Qiang's prestige in Zishui County is too high and he has too many people.

Zhou Qiang has the final say on many things in Zishui County.Yue Weishan doesn't have much say.

Yue Weishan had to fight with Zhou Qiang.

Of course Lu Zilin failed in persuading him to surrender.

Lu Zhaopeng already has the will to die.

Lu Zilin came out of the prison and ran directly to Zhou's house, looking for Zhou Qiang's help.

Of course, someone was following Lu Zilin.

"My master is busy and won't see any guests." Lu Zilin couldn't enter the Zhou family's gate.

"I have something to do with County Magistrate Zhou. It's important. Please be accommodating." Lu Zilin begged.

"I've said I'll see you, and I'll see you again. If I keep pestering you, I'll break your legs!" Wang Ping scared Lu Zilin away fiercely.


White House.

"Jiaxuan, Jiaxuan, it's over, it's all over, my son is going to die, oh Jiaxuan" Lu Zilin started crying as he entered the Bai house.

"What's going on?" Bai Jiaxuan hasn't heard about Lu Zhaopeng's arrest.He has been busy with disaster relief these days.Some people had food at home and took the opportunity to receive relief food. Bai Jiaxuan led people to deal with these matters.

"Zhaopeng has been arrested. Today Yue Weishan asked me to persuade Zhaopeng to surrender, but this kid is obsessed with it and refuses to listen to his persuasion. He insists on walking all the way to the dark side.
I went to beg County Magistrate Zhou, but I couldn't even get through the gate.

Jiaxuan, what should we do? "

"Why was Zhaopeng arrested?" Bai Jiaxuan was also worried.He and Lu Zilin had asked Zhou Qiang before about Lu Zhaopeng, but to no avail.

"Jiaxuan, can you help me beg County Magistrate Zhou? Only Magistrate Zhou can save Zhaopeng now."

"We asked for help last time, but it was useless. Yue Weishan is in charge of this matter, and County Magistrate Zhou can't help."

"What should we do? We can't let my son die. Jiaxuan, you must help me."

Bai Jiaxuan had no choice but to drive, pick up Lu Zilin, and come to Zhou Qiang's house.

But this time, Bai Jiaxuan couldn't enter the gate either.

"My master said that Lu Zhaopeng is a die-hard and stubborn and cannot be saved." Wang Ping stopped him and refused to let him in.

This is what Zhou Qiang ordered.

Zhou Qiang didn't want to cause trouble.

Zhou Qiang knew that Yue Weishan was planning something and wanted to trick him.

Zhou Qiang didn't give Yue Weishan any chance.

a few days later.

Zhou house.

"Boss, someone wants to buy guns and ammunition, someone from Lu Zhaopeng's group." Someone from Lao Liu contacted him and wanted to buy guns and explosives.

"Okay." Zhou Qiang agreed casually.He also wanted to see if Tailor Han and the others could rescue Lu Zhaopeng.

"Boss, some people have been staring at us recently, do you want to kill them all?" Lao Liu made a neck-cutting gesture.

Yue Weishan's people monitored Zhou Qiang, Lao Liu and others. Lao Liu found out and asked if they wanted to kill them.

"Not for now, but you can warn them to stay away."

The guns and ammunition were handed over in the first half of the night, and in the second half of the night, there were explosions in the cell.

Tailor Han and the others acted quickly enough.

He blew a hole in the cell and tried to rescue Lu Zhaopeng.

However, Yue Weishan had already taken precautions.

Lu Zhaopeng's prison was not on the other side against the wall.

Moreover, there were many people ambushed in the cell. If Tailor Han and the others had not had strong firepower and enough explosives and grenades, they would have been almost unable to escape.

"Boss, something happened over there in the cell." Lao Liu hurriedly came over to report the situation.

"I understand, has Lu Zhaopeng been rescued?"

"No, there is an ambush in Yue Weishan."

"Lao Liu, didn't you say there was no ambush before?" Lao Liu had reported to Zhou Qiang before, saying that there was no ambush inside.

"My boss, I made a mistake. This Yue Weishan is a character and he deceived me."

"Before Chang'an City was besieged, Yue Weishan was also a person who was killed, so we should not underestimate him." Yue Weishan is not an ordinary person. He is ruthless and can disregard the lives of his men for the sake of his future.

"My boss, fortunately, those people had enough firepower and they all withdrew."

"They couldn't save Lu Zhaopeng this time, and it might be even harder next time."

"That's right, boss, what should we do?"

"Our people cannot take action directly and wait and see."

"it is good."

"Lao Liu, get ready, Yue Weishan is probably coming."

Not long.

As expected, Yue Weishan came to Zhou Qiang's side.

"Brother Zhou, please give me a helping hand." In Zishui County, Zhou Qiang has the largest number of troops. If Yue Weishan wants to hunt down Tailor Han and others, he must ask for help from Zhou Qiang.

"Brother Yue, it's not that I won't help you. A large number of my people have gone out to purchase food. The rest of them are providing disaster relief in various parts of the county. I don't have many people left." Of course Zhou Qiang would not help Yue Weishan.

Moreover, Zhou Qiang's people were indeed sent out.

"Brother Zhou, are you just going to leave those people alone?" Yue Weishan was rejected by Zhou Qiang and felt a little unable to step down.

"It's not about letting things go. Aren't you, Brother Yue, your people in charge of this?" What Zhou Qiang means is that my people will provide disaster relief and your people will arrest people. This is a division of labor.

Yue Weishan left angrily.

Zhou Qiang gave some more instructions to Lao Liu, "Lao Liu, you must find out the situation over at Yue Weishan."

"Yes, boss, I will never be careless again."

"After you figure it out, you can tell those people."


"Also..." Zhou Qiang paused, "Send a batch of guns and ammunition to those people, and send more explosives."

"Okay, boss."

In the blink of an eye, another few days passed.

this evening.

Zhou Qiang received news from the backer.

The superiors requested that Lu Zhaopeng be escorted to the provincial capital.

The official notice has not yet been issued, but the news has reached Zishui County.

Yue Weishan also received the news.

However, Yue Weishan did not want to send Lu Zhaopeng to the provincial capital.

He wanted to shoot Lu Zhaopeng on the spot.


Lao Liu went with a large group of people.

Yue Weishan's people stopped him from entering.

Two groups of people confronted each other.

Yue Weishan rushed there after receiving the news.

"Lao Liu, what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. County Magistrate Zhou said that Lu Zhaopeng will be taken to the provincial capital tomorrow. We are here to watch, because we are afraid that Lu Zhaopeng will run away."

"Who said Lu Zhaopeng was going to be taken to the provincial capital?" Yue Weishan was angry.He also wanted to shoot Lu Zhaopeng first.

"The news from the provincial capital, can it be wrong?" Lao Liu made the news public.

Under such circumstances, Yue Weishan could not attack Lu Zhaopeng.

He could only escort Lu Zhaopeng to the provincial capital obediently.

Tailor Han and the others also heard the news.

They had also planned before that Lu Zhaopeng would be taken to the provincial capital.

They have transferred people from the provincial capital.

Plan to work together to rescue Lu Zhaopeng halfway.

The next day.

Yue Weishan took people to escort Lu Zhaopeng to the provincial capital.

Tailor Han and the others took the guns and ammunition sent by Lao Liu and set up an ambush halfway.

A dangerous place.

A huge explosion, followed by violent gunfire, suddenly rang out.

Yue Weishan's men and horses were caught off guard and fell instantly.

The rest didn't dare to raise their heads.

Because the opponent's firepower is too strong.

Yue Weishan had been hiding aside for a long time and did not dare to show his head. He also beat him to death.

Soon, the dying Lu Zhaopeng was rescued.

Yue Weishan sat on the ground, panting, completely dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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