Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 767 'Zhou Ban City'

Chapter 767 'Zhou Ban City'

The Wang family was gloomy.

problem occurs.

What a disaster!
Not only did the Wang family lose all their property in food, but they also owed a large sum of usury and were involved in a lawsuit.

The money Wang Laoer borrowed from the bank was usury.

If you don't pay back the money on time, you will inevitably go bankrupt and your family will be ruined.

People who run banks are generally not good people.

There are so many "loans" in later generations, and I don't know what company opened them. Is it more civilized than the banks at this time?
Although the bank is troublesome, it can still find a way to solve it.

The bigger trouble for the Wang family is that Boss Wang was arrested.

The head of the Wang family, Boss Wang, a dignitary in Zishui County, was taken away overnight by people from the provincial capital.

This is a matter of piercing the sky.

The crisis here is too great.

Boss Wang was just taken away.

Wang Juren fainted on the spot.

"Quick! Please doctor!"

In fact, in many cases, the harm caused by accidents at home may be bearable, but the collateral effects caused by this incident are very troublesome.

For example: "The World" Zhou Rong, nothing happened to Zhou Rong, but her mother Li Suhua fell to the ground and couldn't help, she tried her best to make trouble.

The real heritage of a family should be to be able to deal with the crisis correctly, instead of panicking and making mistakes.

This may require better psychological quality and family atmosphere.

But good psychological quality is not so easy to have.

A good family atmosphere is even rarer.

Gossip less, get down to business.

The Wang family, Wang Juren fell when he should least have fallen.

This hastened the demise of the royal family.

The doctor will come soon.

"Stroke!" The diagnosis was made, and a prescription was prescribed for rest.

Can this disease be cured in this age?

After the doctor left.

Wang Lao Er was completely panicked.

The elder brother was arrested and the father was unconscious.

The sky of the Wang family is about to collapse.

At this time.

The royal family members are all here.

"Where's the money? Where's our money?"

"There is still money owed to the bank, how can I pay it back?"

"Why was Boss Wang arrested?"

"Where is Wang Juren? Get up quickly."

The Wang family used the whole family's money to hype the food this time.

The money from the collateral branch of the Wang family was also used.

Wang Laoer borrowed money from the bank, and the collateral people also knew about it.

Now the food has plummeted, and the Wang family has suffered a huge loss.

What if I don't have money?
The problem is money again.

Many times, many problems can be attributed to money.

Dousheng Xiaomin will be short of money.

Big landlords will also be short of money.

Many times, a lot of trouble is because there is not enough money. (Or overly greedy.)
"Shut up!" Wang Lao Er shouted.

The crowd quieted down.

Wang Lao Er still has some majesty. After all, Wang Lao Er has held the power of the family for some years.

"My elder brother must be fine. Then who, Wen Jun and you guys go to the provincial capital to find out the situation." Wang Er Er arranged for someone to go to the provincial capital first.

Wang Lao Er's arrangement is right.Because the situation at Boss Wang's place is the most urgent and needs to be resolved immediately.

"It's fine for us to go, but what about the money?" Wang Wenjun readily agreed, but asked for money.

It is right to ask for money. After all, you need to manage money when you go to the provincial capital. This money is not a decimal.

"Money is indispensable to you." Wang Laoer waved his hand, "Go, get a thousand oceans from the cashier."

"Okay!" Wang Wenjun and the others hurried to collect the money.

"Then, Wen Tao, you guys go to the grain store and sell the grain." Wang Lao Er continued to arrange.

"Sell food? How do you sell it? How much?" Wang Wentao asked.At this time, grain prices have plummeted, and grain sellers are everywhere, so how to sell is a problem.

"Go to Zhou's house in Bailuyuan and ask them if they want food. The price is negotiable." Zhou Qiang consumes a lot of food every day, and he is considered a large food consumer.It's true that Wang Laoer said so.

"Alright!" Wang Wentao and the others went out in response.

The most important things are arranged.

Wang Laoer breathed a sigh of relief, and continued: "In business, there are profits and losses. This time, our Wang family lost a lot of money.

But that's nothing.

Our royal family has established a family here since the Ming Dynasty, and now has .
We have thousands of acres of fertile land.

There are several streets of shops in Zishui County.


Wang Laoer wants to say that his family is rich.

But I can't go on.

Because the Wang family has no cash.

"The accountant said there is no money!" A voice came, and Wang Wenjun and the others came back in a hurry.

"What? The thousand oceans at home are gone?" Everyone started to panic again.

Wang Laoer's expression changed rapidly, and he hurriedly shouted: "What are you panicking about!
It's just that it can't be turned around for a while.

Wen Jun, you guys went to find Wen Tao, sold the food and took the money and went directly to the provincial capital. "

"Okay." Wang Wenjun just agreed, but hasn't left yet.

Wang Wentao and the others hurried back again.

"Something happened to the Zhou family too!" Wang Wentao yelled, "People from the Zhou family are outside, saying they want to borrow money."


"How could this be?"

"The Zhou family also fried food?"

"How can this be done?"

There was another panic.

Wang Laoer couldn't hold back anymore, and panic appeared on his face.

"Don't panic! Don't panic!" Wang Laoer yelled several times, "Wen Tao, send Zhou's family away first."

"Yes!" Wang Wentao and the others went out again.

Wang Lao Er looked at the crowd and didn't know what to do for a while.

The few strokes just now have exhausted Wang Laoer's intelligence.

What to do next, Wang Lao Er had no idea.

After a while.

Wang Wentao and the others came back, "The Zhou family has been driven away. Second brother, what should we do now?"

"Now... now is to find a way to sell the grain." Wang Laoer's words were a little lacking in confidence.

"Second brother, now everyone sells grain outside, and the price has dropped a lot, less than half of the original price. Is it okay to sell at this price?" Wang Wentao asked.

"It can be sold, as long as we sell it, we can turn around if we have money. After we get through this difficulty, we will earn back all the money in a few years." Wang Lao Er tried his best to encourage everyone.

"Okay! Second brother, I will definitely sell the grain!" Wang Wentao patted his chest and promised.When the Wang family was in crisis, there were still some people who stood up and helped the family to tide over the difficulties.

"Good job! This is the pillar of the Wang family!" Wang Lao Er praised a few words and told Wang Wentao to sell grain quickly.

"We're going to help too." Wang Wenjun and the others followed suit.

"Everyone, don't worry. Our Wang family has experienced numerous storms and waves. Although we have lost a lot of money this time, we will definitely get through it safely." Wang Lao Er encouraged and comforted everyone.

The crowd dispersed.

Sitting next to Wang Juren, Wang Laoer wept silently.

Zishui County.

a mansion.

Zhou Qiang is here.

There are also several beautiful concubines serving by her side.

Zhou Qiang has been in Zishui County for several days.

After the food price collapsed, Zhou Qiang came.

The reason why food prices fell so fast was due to Zhou Qiang.

Zhou Qiang is the manipulator behind the scenes.

At this time, Zhang Biao came back from the outside.

"Biaozi is back, sit down and drink tea." Zhou Qiang greeted casually.

"Okay." Zhang Biao sat down and drank a cup of tea, "That's right, my boss, the Wang family's grain store has reduced the price again.

Now the lowest food price is the Wang family.

Shall we buy it? "

"Let someone get in touch with you, try to lower the price, and delay buying."

"it is good."

"Also, let our people continue to spread false news, saying that food prices will plummet."

"Okay." Zhang Biao hurried away again.


Another young man who looked like a monkey came in outside.

"Lao Liu, I'm back, sit down and drink tea." Zhou Qiang greeted casually.

"Alas." The sixth child sat down and drank a cup of tea, "That's right, Master, Boss Wang in the provincial capital has already been tortured.

I guess it won't last long.

None of the offenders in the Wang family can escape this time, and they will all be arrested.

The Wang family is over. "Lao Liu came back from the provincial capital and brought the latest news.

"Very good!" Zhou Qiang nodded in satisfaction, "Keep an eye on the provincial capital, I want to see how the Wang family turns around this time."

Wang Juren.

"How much grain have you sold?" Wang Lao Er kept asking people.

"Second young master, the food is not easy to sell, and if you don't sell much, it's only a dozen shi."

"A dozen stones? So little?" Wang Lao Er was in a hurry, thinking: "The boss has been taken away for more than a day. We can't wait like this, otherwise, we will miss the best time to save the boss."

Wang Lao Er didn't think about not saving Wang Boss, because they are one body, one prospers and all prospers, one loses and all loses.

Wang Laoer scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously, suddenly patted his head, and shouted: "Reduce the price, let me continue to reduce the price! Be sure to sell the grain and raise money for me!"

Zhou Qiang is here.

"What? The Wang family lowered the price again?" Every move of the Wang family was under Zhou Qiang's nose.

"Yes, the price has been reduced again, but no one buys it." Zhang Biao said.

Zhou Qiang sneered: "No one will buy it."

"Boss, there are quite a few shops out there that have sold at reduced prices."

"It deserves it! Who made them too greedy!" Those who lost money this time should pay, who made them speculate on food.

What is food?

Food is life!
In order to make money, these businessmen wantonly hoard grain and speculate at high prices.

This is to kill the common people.

This is sin!

Losing money is considered the lightest retribution.

"Continue to spread the rumors, saying that the shops and land are about to plummet, let everyone continue to wait and see!" Zhou Qiang took the opportunity to add fire, and let these profit-seeking businessmen lose their fortunes.

Wang Juren.

"What? Haven't sold it yet? What should I do? What should I do?" Wang Laoer was going crazy because the food couldn't be sold.

"Second brother, someone asked, can the shop and the fields be sold?" Wang Wentao asked.

"What? Somebody wants to sell a shop and a field?

Damn, this is to touch the foundation of my royal family.

I'm fucked." Wang Laoer cursed for a while, gasping for breath, and stopped talking.

Wang Laoer calmed down.

At this point, it seems that only shops and fields can be sold.

Wang Laoer took a deep breath and was about to say "sell".

But Wang Wentao spoke again, "Second brother, the price for the shop and the land is less than one-twelfth of the usual price."

"What? They are taking advantage of the fire to rob!" Wang Laoer was furious again, and cursed for a while, with a fierce face, "Sell it! Sell it for any price!

Whoever makes trouble, remember it clearly for me.

When I get over this, I will kill them! "

At this time, Wang Laoer had a plan in his mind, and for all the people who fell into trouble at this time, when they calmed down, they would join forces with the bandits in Bald Ridge to kill them all.

Zhou Qiang is here.

"Oh? The Wang family started selling land and shops?" Zhou Qiang laughed, "Very good, very good, presumably no one will buy it?"

"No one is selling, and everyone is still thinking about procrastinating to lower the price." Zhang Biao laughed.

"It's too late. I guess there should be news from the provincial capital." Zhou Qiang just finished speaking.

The sixth child is back.

"Boss, there is news. Boss Wang has recruited. I heard that most members of the Wang family are guilty. This time, the Wang family is over."

"Okay!" Zhou Qiang was overjoyed, "Send someone to Yuanshang to pick up Swift. The show is about to begin."

Wang Ju's family was besieged.

The soldiers who came from the provincial capital arrested people at Wang's house.

Wang Laoer, Wang Wenjun, Wang Wentao, etc., one after another, dozens of people were arrested!
Good guy.

Basically, all the direct and collateral lines of the Wang family were captured.

The Wang family was taken away.

Wang Juren escaped the catastrophe because he was unconscious.

There is no one in charge of the Wang family.

Just when the Wang family was about to be in chaos due to internal and external troubles, Wang Yuyan came back.

She didn't come back alone.

There is also Zhou Qiang, and dozens of capable gun-carrying guards led by Zhou Qiang.

calmed down.

The chaotic situation of the Wang family was suddenly suppressed.

"I'm here in the Wang family, don't make any chaos, and let me live in peace and order!" Wang Yuyan tried her best to turn the tide and stabilize the Wang family's situation.

People from Qianzhuang also came.They come asking for money.

"It's less than a month, don't worry, I won't miss a single word!" Wang Yuyan has Zhou Qiang as her backing, and she is not afraid of anyone.

Wang Yuyan quickly took control of the Wang family.

Then, he sold the land, shop, and property, all to Zhou Qiang.

As for how much to sell?

Oh, it must be very cheap.

The money owed to the bank has been paid back.

But the Wang family basically has no money.

Some living expenses were left for the old, the weak, women and children, and another way out was arranged so that they could have a way out.

As a useless person, Wang Juren was raised by the housekeeper's wife.Wang Yuyan gave some money, which can be regarded as filial piety.

The Wang family basically broke up.

The Wang family who were arrested and taken to the provincial capital were all sentenced and shot at a certain date.

A few days passed.

The people in Zishui County just came back to it.

Because, the original Wang's mansion changed its name and became Zhou's mansion.

The original shop and fields of the Wang family belonged to the Zhou family.

"It's still Bailuyuan Zhou Qiang, who is more skilled!"

"The Wang family wanted to snatch food from the tiger's mouth, but ended up eating themselves as food!"

"The shop that Zhou Qiang bought is not just from the Wang family!"

"That's right, I heard that most of the shops in the street over there belong to Zhou's family."

After the collapse of food prices, Zishui County fell into depression.

Closed shops abound.

Zhou Qiang took the opportunity to buy many good shops.

The most prosperous street in Zishui County is basically owned by Zhou Qiang.

Plus all the shops of the Wang family.

Zhou Qiang basically owns half of the shops in Zishui County.

It is not an exaggeration to call it "Zhou Bancheng".

After everything is settled.


Zhou house.

North courtyard.

Zhou Qiang asked No. [-] and No. [-] courtyards to light up the lights.

Soon, Tian Xiaoe and Wang Yuyan came to Zhou Qiang's house.

"Xiao'e, Swift, this time our 'grain hegemony' plan is considered a success.

There are many industries in the family.

You two each pick five shops to keep as your personal property. "Zhou Qiang was very generous and did not treat Tian Xiaoe and Wang Yuyan badly.

As for, is Wang Yuyan reluctant to part with the Wang family?

There is no need to say this, because Wang Yuyan's surname is no longer Wang. Her name is Zhou Wang, and she is not from the Wang family.

"Good master." Both Tian Xiaoe and Wang Yuyan changed their names.

"Okay, it's okay, you go back to rest, take care of your body, and give me a big fat boy!" Zhou Qiang sent Tian Xiaoe and Wang Yuyan away, and then ordered: "Light up the lights in No. [-] and No. [-] courtyards."

After a while.

Zhang Xiulan and Han Su'e are here.

"I'll give each of you a shop." Although Zhou Qiang was a bit biased and favored one over the other, he still gave the two newbies a shop.

"Thank you, Master!" Zhang Xiulan and Han Su'e served Zhou Qiang happily.

An hour later, a few personal servant girls were called in.

So many people, I don't know what to do.

The next day.

Zhang Biao and Lao Liu came back together.

Zhang Biao first said: "Boss, we have basically figured out the bandit den in Bald Ridge."

The sixth child then said: "Boss, the officers and soldiers in the provincial capital have also been contacted."

"Okay, this time we must wipe out the bandits in Bald Ridge!" Zhou Qiang did not forget the bandits.Now, it's time to clean them up.

in a few days.

Bald Ridge, led by Zhang Biao, was captured by officers and soldiers.

The leader of Bald Ling University wanted to run away, but was ambushed by Zhang Biao and others in the alley ahead of time and captured alive.

"Where is the money?" The leader of the bandits was secretly interrogated by Zhang Biao and Lao Liu, but he was not handed over to the officers and soldiers.

The head of the family didn't carry it for long, so he explained everything.

The money hidden in Bald Ridge was found and handed over to Zhou Qiang.

It can be regarded as returning some blood to Zhou Qiang.

Zhou Qiang basically ran out of cash to buy a shop.

The dust has settled.

Everything is at peace.

As "Zhou Bancheng", Zhou Qiang seems to have a new idea.

(End of this chapter)

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