Chapter 762 Tian Xiaoe

White Deer Academy.

Zhou Qiang is here.

It was Mr. Zhu who called Zhou Qiang.

"Come on, Xiaoqiang, let me introduce you. This is my classmate, Xu." Mr. Zhu introduced Xu Xiucai to Zhou Qiang.

Several people exchanged pleasantries.

"Xiaoqiang, isn't your new primary school recruiting teachers? Do you think Brother Xu can do it?" Mr. Zhu asked directly.

"This..." Zhou Qiang hesitated, "Mr. Xu, your knowledge is definitely not a problem. However, I still want to ask, what do you think about women's footbinding?"

"Women's feet have been bound since ancient times. This is the law of the ancestors, and it is justified!" Xu Xiucai said with confidence.He is a sour scholar.

I read the Four Books and Five Classics and wanted to be an official, but I didn't have the level and background, so I couldn't do it.

Xu Xiucai felt that his talents were not met and his birth was not at the right time, and he was dissatisfied with many powerful people.

He often complains and criticizes current affairs.

Doing so is nothing more than scholarly talk, talk on paper, and say some false words.

If Xu Xiucai were to deal with practical matters, it would be a mess.

Perhaps, when Xu Xiucai reached that position, he would become even more greedy and demand even more.

"Mr. Xu, I don't agree with that." Zhou Qiang shook his head, "Foot binding is not something that has existed since ancient times, there is a saying that foot binding originated in the Song Dynasty.

Before the Song Dynasty, foot binding was rare.

Therefore, foot binding has not existed since ancient times.

So why are feet bound?

Foot binding is a means of imprisoning women. Foot binding is actually a bad habit.

Today, the bad practice of footbinding has been abolished in most places. "

"Nonsense!" Xu Xiucai likes to debate, likes to find fault with others, but he doesn't like to listen patiently to what others have to say.

In fact, the more ignorant a person is, the less he will listen to what others say.

A leaf obstructs the eyes, but Mount Tai is not seen.

"Foot binding is the law of the ancestors." Xu Xiucai started his pedantic and sour theory again.

Zhou Qiang didn't argue with Xu Xiucai too much, there's no need for that.

"Mr. Xu, I admire your knowledge.

It's just that my new-style primary school needs to impart new ideas, as well as some western ideas.

Contrary to many of your ideas.

I'm afraid I can't hire you as a new primary school teacher. "

Mr. Zhu recommended Xu Xiucai to Zhou Qiang.

Zhou Qiang chatted with Xu Xiucai and found that Xu Xiucai was too pedantic and his ideas were too outdated, so he declined.

It's not because Xu Xiucai is not well educated.

It's because Xu Xiucai has some concepts and ideas that are outdated.

Xu Xiucai also insisted that women should have their feet bound.

Zhou Qiang did not agree with such a point of view, and could only reject Xu Xiucai as a teacher.

In addition, Zhou Qiang dared to refuse because Zhou Qiang had more choices.

College students in Chang'an have been fooled a lot.

Zhou Qiang is not worried about not having a suitable teacher anymore.

Several people chatted for a while.

Zhou Qiang left first.

Several days passed.

Mr. Xu left.

Zhou Qiang went to Bailu Academy again, and formally invited Mr. Zhu to be the teacher of Chinese studies.

In terms of Chinese studies, Mr. Zhu is a person who really reads the truth.

Taught by Mr. Zhu, the children can learn thoroughly and understand things.

It's a pity, "I'm afraid it will be difficult to obey." Mr. Zhu clearly rejected Zhou Qiang.

For some reason, Mr. Zhu is unwilling to teach in a new-style primary school.

Seeing this, Zhou Qiang couldn't force it.

I can only say one sentence.

Leave White Deer Academy.

Zhou Qiang continued to prepare for the new primary school.

Another time has passed.

Various matters of the new primary school are well prepared.

Classrooms, teachers, teaching materials, various teaching aids, etc., are all complete.

Zhou Qiang took good care of the college students who came here, treated them very well, and did not treat those passionate college students badly.

There is no irony that the college student is Kong Yiji.

For real college students, Zhou Qiang should have no less respect, and double the treatment that should be given.

In the twentieth century, what was the most expensive?The same talent!
What happens if you don't respect people?

There is a massive drain of talent.

In this era, most of the students studying abroad have come back.

They gave up the "noble" life overseas, and came to this country riddled with holes, throwing their heads and blood!

Bailu Town.

A new row of classrooms.

main entrance.

The sound of firecrackers rang first.

There are many people around.

Not just from Bailu Village.

Many people also came from other villages on the White Deer Plain.

Zhou Qiang, Bai Jiaxuan, Lu Zilin, etc., many squires and ordinary people from various villages came.

Of course the county also sent people here.


"Boss Zhou gave generously, this is a good story!"

"It was thanks to Boss Zhou that we were able to build a new-style primary school!"

"Boss Zhou is a role model for my generation!"

"Boss Zhou is benevolent!"

Zhou Qiang was surrounded by people.

Facing the compliment, Zhou Qiang was a little relieved and proud.

Bai Jiaxuan, Lu Zilin and others all looked at Zhou Qiang with admiration.

What Zhou Qiang did deserves everyone's respect.

After the completion of the new primary school, there are still some ceremonies.

The speeches of some people are also necessary.

"I represent"

"I hope this elementary school can open up the wisdom of the people."

"Greetings to all"

Some high-sounding things are always inevitable.

A busy day has passed.

All sorts of things are done.

It is also inevitable to eat and drink to celebrate.

Eating good food and wine, my mouth is full of oil.

Outside, the sallow and emaciated common people went home.

School starts the next day.

Bai Xiaowen, Bai Xiaowu, Lu Zhaopeng, Lu Zhaohai, Hei Wa, etc., almost all the children in Bailu Village come to school.

There are tuition fees.

However, because Zhou Qiang is from Bailu Village, the tuition fees for the villagers of Bailu Village were halved.

There are not many children from other villages, and many of them are still in private schools.

Because it was a new primary school established by Zhou Qiang, the county gave Zhou Qiang the post of honorary principal.

Zhou Qiang can take care of some things.

The first thing Zhou Qiang did was to give each child an egg every day.

This is an age when there is a general shortage of food.

This was an age when starvation was common.

Zhou Qiang gave each of the children at school an egg every day.

This practice caused a sensation.

In this day and age, that's a big deal.

This fee is not small.

Such a move not only touched the students and parents, but also the college students who came to teach.

College students with conditions donated money one after another to support Zhou Qiang's practice.

Some college students even sent the news back to Chang'an.

The college students over there also raised donations and donated money one after another.

In a short period of time, Zhou Qiang received a lot of donations.

However, Zhou Qiang is not a greedy person.

He made public the donated money, where it came from, and where it went, and used it to buy books.

Not long after, a library was built, named Bailu Library.

The books inside were all bought with donations.

They are all contemporary classics, many of which are original Western editions.

For Zhou Qiang's actions, there is no one in Bailuyuan who does not give a thumbs up.

"Boss Zhou, this is a great move!"

"Boss Zhou is very knowledgeable!"

"Boss Zhou, what's the use of these foreign books? Can you understand them?"

"Boss Zhou, look ahead!"

"Boss Zhou, you are worth learning from us!"

Zhou Qiang also met foreigners through college students, and invited foreign devils to Bailu Town.

Let foreign devils teach foreign language.

The arrival of foreign devils became the next hot topic.

Zhou Qiang's every move attracted everyone's attention in Bailuyuan.

The villagers regard the foreign devils as a rare thing, and they always pass by the new primary school to see what the foreign devils look like.

After seeing it, they all said that foreign devils are not human beings.

The work of the new primary school is over.

The days returned to normal.

In life, plainness is the theme.

It is a skill to be able to live an ordinary life with gusto.

The days passed by.

The matchmaker approached Zhou Qiang one after another and introduced him to someone.

After Zhou Qiang saw the portraits, he was not satisfied.

"This appearance is a bit unremarkable."

"This appearance is slightly insufficient, a little worse."

"I don't like this one, it doesn't feel like it."

The reason for Zhou Qiang's refusal was that he was not pretty enough.

This made it difficult for the matchmakers.

There are not so many beautiful women.

Real beauties are generally not married to Yuanshang, and they are from a scholarly family.

After searching for so long, I found many women from a scholarly family, but Zhou Qiang was not satisfied.

It was too difficult to find a partner for Zhou Qiang. The matchmakers were a little discouraged and wanted to give up.

Seeing this situation, with a big wave of his hand, Zhou Qiang said, "If the marriage is settled, I will give you 20 yuan for Xiqian."

Hearing Zhou Qiang's words, the matchmakers became more motivated.

20 yuan ocean!

This is not a small amount.

The matchmakers began to ask around again, which family had scholars or candidates, whether there were any girls who were waiting to be married, and whether they were good-looking.

Time passed little by little.

The matchmakers inquired about the scholarly families in the pass, but none of Zhou Qiang was satisfied.

this day.

Tianjia Village outside the pass.

A matchmaker surnamed Li in Guannei came.

Matchmaker Li found out that there was a poor scholar named Tian in Tianjia Village outside the Guan.

Tian Xiucai has a good-looking daughter who is under sixteen years old.

Matchmaker Li came over to see if she met Boss Zhou's requirements.

A farm yard.

The wall is an earthen wall.

There are several brick kilns.

Tian Xiucai's family background is not good.

Matchmaker Li knocked on the door and came in, explaining why she came, "In Guannei, on Bailuyuan, the richest family of the Zhou family, Boss Zhou is looking for a wife. The requirements are high, but the dowry is worth hundreds of dollars!"

Tian Xiucai was excited after hearing this.

Marrying a girl can earn hundreds of oceans, which is a very good deal.

Tian Xiucai hurriedly called Tian Xiaoe over.

"My daughter is beautiful. I am a scholar, and my family is also a scholarly family. My daughter must be a lady of everyone. She is virtuous, virtuous, knowledgeable, and good-looking and character." Tian Xiucai kept boasting.

Tian Xiao'e walked shyly with small steps, and came to meet Li Matchmaker.

Seeing Tian Xiaoe's figure, "Huh" Li Matchmaker's eyes lit up, "little girl, raise your head."

Tian Xiaoe raised her head slowly.

"Not bad, not bad, it's really pretty." Matchmaker Li smiled. She felt that the little girl in front of her must meet Boss Zhou's requirements, so she began to ask other questions, "Little girl, are you literate?"

"I..." Tian Xiao'e just wanted to reply.

"My Xiao'e has been studying with me since she was a child. She not only knows how to read, but also knows some arithmetic. It is the so-called six arts of a gentleman." Tian Xiucai hurriedly said a lot of good things.

Of course Tian Xiucai lied.

Tian Xiaoe is not very literate, and has not studied systematically.

A woman's lack of talent is virtue.

Tian Xiu is a sour and smelly scholar, and he believes in this sentence.

Tian Xiucai would not let Tian Xiaoe study.

But now, if someone wants to find a lady from a great family, it is obviously required to be literate.

In this regard, Tian Xiaoe did not meet the requirements.

But it's okay.

Tian Xiucai can tell Tian Xiao'e to read and write now, and when she gets married, it will be almost the same.

"Literacy is good." Matchmaker Li smiled, she probably saw that Tian Xiucai was lying, but it doesn't matter, as long as the woman is beautiful, other things can be said.

In the past, Zhou Qiang picked on his faults, all because of his looks.

The matchmakers probably knew that.

As long as she was a pretty woman, Boss Zhou might not mind too much in other aspects.

"That needlework?" Matchmaker Li went on to ask other questions.

"It's all good, Xiao'e, let me show you Aunt Li." Although Tian Xiao'e has never studied, she can do other jobs.

Moreover, Tian Xiao'e is ingenious, and can do many tasks at a glance.

In front of Matchmaker Li, she performed well.

"That's right, she's a virtuous and virtuous woman." Matchmaker Li nodded, "Tian Xiucai, I think Xiao'e is pretty good. However, Boss Zhou is more picky.

People want to let the portraits be taken back to have a look. "

"Do you want a portrait?" Tian Xiucai felt a little troublesome.

"Yes, the painter is easy to talk about, I will bring it over in a few days.

Don't bother you either.

If this marriage can be done.

There are many gifts.

Boss Zhou recently built a new primary school in Bailuyuan. "

"What? Building a new primary school? Who pays for it?"

"Of course Boss Zhou sent it."

"How much does that cost?" Tian Xiucai's eyes widened.

"I don't know about it. It must cost hundreds of dollars."

"Yes, it must cost hundreds of dollars." Tian Xiucai was surprised from ear to ear, and was very urgent, wanting Tian Xiao'e to marry Boss Zhou.

"Aunt Li, I wonder what the boss does this week?" Tian Xiaoe asked softly.

"Boss Zhou. Let me tell you about Boss Zhou's situation.

Boss Zhou is 19 years old this year. He is more than five feet tall.
Boss Zhou, in Bailuyuan, brews wine and grinds tofu at home
Several hilltops were covered, and artichokes and artichokes were planted.
I don’t know if you’ve heard of it, the potato sticks sold in the provincial capital are made by Boss Zhou.” Matchmaker Li introduced Zhou Qiang in detail.

Tian Xiucai and Tian Xiao'e were a little dumbfounded when they heard this.

They just had one thought: Boss Zhou is too powerful!

"Well, my Xiao'e, she's fine too." Tian Xiucai hastily praised Tian Xiao'e again.

After hearing about Zhou Qiang, Tian Xiucai wished to sell Tian Xiao'e to Zhou Qiang immediately.

Tian Xiao'e also had some understanding of Zhou Qiang, he was not a bad old man, he was just the right age, he was so capable, he earned a family business by himself, he was a man who could be entrusted to him for life.

Tian Xiaoe recognized Boss Zhou somewhat in her heart.

in a few days.

Matchmaker Li brought a painter to draw a portrait of Tian Xiaoe.

Hurry to Zhou's house.

"Great joy, Boss Zhou, great joy!" Matchmaker Li twisted her waist and came happily, and started shouting before entering the main room.

"Yo, his aunt, you're here too?" Matchmaker Zhang was also in Zhou's house, and she also brought a portrait to Zhou Qiang to introduce her partner.

Matchmaker Zhang came first.

Zhou Qiang is looking at the portrait she brought.

"Why are you here?" Seeing Matchmaker Zhang, Matchmaker Li was a little unhappy.

"Hmph." Matchmaker Zhang didn't give Matchmaker Li a good look, "What else can I do? I'll find a good woman for Boss Zhou."

Matchmaker Zhang and Matchmaker Li are rivals in love.They also have a story.

"What good woman can you find?" Matchmaker Li was a little disdainful.

"It's definitely better than yours. I'm the daughter of the Juren family. Everyone is good-looking, well-educated, and very beautiful."

"Juren?" Matchmaker Li was a little surprised. Generally, women from Juren would not marry mud-legged people, but would only marry powerful people.

Although Zhou Qiang has money, he has no power.

Families with really good conditions look down on Zhou Qiang.

"That's right, Wang Juren from Wangzhuang near Zishui County." Matchmaker Zhang was a little proud.

"Wang Juren? Did he agree?" Matchmaker Li knew Wang Juren, and a matchmaker had inquired about Wang Juren's daughter before.But as soon as Wang Juren heard that it was the Zhou family in Bailuyuan, he immediately refused.Unexpectedly, I agreed now.

"of course."

"Are you lying?"

"Hmph, how dare you lie to me about this." Matchmaker Zhang looked down at Matchmaker Li and ignored her.

Matchmaker Li's face became extremely ugly.

She knew that the daughter of Wang Ju's family was definitely better than Tian Xiao'e of Tian Xiucai's family.

Seeing the loss of 20 yuan, Matchmaker Li was itching with hatred, but there was nothing she could do.

Zhou Qiang looked at the portrait of Wang Ju's daughter.

"Good-looking, with a poetic temperament, she is a good woman."

Zhou Qiang was a little moved.

Although Zhou Qiang wanted to find Tian Xiaoe, Tian Xiaoe was not absolutely necessary.

The daughter of Wang Juren in front of him fits Zhou Qiang's requirements very well.

Matchmaker Li observed Zhou Qiang's thoughts by observing her words and expressions.

Matchmaker Li hurriedly said: "Boss Zhou, I also found a suitable woman for you in Tianjia Village outside the Guan. This is a portrait, can you take a look?"

"What? Tianjia Village outside the pass?" Zhou Qiang's eyes lit up.

"Yes, it's the daughter of Tian Xiucai's family in Tian Family Village, named Tian Xiao'e." Matchmaker Li handed the portrait to Zhou Qiang.

Zhou Qiang opened it and thought to himself, "It really is Tian Xiao'e!"

(End of this chapter)

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