Chapter 755

Days go by.

Bailu Village regained its calm.

After the ancestral hall was repaired, everyone gathered in the ancestral hall and set off firecrackers to celebrate.

"Everyone contributed to the construction of the ancestral hall this time." Bai Jiaxuan said words of thanks.

After the ancestral hall was completed, Bai Jiaxuan had secured the position of patriarch.

Lu Zilin also wanted to trouble Zhou Qiang, saying that Zhou Qiang didn't pay for the ancestral hall.

However, seeing Zhou Qiang's cold eyes, Lu Zilin flinched.

I don't know when it started, Lu Zilin became a little scared of Zhou Qiang.

The construction of Zhou Qiang's new home was slow and took time due to the high requirements.

However, no one dared to make trouble.

Didn't see that Lu Zilin's township appointment was going to make trouble, and he was beaten into a pig's head by Zhou Qiang.

One counts as one in the village, and no one dares to mess with Zhou Qiang.

People in the village saw that there was a lot of work on the construction site, and wanted to do something to earn some money, Zhou Qiang also let him go.

There are more people around Zhou Qiang every day, more than people going to the insurance center.

Lu Zilin's hometown appointment is not very prestigious, and he only has a few cronies around him.

On the top of the mountain covered by Zhou Qiang, some yams and artichokes were planted.

Potatoes are potatoes.

Jerusalem artichoke can be used to make pickles, and some can also be eaten as a staple food.

Both crops are very drought tolerant.

Zhou Qiang has already hired a long-term worker.

In a nearby village, there was a man in his twenties named Pang An.

His father was sick, spent all the money in the family, and left.

The poor can't get rid of the pot, so they come out to find work.

Zhou Qiang came back from the provincial capital once, and met this Pang An.

After chatting for a while, I felt that Pang An was good, so I accepted it.

Pang An came to work at Zhou Qiang's house early in the morning every day, worked all day, and went home at night.

Pang An is married and has a wife and a baby.

Pang An doesn't live here with Zhou Qiang.

Of course they eat at Zhou Qiang's house.

Zhou Qiang's treatment was the same as that of others, neither favor nor mean, no more, no less.

After having a long-term worker, Zhou Qiang's small life is more comfortable.

Either live in the provincial capital for a few days, or go hunting in the mountains. Most of the work at home is handed over to long-term workers.

Carrying a sprayer.

Riding a horse, Zhou Qiang went into the mountain.

Zhou Qiang has a horse.

He used to travel in a donkey cart.

Later, I bought a horse and rode to the provincial capital.

Zhou Qiang thought about buying a box cannon someday, with a big knife, so that the equipment would be complete.

When hunting in the mountains, Zhou Qiang mainly does it for fun, not caring what he can get.

Sometimes, bring back some pheasants and hares.

Sometimes, Zhou Qiang can even get a wild boar.

No bandits were encountered.

Maybe it's because of poverty.

There were no bandits in the direction Zhou Qiang entered the mountain.

Bailu Village lived a peaceful life.


The peaceful life in Bailuyuan was interrupted.

Because, Lu Zilin is going to collect taxes, and he has to check the acres of land and collect poll taxes.

Note that there is a tax increase.

They have to take money out of the pockets of ordinary people again.

This is the rhythm of killing the common people again.

Bai Jiaxuan asked Lu Zilin, "Did you eat a hole?"

In Bai Jiaxuan's eyes, Lu Zilin's hometown appointment does nothing but eat and drink.

This is exactly the same as before, when the county ran into a deficit and overcharged three carts of grain.

Lu Zilin's security office is not a formal government agency.

People who work here don't get paid.

For the additional tax, [-]% is allocated to the county, [-]% to the warehouse, and [-]% to the security office.

In fact, this percentage is not too small.

"No, what are you talking about?" Of course Lu Zilin would not admit it.

Soon, news of the tax collection spread.

Many villagers came to Bai Jiaxuan's house again.

Everyone didn't want to pay more taxes, and wanted Bai Jiaxuan to take the lead in making trouble.

But this time Bai Jiaxuan didn't want to stand out.

Bai Jiaxuan took the lead in the riots before the peasants. If it weren't for a letter from Mr. Zhu, Bai Jiaxuan would have died.

This tax collection, if Bai Jiaxuan took the lead in making trouble again, he would definitely die.

So, Bai Jiaxuan pretended to be sick and hid.

Lu San stopped everyone at the gate and said, "The patriarch is sick, and he is rolling on the kang in pain."

Good guy, Bai Jiaxuan's illness is not serious in Lu San's mouth.

In fact, in the courtyard, Bai Jiaxuan was drinking with Zhou Qiang.

"Patriarch, shall we pay the head tax?" After hearing about the head tax, Zhou Qiang used the excuse to come to Bai Jiaxuan's house to eat oily noodles made of fairy grass.

Zhou Qiang likes oily noodles made of grass jelly.

Bai Jiaxuan smoked his pipe, frowned, and said helplessly, "I'm afraid I have to pay."

"Oh? Patriarch, you don't want to make a letter with chicken feathers anymore, and then make a peasant uprising?" Zhou Qiang joked casually.Ever since he hit Bai Jiaxuan, he talked more casually with Bai Jiaxuan.

"If you can't do it, if you do it again, you will die." Bai Jiaxuan seemed to be afraid of death.

"Patriarch, if the villagers pay their taxes, I'm afraid life will be difficult."

Bai Jiaxuan nodded, but did not speak.

Faced with the government's tax collection, Bai Jiaxuan, the patriarch, has nothing to do.

The general trend is rolling, and individuals are powerless to resist.

"Xiaoqiang, come, eat oily noodles!" Xiancao warmly greeted after making the noodles.

"Thank you sister-in-law. Sister-in-law, the oil-splashed noodles you make are better than those made by the noodle restaurant in the provincial capital."

"Eat an extra bowl if it tastes good."

"Okay, I'll eat six bowls today." Zhou Qiang was not polite.When he came, he was not empty-handed, he took a lot of wine, meat, and tofu, "Third brother, do you want garlic?"

"I have it." Lu San also came back to eat.

"Then give me more chili, the chili is more fragrant."


Zhou Qiang gasped and started to eat.

The villagers outside couldn't see Bai Jiaxuan, so they had to go to Lu Zilin.

"This is an order from the county magistrate. I can't do anything about it." Lu Zilin was determined to collect taxes.

What kind of job did Lu Zilin do?
It is to help the government and search for the people's fat and people's anointing.

A dog like him is destined to be stabbed in the back and scolded by the villagers.

(PS: If the devils come, Lu Zilin must be a traitor, a running dog, and a traitor. Lu Zilin's cronies, Bai Xing'er, Sang Laoba, etc., must also be traitors.)
The government wants to suck more blood from the common people.

If the common people are sucked more blood, they will not be able to survive.

This is an irreconcilable contradiction.

This has been the case since ancient times when officials forced the people to rebel.

In the TV series, Bai Jiaxuan planted poppies, and when they matured, they boiled opium and gave off a fragrance, which was smelled by Bai Xinger.

Bai Xing'er had smoked opium before, knew it was opium, and hurriedly told Lu Zilin.

Lu Zilin called Bai Jiaxuan to the security center, pointed at Bai Jiaxuan's nose in front of everyone, and asked, "What do you grow? Opium!"

It is illegal to grow opium.

Bai Jiaxuan explained that it was delivered by the pharmacy.

Lu Zilin said on the spot, "We also want to plant." This clearly shows that we will break the law together.

Bai Jiaxuan disagreed with everyone planting together, saying, "The pharmacy can't accept so much opium."

When Bai Jiaxuan said this, he made everyone angry.

"Why can Bai Jiaxuan grow opium and make a lot of money, but we can't?!"

At this moment, the villagers didn't care that Bai Jiaxuan was the patriarch, nor did they care about Bai Jiaxuan's past efforts.

As long as the interests of the villagers themselves are involved, they will definitely be "ungrateful, bullying the weak and fearing the strong."

Ever since, under the instigation and instigation of Lu Zilin, the villagers planted poppies regardless of Bai Jiaxuan's obstruction.

This can be regarded as a change of direction to solve Lu Zilin's tax collection problem.

Bai Jiaxuan had unintentionally helped Lu Zilin a lot.

It's different now.

Bai Jiaxuan's tobacco seedlings were plowed.

Bai Jiaxuan did not brew opium, and did not cause the problem of "you planted it, don't let us plant it".

No Bai Jiaxuan diverted 'Irreconcilable Contradictions'.

Lu Zilin is the wild dog that Tian Fuxian put on fire to roast.

Lu Zilin is from Bailu Village.

Now help outsiders and bully neighbors.

The reputation of Lu Zilin and even the Lu family is rotten and rotten.

The reputation of the Lu family that Lu Taiheng had maintained for many years was gone.

"Pay taxes, you must pay taxes!" Lu Zilin and his friends told every household.

"No payment!"

"If you want poll tax, there is no way!" The villagers refused to pay, and the tax was overcharged.

But obviously this is not possible.

The gun bearer came quickly.

"Grabbing food" from door to door, if you dare not pay, you will directly arrest people.


"The food is stolen, how can we survive!"

"Give me a way out!"

"Lu Zilin, you bastard!"

"Lu Zilin, you are not human!"

"Lu Zilin, you must die!"

"Lu Zilin, whoever received a thousand knives will be struck by lightning!"

Lu Zilin led the way.

The food of the villagers was robbed.

At this moment, what the villagers hated was not the one who carried the gun to grab food, but Lu Zilin.

Bai Jiaxuan heard the villagers crying for their father and mother, but Bai Jiaxuan didn't show up.

It's not that Bai Jiaxuan doesn't want to stand out, it's that Bai Jiaxuan knows that standing out will kill him, and it's useless.

The arms cannot twist the thighs.

If Bai Jiaxuan stands out, he will definitely be crushed to pieces by the tide.

Lu Zilin became the punching bag of the villagers.

At the gate of Lu's house, some people threw urine and some defecated.

Not only is the reputation of the Lu family rotten, but the house is also rotten.

This is the price Lu Zilin paid for being a dog's leg.

"Zhaopeng, don't go out to play these few days." Lu Taiheng was afraid that someone would attack his grandson.

"Why can't you go out?"

"Because your father did something bad."

"What did my dad do wrong?"

"I did something bad like a thunderbolt."

one night.

Lu Zilin just came out of Widow Li's house.

Before he had gone far, he was beaten with a stick.

Blindfolded, thrown into the pigsty.


Only then did someone see Lu Zilin in the pigsty.

"Come on, Lu Zilin fell into the pigsty!"

Lu Zilin slept Zhengmei, but when someone woke her up, she realized that she was sleeping in a pigsty.

"Which bastard did it?"

"I don't care"

Lu Zilin didn't have time to get out of the pigsty, his body was smelly, so he cursed loudly.

But without scolding a few words, a sow was not happy.

"Humph" twice, bumped Lu Zilin with one head, and even shitted on Lu Zilin's head.

Lu Zilin didn't pay attention, and took a few mouthfuls.

"Hahaha" the onlookers roared with laughter.

Lu Zilin's embarrassed appearance made them very relieved.

Lu Zilin, a bastard, finally got his retribution.

"Bai Xing'er, Sang Laoba, you two bastards, why don't you come over to help me!" Lu Zilin was angry.

"Lu Xiang, you should get up by yourself, it's too smelly." Lu Zilin's cronies didn't even help Lu Zilin.

Because of this food requisition, Lu Zilin also attacked his cronies, showing no mercy.

The reason why Lu Zilin was merciless was because the more he collected, the more he would share.

Lu Zilin's heart is too dark, too greedy for money, leaving no room for others, and he has no way out.

With no one to help him, Lu Zilin struggled a few times in the pigsty and fell down a few times before climbing out of the pigsty.

This time, Lu Zilin didn't care about cursing, and went home in a state of embarrassment.

"I want revenge!"

"Which bastard hit me, I will kill him!"

"Damn it! Bai Xinger and Sang Laoba dare not help me"

Lu Zilin was at home, cursing.

It seemed that he only dared to scold at home.

"You bastard, shut up!" Lu Taiheng finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Dad, someone hurt me, and I want revenge."

"Tell me a fart!" Lu Taiheng yelled angrily, "Go, go and resign this shit later. I can't do this immoral thing again."

"I can't quit. Dad, do you know how much food I can get this time? This is the amount." Lu Zilin's security office can share [-]% of the tax, and the accumulation of less can make more, and Lu Zilin got a lot of food.

"How many?"

"this number"

"What? So many!" Lu Taiheng was stunned.

"That's right, Dad. I'm hiding this food in the security center. I'll bring it back quietly in the evening."

"Then be careful, don't let people see." Lu Taiheng refused to let Lu Zilin resign.

The Lu family's family style is like this, so it's not surprising that Lu Zilin behaved like this.


Lu Zilin wandered around the village with his gun bearer.

Lu Zilin was looking for someone to beat him.

Zhou Qiang's family.

Zhou Qiang is selling wine, meat, and tofu.

Lu Zilin came with a gun bearer, looking for an opportunity to retaliate.

"Zhou Qiang, tell me, did you hit me last night?"

"Old Lu, what are you trying to do? You wronged a good person, don't you? Believe it or not, I'll sue you in the provincial capital!" Zhou Qiang's eyes flashed coldly.

Lu Zilin and Zhou Qiang looked at each other for a moment, and suddenly hesitated, "I'll just ask, it's fine if it's not you."

Lu Zilin left.

"Bah, you son of a bitch, you must die!" Zhou Qiang cursed like other villagers.

Lu Zilin could hear it not far away.

But Lu Zilin pretended not to hear.He was used to being scolded like this.But he doesn't care, he gets more benefits.

Turned around a few times.

Lu Zilin couldn't find the person who beat him.

But it was also shocking, some people who had thoughts in their hearts did not dare to do anything to Lu Zilin.


Lu Zilin came out from Widow Li's house again.

A "touch" sound.

Lu Zilin was knocked out again.

This time it was Zhou Qiang who played.

During the day, Lu Zilin wronged Zhou Qiang.

Zhou Qiang felt that he couldn't be wronged in vain, so he beat Lu Zilin.

I was too lazy to move Lu Zilin, so I let Lu Zilin lie here.


The lame man came over on patrol at night.

Lame Lord is the night watchman of Bailu Village.

He has no land in his family, and earns his living by watching the night.

Legs are awkward, a little lame.

This can be regarded as a way of life for the widowed elderly in Bailu Village.

I saw Lu Zilin who fell to the ground.

"It's not good! Lu Xiangyue fell at the door of Widow Li!"

The lame man's voice alarmed the neighbors nearby.

Soon someone ran over and pointed.

Lu Zilin fell at the door of Widow Li, and everyone knew what was going on.

Widow Li also came out at this time.

She pretended not to know what was going on, "Why is Lu Xiangyue here?"

"Widow Li, are you tired of tossing Luxiang, and let Luxiang fall asleep as soon as he goes out?" Someone sarcastically said.

Usually, everyone still save some face.

Now, Lu Zilin has become a street mouse, and everyone shouts and beats him.

Everyone stopped hiding Lu Zilin's crap and cursed.

"Yes, Widow Li, why don't you take it easy?"

"Widow Li is very capable, let's try it some other day."

"Widow Li has an appointment with Luxiang."

"Lu Xiangyue is too busy and exhausted, please don't wake him up, let him sleep!"

Everyone booed.

After a while.

Bai Jiaxuan is here.

Zhou Qiang pretended not to know what was going on, and came too.

"What are you doing? Lu Zilin hasn't been woken up yet!" When Bai Jiaxuan came, Lu Zilin hadn't been woken up yet.Everyone is busy watching jokes.

Bai Xing'er and Sang Laoba went up slowly to wake Lu Zilin up.

"What's wrong with me?" Lu Zilin was in a daze.

Looking around, Lu Zilin finally woke up, and he was beaten again.

"Who did this?!"

"I'm an idiot!" Lu Zilin cursed again.

"Okay, stop scolding, go back quickly." Bai Jiaxuan looked at Lu Zilin and Widow Li coldly, and left.

Bai Jiaxuan knew what was going on, but he didn't want to take care of Lu Zilin's mess.

This could be regarded as Bai Jiaxuan being generous to Lu Zilin.

If Lu Zilin was an ordinary person, Bai Jiaxuan would definitely punish him severely.

Although everyone scolded Lu Zilin, more and more people have nothing to eat.

From ancient times to the present, it is really not easy for ordinary people to live!

What should I do if I can't survive?
Sell ​​land!

Land for sale!
The land was sold to Bai Jiaxuan.

Bai Jiaxuan didn't take the opportunity to lower the price, and gave more food.

Lu Zilin also wanted to take the opportunity to buy land, but Bai Jiaxuan raised the price, and Lu Zilin didn't want to pay more, so he didn't buy it.

Bai Jiaxuan is more benevolent than Lu Zilin.

How do villagers without land live?
Can only beg along the street.

Someone from Bailu Village went to the county town to beg for food, bringing their family along.

These people, in the end, the child is sold, it is best if they can sell themselves, otherwise they will die.

Could this poll tax be a tax on polls?
Zhou Qiang heard about this.

He hesitated for a moment, but still planned to take care of it.

Bai Jiaxuan's house.

"Patriarch, I will provide food, you find the neighbors in the county who are begging for food, let them work for me, and I will let them have enough food."

"What work for you?"

"Didn't I rent a hill? Let them go up the hill to grow yams and artichokes." Zhou Qiang's hill is too big, and he only planted a little before, and there are still many places left unplanted.

"Okay, I also want to find them. They are all from the same clan, so we can't ignore them." Bai Jiaxuan also wanted to help his neighbors tide over the difficulties.

What about the corresponding Lu Zilin?

Lu Zilin is at home, counting people's fat and people's anointing, there are too many to count.

Lu Zilin didn't care that someone would starve to death.

Lu Zilin is a typical landlord.

There are many landlords like Lu Zilin.

There are very few people like Bai Jiaxuan.

On the top of the hill rented by Zhou Qiang, people came to farm one after another.

They are not afraid of being tired, they are afraid of starving to death.

Zhou Qiang was willing to give them a bite, which was to give them a way to survive.

Zhou Qiang is their savior.

(End of this chapter)

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