Chapter 748
Bai Jiaxuan's house.

Bai Bingde felt a little uncomfortable and was resting on the bed.

However, Mr. Leng was not invited.

Bai Bingde has no major health problems, and he can last for a while.

Remembering that Bai Jiaxuan wanted to provoke trouble yesterday, Bai Bingde said again: "Jiaxuan, you can't make trouble, you can't provoke trouble, you understand?"

"I know, Dad, I didn't initiate the trouble." Bai Jiaxuan was not the one who initiated the Jiaonong uprising this time, so Bai Jiaxuan followed Bai Bingde's words.

"That's all right. They're the ones instigating your rebellion.

They are the ones who come forward when it is busy.

But they are all birds in the forest, and if there is a trouble, there will be no one left.

You have never experienced it, and you think it is very beautiful with so many people behind you.

But when the gun is fired, none of them are left, and you are left alone.

If you shoot the first bird, you will be the one to kill.

No one will come to rescue at that time, understand? "Bai Bingde has been the patriarch all his life and has experienced many things. What he told Bai Jiaxuan is probably what he saw with his own eyes.

"Understood, Dad, I won't mess around." Although Bai Jiaxuan disagreed with Bai Bingde's words in his heart, he still followed Bai Bingde's words.

Bai Jiaxuan felt that even though the gunshot fired for the first time, everyone behind him ran away.

But if things can be done, the second or third time, the people behind will not run away, and they can trust Bai Jiaxuan.

In this way, Bai Jiaxuan will be able to hold on no matter what happens in the future.

However, Bai Jiaxuan didn't understand that normal people have no chance of trial and error.

Anyone who makes trouble will be quickly cleared away.

Unless it is the protagonist and has the aura of the protagonist, it will be fine.

Bai Jiaxuan is the protagonist, so it will be okay after the trouble is over.

At this time, Lu Zilin and Tian Fuxian came.

"Uncle, Uncle, Fuxian and I have come to see you." Lu Zilin entered the room while talking.

"Sit, sit." Bai Jiaxuan and the others greeted hurriedly.

"I know that your old man is not feeling well, and I have always wanted to see you." Tian Fuxian said a few words politely, before talking about business, "Last night, someone reported to me that someone wanted to make trouble.

By noon today, all the villages are very quiet, no one is making trouble.

Just a few rambunctious idlers booing in Sanguan Temple.

I don't even bother to catch them. "

"Catch it, I'll see who dares to make trouble after arresting people." Lu Zilin answered, he was a temporary cameo to cheer.At the same time, he hoped that it was Bai Jiaxuan who caused the trouble. If Bai Jiaxuan was arrested, no one would compete with him for the patriarch.

Tian Fuxian went on to say: "Who are these people? They are all sneaky, cunning people who don't work hard in the fields.

Take the lead when something happens, lest the world will not be chaotic.

It's a waste of time to catch them.

But the troublemaker said that he had to rely on chicken feather letters to contact him. "Tian Fuxian looked at Bai Bingde at this point, "Uncle, who owns our feather letter?" "

"Only the patriarchs of a few villages have them, and they are all hidden in the ancestral hall, and they dare not take them out on weekdays." Bai Bingde replied.

"I've heard of it since I was a kid, but I've never seen it. Why don't you ask Jiaxuan to show it to me."

"Fuxian, it's not that Bo doesn't give you face. Once this chicken feather letter comes out, something big will happen."

"Uncle, I just took a look, and when I'm done, you take it back.

Besides, in case the county magistrate turns around and asks me, who sent the chicken feather letter to provoke trouble?
I can also speak for Bailu Village, this trouble has nothing to do with us.

Right, Jiaxuan. "Tian Fuxian's words are both soft and hard, and they are not in vain.

Bai Bingde and Bai Jiaxuan had to take out the chicken feather letter.

"Dad, shall I go to the ancestral hall to get the chicken feather letter?" Bai Jiaxuan asked.

"Go, let Fuxian see, we are not the ones who make trouble."

After a while.

Bai Jiaxuan came back with the chicken feather letter.

Pass it to Bai Bingde first.

When Bai Bingde saw it, he knew it was a genuine chicken feather letter, and he felt a lot more relaxed.

"Is this the Chicken Feather Letter?" Tian Fuxian looked at it curiously, and just as he was about to pick it up, Bai Bingde put it away.

"Fuxian, there is something special about this letter with chicken feathers. You have to send the letter with chicken feathers on both sides as soon as possible, and seal it with wax." Bai Bingde said casually.

"Exquisite, really exquisite, even the chicken feathers are purple." The color of the chicken feather letter also has a meaning. It may be that a village uses a color, or it may represent a certain degree, just like the blue alarm and the red alarm. .

But no matter white chicken feathers or purple chicken feathers, it should be true.

Sanguan Temple.

A lot of people have gathered here.

It was almost noon, but no one in charge came.

The people in charge were all held at home by soldiers sent by Tian Fuxian, unable to get out.

"It's all now, are we being cheated?"

"Isn't this a lie? No one has come yet."

"Who is in charge? It's time to eat, why don't you come?"

"It's better to go home."

"Who is in charge?"

There was a lot of discussion.

One of the young monks got impatient and walked up to a slightly higher place, shouting: "Listen up!
I am in charge!

I am in charge! "

Who is this young monk?

There is no explanation in the TV series, but it is written in the novel "White Deer Plain".

The young monk is Zheng Mang'er, who was born in the Mangzhong solar term.

He learned carpentry in the town when he was a child, and he learned it very well, and he became a teacher in a few years.

However, because of a woman, he killed several people in a fit of rage, fled to the temple, and became a monk.

The thing about this woman is actually a tragedy.

It should be the author who used this incident to satirize the feudal thinking of this era.

In this era, life is not easy for people, and it is even more difficult for women to live.

Many things are difficult for future generations to understand.

But feudal ethics killed people for thousands of years.

Up to now, it is still killing and has not stopped.

Gossip less, get down to business.

At this time, someone in the crowd asked: "Your boss, do you have a chicken feather letter?"

"That's right, do you have a chicken feather letter?" Several people echoed.

Why do people ask this?

Because these people are Tian Fuxian's internal support.

This incident was mysterious and mysterious, and it seemed to be kept secret with a chicken feather letter.

But the news had already leaked.

Tian Fuxian knew about it a long time ago, and sent several insiders.

Every move here is constantly reported to Tian Fuxian.

Monk Zheng Mang'er took out a letter with white chicken feathers from his pocket, "Look what this is!"


"It's really a chicken feather letter!" This is the person who should be in charge of Tian Fuxian.This Zheng Mang'er is going to be unlucky, he will definitely be arrested.

Zheng Mang'er then yelled: "Why are we making trouble?

The government robbed us of our food, so we were not allowed to live.

Let's hand over the farm tools in our hands to them.

We don't plant the land anymore.

It doesn't matter whether the gun goes off or not.

This trip to the city relies on everyone's concerted efforts.

No one is allowed to take half a step back.

Follow me to the county! "

"Yes! Hand in the farm tools, we will stop planting the land!" Someone shouted.

This person is not Lu San.

In the TV series, Bai Jiaxuan is the leader, and Lu San is sent to watch.After Zheng Mang'er encouraged it, Lu San followed suit.

Now, Bai Jiaxuan is not picking the lead.

Bai Jiaxuan didn't know that the blunderbuss could not be fired, no one told him.

Bai Jiaxuan didn't send Lu San either.

"No more planting! No more planting! Go to the county seat!" One or two people took the lead, and more people followed suit.

We just rushed forward a few steps.

At a corner in the distance, a few men with guns and horses appeared.

These people have been waiting here.

He didn't show up before, and he was waiting for the person in charge to come, so he could catch him with one catch.

Now, seeing that there was going to be an incident, they came out to scare them.

"Look, someone from the county is here!" This is the inner response shouting.

"How can this be done?"

"What should I do?" Everyone stopped, not daring to run forward.

"Come on! Fight them!" Zheng Mang'er turned around and tried again, but this time it was useless.

"There is a gun!"

"Can't rush!"

"They all carry guns!"

"Get shot!" Everyone retreated again.

Sure enough, according to Tian Fuxian's words, no one took the lead, and the rest were mobs.

These people, perhaps under the threat of foreign guns and cannons, will help foreigners resist shells and bomb the Forbidden City, no, bomb Chang'an City, if foreigners come.

I heard that many ordinary people helped foreigners to lay down Beiping, and some officials knelt down and surrendered directly, presenting silk banners.

There is never a shortage of people who surrender to the enemy and traitor to the country.

Just why is it like this?

Is there a country that has never had defectors?
Over there in Bailu Village.

Tian Fuxian, Lu Zilin, and Bai Jiaxuan are going to drink tea and chat at Lu Zilin's house.

They are walking on the road.

At this time, a man riding a horse with a gun came and whispered something to Tian Fuxian.

This is talking about the situation of Sanguan Temple.

Because Zheng Mang'er incited everyone to make trouble, there was some commotion.

Someone hurriedly reported to Tian Fuxian.

"Hey, you two go first, I'll do something." Tian Fuxian was worried about Sanguan Temple and wanted to go to town.

"Go, come back for tea later." Lu Zilin responded.

After Tian Fuxian left.

"Zilin, I won't go to your house for tea anymore, my dad is still feeling a little uncomfortable, I'll go back and have a look." Bai Jiaxuan didn't want to go to Lu Zilin's house.

There was an incident in Jiaonong, and before noon, three gunshots rang.

It's noon now, and the gun has not sounded yet, so I don't know what's going on.

Bai Jiaxuan was not the one to take the lead, he didn't know much about this place, and he didn't know anything.

Bai Jiaxuan intends to go back and let Lu San inquire about the news.

"Okay, Fuxian will come later, I'll call you." Lu Zilin responded casually.

Bai Jiaxuan went home.

Followed by two gunmen.

They were arranged by Tian Fuxian to keep an eye on Bai Jiaxuan, fearing that Bai Jiaxuan would take the lead in causing trouble.

If Bai Jiaxuan took the lead, even if there were no three blunderbusses, the incident would still be possible.

After Bai Jiaxuan arrived home.

"Third Brother, something is wrong, go out and investigate, and find out why the blunderbuss haven't fired yet.

There are people blocking the front and back doors, you climb over the wall to get out. "

"Okay, I'll go right away." Lu San hurried over the wall and left.

Bai Jiaxuan was smoking dry tobacco at home, quietly waiting for news.

Sanguan Temple.

"You are so timid and afraid of getting into trouble, no wonder people ride on your heads and bully you!" Zheng Mang'er was still instigating everyone to revolt.

"Your monk doesn't take care of your family. We still have a wife and a baby."


"Yeah!" Everyone else thought it was the case.

"Are there a few soldiers soon? We have a lot of people, as long as we charge up, we will definitely be able to disperse them." Of course, some people followed suit.

"They have guns!"

"Then what's the matter, are you not going to fight the farmers? Are you just waiting for others to bully us?" Zheng Mang'er was a little anxious, but there was nothing he could do.Few people would listen to what he said.

"They have guns!"

"That's right, there are guns!" There were a few guns pointed at them, but everyone didn't dare to make trouble.

"Why are you afraid of having a gun?" Zheng Mang'er was still talking.

But at this time, Tian Fuxian came on a tall horse.

Those who cheered with Zheng Mang'er hurriedly retreated into the crowd.

Zheng Mang'er was also a little scared and wanted to retreat, but she still held on and did not retreat into the crowd.

After all, Zheng Mang'er had killed people before, so she was much more courageous than ordinary people.

Tian Fuxian looked at the crowd casually, and said leisurely: "The person who caused the riot didn't come? Huh?"

Zheng Mang'er stood at the front, which naturally attracted Tian Fuxian's attention.

Tian Fuxian stared at Zheng Mang'er: "Monk, the chicken feather letter in your hand?

I have seen the chicken feather letter before, it is purple, yours is white, you are lying! "

"So it was a lie?"


"It's a lie." Everyone pointed their eyes at Zheng Mang'er.This is the case with bullying the weak and fearing the hard.

Tian Fuxian looked at the crowd and said with disdain: "It's really not easy to gather all of you brainless people together.

According to me, you are sold by someone, and you still help count the money.

I have sent people to inquire about the Bai family in Bailuyuan, the He family in Beiyuan, and the Laoping family in Nanyuan.

No one in the family wants to come out and make trouble.

How heavy your own head is, weigh it yourself! "

After Tian Fuxian finished speaking, he walked away.

There was a group of people left, and they were in a mess again.

"The people who started the incident were all frightened and didn't dare to stand out. We are here waiting to be shot!" This is an internal shift and differentiation.Tian Fuxian's internal response is also clever enough.


"that is!"

"The person in charge didn't come, maybe he received a bounty from the government and secretly counted the money at home." This kind of thing should be rare, everywhere.

"Yeah yeah!"

"Who sent the chicken feather letter? Monk, who sent it?"

"What's the matter? You from the government didn't dare to say anything, so you came at me?" Zheng Mang'er was a little angry, and it was probably indisputable.

Why are ordinary people the lowest class?

Many reasons.

However, the many shortcomings and shortcomings of the common people must be one of the reasons, and it is still a very important reason.

"It's coming for you, what's the matter?" This is still internal response.

"Do you still want to beat me?" Zheng Mang'er was also dizzy, and fell into the trap.

"What's wrong with beating you?" Nei Ying laughed.This monk is too cooperative.

"Come on, hit here!" Zheng Mang'er rushed towards the crowd.

Chaos, more chaos.

A group of rabble, before the incident, civil strife first.

Tian Fuxian watched from a distance with a smile, and shook his head, "A mob can't make a big difference."

At this time, Tian Fuxian had the attitude of a feather fan and a scarf.

As for the Jiaonong uprising, Tian Fuxian handled it very well.

In the TV series, at this time, Bai Jiaxuan would use the blunderbuss from Lu Zilin's family, release the blunderbuss, and hit Tian Fuxian hard in the face.

It's a pity that Bai Jiaxuan is still at home now, and he doesn't have any blunderbuss at hand, and he hasn't put any blunderbuss.

No one slapped Tian Fuxian in the face.

Tian Fuxian is very proud.This is his highlight moment.

But the rabble in front of them had been arguing for a while, they were hungry, and dispersed separately.

The rebellion against peasants is nothing.

Zheng Mang'er wanted to leave, but couldn't.

Tian Fuxian's men surrounded Zheng Mang'er.

"What are you doing?" Zheng Mang'er was shocked and angry.He is a murderer, and there is only one way to die if he is caught.

"Tie it up, take it back to the county seat, and find out the leader for me!" Tian Fuxian shouted.

"Wait!" Zheng Mang'er shouted hastily.He took out a few pieces of ocean, "I'm not the leader, so I'll just follow suit."

Tian Fuxian looked at the pieces of ocean, and smiled disdainfully, "Grab them first!"

"More, more!" Zheng Mang'er shouted again.

"Oh? There's more?" Tian Fuxian squinted his eyes and looked at Zheng Mang'er's whole body, but he couldn't find any place to put the money.

"In the temple." Zheng Mang'er walked a few steps closer and said in a low voice.

"Oh? Where is it in the temple?" Tian Fuxian also took a few steps closer.

"In" Zheng Mang'er took a few steps closer, and suddenly, a knife was placed on Tian Fuxian's neck.

"What are you going to do?" The sudden knife almost scared Tian Fuxian to pee.

"Tell them to put down their guns!" Zheng Mang'er shouted, very emotional.Tian Fuxian's subordinates were not slow to react, and they aimed their guns at Zheng Mang'er.

"Put it down, put down the gun!" Tian Fuxian was terrified.He just found a job to make a living, and he didn't want to work hard.

The men who carried the guns hesitated for a moment and put down their guns.

"Stand back!" Zheng Mang'er shouted again.

"Quick, back up! Back up!" Tian Fuxian hurriedly shouted.

Tian Fuxian's subordinates obediently stayed away.

Zheng Mang'er tied up Tian Fuxian first. The rope was found from a horse, and it should be used by Tian Fuxian's men to tie people up.

After Tian Fuxian was tied up, Zheng Mang'er picked up the guns, tied them to the horses, and tied the horses together with ropes.

Zheng Mang got on his horse and aimed his gun at Tian Fuxian.

"Don't! Don't kill me!" Tian Fuxian peed.

"Hmph, I'll spare you this time, if I meet you again, I'll blow your head off with one shot! Drive!" Zheng Mang'er rode away.

Bailuyuan has no place to stand.

Zheng Mang'er plans to go into the mountains and become a bandit.

(End of this chapter)

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