Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 745 Enlarged Feet, Shortened Hair Hinge

Chapter 745 Enlarged Feet, Shortened Hair Hinge

Just when Bai Jiaxuan was having a sweet dream.

Xiancao and Zhu Baishi asked Lu San to drive the car and arrived at the governor's mansion in the provincial capital overnight.

Governor Zhang met Zhu Baishi and Xiancao in a hurry, and arranged them in the guest room.

Zhou Qiang's guest room is next to them.

Hearing the movement, "Sister-in-law, why are you here?" Zhou Qiang looked puzzled.

"Xiaoqiang, how is Jiaxuan? Any news?" Xiancao asked hastily.

When they met Governor Zhang just now, they also asked about Mr. Zhu and Bai Jiaxuan.

Governor Zhang just said that he was still waiting for news and didn't say anything else.

The war broke out at any time, and Governor Zhang was very busy, so he asked Xiancao and the others to go to the guest room to wait for news.

"No news yet, I only know that brother Jiaxuan and Mr. Zhu entered the Qing army camp last night." Zhou Qiang replied, and hurriedly let Xiancao and Zhu Bai into the guest room, "Sister-in-law, you are pregnant, go in quickly Rest, don't get tired."

Xiancao nodded, and walked into the guest room with Zhu Baishi.

Zhou Qiang followed him in, "Sister-in-law, didn't I ask my third brother to send a message saying that there is nothing wrong and I will go back in a few days. Why are you still here?"

"This." Xiancao looked sad, unable to speak for a moment.

Zhu Baishi explained: "Xiaoqiang, I heard from Lu San that the two people who made peace in front of me have already had their heads cut off."

"Oh, well, I've heard that too.

Those two people didn't know Fang Sheng, the commander of the Qing army, so it was normal for Fang Sheng to cut off their heads if they rushed to make peace.

However, Mr. Zhu is Fang Sheng's disciple.

If Mr. Zhu goes to make peace, it should be fine. "Zhou Qiang has already heard a lot of news.

"What? Fang Sheng, the commander of the Qing army, is Mr. Zhu's teacher?" Xian Cao and Zhu Bai were both stunned.They don't know the news.

"Yes. With this relationship, even if we fail to make peace, Mr. Zhu and Brother Jiaxuan will be fine."

As soon as Zhou Qiang said this, Xiancao and Zhu Baishi immediately relaxed a lot.

"Sister-in-law, you really don't need to come. But since you've already come, let's rest here, and wait for brother Jiaxuan and the others to come back, and then go back to the original place together." Zhou Qiang persuaded and left.

In the blink of an eye it was dawn.

When Zhou Qiang went out, he saw Zhu Baishi outside.

"Sister, have you eaten yet?"

"No food. Xiaoqiang, Governor Zhang said that if there is no movement after dawn, he will send troops to ask for someone." Zhu Baishi went to find Governor Zhang again just now.

At this time, Xiancao heard the movement and came out, "What? Sister, is there any news?"

"There is no news from the Qing army camp. Governor Zhang said that if there is no news later, he will send troops to ask for someone." Zhu Bai said again.

"Actually, you don't need to go." Zhou Qiang shook his head, "Eldest sister, sister-in-law, since Mr. Zhu dares to go and also brought brother Jiaxuan, then Mr. Zhu must be sure to escape unscathed."

Zhu Baishi and Xiancao nodded and said nothing.

"By the way, sister-in-law, I forgot to ask you last night. The third brother sent you here, right? What about others?"

"He's guarding the donkey cart outside." Xiancao said.

"Sister-in-law, you haven't eaten yet. I'll take you out to eat and call third brother. There's a mutton steamed bun nearby. It's delicious."

"I'm not going, you go." Xiancao was restless and didn't want to go out.

"Sister-in-law, you don't have to worry. Brother Jiaxuan and Mr. Zhu are sure to be fine. You have to take care of yourself now, eat and drink well, and rest well."

"Jiancao, let's eat something, you are still pregnant with a baby." Zhu Baishi also persuaded.

"Alright then." Xiancao agreed.

"Sister, sister-in-law, let's go, let me tell you, this mutton steamed bun is good, delicious, oily but not greasy."

The three left the governor's mansion.

Not far away, Lu San was taking a nap on the donkey cart.

"Third brother! Let's eat steamed mutton together!" Zhou Qiang shouted.

"Ah? What? Eat steamed buns?" Lu San looked exhausted, he tossed back and forth a few times, and couldn't rest well at night.

"Yes, there is a good steamed bun here, and it's delicious." Zhou Qiang pulled Lu San and took Zhu Baishi and Xiancao away.

In a few minutes.

"Xiaoer, here are four big bowls of mutton steamed buns, add more mutton."

"Okay!" Xiao Er quickly brought over four large bowls and four hard pancakes.

Zhou Qiang and the others started breaking buns.

Governor's Palace.

Governor Zhang is busy.

Then someone came in.

"Commander, Zhou Qiang, Zhu Baishi, Xiancao, and Lu San are going to eat steamed mutton together."

The whereabouts of Zhou Qiang and the others have been reported to Governor Zhang.

"Oh? They went to eat steamed buns?" Governor Zhang was a little surprised.The war was about to break out. At this time, Zhou Qiang and the others were still in the mood to eat steamed buns.

"That Zhou Qiang took the lead."

"Zhou Qiang?" Governor Zhang thought for a while, "Did Zhou Qiang buy a few shops yesterday?"

"Yes, two shops and one mansion." Zhou Qiang has been reported in detail about what Zhou Qiang did yesterday.

"So, Zhou Qiang thinks that Mr. Zhu can persuade the Qing soldiers to retreat?"

"This should be."

"This young man is a bit interesting." Governor Zhang smiled and continued to work.

Qing army camp.

Fang Sheng finally wanted to see Mr. Zhu.

Mr. Zhu and Bai Jiaxuan were taken outside the camp, waiting to be called.

"Brother-in-law, what is hanging on it?" Bai Jiaxuan saw the dead head not far away.

"Don't ask." Mr. Zhu didn't say anything, he didn't want to scare Bai Jiaxuan.

"It was the rebels who lobbied our commander-in-chief to retreat. He was beheaded on the spot and hung up for public display." The middle-aged officer said.He regarded revolutionaries as rebels.

Bai Jiaxuan's face turned pale.

He didn't expect that the head of someone who had already made peace was beheaded.

"Jiaxuan, do you still remember the poem I taught you?" Mr. Zhu asked.


"They won't let you in with me. No matter how they treat you for a while, don't think about anything, just hum this poem in your heart." Mr. Zhu warned.

"Okay, brother-in-law." Bai Jiaxuan nodded in response.

At this time, there were soldiers waving command flags in the distance.

The middle-aged officer said: "Mr. Zhu, please follow me."

"Okay." Mr. Zhu followed the middle-aged officer and left.

Abandoning Bai Jiaxuan alone, he stood outside the tent and waited foolishly.

Inside the handsome account.

"The student has met the teacher." Mr. Zhu used the student etiquette.

"Why did you come here to see me?" Fang Sheng asked directly, knowingly.

"The students want the teacher to retreat." Mr. Zhu said directly. They are all smart people. If they don't talk about it in circles, it will only make people look down on them.

"Hmph!" Fang Sheng snorted coldly, his eyes flickering coldly, as if he was going to kill Mr. Zhu immediately, "How can I spare you if you dare to speak for the rebels! Someone, tie up the people who accompanied him, and wait to be punished."

"Yes!" The middle-aged officer responded and left.


Bai Jiaxuan was still waiting stupidly.

The middle-aged officer ran over, stared at Bai Jiaxuan and shouted, "Tied up!"

Soldiers immediately captured Bai Jiaxuan.

Bai Jiaxuan thought something was wrong, and hurriedly shouted, "Where's my brother-in-law?"


"What did you do to my brother-in-law? Where's my brother-in-law?" Bai Jiaxuan yelled and was tied to a wooden frame, waiting to be beheaded.

The middle-aged officer put the knife on Bai Jiaxuan's neck and shouted: "Dare to speak for the rebels! If you shout again, your throat will be cut."

Bai Jiaxuan was so frightened that his face turned pale and he didn't dare to say anything.

Fortunately, I didn't freak out.

If it was Lu Zilin, he must have been scared to pee.

Wait for the middle-aged officer to go away.

"Brother-in-law! Brother-in-law!" Bai Jiaxuan dared to shout twice.

It is said that Bai Jiaxuan's waist is hard, but in fact, there are many times when Bai Jiaxuan can bend and stretch, and he can be a turtle.

Otherwise, Bai Jiaxuan would have died long ago.

handsome account.

Both Fang Sheng and Mr. Zhu heard Bai Jiaxuan's shout.

Fang Sheng glared at Mr. Zhu.

Mr. Zhu looked calm and fearless.

"What else do you have to say?" Fang Sheng asked.

"Teacher, it's not worth adding fertilizer and water to a dead tree. Even if you wiped out Chang'an City, you won't be able to save the Qing Dynasty, or you'll be notorious forever." Mr. Zhu said calmly. Said this sentence.

Mr. Zhu has long taken life and death lightly.

With his relationship with Fang Sheng, Mr. Zhu was sure that after Fang Sheng killed him, he would let Bai Jiaxuan take his body back.In this way, Bai Jiaxuan will definitely not die.

Why did Mr. Zhu let Bai Jiaxuan come?
Mr. Zhu asked Bai Jiaxuan to come with many intentions.

Or collect the bones for Mr. Zhu.

Or let Bai Jiaxuan open his eyes and see the world.

Or let Bai Jiaxuan show his face in front of Governor Zhang and make a good relationship.

Wait, generally speaking, Bai Jiaxuan's coming is beneficial and harmless.

But Bai Jiaxuan was not called by Mr. Zhu.

Bai Jiaxuan came by himself.

It takes courage for Bai Jiaxuan to come to Chang'an City to find Mr. Zhu at this time.

If it was Lu Zilin, he definitely wouldn't come.

Bai Jiaxuan lived up to Mr. Zhu's expectations, he really came, and he came in a timely manner.

Choice is destiny.

Therefore, everything is fate and is destined.

Closer to home.

Fang Sheng fell silent after listening to Mr. Zhu's words.

Fang Sheng also understood what Mr. Zhu said.

The reason why Fang Sheng came to the city was because Chang'an City was occupied by rebels.

As an official of the Qing Dynasty, Fang Sheng was duty-bound to suppress the rebellion.

But the Qing Dynasty is over, and Fang Sheng knows it.

Fang Sheng was in a dilemma, riding a tiger was hard to get off, he needed a step.

Mr. Zhu delivered the steps in time.

"Bold!" The middle-aged officer scolded Mr. Zhu angrily.

"Okay, let's get back first." Fang Sheng asked the others to leave, leaving only Mr. Zhu, and the two of them had some conversation between master and apprentice.

Outside, Bai Jiaxuan was still worried and frightened.

He was wondering if his brother-in-law had already been beheaded.

The more Bai Jiaxuan thought about it, the more frightened he became. Remembering his brother-in-law's advice, he sang "The morning rain in Weicheng"

Bai Jiaxuan fell to the ground like a tough guy.

At this time, although he was very scared, he did not show embarrassment.

Chang'an City.

Zhou Qiang took the fairy grass and they finished eating the mutton buns.

"Sister, sister-in-law, have you ever been to the provincial capital before?"

"I haven't been here." Zhu Baishi and Xiancao had never been to the provincial capital before.

"Shall I show you around Chang'an City?"

"Isn't it better to turn around? It's a mess." Zhu Bai answered.

"Sister, sister-in-law, let's not go far, just walk around here. There is a grocery store over there, and there are several shops selling cloth. When you come to the provincial capital, you must buy something to go back. "Zhou Qiang advised a few words.

Zhu Baishi and Xiancao agreed.Women like to go shopping.

"Eldest sister, sister-in-law, that's for sale over there." Zhou Qiang introduced the surrounding shops as he walked.

The attention of Zhu Baishi and Xiancao was also attracted by the shop.

It's just that the war is in chaos, and there are not many shops that are open.

Lu San followed at the end without saying a word.He was full and sleepy, and he didn't want to go shopping, he just wanted to go back to the donkey cart to rest.

Visited a few shops.

Both Zhu Baishi and Xiancao bought something.

Go to a slightly secluded street.

Zhou Qiang stood in front of a wine shop and said casually, "I bought this shop yesterday."

"What?" Zhu Baishi, Xiancao, and Lu San were all surprised.

"Let's go in and have a look." Zhou Qiang took out the key and opened the door.

The three of Xiancao walked in curiously.

"Recently, the prices of shops in the provincial capital have fallen sharply. Many people have sold their shops. If they want to leave Chang'an City, I took advantage of the cheapness and bought two small shops and a small courtyard." Zhou Qiang didn't have much money. With all the savings in the family, I bought two shops and a house.This is still bought in the case of a plunge.

"How much will it cost?" Xiancao asked curiously.

"Not much, just"

"So cheap?" Zhu Bai was surprised.

"Yes, at this time, few people dare to buy a shop, it's very cheap."

"Xiaoqiang, is this a wine shop?"

"Yes, I'm not brewing wine anymore? In the future, the wine I brew will be shipped here for sale."

"Are you busy here alone?"

"I also hired a few disaster victims yesterday. They are all dragging their families and they can't survive."

"It's all caused by the soldiers, and I don't know when the soldiers outside the city can retreat?"

"Soon, if you want me to say, the Qing soldiers will retreat today." Zhou Qiang said casually.

"If the Qing soldiers retreat, what about Jiaxuan and the others?" Xiancao asked.

"Brother Jiaxuan and Mr. Zhu will definitely be back."

Bailu Village.

Bai Jiaxuan's house.

Bai Bingde and Bai Zhao's family found that Lu San and Xiancao were missing.

Xiancao and Lu San left quietly without telling Bai Bingde and Bai Zhaoshi.

Lu Zilin came to inquire about the news.

I heard that the grass jelly also went to the provincial capital.

"Jiaxuan is too, why not join in the fun.

When Mr. Zhu went to negotiate, he was a recruiter, and he used to have a status.

But when a scholar meets a soldier, there is no reason to explain.

Jiaxuan is a farmer, so what's the use of following him? " Lu Zilin said sarcastic words.

"It's too late to say anything now." Bai Bingde smoked a pipe with an anxious expression on his face.

"How about I go to the city and chase my sister-in-law back?

Uncle, aunt, I said something that should not have been said.

In case something happens to Jiaxuan.

Nothing will happen to our baby.

Our old Bai's family can't go bankrupt. "Lu Zilin hopes that both Mr. Zhu and Bai Jiaxuan will have an accident, and also hopes that the Bai family will never be born again.

Lu Zilin's belly is full of bad water.

"Zilin, it's all up to you." Although Bai Bingde knew that Lu Zilin was up to no good, there was no one available to him now, so he could only hope that Lu Zilin would go to the provincial capital to have a look.

Lu Zilin came out of Bai's house.

Suddenly stopped, "Hey, don't you want to ask for news? Why did you get yourself involved?"

Just now, Lu Zilin was fainted by Bai Bingde.

However, Lu Zilin did not go to the provincial capital.

He went home directly, asked his family to pack their luggage, and prepared to go to the mountains to hide from the military disaster.

In this era, soldiers are like locusts to ordinary people, and there is nothing left wherever they pass.

Lu Zilin is busy moving.

On the side, Lu Taiheng couldn't help but said: "Didn't you agree to the Bai family? Hurry up and pick up his wife."

"What are you going to do? The city is surrounded, and if I go there, I won't be able to come back."

"Zilin, you have to go." Lu Taiheng was a little anxious.

"What?" Lu Zilin didn't understand.

"Think about it, Zilin, we have been with the folks in Bai's hometown for so many years.

Bai Jiaxuan and his son usually help us a lot.

This is usually a fight.

Now it's a big disaster, we have to help others save a future. "At the critical moment, Lu Taiheng still left room.

Lu Zhaopeng next to him also persuaded: "Dad, don't be afraid, I will go with you."

Lu Zhaopeng performed extraordinary at a young age.

He is much more courageous than Lu Zilin.

Under the persuasion of Lu Taiheng and Lu Zhaopeng, Lu Zilin had to set off for the provincial capital.

Although Lu Zilin is 'bad', his badness is limited.

Although Bai Jiaxuan is 'not bad', he is ruthless.

Qing army camp.

"Morning rain in Weicheng lightens the dust" Bai Jiaxuan was still singing, and he didn't know how long he sang.

At this time, the middle-aged officer came with a food box and shouted: "Untie!"

The food box of this era is a wooden box.

When Bai Jiaxuan was untied, he thought that the wooden box contained Mr. Zhu's head.

"Brother-in-law!" Bai Jiaxuan pounced on the food box and knocked it to the ground.

As a result, a small plate of snacks fell to the ground.

It seems that there is only this small dish of snacks in the entire food box.

Bai Jiaxuan was taken aback, struggled to get up, and asked, "Where is my brother-in-law?"

"Mr. Zhu is fine, you can eat something first." The middle-aged officer said a word and left.He was a little complicated because Fang Sheng was about to retreat.

Bai Jiaxuan sang poems for a long time, feeling a little hungry.

Pick up the snacks on the ground and clean them carefully.

I only ate one piece, and wrapped up the rest, as if I was reluctant to eat it.

I don't know how long it took.

Mr. Zhu came over.

Bai Jiaxuan hurried over, "Brother-in-law, are you alright?"

Mr. Zhu closed his mouth tightly, shook his head to express that he was fine, and did not speak. (PS: Mr. Zhu did not speak because he was too hungry and drooled too much.)
Mr. Zhu turned around and bowed to Fang Sheng's handsome camp.

On the other side of the camp, Fang Sheng was still standing outside the tent, watching Mr. Zhu leave.

"Let's go." Mr. Zhu cherished words like gold, and walked out of the camp after speaking.

"Go? Where are you going, brother-in-law." Bai Jiaxuan hurriedly followed.

Mr. Zhu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and spit out three words: "Back to the original place."

"Go back to the original place?" A smile appeared on Bai Jiaxuan's face, the smile of escape from death.

"Waiting for me for so long, are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid, I'm serving you with delicious food and drink. I even made some snacks."

"You still have it with you?" Mr. Zhu smiled.

"Brother-in-law, has he agreed to retreat?"

Mr. Zhu didn't speak, he was in a complicated mood and couldn't finish swallowing the saliva in his mouth.

I had a long talk with Fang Sheng before, Fang Sheng was getting old, he was in a bad mood and didn't want to eat.

Although Mr. Zhu was hungry, he was embarrassed to talk about eating, so he was just so hungry.

"Can you give me a piece first?" Mr. Zhu couldn't help it, "I haven't eaten all day."

"Why didn't you eat? I thought you were in there. The food is delicious and spicy." Bai Jiaxuan gave Mr. Zhu a piece of snack.

Chang'an, Governor's Mansion.

"Marshal, Marshal, the Qing soldiers have retreated!"

"Great! Where's Mr. Zhu? Where is he?"

"Mr. Zhu has already come out of the Qing army camp and is rushing back."

"Hurry up, send someone to meet Mr. Zhu, notify the newspaper office to take pictures, and notify all the squires to meet Mr. Zhu!"

Governor's Mansion, guest room.

Zhou Qiang shouted: "Sister, sister-in-law, the Qing soldiers have retreated, and Mr. Zhu and brother Jiaxuan are rushing back!"

"That's great." Both Zhu Baishi and Xiancao wept with joy.

"Sister, sister-in-law, shall we wait at the gate of the city?"

"Okay, let's go."

Several people left the governor's mansion.

I saw Lu Zilin talking to Lu San.

"Third brother!" Zhou Qiang called out.

"Hey, the Qing soldiers have retreated!" Lu San shouted happily.

"Xiaoqiang, are you here too?" Lu Zilin was a little unhappy when he saw Zhou Qiang.

"I came with Brother Jiaxuan, and I stayed at the Governor's Mansion at night, serving delicious food and drink." Zhou Qiang seemed a little embarrassed.

"Hmph, that's for Mr. Zhu's face." Lu Zilin was a little envious.

city ​​gate.

There are gongs and drums, cameras, a group of squires, and many onlookers.

Governor Zhang also greeted him personally here.

Zhou Qiang and Xiancao also came.

"Did you see, this made a lot of money, Governor Zhang gave a big cart of gifts, and I will not worry about food and drink for the rest of my life," Lu Zilin went on and on.

Waited for a while.

Mr. Zhu and Bai Jiaxuan did not come.

A letter from Mr. Zhu came: the feet are enlarged, the hair is shortened, and the nails are often cut to make them shallow.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

With a smile on his face, Zhou Qiang looked into the distance. Mr. Zhu and Bai Jiaxuan were walking back to the original place.

(End of this chapter)

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