Let's say Uncle Li returned to the box.

"Kneel down!" Uncle Li scolded four eyes.

Four eyes obediently knelt down.

"Slap" slap, "Organized but not disciplined!" Uncle Li repeatedly beat and reprimanded.

Siyan's head seemed to be tilted, and he turned his face to the side, deliberately not looking at Uncle Li.

"Turn your head around." Uncle Li was a little unhappy.

The four eyes are angry, but they don't turn around.

The newcomer Four Eyes is a taboo.

As a subordinate, you cannot blatantly have dissatisfaction and resentment towards your superior.

The fat man on the side hurriedly winked at the four eyes, but the four eyes were still stubborn, and they just didn't turn away.

"Turn around!" Uncle Li's voice was a little higher.

The four eyes still do not turn their heads.

"Not convinced, are you?" Uncle Li frowned, already very angry.

"Yes." Four eyes squeezed out a word, but it was a little unclear.

Uncle Li moved closer and listened: "I didn't hear what you said."

"Yes." Siyan said it a little more clearly this time.

"Speak louder, I didn't hear you."

"Yes!" Four Eyes shouted this time, and stared at Uncle Li with an expression of disbelief.He is courting death.

"Hehe." Uncle Li laughed angrily, and asked Fatty expressionlessly after laughing, "Second brother, tell Siyan, what will happen if you don't listen to me."

"Finger off."

"Then talk back to me?"

"The valve was pulled out." The meaning of this sentence, some people say it is to cut the throat, I don't know if it is so.

If it is the world of martial arts, it may be that martial arts have been abolished.

Hearing this, I couldn't hold back my eyes, and looked at Uncle Li, "You can deal with me whatever you want, but I didn't do anything to offend you."

"Oh? That's because I'm sorry for you?" Uncle Li became even more angry.

At this time, the fat man spoke for Siyan, speaking in a strong dialect, "Uncle Li, this is a melon boy who has just entered the Tao. He doesn't know the rules, so just let him go."

Having said that, the fat man patted his eyes four times vigorously, and reminded: "Hurry up and give in, and beg Uncle Li to forgive you."

Still dissatisfied with the four eyes, he said to Uncle Li: "I got Uncle Li's order to lead the sheep. I don't know what rules I broke?"

Uncle Li was a little puzzled, "Who said I let you go?"

"Second brother said, you let me go." The words of the four eyes revealed the fat man's lie.Under the guise of Uncle Li's order, the fat man ordered Siyan to do things.

Fatty is the steward of the gang of thieves. He often conveys Uncle Li's orders, and it's normal to pass false orders occasionally.It's not a big deal.

"Why are you talking nonsense?" Fatty's face was exposed with anger, "If you say it again, I will abolish you for Uncle Li now."

The fat man became angry from embarrassment, and immediately wanted to do it.

"Presumptuous!" Uncle Li reprimanded the fat man, "Kneel down."

Fatty didn't dare not kneel, he knelt obediently.

It can be seen from this that how strict Uncle Li is usually makes his subordinates very afraid.

Uncle Li looked around, "Go ahead."

"Second brother said, it was you who wanted to find out the quality of the pair of mandarin ducks, so I went to inspect the goods, otherwise I..." Siyan made a mistake again.

For such a big or small matter, Four Eyes first offended the eldest brother, Uncle Li, and then offended the second son, Fatty.

The boss and the second child of the thief gang were severely offended by Four Eyes.

The fate of Four Eyes is already doomed, and sooner or later it will be "settled after autumn".

A newcomer, in the workplace, doesn't understand anything, but still insists that he is right. He hates his colleagues, superiors, and boss. Such a newcomer will be dealt with sooner or later.Even if he is really right.

Let's talk about Zhou Qiang and Xiaoye.

"Brother Qiang, this beef is good, you should eat more." Xiaoye helped Zhou Qiang pick up vegetables.

"Okay. Xiaoye, this wine is not bad, let's have another glass."

Zhou Qiang and Xiaoye ate and drank for a while.

"Brother Qiang, are you also a senior thief?" Xiaoye looked curious.

"No, I'm not a thief, I've never stolen anything."

"Then how do you 'peel an egg'?"

"Xiaoye, you are just ignorant. Not everyone who can peel eggs like that is a thief."

"Then, brother Qiang, what do you do?"

"Me, I'm a security guard now."

"Security?" Xiaoye looked surprised.She didn't believe that Zhou Qiang was a security guard at all.

"Yes, the security guard." Zhou Qiang felt that being a security guard was not ashamed, but he had the vigor of "I'm proud!".

"Brother Qiang, how can you have time to travel when you are a security guard?"

"I'm not traveling, but the owner entrusted me to come out for something."

"what's up?"

"I can't sue you, it involves the owner's privacy. Come to Xiaoye, let's have another drink."

The two drank a few more glasses.

Xiaoye hesitated and asked, "Brother Qiang, do you really want to take me away?"

"Yes. Xiaoye, you will end up with Uncle Li. You will be implicated by him sooner or later. It's better to leave as soon as possible."

"But... Uncle Li won't let me go." Xiaoye was very entangled.

Without Zhou Qiang, she would not have thought about leaving Uncle Li.

Now, under Zhou Qiang's suggestion, Xiaoye has also changed his mind, not wanting to follow the old man Uncle Li all the time.

"It's up to him whether to let him go or not. He's about to be cleaned up." Zhou Qiang sneered.

"What do you mean?" Xiaoye didn't understand.

"It's nothing, Xiaoye, tell me, you have no criminal record in the police station for what you did?"

"Probably not, before me." Xiaoye said a lot about herself.

For some reason, Xiaoye can always let go of her worries in front of Zhou Qiang and talk about her past.

Chat for a while.

"Brother Qiang, let's go to the box." Xiaoye pulled Zhou Qiang, blinked, and there was other meaning in her eyes.

"No. Let's talk another day." Zhou Qiang unexpectedly refused.

Zhou Qiang returned to the carriage.

"Are you hungry? I'll buy you food."

"Thirsty? I'll bring you hot water."

"Are you tired? I'll buy a soft sleeper, and you can lie down."

Wang Bo is courting Wang Li.

Shagen went back to take care of Wang Li before.

Wang Li asked strangely, only to find out that Zhou Qiang found out that she was pregnant and told Sha Gen.


Wang Bo came back after eating.

Shagen leaked the truth, and Wang Bo also knew that Wang Li was pregnant.

When Wang Bo found out, he complained.

Blame Wang Li for hiding this matter.

Afterwards, Wang Bo began to show courtesy to Wang Li.

At this moment, Wang Bo is a qualified husband.

Although he is a thief, he is still responsible and wants to take good care of his wife and children.

Zhou Qiang smiled and continued to tell stories to Sha Gen.

The stories told are human tragedies.

Shagen couldn't help crying, it turned out that he was not the most miserable orphan, there were many children who were worse than him.

Xiaoye returns to the box.

Uncle Li was wandering in the aisle alone.

Earlier, Uncle Li discovered that the fat man had "falsified the imperial decree".

Leave the fat man talking alone.

Uncle Li stood.

Fatty knelt.

"Uncle Li, there are no outsiders now.

I said a few heartfelt words.

I have been with you for five years.

On the saddle and behind the horse, charge into battle.

Pretty loyal.

Even if there is no credit, there should be hard work.


Ever since you got to know Xiao Ye, you have lost your mind, right?
Such a long train, you don't let the brothers hunt.

You let this woman go to inspect the goods.

I know what your purpose is.

You are nothing more than letting this woman show her face more, establish her prestige, and replace me one day in the future.

In doing so, the brothers all have opinions.

Uncle Li, your country was not created by Xiaoye.

It was the brothers who raised their heads to fight for you.

So, I don't agree with you treating Xiaoye like this.

Uncle Li, I should shake my arms anyway.

I also know the rules of the road. "

When the fat man said this, he took out the 'cigar cutter' to catch his middle finger, "Uncle Li, do it."

Fatty targeted Xiaoye before, and he was really worried that Xiaoye would "replace him".

Now the fat man can be considered a pick with Uncle Li.

Uncle Li was silent for a while, "Second brother, let's go, don't make an example."

Uncle Li didn't cut off the fat man's fingers.

The fat man walked away with his head down.He still doesn't think it's fair.

Uncle Li held the 'cigar cutter' and felt that the box was a little stuffy, so he came to the aisle.

There was a word in his mind: When the hearts of the people are scattered, it is difficult to lead the team.

At this time Xiaoye came over.

"Why are you alone? Where's that reckless man?" Uncle Li asked.

"He won't come to the box with me." Xiaoye was a little puzzled.She didn't understand why Zhou Qiang refused her invitation.Isn't she pretty?

"It's right not to come. When walking in the rivers and lakes, be careful." Uncle Li nodded, "Just now Fatty and Four Eyes" took the initiative to tell Xiaoye about the previous incident.

Uncle Li stood at the aisle window, looking out.

Xiaoye came out of the room, touched Uncle Li's shoulder, and handed him a glass of wine.

Uncle Li touched Xiaoye's little hand on his shoulder, and couldn't help but say that sentence: "It's not easy to lead the team when people lose their hearts."

"That's also because you are soft-hearted." While Xiaoye was speaking, she patted Uncle Li on the back vigorously, causing some of the wine in Uncle Li's hand to spill out, "This is not like you."

What Xiaoye meant was that Uncle Li was very strict with his opponents before, and he must be punished for any mistakes.Now, Uncle Li didn't punish Fatty severely.This is not normal.

After Xiaoye finished speaking, she returned to the bed in the box, hugged her legs and stretched upwards to exercise her flexibility.

"It's easy to break a fat man's finger, but if he loses his heart, he will become a lonely family." Uncle Li followed in, "The current disaster is that silly boy, no wonder the brothers feel itchy.

I'm really sorry for the patriarch if I don't cut her up.

I think you should go and deal with him. "

Uncle Li finally turned to Xiaoye.I hope that Xiaoye will make a move and establish prestige.

"Uncle Li, with Zhou Qiang here, I'm worried that he will ask the police to arrest me." Xiaoye hesitated.She didn't want to steal things in front of Zhou Qiang.

Moreover, Zhou Qiang had done such a thing before, asking the police to arrest the painter.Xiaoye was right to be worried.

"Then you lure Zhou Qiang away first, and let Fatty and Siyan take action."

"I lure Zhou Qiang away?"

"Yes, other people can't, you have to go, you invite Zhou Qiang to the bar tonight, and then find out about Zhou Qiang, it's best to let him join us.

A thousand troops are easy to get, but a general is hard to find.

Those who know me say I am worried, those who don't know me say what I want. "

Uncle Li seems to have read some books, and he always likes to speak a few words.


Wang Bo and Wang Li are going to the soft sleeper compartment.

Wang Bo reissued the soft sleeper ticket.

His woman is pregnant, and he doesn't want to tire her out.

"Silly, don't go anywhere, just follow Zhou Qiang, your money is being targeted by many people." Wang Li warned carefully before leaving.

"I know elder sister, you have to take care of yourself, and live a stable life with elder brother in the future." Shagen was also a little worried about Wang Li.He was worried that Wang Li would not live a peaceful life if she followed the thief.

"You still need to worry about me?"

After chatting for a few words, Wang Bo and Wang Li bid farewell and left.

The painter followed suit.

Zhou Qiang saw it, but didn't say anything.

He continued to tell stories to Shagen.

Soft sleeper compartment.

Wang Bo and Wang Li are lying on the same bed.

"I have an ominous feeling." Wang Bo whispered to Wang Li.

"What?" Wang Li suddenly became alert.She believed in Wang Bo's feelings.

"I feel like I'm being watched."

"Being targeted? That Zhou Qiang?" Wang Li was the first to suspect Zhou Qiang, because Zhou Qiang was not a normal person.

"I don't know, maybe it's Uncle Li, maybe it's someone else."

"What should I do?"

"Let's get out of the car as soon as possible and stay away from this right and wrong trip."

"Okay, I'll clean up, let's get off at the next stop." Wang Li didn't hesitate.Because of Zhou Qiang, she didn't worry about Sha Gen this time.

Wang Bo and Wang Li have just packed their things.

The painter noticed, "Want to escape? You can't escape."

He also went to arrange.

It is already night.

Zhou Qiang and Sha Gen fell asleep in their seats.

At this time, Xiaoye came over.

"Brother Qiang, shall we go dancing?" Xiaoye's face was charming.

"Dancing?" Zhou Qiang looked at the nearby painters, "Let's go."

Xiaoye dragged Zhou Qiang away.

Shagen is still sleeping with his eyes closed.

After a while.

Four Eyes and Fatty are here.

They quietly sat beside Sha Gen.

The fat man was in charge of the lookout, with four eyes ready to strike.

However, at this moment the artist suddenly stood up.

"Hey, why are you here? Isn't it for others to sit here?"

"Who said that?" The fat man replied.

"That young man, he was worried that someone would steal this kid's money, and he asked the marshals to arrest me before.

By the way, you didn't come here to steal his money, did you? "The voice of the painter is getting louder.

Everyone around opened their eyes, but Sha Gen was still sound asleep.

"Don't talk nonsense!" The fat man was a little angry.

"Why am I talking nonsense? Why are you sitting here? Say it!" The painter is very similar to Zhou Qiang at this moment.

"We'll just sit around."

"Sit casually, if something is wrong, I want to call the police." The painter refused to let go.

"Crazy." Seeing that the situation was wrong, the fat man turned around and walked away.

The painter smiled slightly and continued to sit near Shagen.

Shagen is still sleeping.

After a while.

There was a thick smoke billowing from the compartment.

"Fire, fire!" the crowd yelled.

The painter hurriedly told the female teacher beside him, "Go find a fire extinguisher!" Then he ran to put out the fire.

Shagen was also woken up at this time, and hurried to put out the fire.

The two of them stomped hard on the smoking cotton coat.

At this time, several people crowded over.

Squeeze silly roots aside.

He took away the oil bag in Shagen's bag.

Shagen was still fighting the fire, without the slightest notice.

The painter touched his bag and smiled secretly.

After Sha Gen put out the fire, he continued to sleep.

Uncle Li's box.

"Uncle Li, the money has been swapped, and it's all 'Mingbi'." Four Eyes reported the situation.

They partnered just now, and they were smoking and creating chaos, and finally they stole fake money, and the trouble was wasted.

"Mingbi? Who dropped the bag? That Zhou Qiang?"

"It should be him, otherwise he wouldn't leave at ease." The fat man answered.

"I underestimated that brat. Where is the real money?" Uncle Li asked.

"Zhou Qiang went to the bar without a bag, the money should be in their luggage. Uncle Li, Siyan and I go again?"

"Don't use it for now, let people stare and see where the money is hidden."


Zhou Qiang is still dancing with Xiaoye.

Xiaoye is wearing a suspender skirt, specially dressed up, a little seductive.

"Xiaoye, you are so beautiful." Zhou Qiang danced face to face with Xiaoye.

"Brother Qiang, you have a really good figure." Xiaoye spoke in Zhou Qiang's ear.She was not idle either, and used her hand to 'look' at Zhou Qiang's figure.

At this moment, they are very happy to play. (end of this chapter)

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