Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 726 If parents are unkind, children must be unfilial

Chapter 726 If parents are unkind, children must be unfilial

While Yan Bugui was having dinner at Zhou Qiang's house.


Yan Xiecheng's family.

"How is it? Can Zhou Qiang borrow money? How much interest?" Yan Jiecheng asked Yu Li hurriedly.

"Did you tell our dad that I went to Zhou Qiang's house?" Yu Li asked without answering.

"Just now when our mother saw you go out, she asked what you were doing, and I said that you went to Zhou Qiang's house to borrow money."

"Our dad has also gone to Zhou Qiang's house. He won't let Zhou Qiang borrow money."

"Don't let me borrow? Did my dad lower the interest rate?" Yan Jiecheng reacted quickly, and he guessed Yan Bugui's thoughts in no time.

"Yes, five cents."

"Fifty percent interest is okay, almost the same as bank interest." Yan Xiecheng felt that this interest was acceptable.

"Is silly Zhu back?" Yu Li asked.

"I don't know, you should go and have a look." Well, Yan Jiecheng let Yu Li take the lead in everything, he felt ashamed and didn't want to go.

Yu Li went to Shazhu's house in the middle courtyard.

"Miss Xiaoxia, what about cooking?"

"Just warm up the food, Zhu Zi packed it back from the restaurant." Since Sha Zhu and Lou Xiao'e opened the restaurant together, Zhou Xiaoxia basically didn't have to cook dinner.

"Is brother Zhuzi here?"

"No, he's still busy at the restaurant, and he asked his apprentice to deliver the food." Zhou Xiaoxia responded before realizing that Yu Li was looking for Sha Zhu, "Yu Li, are you here looking for Zhu Zi? It will take a few hours for him to come back. The restaurant is busy at night and often cannot leave."

"so late?"

"Yes, restaurants are like this. Although they can make some money, they are tiring."

"Sister Xiaoxia, you go ahead and wait for brother Zhuzi to come back before I come over."

After a while.

Silly column is back.

There are few customers today.

Come back early.

When Sha Zhu was walking from the front yard to the middle courtyard, Yu Li and Yan Jiecheng called to stop Sha Zhu.

"Brother Zhuzi, do you know any chefs?" Yu Li asked straight to the point.

"Chef? What's the matter? Are you going to open a restaurant?"

"Yes, we plan to open a small restaurant, but we can't find a good chef. I thought you must know a chef, so I came to ask for advice." Yu Li spoke very politely.Since Shazhu became rich, the people in the courtyard became more polite to him.

"I do know quite a few cooks, but whether the restaurant you open is big or not, if it's too small, there's no need to hire a cook."

"The restaurant can hold more than ten tables, and there are a few small private rooms."

"It's not too small, okay, I'll ask later." Sha Zhu directly agreed and went home.

Yan Bugui went home.

He drank a lot and was a little tipsy.

Taking advantage of cheap wine, he always wants to drink a few more glasses.

Yu Li and Yan Jiecheng hurried to find her.

"Dad, we agreed just now, five-cent profit, right?"

"That's right." Yan Bugui nodded, "However, I plan to invest in your restaurant, what do you think?"

Yan Bugui went to Zhou Qiang's house and changed his mind.

Zhou Qiang said that opening a restaurant now is a matter of earning more and earning less, and it is basically impossible to lose money, so Yan Bugui was moved.

"You want to buy shares?" Yu Li frowned suddenly when she heard this.In fact, she didn't want Yan Bugui to invest in the shares, so it would mean that she and Yan Xiecheng would work for Yan Bugui to make money.

"Yes, I'm not only a shareholder, but also 2 yuan. How much do you think I should take?" Yan Bugui smiled. He planned to borrow [-] yuan from Zhou Qiang and invest it in a restaurant. , and return it to Zhou Qiang.

He is an empty-handed white wolf, and he is very shrewd in his calculations.

"Twenty thousand?!" Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li were stunned, "Dad, where did you get so much money?"

At this time, Yu Li understood, "Dad, are you borrowing Zhou Qiang's money?"

"Hehe." Yan Bugui smiled and did not admit it, "Talk about the restaurant in detail, I want to invest [-] yuan in shares, let's talk about the share."

"If it's [-], we'll give you [-]%."

"Fifty percent is no good, it's too little."

Yan Bugui's family began to plot against each other.

Wang Meili's younger siblings, Wang Jiawen, Wang Jiawu, Wang Meiyun, and Wang Meiyan, have all graduated from college and have formal jobs.

They are no longer farmers, they are cadres.

Although it is said that occupations do not distinguish between high and low, no matter it is income or medical insurance, there are differences, and they are very big.

Take the reimbursement of medical expenses for hospitalization as an example.

Some people have a high reimbursement rate, and some people have a low reimbursement rate.

There are grades in many things, and they all talk about money.

Without money, children cannot go to school.

No money, can't afford a house.

No money, no marriage.

No money, no children.

If you are rich, you can live in a villa.

If you have money, you can hire a nanny to work and enjoy yourself.

If you are rich, you can boss around and order people to run errands.

Being rich can allow the next generation to live a free life. They are in their [-]s and [-]s, and they can still find girlfriends.

With money, there are too many things you can do.

At least I won't seek death because I don't have money for medical treatment!

Money divides people into high and low.

Different occupations have different incomes.

Gossip or less mention it.

Seeing that Zhou Qiang made a lot of money doing business, Wang Meili's younger brother and sister also wanted to do some business and make some money.

"You also want to do business, don't you?" Wang Meili called her younger siblings home.

"Yes, elder sister, I don't know what my brother-in-law said? Can you lend us money?" Wang Jiawen asked.

"You guys first talk about what business you want to do."

"You can do whatever business you want, selling clothes or opening a restaurant, you can make money."

"Your brother-in-law said that you can open a Sichuan hotpot restaurant, what do you think?"

"That's fine, but the money to open the shop must be borrowed from my brother-in-law."

"As for the money, your brother-in-law has already agreed to lend it to you. However, he asked you to go to Sichuan first to see what's going on with the hot pot there. If you want to open an authentic Sichuan hot pot restaurant."

"Going to Sichuan? Just find a Sichuan chef here and ask?"

"I must go to Sichuan to take a look! This is what your brother-in-law requested."

Not long.

Yan's restaurant opened.

Since he was the cook introduced by Shazhu, the business is not bad, with a lot of turnover every day and a lot of profit.

The hot pot restaurants of Wang Meili's younger brother and sister also opened, but not one, but three.

Wang Meili's four younger brothers and sisters jointly opened a hot pot restaurant, and the four of them shared the profits.

Zhou Qiang has two younger sisters and a younger brother. The three of them start a family together, and the three of them share the profits.

Wang Meili opened a family alone, and the profits belonged to herself.

Fast forward to [-].



Liu Haizhong and Xu Damao became rich because of going to sea.

However, they resell unplanned steel products together. The business is not always available, and the income is unstable. Although each transaction can make a lot of money, they can't do business a few times a year.

But even so, Liu Haizhong and Xu Damao made a lot of money, which was much more than their wages.

Intermediate Court.

He Yuzhu is richer.

He and Lou Xiaoe's restaurant is very big.

He participates in the share every month and earns a lot of money.

Under Zhou Qiang's suggestion, He Yuzhu bought several shops and started collecting rent.


What Yan Bugui and Yan Xiecheng do most every day is to count money.

Their restaurant business is good, and they are very profitable. After the two companies are divided, there are still a lot of them.

There are more and more rich people in Dazayuan.

These changes have affected other families.

Everyone else in Dazayuan also wants to do business.

The advantage of this era is that you can't easily lose money if you mess around.

As a result, the income of most residents of the courtyard began to increase.

There are more than 20 households in Dazayuan, and nearly [-] households have started business.

More or less, they all made money.

The courtyard as a whole has become richer.

There are only a few families, and the family is very poor and has no money to do business.

The Jia family did not do business.

Jia Zhang, Qin Huairu, and the three children are not suitable for business.

On the contrary, Jia's life became even more difficult.

Jia Geng, Jia Dang, and Jia Huaihua all have no jobs and are living at home.

Although Jia Geng learned how to play movies with Xu Damao, Xu Damao offended the people in the cinema and was sent down to be a ticket inspector.

Jia Geng, Xu Damao's apprentice, was fired directly.

Jia Geng has always been a temporary worker. Xu Damao said to help Jia Geng become a regular worker, but he has always just talked about it, and has not really helped Jia Geng.

Jia Geng is unemployed and at home, and his partner is also blown.

Qin Huairu is also getting older, Xu Damao is not so enthusiastic about her.

Qin Huairu is only occasionally approached.

Qin Huairu would have benefited a lot from Xu Damao.

After Xu Damao got rich.

Yu Haitang came over.

After Yu Haitang divorced Xu Damao, she never got married, but the men around her changed one after another.

Yu Haitang and Xu Damao often play together recently.

However, they all tacitly did not mention the matter of remarriage.

This morning.


Liu Guangfu is washing dishes in the yard.

Liu Guangtian walked over carelessly.

He was still holding pancakes in his hand.Just went to buy breakfast.

Seeing Liu Guangtian, Liu Guangfu asked in a low voice: "Second Brother, I heard that sister-in-law has divided the house?"

"Don't talk nonsense." Liu Guangtian did not admit it.He also looked around, afraid that others might hear him.Probably because he was afraid that his father would hear it in his bangs.

"Second brother, if you don't want to tell me, I don't bother to ask. Let me tell you, I have divided the house. To tell you the truth, I will act tonight."

"move place?"

"That's right, I'm going to wait until the dead of night, when our parents are asleep, I'll move."

Liu Guangtian shook his head, "The two of us have thought about going together."


"Really, your sister-in-law also means to move tonight."

"That's fine, don't tell anyone else."


At this time, Liu Haizhong came out of the room.

Holding a teacup and a Maza, he was going to the front yard to play chess with Yan Bugui.

He and Yan Bugui are considered successful people.

The current income far exceeds that of Yi Zhonghai.

They didn't bring Yi Zhonghai to play with them anymore.

Yi Zhonghai did not do business either.

He is too old to bother.

"Dad, yesterday you said you had leftovers, so I didn't buy you breakfast." Liu Guangtian explained.

Seeing that Liu Haizhong didn't speak, Liu Guangtian continued: "Why don't you have some pancakes?"

Liu Haizhong looked at Liu Guangtian with a look of contempt, with a look of disgust on his face: "Hypocritical, if you have filial piety, you can just buy it directly, don't say anything, and send it to your mother, that's called filial piety.

Now, huh, what?Are you afraid that you won't be able to pay the bill with your wife? "These few words in Liu Haizhong's yin and yang are strange, which makes Liu Guangtian not come to Taiwan.

"Forget it, forget it." Liu Guangtian bowed his head and left.He's had enough of it here in the bangs.He wants to get out of here.

Liu Haizhong turned his head and looked at Liu Guangfu contemptuously. Liu Guangfu smiled awkwardly and had no choice but to leave.

Liu Haizhong gave a 'cut' sound, "Just buy two pancakes, enough for someone to eat, really."

He went to the front yard.

He doesn't care about pancakes.

Another day, he asked the second aunt to also buy two pancakes, eat one and throw the other away.

You can also buy two bowls of tofu nao, eat one bowl and pour one bowl.


Everyone in the courtyard is asleep.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu started to act.

"Slow down!"

"Give me a hand, be careful not to knock!"

They called a pick-up truck and a tricycle, and quietly, like thieves, they moved away.

They did not disturb Liu Haizhong.

Early the next morning.

Liu Haizhong went out to wash up with a towel and a washbasin, only to find that the two earthquake shelters outside the door were empty, with no one and no furniture. Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu moved out.

"Fucking baby, fucking baby, come out, come out!" Liu Haizhong hurriedly called out to Second Aunt.

"What's wrong?" The second aunt came out and asked.

"Look, see for yourself. This is what your trusted son did." Liu Haizhong shifted the responsibility to the second aunt.

The second aunt didn't care about other things, she hurriedly looked for the gas stove, but she couldn't find it, "Where is my gas stove? My gas stove!" The second aunt fainted in a panic.

"Come on, save people!" Liu Haizhong shouted hastily.

Xu Damao came out with Yu Haitang when he heard the movement.They haven't remarried yet.

"What's the matter, Second Uncle?"

"Your second aunt fainted, call an ambulance!"

"I'll call right away." Xu Damao hurried back to his room to make a call.A landline telephone has been installed in his house.

After a while.

The ambulance took Er Da Ma and Liu Haizhong away.

Yi Zhonghai, Yan Bugui, Qin Huairu, Xu Damao, and others sent it off at the gate together.

Yi Zhonghai felt that Xu Damao performed well this time, so he praised: "Xu Damao, it's alright, this time we really managed a personnel matter."

This made Xu Damao very tired of listening, "Master, what do you mean by this? You are the only one who knows how to do personnel affairs, right?"

"Xu Damao, why can't you hear good words? Didn't this uncle praise you?" Qin Huairu helped Yi Zhonghai speak, "If you hadn't called, would the car have arrived in such a timely manner?"

"I really didn't hear it. It sounds worse than cursing." Xu Damao went back with a depressed face.Yu Haitang was still waiting for him in the room.

"Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu are too outrageous." Yan Bugui said.

"It's outrageous. But, Lao Yan, I'm worried about Lao Liu, and I'm also worried about you. Can you guarantee that your child can take care of you?"

The third mother took over the words: "Master, you don't have to worry about this, my children, it's all about calculations, but you can't do that kind of inhumane thing."

"I hope so." Yi Zhonghai went home.

The second aunt had a cerebral hemorrhage and needed to be hospitalized for a few days.

Liu Haizhong went home to live.

He can't cook.

Yi Zhonghai wants Sha Zhu to help cook for Liu Haizhong.

Silly Zhu still remembers Liu Haizhong's hatred and doesn't want to cook.

However, under Yi Zhonghai's persuasion, Shazhu didn't hold on for long before agreeing.

However, Sha Zhu agreed to cook, Liu Haizhong is not happy to eat the food of Sha Zhu's family.

At this time, Liu Haizhong had already made money, and he would rather spend the money to eat in restaurants outside than to eat the food cooked by Sha Zhu.

After all, Liu Haizhong and Sha Zhu had a grudge against each other, and they didn't get along.

Seeing this, Yi Zhonghai stopped meddling in his own business.

a few days later.

The second aunt was discharged from the hospital.

She has sequelae of cerebral hemorrhage and is not in good health. Not only can she not cook, she also needs to resume exercise.

Liu Haizhong waited for a few days, but one of the three sons did not come back. He had no choice but to hire a nanny to cook, and also dismantled the earthquake shelter, and bought some rehabilitation equipment for the second aunt to exercise.

Fortunately, Liu Haizhong made some money.

If there is no money, I am afraid life will be difficult.

If the parents are unkind, the children must be unfilial.

Liu Haizhong beat or scolded his son for no reason.

Now, there is a big gap.

Liu Haizhong and Second Aunt are getting old, they need someone to take care of them, even if it's just one or two bowls of rice, and now they don't have a son to come back to cook.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu must have resentment towards Liu Haizhong and the second aunt, and it is not small.

Liu Guangqi, the most respected eldest son in Liu Haizhong, is the most unfilial.

Liu Haizhong and Second Aunt treat him the best.

But after Liu Guangqi got married, he never came back.

More decisive than a married daughter.

It seems that Liu Haizhong is Liu Guangqi's enemy and has never been in contact with him for the rest of his life.

Liu Haizhong's old age is not very good.

After Yan Bugui's death, I'm afraid it's hard to say, because he calculated that he lost his family affection.

(End of this chapter)

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