Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 711 Xu Damao and Qin Jingru

Chapter 711 Xu Damao and Qin Jingru

The next day.

Qin Huairu really went to the hospital.

I don't know who she is looking for.

He really asked about Xu Damao's condition.

"Take medicine for three months and abstain from sexual intercourse for half a year. There is a possibility of recovery."

Qin Huairu returned to the courtyard.

The doctor's words are ambiguous.

Qin Huairu actually doesn't quite understand whether Xu Damao's illness will be cured.

However, the medicine Xu Damao took was indeed five yuan a pair.

Qin Huairu felt that after taking such expensive medicines, what disease could not be cured?
She felt that Xu Damao's illness could be cured.

Seeing Qin Huairu coming back, "Sister, can Xu Damao's illness be cured?" Qin Jingru asked hastily.

Today Xu Damao took the initiative to chat with Qin Jingru.

Qin Jingru looks good, just at the age of youth and beauty, beautiful and moving, very fresh.

When Xu Damao saw Qin Jingru, he immediately became lustful.

He took the initiative to talk to Qin Jingru, and also wanted to invite Qin Jingru out for dinner.

The meaning of Xu Damao's pursuit is obvious.

Qin Jingru is also very interested in the 'rich man' Xu Damao, and wants to follow him.

It's just that Qin Jingru was worried that Xu Damao was really infertile, so he didn't dare to agree.

"The doctor said that Xu Damao took the medicine for three consecutive months, and the disease was almost cured." Qin Huairu interpreted the doctor's ambiguous words as medicine to cure the disease.

"So, Xu Damao's illness is really going to be cured!" Qin Jingru looked happy.

When the doctor's words reached Qin Huairu and then Qin Jingru, the meaning had changed.

Perhaps Xu Damao thought so too.

Perhaps, the doctor also hoped that Xu Damao's illness could be cured.

Since Zhou Qiang went to university, he has become even busier.

Fortunately, his situation is a bit special, so he can only take the exam instead of going to class on time every day.

this day.


Zhou Qiang finally had time to rest.

Had lunch at noon.

"Go, I'll take you to buy new clothes." Zhou Qiang shouted.

"Oh, buy new clothes!" Zhou Fang and Zhou Sheng shouted happily.

"Brother Qiang, I don't need it anymore, I just made new clothes before." Wang Meili said.When she got married, she did have new clothes made.

Zhou Juan also said, "Brother, you don't need to buy it for me." In fact, she hasn't had any new clothes for a year or two.

"Everyone is obedient. This time, everyone has new clothes, and so does Jiawen." Zhou Qiang waved his hand.Wang Jiawen is also here.He was called over by Zhou Qiang for dinner.

"Brother Qiang, you don't need to buy it for me." Wang Jiawen hastily declined.

"What's wrong? Do you think the clothes I bought are dirty?" Zhou Qiang pretended to be angry, and said a few words to Wang Jiawen.

Wang Jiawen could only agree.

Simply tidy up.

"Let's go!" Zhou Qiang took Wang Meili, his younger siblings, and Wang Jiawen to go shopping and visit department stores together.

New Year is coming soon.

Zhou Qiang's salary has risen again and again.

He's going to add some new clothes to his family.

department store.

clothing area.

The beautiful clothes attracted Wang Meili, Zhou Juan and the others.

Under the cold eyes of the salesperson, they kept their distance and looked at the clothes they liked.

"Bring me that red coat, please," Zhou Qiang said.

Wang Meili looked at the red coat again and again, and obviously liked it.

Of course Zhou Qiang will buy it for her.

"Do you want to buy it?" the salesperson asked impatiently.She was knitting gloves and was too lazy to talk to Zhou Qiang and the others.


"What size do you want?"

"Buy it for her, what size do you see."

The salesperson looked at Wang Meili disdainfully, and ordered: "Wait." Wang Meili is tall, so she wanted a large size.

"Hey, how much is this dress?" Wang Meili asked hastily.

"65." (The price is not clear, it is estimated.)
"So expensive?" Wang Meili was shocked.

A woolen coat is more than many people's monthly salary.

"Don't buy it if you think it's too expensive." The salesman sat down again.She was too lazy to find a coat in Wang Meili's size.Anyway, whether the clothes are sold or not doesn't affect her salary.

"Please take the coat, I bought it." Zhou Qiang said.

Wang Meili wanted to say no, but was stopped by Zhou Qiang.

"Pay first!" The salesperson issued an invoice.

"Okay." Zhou Qiang paid the money and the ticket neatly.

Get the clothes, "Come on, beautiful, change into it, it looks good."

"Don't wear it now, wait until the Chinese New Year." The clothes are too expensive, and Wang Meili is reluctant to wear them.

Zhou Qiang didn't try to persuade him anymore, but turned to look at the other clothes, "Please take those clothes, I bought her and her size." Zhou Qiang bought clothes for Zhou Juan and Zhou Fang.

"Okay." This time, the salesperson's attitude improved a bit.She suddenly realized that the young man in front of her seemed to be very rich.

After buying clothes for Zhou Juan and Zhou Fang, Zhou Qiang bought new clothes for Zhou Sheng, Wang Jiawen, and Zhou Qiang himself.

When they were about to leave after shopping for clothes, they saw Xu Damao and Qin Jingru approaching from a distance, talking and laughing.

It seems that Xu Damao and Qin Jingru also want to buy clothes.

Meet you head on.

Zhou Qiang and the others, as well as Xu Damao and the others, were a little embarrassed.

"Researcher Zhou, are you here to buy clothes?" Qin Jingru saw Wang Meili and the others holding new clothes in their hands, his eyes lit up, and he hurried over to look at Wang Meili's red coat, "It's so beautiful." Qin Jingru couldn't put it down, and she also liked this one Red coat.

"Yes, it's almost Chinese New Year, buy a new dress." Zhou Qiang replied casually.

"Xiaoqiang, you are very kind to your younger siblings." Xu Damao said with an awkward smile.He didn't expect to bump into his neighbor in the courtyard in the department store.Neighbors in the courtyard usually do not come to the department store to buy things.

"I haven't bought new clothes for them for several years, and I can't do it this year. The old clothes are all torn." Zhou Qiang said.He didn't ask what happened to Xu Damao and Qin Jingru.

"This is Qin Jingru, Qin Huairu's cousin. If she wants to go shopping, I'll bring her to have a look." Xu Damao simply explained.

"Let's go to the food area." Zhou Qiang left after chatting awkwardly.

Zhou Qiang and the others went to the food area.

"Brother Qiang, what about Xu Damao and Qin Jingru?" Wang Meili looked gossipy.

"Maybe they are looking for a partner." Zhou Qiang said.

"Isn't Xu Damao infertile? Why is Qin Jingru so confused looking for Xu Damao?" Wang Meili continued to gossip.

"I don't know that either."

"Brother Qiang, has Qin Jingru been tricked by Xu Damao?"

"It's possible."

"No, Brother Qiang, you have to tell Qin Jingru that she is from Qinjiazhuang, and her father has a good relationship with mine."

"How do you say? Are we saying that Xu Damao is sick?" Zhou Qiang shook his head, "Qin Jingru's sister, Qin Huairu, must have known about Xu Damao's illness, and must have told Qin Jingru."

"Then Qin Jingru is still fooling around with Xu Damao?"

"Didn't Xu Damao take traditional Chinese medicine recently? Maybe the disease has been cured?"


"Beautiful, buy more packs of dim sum." Zhou Qiang changed the subject, not wanting to gossip about other people's homes.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Zhou Qiang went to the countryside to check the planting and breeding conditions.

He goes to the countryside every few days.

He is serious about his work.

Wang Zhuang.

Zhou Qiang was busy for a while, having dinner at Wang Dashun's house.

"Xiaoqiang, I heard from Jiawen that you have gone to college?"

"Yes, Professor Peng from Capital University recommended me to go to university."

"Then you work...?" Wang Dashun worried that Zhou Qiang would lose his income.

"The job is still there, and I still go to work normally."

"That's good."

"Dad, this crop of vegetables is growing well, pay attention to leave more seeds."

"Okay. Xiaoqiang, the village slaughtered pigs a year ago, so you don't need to buy pork."

"Okay Dad, the fish is ready to be salvaged"

Zhou Qiang and Wang Dashun chatted while eating.

After a while.

Qin Youde is here.

"Old Qin is here? Haven't eaten yet, let's eat together." Wang Dashun hurriedly greeted.

"Brother Wang, I've eaten. I heard that Researcher Zhou is here, so I'll inquire about something." Qin Youde didn't serve the table, but just stood aside.He seemed to have something urgent to ask Zhou Qiang.

"Old Qin, come, let's have a few drinks first." Wang Dashun dragged Qin You to the table.

"Okay." Qin Youde declined a few times and sat in front of the table.

However, he was in no rush to drink.

He directly asked: "Researcher Zhou, I heard that you and Xu Damao are neighbors in the same courtyard. I don't know how he is?"

Qin Youde came to ask Xu Damao.

Qin Jingru told her family about her and Xu Damao.

When he knew that Xu Damao could not bear children because of his illness, Qin Youde raised his heart.

He was worried that Xu Damao's illness was not cured.Even though he knew that Xu Damao had taken five yuan a pair of medicine, he was still worried and wanted to ask Zhou Qiang about the situation.

"Captain Qin, Xu Damao is a projectionist in the rolling mill. He often comes to Hongxing Commune to show movies. Haven't you heard of him?" Zhou Qiang asked back.

"Projectionist? Is that...the projectionist?" Qin Youde's voice raised involuntarily.

Obviously, Qin Youde had heard about Xu Damao's 'love affair'.

"Xu Dashun, the projectionist from Red Star Commune?!" Wang Dashun also knew Xu Damao.

"Yes." Zhou Qiang nodded.

What Xu Damao did secretly is not a secret in the village.

At least the production team leaders in each village knew about it.

"So, Xu Damao lied to Jingru!" Qin Youde was a little angry.

"Captain Qin, come and have a drink." Wang Dashun greeted.Neither he nor Zhou Qiang said anything.

Qin Youde drank a few cups, hesitated, and asked again: "Researcher Zhou, I wonder if Xu Damao's illness has been cured?"

"I'm not sure. Captain Qin, I think it's useless for you to inquire like this. It's better to go directly to the doctor who sees Xu Damao and ask him face to face. It's safer." Zhou Qiang won't talk about Xu Damao's illness, it can't be cured.

"Yes, you should ask yourself. Listening to others is always unsafe." Wang Dashun said.It's not right to say anything, you should ask your doctor.

"I don't know who that doctor is...?"

"I heard that it seems to be the Chinese medicine department of the first hospital, Dr. Li."

"I went, can someone tell me about Xu Damao's illness?" Qin Youde was a little worried.

"Captain Qin, you go and tell the truth about the situation. I believe that the doctor will not hide or lie to you. After all, marriage is a major event in a lifetime."

"Okay, thank you Researcher Zhou." Qin Youde left with a heavy heart.

After Qin Youde left.

Wang Dashun suddenly asked in a low voice: "Xiaoqiang, that Xu Damao's illness has not been cured, has it?"

"Dad, did you see that?"

"Of course. If Xu Damao's illness is cured, everyone would have spread the word a long time ago. There's no use in asking about it like this."

"Dad, let's talk behind closed doors.

This Xu Damao is not a good thing.

He is not a good person in the courtyard.

Not to mention going to the countryside to do things.

Only a blind woman can fall in love with Xu Damao.

What's more, Xu Damao is still sick and unable to have children.

That Qin Jingru is very confused. "

In front of Wang Dashun, Zhou Qiang didn't hide it, and exposed Xu Damao's old background.

"Xiaoqiang, Lao Qin has a good relationship with us, tell me, do you want me to persuade you?"

"Dad, I know that Qin Jingru, she is a relatively selfish girl who only cares about her own pleasure.

If she approves of Xu Damao, Captain Qin's persuasion will be useless.

You, better not waste your time. "

"Yes, come, let's drink."

Qin Youde returned home.

Shen Feng, Qin Jingru's mother, hurriedly asked, "How is it? What did Researcher Zhou say?"

Qin Jingru was also anxious to know the result.

"Jingru, that Xu Damao is a projectionist in the rolling mill, do you know?" Qin Youde asked with a suppressed temper.

"I know." Qin Jingru lowered her head and said.She had heard about Xu Damao, but she deliberately kept it secret.She didn't care much about Xu Damao's past.She only cares about whether Xu Damao has money.

"What? It's that pervert, the projectionist Xu?!" Shen Feng was stunned.

"That's right!" Qin Youde looked unhappy.

"What pervert? Aren't those words just spread by everyone?" Qin Jingru helped Xu Damao speak.

"It's all true, this Xu Damao is not a good thing.

When he played a movie, he insisted on asking people from the Red Star Commune to give something away.

In the dark, I went to the widow's house.

Such a person, even if he is from the city, Jingru cannot marry him! "Qin Youde said while suppressing the fire.

"Yes, to marry such a person is to lose one's ancestors." Shen Feng also said.

Qin Jingru doesn't take it seriously, she doesn't care about Xu Damao's past, she only cares about whether Xu Damao's illness is cured, and whether Xu Damao has a lot of money.

"Father, what did Researcher Zhou say about Xu Damao's illness?"

"Researcher Zhou said he didn't know. He told me not to inquire like this, but to go directly to the hospital and ask the doctor, which is safer." Qin Youde said.

"Father, my cousin went to the hospital to ask, and she said that Xu Damao will be cured after taking the medicine."

Qin Youde understood Qin Jingru's reaction at a glance.

Knowing that Qin Jingru wants to marry Xu Damao.

Qin Youde hesitated, "Tomorrow morning, let's go to the hospital and ask the doctor face to face."

"No need?" Qin Jingru didn't want to go.

"We must go." Qin Youde made a final decision.


Qin Youde and Qin Jingru came together.

It took them a while to find Dr. Li.

"Doctor Li, it's like this, someone introduced my daughter to Xu Damao.

I heard that Xu Damao was ill.

I just don't know if Xu Damao's illness can be cured? Qin Youde asked cheekily. Qin Jingru blushed and listened.

Doctor Li is a middle-aged and elderly person.

He looked at Qin Jingru, who was very juicy, and asked, "Brother, has your daughter ever been married?"


"Then your daughter, is there something wrong with your health?"

"No, my daughter is in good health."

"Then your daughter is a normal person, why do you want to talk to Xu Damao?"

"Xu Damao is from the city, and we are from the countryside." Qin Youde blushed.

"Oh, that's right." Dr. Li nodded, then shook his head again, "Even so, I can't marry my daughter like this. Your daughter looks good, and it's not difficult to find a young man who hasn't been married before."

Qin Youde and Qin Jingru said in their hearts at the same time: "Young men who are not married, if they are willing to find someone in the village, they must have no money. Like Zhou Qiang, not only have no money, but also burdens, and foreign debts. Only fools are willing to marry."

"Doctor Li, can Xu Damao's illness be cured?" Qin Youde asked.

"It's hard to say."

"Why is it hard to say? Could it be cured?"

"It cannot be said that it is not cured.

It can only be said that Xu Damao's illness is very difficult to cure. "

"What? Xu Damao's illness is difficult to cure?!" Both Qin Youde and Qin Jingru were stunned.That's not what Qin Huairu said before.

Qin Youde and Qin Jingru left the hospital disappointed.

They went straight back to Qinjiazhuang.

"Jingru, don't think about that Xu Damao.

Let's ask Researcher Zhou to see if there is any suitable young man. "Qin Youde said. He believed in Zhou Qiang.

"That's right, Researcher Zhou has a good heart. If he helps introduce a partner, it will be fine." Shen Feng also believed in Zhou Qiang.

"Okay, then ask Researcher Zhou for help." Qin Jingru also believed in Zhou Qiang.

(End of this chapter)

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