Chapter 691

Fifteen light bulbs.

The house is neither big nor small.

A large dining table.

The four brothers and sisters of the Zhou family sat around and ate.

"Second brother, the noodles you make are delicious, better than mom's." Zhou Fang praised Zhou Qiang while eating the noodles.

She was a little young, and she almost forgot about the death of her parents when she turned around.

"Eat more if it tastes good." In winter, there was nothing to eat, so Zhou Qiang used the cabbage, radish, potato, and some dry goods at home, plus onions, ginger, and garlic, to make bowls of noodles.By the way, eggs were added.

However, Zhou Qiang's culinary skills have long been superb. Even with the simplest ingredients and seasonings, he can make delicious food.

Zhou Juan is older and sensible.Hearing Zhou Fang's words, his eyes turned red, and he almost shed tears again.

"Xiaojuan, do you want to add some chili?" Zhou Qiang saw it, picked up the chili and asked.

"No need, second brother." Zhou Juan lowered her head and continued to eat noodles, helping Zhou Sheng pick up the noodles that fell on the table from time to time.

Zhou Sheng buried his face in the bowl and kept eating noodles.He also thinks today's noodles are delicious.

"Xiaojuan, tomorrow I will take you and Xiaofang to school on a three-wheeler." Zhou Qiang added some chili, explaining what happened tomorrow.

Zhou Juan hesitated, "Second brother, if I don't go to school, I'll paste paper boxes at home."

There are odd jobs in the sub-district office, which are specially provided for poor households.

It can be pasted with cardboard boxes, and can also be used for shoe soles.

Zhou Juan inquired carefully, she can paste paper boxes.

Zhou Qiang was taken aback when he heard the words, feeling a little uncomfortable, "Xiaojuan, don't think too much, our family still has money, so you don't need to drop out of school.

The second brother will go to Dongcheng Auto Repair Factory tomorrow to have a look. There should be work and money.

Also, when we separated before, didn't we leave child support for you, Xiaofang and Xiaosheng? "

"Second brother, save the money and you'll need it in the future." Zhou Juan has already started to think about living.

"Xiaojuan, although our family doesn't have a lot of money, it's not a lot. You finish elementary school first, and we'll talk about the future." Zhou Qiang didn't persuade him much. As long as he can make money, Zhou Juan won't think about it. dropped out of school.

"Okay, second brother." After the accident at home, Zhou Juan grew up all of a sudden.A ten-year-old child has to think about how to survive.

"Second brother, I still want to eat!" Zhou Fang had already finished a bowl of noodles.

"Second brother, I want it too!" Zhou Sheng also finished pulling.

"Okay, there are all of them, bring the bowl here." Zhou Qiang cooks a lot of noodles, and he won't let his younger siblings have enough to eat.

While eating at Zhou's house.

Other families in the courtyard were also eating.

In the evening, it would be nice to have a bowl of stick batter.

Although they don't have enough to eat, their interest in gossip will not decrease.

The news about the Zhou family has already spread in the courtyard.

Almost everyone is talking.

Hungry, gossip about others.

With this free time, I don't know how to plan to get food, so I can go fishing.

In charge of the family of the third master Yan Bugui.

"Old Yan, you don't know that the Zhou family, Zhou Qiang, is not ordinary. He has done a lot of important things today." The third mother said while drinking corn mush.

"What's going on? Tell me in detail." Yan Bugui narrowed his eyes and asked.

He is an elementary school Chinese teacher.

At home, he was the only one earning money.

There are four children: Yan Jiecheng, Yan Jiefang, Yan Jiekuang, Yan Jiedi.They also drank corn mush and listened curiously.

Yan Bugui often said, "You can't eat poorly, and you can't wear poor clothes. If you can't figure it out, you will suffer poorly."

He is a very calculating person.

Not only outsiders are calculated, but even family members are also calculated.

In the end, the family relationship is gone.

No one gave him a pension.

As for why Yan Bugui likes to calculate?

Maybe it has something to do with his profession.

Rumor has it that people in their profession spend their money digging and searching.

However, Yan Bugui still has one bright spot.

That is, he owed money, and he would rather pick up the junk and pay back the money, and he would never default on it.

Yan Pugui has many shortcomings, such as being stingy, stingy, calculating, taking advantage of others, and somewhat lofty, etc.

But Yan Bugui is a person with a bottom line, and he resolutely does not do excessive things.Don't say too much.

"A few people came to the Zhou family this afternoon." The third mother told all about the Zhou family in detail.It's hard for her to hear so much while she's hungry.

"Fantastic, Zhou Qiang is really strong this time." Yan Bugui squinted his eyes, nodded, ate a pickle, and smacked his lips, "Zhou Hua, are you twenty? You were kicked out by Zhou Qiang."

"Then Zhou Hua is nothing. He wants to kick out Zhou Qiang, brother and sister." The third mother was a little contemptuous.

"It's called stealing chickens without losing rice. Zhou Hua lost even his house in the end." Yan Pugui also despised it.

"It's not just that they don't have a house, Zhou Tie and his wife don't have Zhou Hua's share in the two official jobs."

"Zhou Qiang knows how to do things. He invited Director Wang from the sub-district office, Qian Weiguo and Yang Shuheng from the rolling mill to suppress Zhou Hua."

"I just don't know if Zhou Hua will come to make trouble?"

"He doesn't dare to let him go. Director Wang made everything clear today. Zhou Hua is going to make trouble, and the three of us in charge will stop Zhou Hua and not allow Zhou Hua to mess around."

"The Zhou family is a piece of fat now, and there are many people who want to eat it."

"I want to eat, hum, I have to be able to eat." Yan Bugui squinted his eyes thoughtfully.

"Old Yan, tell me, can you get the Zhou family's regular job quota, and solve it as a temporary job for several years."

Yan Jiecheng, who was next to him, heard this and straightened his waist hastily. He is in his twenties, and he is eager to become a regular worker and find someone to marry.

"Not in a hurry." Yan Bugui shook his head, "Shooting the first bird, there are quite a few people staring at the Zhou family now, let others try first."

"Then what if the Zhou family's official job quota is snatched by others?" The third mother was a little anxious.

"The Zhou family is right next door, you should keep an eye on it and remind Zhou Qiang more." Yan Bugui squinted his eyes and calculated.


In charge of the second uncle Liu Haizhong's home.

"Old Liu, what happened to the Zhou family is like this." The second aunt drank corn mush and gossiped.

Liu Haizhong ate scrambled eggs and drank some wine, nodding from time to time.

Liu Haizhong is a fitter at the Hongxing Steel Rolling Plant.

His family is also making money alone.

However, his level of fitter is higher, and his income is much higher than that of Yan Bugui.

Liu Haizhong has three sons, Liu Guangqi, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu.

Liu Haizhong only dotes on the eldest son Liu Guangqi.

He gave Liu Guangqi all the best things in the family, but after Liu Guangqi got married, he left the Liu family and left a sentence, "I don't want my children to see grandpa beating people".

Liu Haizhong has a bad habit, that is, he likes to beat his son.

He often beat Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu severely.

Liu Haizhong also likes to eat alone.

For example, now, he is the only one in the family who eats scrambled eggs, and no one else is allowed to eat them.

Liu Haizhong is still an official fan.

In order to become an official, you can use any means.

It can be said that Liu Haizhong is a person who has no bottom line.

"Director Wang just gave the three of us in charge a task. Let us take care of the Zhou family and not let outsiders bully us. We must complete this task earnestly. If you have nothing to do, go to the front yard." Liu Haizhong said in an official tone, Thinking about how to please Wang Xiuping.

"Director Wang is nice to the Zhou family?" The second aunt was a little surprised.

"That's right, Zhou Qiang called her Aunt Wang."

"The official job quota of Zhou's family"

"Don't make bad decisions, Director Wang, Qian Weiguo from the rolling mill, and Yang Shuheng from the personnel department are all protecting Zhou Qiang, no one can take away the quota."

At this time, Liu Guangtian secretly picked up a piece of egg.

"Crack!" Liu Haizhong slapped Liu Guangtian's head, "If you dare to steal an egg, you won't be beaten to death!"

Crackling, bangs turned on, hitting son mode.

If he beats his son like this, he will have no one to take care of him when he grows old.

Others are also chatting.

"Zhou Qiang is so powerful, he drove his brother Zhou Hua away."

"No, I heard that the houses are all under Zhou Qiang's name."

"No, Zhou Juan and Zhou Fang also have houses."

"You said, I don't know what Zhou Qiang was thinking. The two girls shared a big house. Zhou Qiang and Zhou Sheng only shared a small house."

"This Zhou Qiang is not an ordinary person. When the family was separated, not only did they keep alimony, but they also shared the pension money of the old people in their hometown."

"So, Zhou Qiang is quite filial?"

"Whether you are filial or not depends on whether he will go to his hometown during the New Year."

"Even if I go to my hometown, I don't necessarily give money."

"Two official jobs for the Zhou family?"

"Someone is protecting Zhou Qiang, so it's not easy."

"Let's see what happens in a few days."

"Zhou Qiang is not easy to cheat, so let's lie to his sister Zhou Juan."

In the middle courtyard, the home of the great master Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai also chatted with Da Ma about the Zhou family.

The condition of his family is better.

While drinking corn mush, you can also eat a double-sided steamed bun.

Yi Zhonghai is a senior fitter with a high salary.

There are only husband and wife in the family, no children.

"Old Yi, Zhou's afternoon." The aunt talked about the afternoon, talking about Zhou Qiang giving ten yuan to the old people in his hometown every year, "Old Yi, do you think Zhou Qiang is a filial person this week?"

"Filial piety depends on how he does it." Yi Zhonghai said.

"That Zhou Qiang was very powerful. When he kicked Zhou Hua out of the house, he even slapped Zhou Hua twice."

"what happened?"

"In the morning, Zhou Hua and his partner Li Mei came. Zhou Hua slapped Zhou Juan and pushed her down. At that time, both Zhou Fang and Zhou Sheng had a fever, and Zhou Qiang rode a tricycle to the hospital."

"It should be fought!" Yi Zhonghai nodded, "That Zhou Hua is too shameful, he must not be a filial person."

"Yeah, if you want to say about this person, Zhou Qiang is affectionate and righteous. He treats his younger siblings well. When the family was separated, he even set aside child support and pension money." The first mother has a good impression of Zhou Qiang.

"Zhou Qiang did a good job this time." Yi Zhonghai nodded, "However, Zhou Qiang has two younger sisters and one younger brother. The days ahead will be difficult."

"Old Yi, tell me. Can you?" The first mother hesitated to speak, and did not say clearly.Her subtext is to adopt the Zhou family brothers and sisters and let the Zhou family brothers and sisters take care of them.

"Don't worry, let's have a look again." Yi Zhonghai understood what it meant, and he didn't rush to make a decision.

Yi Zhonghai's family has no children.

The first mother is sick and cannot give birth.

Yi Zhonghai and his wife have been thinking about the issue of retirement.

No one cares about the time when you are too old to move.

In "Love in a Courtyard", Yi Zhonghai has been thinking about retirement.

He gave people the impression that he kept calculating "Who will give me the old age?"

He Yuzhu, the neighbor of the Intermediate Court, is Yi Zhonghai's target for retirement.

Later, it was indeed He Yuzhu who took care of Yi Zhonghai.

In fact, the problem of providing for the elderly is not limited to Yi Zhonghai.

In the courtyard house, the deaf old lady has no children and needs someone to take care of her.

However, the old deaf lady is old, and Yi Zhonghai and Da Ma are taking care of her, so she can be regarded as someone taking care of her.

The second uncle Liu Haizhong has several sons, but because he is too partial to the eldest son Liu Guangqi, and "the parents are not kind, and the children are not filial", because the remaining two sons are often beaten, when Liu Haizhong grows old, no one takes care of him.

Yan Bugui has three sons and one daughter, but they calculated too much and had little family ties. When they got old, no one would take care of Yan Bugui.

In addition, the male protagonist He Yuzhu and the male villain Xu Damao will all face pension issues.

It is said that He Yuzhu's ending was driven out of the house by the widow's child and frozen to death in the bridge hole.

Xu Damao's ending, I believe it will not be any better.

Let me say a few more words here.

In fact, the issue of old-age care is a question that everyone who can live to old age will consider.

It seems a bit premature for children in their teens, young people in their twenties, or even middle-aged people in their thirties to consider the issue of pensions.

However, if people can live to old age, people will always face the problem of providing for the aged.

Two possible situations for people:

[-]. Elderly people without income in rural areas.

Because there is no income, the children need to contribute money and support for the elderly.

If there is no disease, no disaster, no "hemiplegia" and other diseases, maybe the situation is better, and I should not be abused to death by my children.

Even in this case, there are many old people who have children, because their children are unfilial, they have nowhere to depend on, and they die alone.

Not to mention, the elderly without children seem to have to wait to die when they get old.

[-]. Elderly people with income in urban areas.

If you have children, if your children are filial, if you don't suffer from "hemiplegia", maybe you will, and you will have something to depend on when you grow old.

If there are children, but the children are not filial, or if there are no children, such an old man will be very miserable.Coupled with illness or something, it will be even more miserable.


With regard to the situation of these two types of people, what conclusions can be drawn?

[-]. If you have children.

So old, sick, unable to move, maybe, maybe, have children to take care of.

The point here is: it is possible.

It is possible, which means there is hope, not complete despair.

It's still the best scenario imaginable.

[-]. If you have no children.

Then, there is basically no hope, and basically no one will provide for the elderly.

Maybe, someone will say, "I don't need old age."

If you can live to old age, by then, you should understand that you really need someone to take care of you.

Maybe, someone will say, "I'm going to a nursing home."

There is a saying about nursing homes.

If the elderly have children, go to a nursing home, and the children visit occasionally.

In such a situation, the old man can barely live for a long time. Although life is not satisfactory, he will not die unexpectedly within a few days after living in it.

If the elderly without children live in a nursing home, no one will visit them.

I'm afraid the situation is not optimistic. It is possible that he will die unexpectedly after less than a month.

That's why the deaf old lady, Yi Zhonghai, has been thinking about pension issues.

Because they have no children and are old, they are really helpless.

If no one is around, you may die in a daze.

Even if you have money, it's useless.

So, if you are growing old alone, at least find someone who is reliable.

This person can go to a nursing home and visit you.

(End of this chapter)

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