Chapter 69
"Finally getting started with Baguazhang, it's really not easy!" Seeing the prompt on the krypton metal property panel, Mark thought to himself.

"Thank you, Master Wang for your hard work!" Mark bowed hurriedly.

"You're welcome, you've paid your tuition." Wang Zhen returned to his calm expression.He is a person who has experienced big storms, can look at everything calmly, and will not be too excited about anything.The momentary excitement just now was also because he hadn't taught beginner students for a long time.

"Master Wang, here is [-], please keep it." Mark gave the money as always, in cash.

"Okay, Master Qian." Wang Zhen accepted the money calmly.He has received 50 from Mark, and he feels that Mark will not give him any more money.Although we promised millions before, in this era, how many people will keep the promise?People who speak honesty will be scolded and called fools.

"Master Wang, we agreed on 100 million before, and I will send you the remaining 50 tomorrow." Mark said with a slight smile.He didn't plan to transfer the money, it would be easy to leave traces like that, it's better to give cash, and the money and the goods get paid.His behavior is slowly becoming like some people, they like to hide in the shadows and cash transactions.

"Ah? I'll give you 50 tomorrow! Didn't you say before that you'll pay the rest of the money within three months?" Wang Zhen said in surprise.He didn't expect that Mark would continue to give money, and it would be tomorrow.He felt a little unreal, "Isn't this 'Truman's World'? Actually, I have always been the protagonist, and all the previous sufferings were intentional?"

"Yes, but now I have confirmed that you have no secrets, so I will give you all the money that should be given tomorrow, no problem?" Mark laughed.He could more or less guess why Wang Zhen was surprised. He found it funny and not funny at the same time.

"Of course no problem, thank you Master Qian." Wang Zhen cupped his hands.Mark's previous behavior made him think that Mark was only willing to pay 50 tuition fees, but he didn't expect Mark to keep his word!
What's going on here?
Has the world changed?

He looked up at the sky and found that the sky was blue and still sunny.

Well, this is still a world full of deceit.

Wang Zhen thought to himself, "This is the world I am familiar with! This day has not changed, but Master Qian is a bit special. He is a stick, but he still speaks honesty. Could he be from Mars? He is definitely not from this world." !He's crazy, he's Dobby who escaped from the psychiatric hospital, he's the rescuer invited by the monkey, maybe he's a good guy?"

"You're welcome, we are exchanging at equal value, and I should pay the money." Mark smiled.Wang Zhen's reaction just now was very complicated. The strange thing is that Mark understood Wang Zhen's complicated thoughts, and they had a good understanding.

"Thank you, Master Qian!" Wang Zhen thanked again.

"Master Wang, the three major internal martial arts, and now I have started Baguazhang. I don't know where can I learn the true teachings of other Xingyi and Taijiquan?" Mark asked.This age is full of false things, only false is true.

"Taijiquan, Xingyiquan? Well, Master Qian, do you want to learn these two styles of boxing too?" Wang Zhen asked a little strangely.

"Yes, I want to learn." Mark affirmed.

"Master Qian, do you want to learn all three internal martial arts?" Wang Zhen asked again.

"Yes, I want to learn." Mark nodded.

"Well, Master Qian, is there something I don't know if I should say it or not?" Wang Zhen frowned.

"Master Wang, it's okay to talk!" Mark could more or less guess what Wang Zhen wanted to say.

"Master Qian, I suggest you continue to learn Baguazhang. You are just getting started with Baguazhang, and you haven't mastered it yet. If you learn other boxing techniques right away, it will be bad." Wang Zhen said tactfully.

He thought to himself, "Each of the three major internal martial arts is broad and profound. Ordinary people can't fully appreciate its appearance after studying it for a lifetime. This master Qian is so old, he is so ambitious. I really don't understand. He treats him as Sun Lutang. Old man! Is he a tease invited by the monkey? Does he not have a moonlight treasure box?"

"Master Wang, I won't learn Baguazhang in the future." Mark said directly.

"Ah? Why? Is it because I didn't teach well? Or..., Master Qian, don't worry, the subsequent teaching is free and no money will be charged." Wang Zhen hurriedly said.He was short of money, and thought that the other party was thinking about money.Everyone thinks, thinks and speaks, reflects his own situation.Anyone who swears casually probably also swears at himself and his family often.

"No, Master Wang, you teach very well, but I have already started Baguazhang, and I have already experienced Baguazhang, so there is no need to continue practicing." Mark said with a smile.

"Why?" Wang Zhen still couldn't understand.

"Haha, Master Wang, I just want to gain some knowledge, and I don't want to learn anything about it. This world doesn't need masters of Chinese martial arts anymore. The basics of Baguazhang and the mastery of Baguazhang are the same, there is no difference." Mark Haha laughed, talking nonsense.For him, of course, there is no difference, because he wants to krypton gold to reach perfection.

"That's right, martial artists who practice martial arts have no place to use and no soil to grow, so naturally they don't show up in the world." Wang Zhen sighed.His voice is a little sad, has the national art been abandoned by the country?Was it forgotten by the world?His old friend's Lightning Seven Whip is useless.

Now the streets are full of taekwondo gyms, we have a great summer, and the inheritance of martial arts is endless, but now we are bullied by the three-legged cats in Bangzi Kingdom, what went wrong?

"So, I just want to learn something. Getting started is enough. For the rest, I'm not too young, so I don't want to be so ambitious, and I don't plan to become a master, haha." Mark said with a smile.

"That's right! Master Qian, although there are many traditions of Xingyiquan and Taijiquan, it is not easy to learn the true tradition." Wang Zhen shook his head.

This era is no longer what it used to be. It used to be rumored, but now you don’t even need to think about it. You are more self-preserving and more self-confident.Don't look at the Internet, those public things are basically fake.

"Oh? Why is it not easy?" Mark asked.

"Ah..." Wang Zhen sighed, and said in a sad voice, "I can teach you the true method because I can only rely on it to make a living in my current situation, and I have to violate the family law of my ancestors to teach the true method to the outside world.

The Xingyi and Taijiquan schools that have authentic teachings are doing very well. Although their martial arts schools have been losing money in the downturn, they have other industries and have no problem maintaining their livelihoods. Therefore, they do not need to teach their skills outside. "

"That's it, please tell Master Wang which one has the true biography. I want to try it. I am very sincere." Mark laughed.He believes that in this era when capital can control everything, he still has a little capital and can change some insignificant rules.

"Well, Xingyiquan has three true traditions in the capital, which are in..., and Taijiquan has five true traditions, which are respectively in..., Master Qian, after you go, I can't say that I told you these things, otherwise I would have no face in this place. The circle is mixed up." Wang Zhen said with some embarrassment.

"No problem, Master Wang, don't worry, I'll just say that my master told me. As for who my master is, I won't tell them." Mark said solemnly.

He kind of regarded Wang Zhen as his master. After all, he learned Wang Zhen's true biography. Although he spent money to learn it, it was also the true biography!
But he didn't intend to be a teacher, this is the reality.

(End of this chapter)

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