Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 678 Introduction to Cultivation

Chapter 678 Introduction to Cultivation
The Zhou family members all have spiritual roots and spirit bodies, which surprised Zhao Weiguo and asked Geng Zhi to quickly test the situation of other people in Luoxia Village.

a few days later.

Luoxia Village.

Zhou Qiang's family returned to their old house.

"It's still comfortable to live in my hometown." Liu Ying cleaned up the house with joy.

"Is the villa bought by Xiaoqiang not good?" Zhou Dashi challenged deliberately.

"Can't I tell you? You are the only one who is busy. Look at you, and you don't clean up when you come home. You hurry to sweep the floor and clean the glass." Liu Ying directed Zhou Dashi to work.

Zhou Qiang and Zhang Lanzhi also cleaned up together.

A few days ago, it was found that Zhou's family members had spiritual roots and spiritual bodies.

Geng Zhi went to check the situation of other people in Luoxia Village.

But including Zhou Yan, no one with spiritual roots or spirit bodies was found in the entire Luoxia Village.

From this, Zhao Weiguo, Geng Zhi and others speculated that the aura fluctuations in Luoxia Mountain were caused by five members of the Zhou family, young and old, so they asked the Zhou family to return to their hometown in Luoxia Village.

Why do Zhou Dashi, Liu Ying, Zhou Qiang, Zhang Lanzhi, and Zhou Xiaotong all have spiritual roots and bodies?

Zhou Qiang had it because he wanted such a test result.

Zhou Qiang is a master of practice, Zhao Weiguo's white jade test, what Zhou Qiang wants is the result.

As for Zhou Dashi, Liu Ying, Zhang Lanzhi, and Zhou Xiaotong's wood spirit root and green wood spirit body, Zhou Qiang used the blue spirit fruit to restore their bodies and bring additional effects.

It didn't take long to clean up.

Zhou Yan and Zheng Sheng came together.

"Dad, is our house not going to be demolished?" Zhou Yan's expression was a little grim. She seemed to be worried that the demolition funds she received before would have to be returned.

"Yes, there will be no demolition." Zhou Dashi replied without saying anything, as if he was in a bad mood.

"What about the demolition money? Do we have to pay it back?" Zhou Yan still asked.This is an unavoidable problem.

"Of course we have to return it. Your brother has already returned the money, otherwise, we would not be able to return." Zhou Dashi lied.

The demolition money does not need to be returned for the time being. Zhao Weiguo invited the Zhou family to live in the old house in Luoxia Village.

Zhao Weiguo found an excuse, saying that he wanted to see how the Zhou family's cultivation in Luoxia Village would affect Luoxia Mountain.

Although Zhou Dashi and Liu Ying didn't understand it very well, they all followed Zhao Weiguo's arrangement and came back to live. They also offered to return the demolition funds.

However, Zhao Weiguo said: There is no rush to pay for the demolition, we will talk about it later.

After returning home.

Zhou Dashi discussed with Liu Ying and Zhou Qiang, and called Zhou Yan, saying that he had moved back to his hometown.

Then, Zhou Yan and Zheng Sheng came.

"Dad, can I give my brother the demolition funds I received later?" Zhou Yan really didn't want to be quick, and took out the demolition funds that he had received before.

There are always people who think, "Why should I pay back the money I borrowed with my ability?"

"What's wrong? The money was spent?" Zhou Dashi was a little unhappy.He had discussed with Zhou Qiang before that if Zhou Yan paid for the demolition without hesitation, Zhou Yan would be free to take care of the villa bought by Zhou Qiang in Pingning County.

It is said to take care of it, but in fact it is to let Zhou Yan's family live there.

Unfortunately, Zhou Yan's reaction was not what Zhou Dashi and Liu Ying expected.

This disappointed Zhou Dashi.

"Yeah, Dad, Zheng Sheng's family is in a hurry, so they spent the money." Zhou Yan made an excuse at will.

"Yes, Dad, something happened to my family." Zheng Sheng lied along with him.It looks like it's real.

"Well, since there is something to do, then don't rush to pay it back." Zhou Dashi couldn't hide the disappointment on his face.

His daughter Zhou Yan works in Pingning County and sees her often. Zhou Dashi and Liu Ying basically know who Zhou Yan is.It really complied with the saying "a daughter who is married off is the water that is poured out."

Zhou Yan and Zheng Sheng lost a few good words, and then said cheekily, "Dad, is there anyone living in the villa that big brother bought?"

Well, Zhou Yan has come up with the idea of ​​Zhou Qiang's villa again.

"Xiaoqiang plans to sell that villa and is looking for a buyer. Xiaoqiang needs money in Shanghai. Please help introduce a few buyers. Xiaoqiang can't lose money." Zhou Dashi's face became more disappointed.

"Ah, that villa is too expensive. There are not many people in Pingning County who can afford it. I'll ask for help later." Zhou Yan and Zheng Sheng responded with a few words, said hello, and left in a hurry.

"Xiaoqiang, your sister." Zhou Dashi and Liu Ying wanted to say a few words to persuade Zhou Qiang.

Zhou Qiang interrupted: "Dad, Mom, it's fine, as long as Xiaoyan's family lives well, everything else doesn't matter."

Even so, Zhou Qiang was inevitably disappointed.

At the same time, there is a pity.

Of course, not for my own pity.

Instead, I feel pity for Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan's performance, as long as it is better, Zhou Qiang also let Zhou Yan embark on the path of cultivation.

It's a pity that Zhou Yan and Zheng Sheng were too shrewd, too clever, and lost the greatest opportunity.

Get your home in order.


Zhao Weiguo, Geng Zhi and others came.

They came to teach the exercises.

Of course, there are still some formalities to go before imparting the exercises.

"We are the 'Special Affairs Department'. I am the director Zhao Weiguo, and Geng Zhi is the captain of the Hawkeye team, responsible for monitoring the spiritual energy in various places." Zhao Weiguo first introduced their backgrounds.

"Without consent, the practice is not allowed to be passed on to the outside world. Violators."

"Without consent, you are not allowed to talk about cultivation to ordinary people."

"Spells shall not be used against ordinary people without consent"

Said a lot of rules.

These rules limit the spread of news.

Ordinary people cannot know about practitioners.

"Don't worry, Zhao Chu, we will definitely abide by it!" Zhou's family agreed without hesitation.

"Okay, now teach the exercises."

"This is the "Qingmu Jue", which is said to come from the ancient sect "Five Elements"'s township skills."

"In the prehistoric land, there are green trees, which cover the sky and the sun for thousands of years."

"The basic knowledge of cultivation is explained by Geng Zhi."

"Human meridians and acupuncture points."

"Small and small Sundays."

"Spirit root, spirit body."

"You must remember that you can't tell anyone about the practice, only the five of you know."

"Don't worry about cultivating. Now that the aura is thin, you may not be able to succeed in cultivation, but it can prolong your life."

"Don't understand? I'll say it again."

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

"Zhao Chu, I seem to have learned how to practice." Zhou Qiang was the first to learn how to practice.Then what "Qingmu Jue" is too simple, it is difficult for Zhou Qiang to pretend that he can't learn it.

He pretended for a few days, but he couldn't bear it any longer. He could only say that he had learned it.

How should I put it, it's too nonsense for a junior in the Qi training period to teach him how to cultivate this golden fairy.Therefore, Zhou Qiang was unwilling to pretend.

"What? Xiao Zhou, you learned it so quickly? Let me see." Zhao Weiguo was a little surprised.Zhou Qiang's learning speed is too fast.This is a show of genius.

"Zhao Chu, I have taught myself Qigong before, as well as traditional Chinese medicine. I know everything about meridians and acupoints. You taught me well, so I have learned it." Zhou Qiang made some excuses.

After Zhao Weiguo checked carefully, he found that Zhou Qiang had indeed started practicing.

"That's great! Xiao Zhou, you've gotten started so quickly, and you will definitely succeed in cultivation in the future." Zhao Weiguo praised a few words, "Xiao Zhou, you will be responsible for teaching your family's cultivation in the future. If you don't understand, you can ask honesty."

"Okay, Zhao Chu." Zhou Qiang nodded and looked at Geng Zhi: "Captain Geng, I will trouble you in the future."

"No trouble, Zhou Qiang, we will be friends from now on, we should support each other and make progress together.

However, I usually run around outside, and I am often delayed in my cultivation. I am still groping to practice Qi into the body, so I am afraid I can't help much.

You all have spiritual roots and spiritual bodies, so you will surely succeed in cultivation. "Geng Zhi said some high-sounding polite words.

Zhou Qiang heard it, and he was honest and official. He was usually very busy, and he didn't care about cultivation, so he didn't have time to teach Zhou Qiang and the others.

In addition, Geng Zhi has no spiritual root or spiritual body. He can practice because his family knows the practitioners, so he has the cultivation method.

However, without spiritual roots, cultivation is half the effort and difficult to get started. It is just wandering in the initial stage and has not yet entered the Qi training period.

Geng Zhi and the others are somewhat jealous of the spiritual roots and spiritual bodies of the Zhou family.Therefore, they do not intend to teach them well about many things about cultivation.For example: there is a place to exchange spirit items, but they didn't go into details.

Zhao Weiguo and the others didn't stay long, and quickly took their leave.

The Zhou family continued to study and practice.

"Xiaoqiang, this practice is too difficult, why do I still not understand anything?" Liu Ying was at a loss.

"Yeah, Xiaoqiang, I can't remember what kind of meridians and acupuncture points." Zhou Dashi couldn't figure it out either.

"Xiaoqiang, I probably understand the meridians and acupoints, but the others are still a bit foggy." Zhang Lanzhi didn't learn either.

"Dad, let's go out and play?" Well, Zhou Xiaotong didn't learn anything.

"Dad, Mom, Lanzhi, and Tongtong, let me explain to you how to cultivate again." Zhou Qiang began to explain "Qingmu Jue" and related common sense of cultivation to his family.

Zhou Qiang's explanation was different.

He first made a cup of tea, let his family drink tea, and then began to explain.

Why drink tea?
Because this tea is not ordinary.

It is Enlightenment Tea, which can help people to enlightenment.It is a piece of cake to improve learning efficiency.

This enlightenment tea comes from "The World of Conferred Gods".

Even in "The World of Conferred Gods", enlightenment tea is a rare treasure.

Sure enough, after drinking enlightenment tea.

Under Zhou Qiang's high-level explanation, the family's learning efficiency has been greatly improved.

Zhang Lanzhi was the first to learn how to practice.

Zhou Dashi and Liu Ying were slower, but they basically learned it.

And Zhou Xiaotong is still a child, still playful, impatient, and still hasn't learned how to practice.

As for Zhou Xiaotong who still doesn't know how to practice, Zhou Qiang has a lot of ways to help.

After he sent Zhang Lanzhi and the others to practice.

"Tongtong, does Dad want to be more beautiful?"

"miss you!"

"Father, I'll teach you how to become more beautiful." Zhou Qiang cast a burst of mana to assist Zhou Xiaotong to run "Qingmu Jue".

Zhou Qiang did not provide better cultivation methods for Zhang Lanzhi and others.

Just let them practice "Qingmu Jue".

Zhou Qiang's family has entered the state of cultivation.

"The aura here is too thin."

"Although I don't provide better exercises, I can make my family's Aoki spiritual body better."

Zhou Qiang took out the green fruit again.

Four blue lights flew towards Zhang Lanzhi, Zhou Xiaotong, Zhou Dashi and Liu Ying.

On the one hand, it will be transformed into wood spirit energy to assist them in their cultivation, on the other hand, it will slowly improve their physique, making the green wood spirit body better.

Luoxia Village.

a certain residence.

Zhao Weiguo, Geng Zhi and others are all here.

They didn't leave, they were still nearby. They wanted to see if the aura in this area would rise again after the Zhou family returned to Luoxia Mountain.


The walkie-talkie rings.

"At location 15, the aura concentration is 44, which is 10 points higher than before."

"At location 18, the aura concentration is 39, which is 15 points higher than before."

"At location 24, the aura concentration is 18, which is 10 points higher than before."

"At location 10, the aura concentration is 60, which is 15 points higher than before."

"The aura concentration in Luoxia Village is 69, which is 17 points higher than before."

"The Zhou family's aura concentration is 78, which is 20 points higher than before."

"Okay, great!" Zhao Weiguo shouted a little excitedly.

"Yeah, great!"

"really not bad!"

"This place is expected to become a new training base and planting base!"

"It turns out that the reason for the gathering of spiritual energy is the Zhou family!"

"But why?"

"The Zhou family members all have spiritual roots and spiritual bodies. What's the reason?"

"Do you want to take it back and study it?"

"The Zhou family can't leave Luoxia Village! Otherwise, the aura here will fall back again."

"Then ask someone from the research institute to collect blood, hair, and study some genes."

"I wonder if the Zhou family is willing to cooperate?"

"What's the matter, we practitioners use scientific means to assist, don't we all want to check the genes?"

"That's right, after checking the genes, it's helpful for cultivation."

"The Aoki spirit body should be studied carefully."

Zhao Weiguo raised his hand to signal for everyone to be quiet, and said: "From now on, the five members of the Zhou family will be our practitioners. If they succeed in cultivation, they can also be recruited into the 'Special Affairs Office'. Inspections on them are fine, but they must abide by their personal wishes." , cannot be forced."

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

Time passed little by little.

The five members of the Zhou family are practicing every day.

Zhou Xiaotong didn't go back to Shanghai to go to school.

Instead, I found a place to go to school nearby.

The aura around Luoxia Mountain continued to rise.

However, Zhou Qiang controlled it a bit, and only let the aura rise to the previous level, not allowing it to rise.

If it rises too high and attracts more people's attention, Luoxia Mountain may not be clean.

The development of Luoxia Mountain has also started.

However, Luoxia Village has not been changed on a large scale, fearing that the spiritual energy will fall back again.

It's just a renovation of the original house.

Cui Xiu came here once, and took away the previous demolition funds.

Zhou Qiang's family did not demolish and move away, and neighbors such as Yang's family and Shen's family came to ask about it.

Zhou Dashi pushed the problem to the demolition office, saying that he didn't understand what was going on, and he just followed orders.

After knowing that the Zhou family's demolition funds had been taken back, neighbors such as the Yang family and the Shen family all showed smiles from the bottom of their hearts and comforted the Zhou family generously.

Before, the Zhou family received the most demolition funds, and there were many jealous people in the village.

Now, they are all a little gloating.

The demolition funds allocated to Zhou Yan have not been said to be returned.

Yang Dalin came to Zhou Qiang for investment after knowing that Zhou Qiang would not leave Luoxia Village for a short time.

However, Zhou Qiang refused this time.

He was lazy to bother investing in projects.

Yang Dalin didn't persuade much, he was very busy, because recently, many people took the initiative to invest.

Luoxia Mountain has changed.

Pingning County has also attracted more foreign capital.

Everything is changing.

But bigger changes are yet to come.

This was calculated by Zhou Qiangbu.

(End of this chapter)

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