Chapter 653

Let's say that Yin Hong came to Xiqi.

He didn't go directly to Su Hu, but set up camp first.

However, before Yin Hong's camp was built, someone came.

Qian Sihai was sent by Xiao Sheng to convey Xiao Sheng's rules.

"Are you Yin Hong, the disciple of Chi Jingzi?" Qian Sihai asked.

"Yes, I am Yin Hong. Who are you?"

"I am Qian Sihai. Lord Big Dipper has ordered that monks are not allowed to use spells and magic weapons to attack mortals on the battlefield." Qian Sihai said.

"Since Lord Big Dipper has orders, I shall obey them." Yin Hong had heard of Lord Big Dipper.Facing Beidou Xingjun's order, Yin Hong didn't dare to say anything.

"That's good." Qian Sihai said goodbye and left.He then went to the Su Hu camp.

"Your Majesty, Yin Hong is here. He is the second son of King Shou." Qian Sihai told Su Hu about Yin Hong.

"What? It's Yin Hong who came outside? The second son of King Shou? He came to attack Zhou with me? Where did he come from? Wasn't he blown away by the wind?" Su Hu was confused.Yin Hong disappeared many years ago, and now he suddenly appeared in Xiqi, which made Su Hu feel a little overwhelmed.

"Back then, Yin Hong was taken away by Chanjiao Chi Jingzi and practiced in Yunxiao Cave of Taihua Mountain, but now he has finished his studies and left the mountain.

Lord Big Dipper speculated that Yin Hong should go down the mountain to assist Jiang Ziya, but for some reason, Yin Hong changed his mind and wanted to deal with Xiqi. "Qian Sihai didn't say that this matter was similar to that of Tu Xingsun before, and that it was Shen Gongbao's fault.

"Why don't you contact Master Yin Hong and ask him to go down the mountain to deal with Yin Hong's matter?" Su Hu didn't want Yin Hong to come and cause trouble.He plans to vote for Xiqi tomorrow.Yin Hong came here today, and another problem arose.Do you continue to pretend to attack Xiqi?When is this going to pretend?Su Hu was a little annoyed.

"Mr. Big Dipper has something to say: Yin Hong's matter is an internal matter of elucidation and education. We can't meddle too much. We just need to pass the news to Jiang Ziya."

"Good." Su Hu nodded in agreement, and immediately sent Zheng Lun to Xiqi City to inform Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya's side.

"What? Chi Jingzi's disciple, Yin Hong, the second son of King Shou, appeared and wanted to help Su Hu attack Xiqi?!" The people on Jiang Ziya's side were also surprised.

"Master Uncle, isn't it another matter of the earth's grandson?" Yang Jian reacted quickly, and immediately guessed that Shen Gongbao was behind the trouble.

What he meant was: the last time Tu Xingsun was tricked by Shen Gongbao to go to Chengtang camp, this time Yin Hong should also be tricked by Shen Gongbao to go to the opposite Chengtang camp.You can't kill him this time, so hurry up and ask Chi Jingzi to come over and explain the matter clearly.

"It's time to tell senior brother Chi Jingzi!" Jiang Ziya also reacted, and he couldn't let Tu Xingsun's incident happen again.

"That's right, my heart-saving nail can no longer be stained with blood from the same family." Huang Tianhua said.He killed Tu Xingsun by mistake last time and blamed himself for a long time.

"Uncle, I'm going to Taihua Mountain now." Yang Jian said and set off.

After Yin Hong set up his camp, he sent Pang Hong to ask Su Hu to come and see him.Pang Hong is the leader of the robbers that Yin Hong recruited on the road.

"I am Yin Hong, the second son of the Great King, and a gust of wind took me away that year." When Yin Hong met Su Hu, he naturally had to explain something.

Su Hu didn't doubt Yin Hong's identity either.He didn't bother to doubt.

"Second Highness, the soldiers are in danger, why don't you go back to Chaoge first?" Su Hu wanted to send Yin Hong away.This makes it easier for him to surrender.

"No. Now that I have accomplished something in my studies, I will become Kexiqi, and then I will return to Chaoge." Yin Hong was somewhat conceited.There are many treasures on his body, and he thinks he can subdue Jiang Ziya.

"Second Highness, Zhang Guifang, the fourth general of the Mo family, and Wen Taishi have all been defeated and killed, you should go back to Chaoge first," Su Hu persuaded again.

"I have a powerful magic weapon, and I am not afraid of Xiqi." Yin Hong was determined not to leave now.

"Second Highness, Lord Big Dipper has orders." Su Hu stopped persuading, and talked about Xiao Sheng's rules.

"I already know. Since it is the order of the Big Dipper, I must obey it." Yin Hong said.

After a short chat, Su Hu went back to his camp after some polite words.Nor did he propose merging the two camps.Because it is inconvenient for Yin Hong to know that there are family members in Su Hu's camp.

"Do you want to report Yin Hong's matter to Chaoge?" Su Hu hesitated, but still wrote a memorial.

The next day.

Yin Hong went out to challenge Xiqi.

Chi Jingzi came out unexpectedly.This surprised Yin Hong.

Yin Hong didn't expect Chi Jingzi to come so quickly.

Last night, Yang Jiantu fled to Mount Taihua and explained the situation to Chi Jingzi.Chi Jingzi went down the mountain overnight and arrived at Prime Minister Jiang Ziya's mansion.

"Teacher, please forgive me for not being able to fully salute you because I am wearing armor." Facing Chi Jingzi, Yin Hong felt a little apprehensive.

Chi Jingzi was furious and asked: "Yin Hong, why are you an enemy of Xiqi? Have you forgotten the oath you made before?"

"I haven't forgotten. Teacher Rong said: Yin Hong is the son of King Shou, how can he help Zhou destroy Shang?

There is an old saying: "The son never speaks of his father's faults." '

If I help others to kill their fathers, I am not as good as a beast.

Besides, how can there be a master who teaches his disciples to kill their fathers? "

What Yin Hong said was not without reason.

So Chi Jingzi really can't think of these?
I'm afraid these red sperm know it all.

So now that you know, why let 'Yin Hong kill King Zhou'?
Let the son kill the father!

This is the rhythm to kill Yin Hong!

Yin Hong and Yin Jiao represent Cheng Tang's final strength.

If Yin Jiao and Yin Hong hadn't died, then Cheng Tang's vitality would not have dissipated, and Cheng Tang still had a chance to turn the tide.

This is not allowed for those who follow the will of heaven.

That's why the order to let King Zhou's two sons kill King Zhou was to force Yin Hong and Yin Jiao to death, or to sever their relationship with Cheng Tang.

Seeing that Yin Hong didn't obey his teacher's order and even said something quite reasonable, Chi Jingzi couldn't help being furious: "Beast! Shou Wang is fatuous and immoral, and he has no taboos in adultery. The gods have been in business for a long time. Get off your horse quickly and repent yourself." I'm sorry, I'll spare you!"

The two shouted in front of the battle.

The story of Chi Jingzi forcing Yin Hong to kill King Zhou was widely spread.

This is bad for the reputation of Chi Jingzi.Therefore, Chi Jingzi was furious.

"Teacher, I can't kill my father. It's hard for a disciple to obey your order!" Yin Hong said helplessly.He grew up with Chi Jingzi in Taihua Mountain, and over the years, he has a lot of affection. He disobeyed Chi Jingzi's orders in full view, which made Yin Hong feel uncomfortable.

"Bastard! If you don't obey orders, you must take a poisonous oath!" Chi Jingzi cursed angrily, and charged Yin Hong with his sword.He became angry from embarrassment.

Yin Hong resisted passively.

After a few rounds.

Yin Hong took out the yin and yang mirror.

Chi Jingzi fled away like a frightened rabbit.

Facing the treasure of his town cave, he couldn't take it away, so he could only run away.

This is a bit unexpected.

In the distance, Xiao Sheng, Empress Shiji and others saw this scene.Once again, they are the people who eat melons.

"Xiao Sheng, that red sperm hasn't completely refined the yin and yang mirror." Empress Shiji's tone was somewhat contemptuous.

"Why is this? The Yin-Yang Mirror should have been in Chi Jingzi's hands for a long time, why hasn't it been fully refined?"

"The yin and yang mirror contains the yin and yang avenue, and Chi Jingzi's understanding of the yin and yang avenue is not enough, so it is difficult to refine it." Empress Shiji explained.

"It turns out that he is not good at learning." Xiao Sheng's tone was also somewhat contemptuous.

"Okay, there's nothing to see, let's go." Empress Shiji led the way back to the grove.

Xiao Sheng had an idea about Yin Yang Mirror, so he ordered Qian Sihai to let Yin Hong come and see him.



"Yin Hong pays homage to Lord Big Dipper."

"There is no need to be too polite. I asked you to come because I was curious about the yin and yang mirror and wanted to borrow it to have a look." Xiao Sheng said straight to the point.

"This." Yin Hong hesitated, but still took out the yin and yang mirror.

"Don't worry, I'm just looking at it casually, and I won't do anything." Xiao Sheng explained.

"Please" Yin Hong handed the Yin-Yang mirror to Xiao Sheng.

Xiao Sheng got the yin and yang mirror, first copied the innate treasures of the yin and yang mirror, and then realized the yin and yang avenue in the yin and yang mirror.

Although Xiao Sheng is good at the Five Elements Dao and doesn't dabble much in the Yin-Yang Dao, after refining the Purple Lightning Hammer, he has comprehended a lot of the Dao of Thunder and Lightning. It is a gain.

"This is a good mirror." Xiao Sheng returned the Yin-Yang Mirror to Yin Hong.He didn't say the second half of the sentence, "It's a pity that the people who hold it are not very good, and they don't seriously understand the way of it."

Yin Hong took the Yin Yang Mirror and heaved a sigh of relief.He was always worried that Xiao Sheng would steal his treasure.

"Yin Hong, are you wearing the gossip purple ribbon fairy clothes?" Xiao Sheng asked.


"Can you let me have a look?" Xiao Sheng is also interested in the Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes, and he wants to imitate the Bagua Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes.

"Yes." This time Yin Hong happily took off the fairy clothes with purple ribbon.

When Xiao Sheng took it, he should first copy the innate treasure prohibition in it, and then comprehend the Dao contained in it.The Yin-Yang Mirror and the Bagua Zishou Immortal Clothes are both innate spiritual treasures.

Wearing the gossip purple ribbon fairy clothes on the body, it is invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire, and can resist all attacks. It contains the gossip protection road.

Xiao Sheng thought about it carefully, and returned some gains to Yin Hong.

"Yin Hong, although you are the son of King Shou, your destiny is in Xiqi. If you go against the destiny, the consequences... may be unpredictable." Xiao Sheng persuaded him kindly.

"Lord Big Dipper, I also know the destiny, but the destiny is not unchangeable. I really can't help people kill their fathers." Yin Hong said.He is now determined to fight for Chaoge.

Xiao Sheng looked at Yin Hong, but he didn't say a word: You don't need to kill your father, you just need not to confront Xiqi, hide aside, don't participate in the battle between Shang and Zhou, and you can become a god in body when it's over.

But Yin Hong had the idea of ​​inheriting the throne of King Zhou, so it was impossible for Yin Hong not to participate in this battle.

Therefore, Xiao Sheng stopped talking nonsense.

"This is indeed a dilemma." Xiao Sheng said a few words casually, and sent Yin Hong away.He borrowed two Xiantian Lingbao, and now he persuaded him, which is considered to be repaying the favor.

"Xiao Sheng, what about the Yin-Yang Mirror and the Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes?" Empress Shiji asked curiously.

"They are all good innate spirit treasures, but it's a pity that the holders are all incompetent people." Xiao Sheng told the truth.

"Xiao Sheng, does Yin Hong have any ideas about the position of king?"

"That's right." Xiao Sheng said disdainfully.How can Yin Hong's careful thinking be hidden from the eyes of everyone.

Jiang Ziya Prime Minister's Mansion.

Chi Jingzi was a little ashamed.

His performance just now was somewhat unsatisfactory, and he was forced to retreat by his apprentice.

The disciples of the three generations of Chanjiao all around looked at Chi Jingzi in a wrong way, "Master can't deal with this disciple, and he was scared away by his own magic weapon?!"

Such a scene made Nezha and others underestimate Chi Jingzi.

"Senior brother, Yin Hong is difficult to treat now, what should I do?" Although Jiang Ziya despised Chi Jingzi in his heart, he didn't show it on his face.

"The Yin-Yang mirror is an innate spiritual treasure, with great power, it is difficult to resist without a defensive treasure." Chi Jingzi shook his head.He has no good way to deal with Yin Hong who has a yin and yang mirror.

"Uncle, do you want to ask Lord Big Dipper for help?" Nezha asked.

"No, this is a matter for me to explain and teach, and we should solve it ourselves." Jiang Ziya will definitely not ask Xiao Sheng for help, this is a matter of principle.

"Master Uncle, can I use the nail to kill quickly." Huang Tianhua planned to follow the example of killing Tu Xingsun.

Jiang Ziya shook his head, and said: "Yin Hong is wearing the gossip purple ribbon fairy clothes, and he is determined not to hurt Yin Hong in the slightest." As soon as Chi Jingzi came last night, he told Jiang Ziya the details of Yin Hong.The magic weapons on Yin Hong's body are very powerful in both attack and defense, and are very difficult to deal with.

"Then what should we do?" Nezha asked.

Both Chi Jingzi and Jiang Ziya were silent.

They were helpless for the time being.

At this moment.

The people from Cihangdao are here.

Jiang Ziya asked, "Brother Dao, what do you see here?"

Cihang said: "I came here just for Yin Hong."

Chi Jingzi was overjoyed when he heard the words, and asked, "Brother Dao, is there a way to punish my evildoers?"

"Brother Dao needs to go to the Bajing Palace for this matter." Cihang said.

"Bajing Palace?" Chi Jingzi pondered for a while, and said, "Did you borrow the Taiji Diagram from Master Uncle?"

"That's exactly the case, Yin Hong can't make the oath without the Taiji diagram." Cihang said.

"Then I'll go to the Bajing Palace." Chi Jingzi said.After he finished speaking, he didn't hesitate anymore, and left directly using the golden light method.

Bajing Palace, Xuandu Cave Mansion.

Chi Jingzi was waiting at the entrance of the cave.He didn't dare to go in directly.

After a while.

Master Xuandu came out with the Taiji diagram, "Brother Dao, the teacher asked me to give you the Taiji diagram, so you don't have to go in to see it."

"Obey!" Chi Jingzi saluted respectfully, and then went straight to Xiqi.


In front of Yin Hong's camp.

"The three of you are all disciples of the Jiejiao, you shouldn't go out of the mountain to Xiqi without violating the leader's decree, and leave quickly!" Qian Sihai shouted.

Not long after Yin Hong came to Xiqi.

Three more unknown Jiejiao disciples came.

They are all furry and horned.

They are all monsters cultivated into adults, and the transformation is not thorough enough.

Their cultivation level is not high, but they all have the innate supernatural powers when they transform into animals, and they are very powerful when used.

As soon as they came to Xiqi, they were followed by Xiao Sheng.

Xiao Sheng felt that their cultivation was too poor, and he was too lazy to deal with them himself, so he asked Qian Sihai to bring 36 Tiangang and 72 Disha to deal with the three Jiejiao scoundrels.

"My surname is Qian, don't meddle in your own business! Then Jiang Ziya scolded me for intercepting the teaching, you don't want to trouble Jiang Ziya, but you feel uncomfortable coming to us instead, you" The three intercepting disciples were all deceived by Shen Gongbao, they listened to the slander, I thought Jiang Ziya was insulting the interception.

"Do it!" Qian Sihai didn't want to listen to nonsense anymore.Anyway, the three Jiejiao disciples in front of them don't have any meritorious spirit, and they still have a lot of evil spirit and resentment, so they plan to beat them to death directly.

The heavenly and earthly evil formation took shape instantly.

The Starlight Arrow swished.

The three Jiejiao disciples didn't resist a few times before being beaten to death and reappearing in their original form, and then the original form was also beaten into fly ash and disappeared.

Yin Hong saw this scene in the camp.

Just now the three Jiejiao disciples ate and drank with him, discussing the matter of attacking Xiqi.

Unexpectedly, after a while, he was beaten to death on the spot.

At this moment, Yin Hong had a more real understanding of the prestige of Lord Big Dipper.

He didn't think his gossip purple ribbon fairy clothes could block the attack of Tiangangdisha formation.

"It turns out that Lord Big Dipper took my name like a bag." Yin Hong became even more afraid of Xiao Sheng.He was glad that he was a member of the elucidation of education. If he had stopped the education, he would have been cleaned up.

On Xiqi City.

Jiang Ziya and others saw this scene.

"It is estimated that Shen Gongbao invited the Jiejiao disciple again to make me an enemy." Jiang Ziya said.

"This Shen Gongbao is narrow-minded, he will get revenge, and he will not end well." Chi Jingzi said.

"It is the blessing of Jiejiao to have Lord Big Dipper in Jiejiao!" Ci Hang said.

"Mr. Big Dipper's work is admirable." Jiang Ziya said.

"Brother Dao, now that I have borrowed the Taiji Diagram, should I act according to plan?" Ci Hang said.

"That's right!" Chi Jingzi said.

They plan to get Yin Hong.

The next day.

Jiang Ziya challenges Yin Hong.

Yin Hong took up the challenge.

The two fought for a moment.

Jiang Ziya fled, and Yin Hong chased after him.

After a while.

The two went into the woods.

Chi Jingzi is in ambush ahead.

He flicked the Taiji diagram, and the diagram turned into a golden bridge.

Jiang Ziya drives four different people to the Golden Bridge.

Later, Yin Hong rushed to the bridge and saw Chi Jingzi in front, so he hesitated not to go on the bridge.

"Come on the bridge and fight me for three hundred rounds!" Jiang Ziya invited to fight.The reason why it is so troublesome is to force Yin Hong to take the oath.

"Even if my master is here, I'm not afraid!" Yin Hong shouted and stepped onto the golden bridge.

It's just that Yin Hong went up to the Golden Bridge.

The whole person was confused and fell into a hallucination.

He can see what he thinks.

He fought Jiang Ziya for a while.

After a while, I remembered Chaoge and met King Zhou.

After a while, I thought of my mother in the palace.

"Yin Hong! Who do you think I am?" In the illusion, Queen Jiang actually spoke.

"Mother, I finally see you again! Woohoo!" Yin Hong was separated from Queen Jiang when he was young, and Queen Jiang was bestowed to death by King Zhou later.What happened to Queen Jiang was a great pain in Yin Hong's heart.

"Yin Hong! If you disobey the master's order and your oath, you will inevitably turn your limbs into fly ash." Queen Jiang said.

"Mother, I miss you, take me to the Underworld." Yin Hong didn't care what Queen Jiang said.

"Oh, idiot." Queen Jiang disappeared.

"Yin Hong, who do you think I am?" Chi Jingzi shouted.

"Teacher, are you not afraid of my yin and yang mirror?" Yin Hong took out the yin and yang mirror and was about to shoot Chizi to death.

But Chi Jingzi shook the Taiji diagram and rolled it in one place.

After a while.

Shake again.

Expand the Tai Chi diagram.

A gust of wind blows.

Yin Hong has turned into ashes.

Only treasures such as the Yin-Yang Mirror and the Bagua Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes remain.

"Is this the Tai Chi Diagram?" Xiao Sheng asked curiously.He came after Yin Hong.

"Yes, this is the master's Taiji diagram." Chi Jingzi said.

"Can I have a look?" Xiao Sheng asked.

"Why not." Chi Jingzi did not refuse.

Xiao Sheng took it, looked at it, and silently recited "Copy the innate treasure forbidden in the Taiji diagram."

After copying, Xiao Sheng comprehended the Taiji Diagram and gained some insight.

Xiao Sheng has comprehended some of Tai Chi, Yin Yang, Five Elements, Bagua, etc.Among them, the Five Elements Avenue is the deepest.

(End of this chapter)

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