Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 642 Burning Lamps Breaks the Law

Chapter 642 Burning Lamps Breaks the Law

Jiang Ziya sent San Yisheng and Chao Tian to borrow Fengzhu.

There were some twists and turns on the road, but the mission was successfully completed, and Fang Bi and Fang Xiang were accepted.

Fang Bi and Fang Xiang were originally the guards of King Zhou. Later, because they couldn't understand King Zhou's killing of Queen Jiang, they scolded King Zhou for going out of court songs.

Afterwards, they struggled to survive on the banks of the Yellow River.

When he met Chao Tian who borrowed the Dingfeng Orb, he decided to snatch the Dingfeng Orb on the spur of the moment, and wanted to give it to Chaoge to atone for his crime and return to his post as an official.But without success, he voted for Xiqi instead.

Are Fang Bi and Fang Xiang who have repeated themselves like this a good guy or a bad guy?
Sometimes they have a sense of justice, sometimes for personal gain, regardless of righteousness.

This is human beings, which cannot be generalized as good or bad.

Jiang Ziya borrowed Dingfengzhu.

Ran Deng led the team again, ready to break the "wind roar formation".

In front of the Fenghou formation, the leader of the formation, Dong Quan, yelled loudly, telling the people in the explanation to rush to break the formation.

Ran Deng left and right looking for people, but no suitable cannon fodder was found.

It seems that this cannon fodder was not chosen randomly, and there are some opinions.

Just at this time, Fang Bi and Fang Xiang came.

Just happened to be seen by Ran Deng, Ran Deng asked about Fang Bi and Fang Xiang's situation, and sighed secretly: "The number of days is fixed, and everything can't escape!" Then he said: "Let Fang Bi go to Fenghouzhen for a walk."

It turned out that Fang Bi was a suitable cannon fodder for Fenghouzhen.

I don't know why Fang Bi is suitable?
Ran Deng asked about Fang Bi and Fang Xiang's situation. He should have considered Fang Bi's and Fang Xiang's backgrounds, but found that they had no background and were just ordinary people, so they boldly used them as cannon fodder.

Fang Bi was just an ordinary person who didn't understand anything, so he strode forward when he heard the order.

He was one foot and six feet tall, and he looked very vicious, and his appearance was quite bluffing.

Dong Quan thought that Fang Bi was a master, so he didn't dare to underestimate him, so he hurried into the formation.

Fang Bi followed in.

Dong Quan activated the formation and killed Fang Bi in an instant, only to realize that Fang Bi was an ordinary person.

Dong Quan went out and shouted: "Friends of Yuxu! Let an ordinary person enter my wind roar formation to die, you will feel at ease!"

It is inappropriate for those who explain teachings to send mortals to death.

Ran Deng didn't reply, since the ceremony was over anyway, he just wanted the Ci Hang Taoist to use the wind beads to break the wind roar.

At this time, a group of people flew in the air.

36 Tiangang, 72 Disha, here we come.

They landed between the two armies.

Greedy Wolf took a step forward and shouted: "Teaching Taoist Ran Deng, he disregarded Fang Bi's life and violated the precept of killing. We are here to arrest Taoist Ran Deng under the order of Lord Big Dipper."

The sound fell.

The place was silent.

Such an accident stunned everyone present.

Jiang Ziya was stunned. Although he thought Mr. Big Dipper was right, but arresting Taoist Ran Deng?It's kind of impossible.Who is the Daoist Burning Lamp?He is the vice-master of interpretation and education!Such a high status, such a high status, how could he be arrested at will?

Dong Quan was also stunned, "What's the matter with Xiao Sheng? Is this helping us? We don't need the help of Tianting's dog legs!"

Burning the lamp is even more ridiculous, isn't it just letting mortals die?It's no big deal.Besides, this is a matter of days, not what I want to do.

Tanlang didn't stand still, he asked someone to take the iron chain and went forward to tie up the lamp.

Jiang Ziya hurriedly stopped him, saying: "Greedy wolf star official, Mr. Ran Deng was just negligent for a moment, which caused Fang Bi to lose his life. Now that Mr. Ran Deng is presiding over the breaking of the ten battles, please ask the greedy wolf star officer to be flexible and break it down." After the ten battles, let's think about Fang Bi's affairs."

His meaning was very clear, and he also felt that Ran Deng had made a mistake.

Tanlang was hesitating, and Ran Deng spoke, "The fate is in Xiqi, how dare you stop Xiqi from breaking the formation?" He stood at Tianming's place as soon as he opened his mouth.

"We didn't stop the formation, it's just that Taoist Ran Deng killed mortals at will and violated the commandments of the heavenly court. You need to go to the heavenly court and be dealt with by Haotian God." Tanlang said confidently.Under Xiao Sheng's influence, no matter what he did, he stood at the commanding heights of law and morality.

"Fang Bi's death is due to the fate, not my fault." Ran Deng helplessly explained.He can never fall out with the heaven.

"Right or wrong is decided by Haotian God, or Yuanshi Tianzun." Greedy Wolf said.

The lamp is gone.

Although he looks down on Haotian, he can't speak ill of Haotian blatantly.

As for Yuanshi Tianzun to decide?If this matter really got to Yuanshi Tianzun, it would be a joke.

"Please come out and see Mr. Big Dipper." Seeing the situation froze, Guang Chengzi came out to help speak.

"Master Big Dipper has something to do and has left Xiqi." Tanlang said.

"Here, the corrupt star official, why don't we wait until we break through the Ten Jue Formation, and then worry about Fang Bi's affairs?" Jiang Ziya suggested again.

"Yes." Tanlang and the others retreated to the side, waiting quietly, keeping their eyes on the lamp.Said, Ran Deng, you are being watched by us, don't try to run away.

Ran Deng suppressed his unhappiness, and told Taoist Ci Hang: "You can use the Wind Bead to break the formation."

Cihangdao led the order and stepped forward.

He and Dong Quan persuaded each other a few words.

One said: You did not commit murder, why did you go down the mountain to kill yourself?

One said: You are a philanthropic person, you can go back and change someone to break the formation.

Unable to persuade each other, the two started fighting, and then entered the Wind Roar Formation.

After a while.

Dong Quan was killed.

The Cihangdao people came out.

"Cihang don't leave, I'm coming!" Wen Zhong still spoke the same lines as before, and performed the same as before.

But he was persuaded to go back.

Yuan Jiao, the leader of the fourth ice formation, stepped forward to call for formation.

Ran Deng asked Xue Ehu to sacrifice this time.

Xue Ehu is a disciple of Daoxing Tianzun. Although his cultivation is superficial, he is a practitioner and does not harm ordinary people.

"That Taoist retreat quickly, let your master come!" Yuan Jiao shouted.

"Come here on orders, why not return without a fight!" Xue Ehu also knew that he was going to die, and knew that his fate would be the same as Han Dulong's, but he didn't dare to disobey his orders, so he had to obediently submit to his death.

Daoxing Tianzun was nearby, watching Han Dulong and Xue Ehu die.

Xue Ehu entered the ice formation and died instantly.

He didn't even know how he died.

The soul went to the Conferred God Stage and was on the Conferred God List.

After Xue Ehu's death, the lamp was lit to break the ice formation for Immortal Puxian.

Master Pu Xian easily broke through the ice formation, killed Yuan Jiao, and created the formation.

Wen Zhong just wanted to say, "Pu Xian don't go, I'm coming!"

This time, someone is faster than Wen Zhong.

It is the leader of the fifth golden light formation, the Holy Mother of Golden Light.

She shouted loudly: "Scholar Chanjiao, who is going to destroy my 'Golden Light Formation'?"

Ran Deng looked around, and when he was worried that there was no cannon fodder, Xiao Zhen, the second generation disciple of Chanjiao, was ordered to go down the mountain and break the "Golden Light Formation", that is to say, he was ordered to die.

Xiao Zhen entered the battle and died before he lasted a round.

Afterwards, Ran Deng let Guang Chengzi break through the golden light array.

Guangchengzi entered the battle.

He was wearing the gossip fairy clothes, which made the Golden Light Virgin's formation attack useless.

Then, Guang Chengzi secretly sacrificed the Fantian Seal, smashed the mirrors in the formation, and then secretly smashed the Golden Light Virgin with the Fantian Seal. (The emphasis here is on sneaking. Guang Chengzi likes to sneak attack with Fan Tianyin, I don’t know if he is used to it.)
Guangchengzi just came out.

"Guangchengzi don't leave, I'm coming!" This time, Wen Zhong shouted just in time, and he called out first.

Sun Liang, the leader of the sixth "Blood Transformation Formation", persuaded Wen Zhong to go back, and then stepped forward to challenge the people in the teaching.

This time, the cannon fodder that Ran Deng chose was Qiao Kun.Qiao Kun came here in a hurry.He is a loose person from Baiyun Cave in Wuyi Mountain, who ordered him to break the formation.

Qiao Kun is a casual cultivator, with no strength, no treasure, no supernatural powers, and he will die if he enters the battle.

After he died, he lit a lamp to make Taiyi Daoist break the blood formation.

Master Taiyi easily killed Sun Liang and broke the sixth formation.

"Taiyi Daoist don't leave, I'm coming!" Wen Zhong continued to perform.But was persuaded to go back.

At this point, the two sides agreed to fight again tomorrow.

Ran Deng stayed in the awning with a depressed expression on his face, sitting silently.

Because, 36 Tiangangs and 72 Dishas were staring at him.

"Isn't Fang Bi dead?"

"Fang Bi died in the wind roar, how many days!"

"I didn't mean to kill mortals."

"Did that Lord Big Dipper deliberately make things difficult for me?"

"I don't think so. Before, Lord Big Dipper killed four Jiejiao disciples in Jiulong Island, which shows that Lord Big Dipper acted impartially and strictly without favoritism."

"Hey..." Ran Deng sighed in his heart, "Where is my opportunity to become enlightened?"

"I calculated before, I come to Xiqi, I will have the opportunity to become a Taoist, but..." Ran Deng calculated for a moment.

"But now the secrets are chaotic and there is no clue."

It turned out that Ran Deng came to Xiqi to preside over the Breaking of the Ten Jue Formation, and he didn't come here at random.

He calculated before that he could get the treasure of enlightenment in Xiqi.

But he didn't know what treasure it was.

The Qiankun Ruler of the burning lamp and Zhao Gongming's Dinghai Pearl are a pair. Together they can evolve the heavens and become a treasure for enlightenment.

Not only can Ran Deng become enlightened, but also Zhao Gongming can be enlightened.

Let's see who's method is better.


Let's say that Wen Zhong returned to the camp.

Wen Zhong invited the remaining four surviving array masters to the big tent, weeping and saying: "I have received the kindness of the country, and it is only right for me to serve the country with my body. However, it is my fault that six fellow Taoists died.

Now I invite the four fellow Taoists to return to Golden Turtle Island as soon as possible.

If Wen Zhong is lucky enough to survive, he will go to plead guilty. "

Wen Zhong's words were sincere, as if they were sincere.

The remaining four surviving formation masters heard that they wanted to leave, but they were embarrassed to leave, so they could only comfort Wen Zhong a few words, and each prepared for tomorrow's battle.

Wen Zhong thought to himself: "In the current situation, non-magic monks are unable to turn the tide."

"Who is the big mana monk?"

"My teacher, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, Zhao Gongming on Mount Emei, and Yunxiao on the Island of the Three Immortals... They must not be afraid to teach the Twelve Golden Immortals, but..."

Wen Zhong thought for a while, and it was Zhao Gongming who was the easiest to invite.

But Zhao Gongming had persuaded the Holy Mother of Jinling not to let Wen Zhong continue to work for Yin Shang.

In this case, it is impossible for Zhao Gongming to come here to help.

Wen Zhong was helpless, worried about tomorrow's battle situation.


Just when Wen Zhong was thinking about Zhao Gongming.

Mount Emei, Luofu Cave, an unexpected visitor came.

Shen Gongbao is here.

He wants to fool Zhao Gongming down the mountain to deal with Jiang Ziya and others.

He just arrived at Mount Emei.

Su Daji saw it.

Su Daji didn't dare to show her face, and hurried to find Xiao Sheng.

"Master, there is an ugly Taoist priest outside the mountain." Su Daji likes to judge people by their appearance.Shen Gongbao looks vicious and ugly, she thinks Shen Gongbao is not a good person.

Su Daji has been practicing with Xiao Sheng in Mount Emei for a long time.

She occasionally goes to Jizhou to visit her parents, and spends most of her time practicing quietly in Mount Emei.

After she practiced, her appearance became even more charming.

She is the most beautiful woman Xiao Sheng has ever seen.

"I already know, Daji, go to the cave to practice." Xiao Sheng said.Although he thinks that Su Daji is beautiful, but now his mind is on the road, and he has no time to care about the relationship between men and women.

"Yes, Master." Su Daji left with some resentment.She gets along with Xiao Sheng day and night, and has fallen in love with Xiao Sheng unconsciously.Usually there are hints to Xiao Sheng, but Xiao Sheng didn't respond at all.

Xiao Sheng walked out of the cave.

Walk towards Shen Gongbao who came from a distance.

"Dare to ask where you are from, and why you come here?" Xiao Sheng asked, beckoning.

"I am Shen Gongbao from Yuxu Palace, I am here to ask Brother Zhao Gongming.

Fellow Daoist is Big Dipper Lord? "Shen Gongbao has recognized Xiao Sheng.

"Shen Gongbao?!" Xiao Sheng's expression changed suddenly, "You are so brave, you dare to come here, I will never forgive you!"

Before Xiao Sheng finished his sentence, he started to attack.

He grabbed Shen Gongbao in one go.

"Wait a minute, did Big Dipper have some misunderstanding?" Shen Gongbao hurriedly dodged, not daring to fight back.

"Misunderstanding? Hmph, you tricked me into stopping the sect disciples from going down the mountain to oppose Jiang Ziya. Don't you know that you are defying the destiny and sending them to death!

Such behavior, how can I spare you, suffer death! "Xiao Sheng manipulated the big hand in the air and kept grabbing Shen Gongbao.

Such means cannot kill Shen Gongbao.

Xiao Sheng didn't think of killing Shen Gongbao.

Shen Gongbao's follow-up is still useful, but he can't die.

He just drove Shen Gongbao away.

"What's going on?" At this moment, Zhao Gongming came out.

"Brother Daoist Zhao, I misunderstood!" Shen Gongbao hurriedly asked Zhao Gongming for help.

Seeing Zhao Gongming coming out, Xiao Sheng had no choice but to stop.


"...Ten Taoist brothers of Jinbie Island, six of them have died. Ran Deng and others said they are heretics, and they look down on Jiejiao..." Shen Gongbao added fuel and vinegar to speak ill of Jiang Ziya and others, sowing right and wrong, and tried his best to persuade Zhao Gongming to go down the mountain. Help Wen Zhong deal with Jiang Ziya.

Of course, a lot of what is said here is true.

For example: most of the people in the Jiejiao are those with scales and horns, and those who are born of wetness.

For example: It is said that the way of cutting off teaching is all heresy.

Hold on.

These are not lies.

Preachers often say this.

Because there are too many people who stop teaching, good and bad are mixed, and many of them are indeed heretical people.

Zhao Gongming's face became more and more ugly.

He was pissed off.

He wanted to go down the mountain and compete with the people in the teaching.

"Nonsense! Shen Gongbao, you come with us, let's go to Yuxu Palace and ask Yuanshi Shizu face to face!" Xiao Sheng shouted.

His voice was very loud.

He stopped Shen Gongbao.

It also woke up Zhao Gongming.

"How can this matter alarm the teacher, you go to Xiqi..." Shen Gongbao wanted to say something else.

"Okay, then I'll go to Xiqi with you, and ask the people who explain the teaching face to face!" Xiao Sheng shouted again.

"You can't go, let Brother Zhao Gongming go..."

"Hmph, Shen Gongbao, I have a clone who has been in Xiqi, and I know what Jiang Ziya and others are saying. I don't allow you to gossip here.

You treacherous villain, you tricked Lord Ten Heaven into going down the mountain to die.

Now come to lie to my master again, you have bad intentions, you will die for me! "

Before Xiao Sheng finished his sentence, he shot again.

"Misunderstanding..." Shen Gongbao ran away.

"Xiao Sheng, I want to visit Xiqi." Zhao Gongming pondered.For some reason, he still wanted to go to Xiqi.

(End of this chapter)

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