Chapter 636
Outside Xiqi City, in a small forest.

"Sihai, did the four generals of the Mo family agree?" Xiao Sheng asked.

"Presumably the fourth general of the Demon family has heard of the prestige of the senior brother, and the fourth general of the Demon family agreed without hesitation, and promised again and again that he would not attack mortals." Qian Sihai laughed.

"Really?" Xiao Sheng frowned upon hearing this.

Knowing that the four generals of the Mo Family were obedient and willing to abide by the rules, Xiao Sheng should have been happy, but he frowned.

This is a little strange.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Qian Sihai asked.

"I was restless and had a premonition that something would happen. I thought it was the four generals of the Demon family who were unwilling to abide by the rules and wanted to attack ordinary people. Who would have expected it to be them?" Xiao Sheng said.He didn't feel right, but didn't know what could be wrong.He used innate calculations and divination lessons, but he didn't calculate anything.

"An accident is going to happen?" Qian Sihai frowned when he heard the words, he thought for a while, "Senior brother, who are Jiang Ziya and Zhang Guifang, we already know that they can't do anything wrong. Could it be that there are other people?"

"Maybe." Xiao Sheng nodded, "Sihai, tell Tanlang and the others to hide in Qishan Mountain and play by ear. You, Chen Jiugong, and Yao Shaosi are all watching over there."

Qishan is the battlefield, so Xiao Sheng made some preparations in advance.

"Yes, senior brother." Qian Sihai went to find the corrupt star official.

Xiao Sheng hesitated for a moment, and also turned away.


Jiang Ziya's side.

Chao Tian said: "Prime Minister Qi, the four generals of the Demon family are brothers and four people, all of whom are practitioners. But they don't belong to Taoism, they are said to be Shimen.

Each of them has a powerful treasure.

The elder, Mo Liqing, is two feet and four feet tall, good at fighting on foot, has a sword, named "Qingyun Sword", on which there are symbols: earth, fire, wind, water... It is powerful and lethal.

The second one, Molihong, has a precious umbrella named 'Hunyuan Umbrella'. When it is opened, the sky is dark and the sun and moon are dark... It is good at collecting other people's treasures.

Furthermore, there is a jasper pipa in the sea of ​​magic rituals, when you pluck the strings, the wind and fire come together, like Qingyun sword.

Also, in Molishou, there is a living creature named "Flower Fox Sable". After it is released, it is as big as an elephant and can swallow people. "

"They all have powerful treasures, I'm afraid it will be difficult to win." Jiang Ziya was a little worried when he heard this.

It didn't take long.

The four generals of the Mo family came to invite the battle.

They did not bring soldiers and horses.

Jiang Ziya took Jin Zha, Mu Zha, and Nezha to the battle.

"Jiang Ziya, do you four dare to fight us alone?" Mo Liqing shouted.The spells of their four brothers can easily accidentally injure mortals, so they want to fight alone with Jiang Ziya and other practitioners to avoid hurting innocent people.

"Why don't you dare!" Jiang Ziya couldn't refuse when the matter came to an end.

The eight of them went to the distant mountains, Tanlang Xingguan and others were hiding nearby, watching the changes.

"Jiang Shang, you are so bold..."

"Four generals of the Demon family, you don't know the time..."

According to the usual practice, before the fight started, both sides had to exchange a few words.

After spraying, they will catch each other and fight.

Mo Liqing and Jiang Ziya fought.

Mo Lihong and Nezha fight.

Mo Lihai and Jin Zha fought.

Mo Lishou and Mu Zha fight.

In the beginning, it was all martial arts competitions.

Jiang Ziya was not good at close combat, and soon fell to the disadvantage.

At this time, a person suddenly flew in the distance, he seemed young, he was a young man.He is Yang Jian.

"Master Uncle, Yang Jian is a disciple of Daoist Yuding!"

As soon as Yang Jian came, he confronted Mo Liqing and let Jiang Ziya out of the battle.

In "Feng Shen Yan Yi", Yang Jian will not come so early.

Now, the reason why Yang Jian came early was because the secrets of heaven were even more chaotic.

Master Yuding couldn't figure out what was going to happen next.I can't pinpoint the time, so I can only come early for fear of making mistakes.

Yang Jian made a move, but it was different.

He suppressed Mo Liqing three times and two times.

Fight for a moment.

But Nezha couldn't help but use the Qiankun circle first.

Seeing this, Mo Lihong opened the Hunyuan Umbrella slightly, and took away the Qiankun Circle.

Seeing that Nezha lost the Qiankun circle, Jin Zha hurriedly used the dragon escape pile, but was also taken away by Molihong's Hunyuan umbrella.

Mo Liqing and Mo Lihai saw that the other party used the magic weapon first, and then also used the magic weapon, and wanted to set off the fire.

But, right now.

In the distance, over the camps of both sides, a huge energy fluctuation suddenly appeared.

It caused everyone to stop attacking.

"Not good! A demon is attacking mortals!" Jiang Ziya yelled, and hurriedly rode Sibuxiang over.

Others also hurried over.

At this time, I couldn't care less about fighting.

I saw the sky over the camps of both sides.Suddenly a large black cloud appeared.

In the next moment, fist-sized hailstones appeared and smashed down.

If a hailstone of this size hits someone, they will surely die.

Suddenly, a starlight lit up.

Covered the camps of both sides.

When the hailstones hit, they were all bounced off, and they couldn't hurt the people in the camp.

At the moment of crisis, 36 Tiangang and 72 Disha took action.

In an instant, they arranged formations to protect ordinary soldiers.

"Fortunately, someone from Big Dipper is here." Jiang Ziya said happily.He stopped on the hail-covered perimeter.

"Kill!" Yang Jian, Nezha and others, as well as Mo Liqing, all rushed towards the white figure hiding in the black clouds.

"Prime Minister Jiang, Xiqi City" Qian Sihai is also nearby.He had just received Xiao Sheng's jade talisman voice transmission, and was just about to say something to Jiang Ziya.

Mishap happened again.

In the camps of both sides, a group of snow demons suddenly appeared.

As soon as they appear, they attack ordinary soldiers.



Fortunately, Nangongshi, Wuji, Longxuhu and others were there to block the snow demon's attack.

In the other camp, Zhang Guifang, Feng Lin, Lu Xiong and others also blocked the snow demon's attack.

"Not good, there's still an ambush, Nezha!" Jiang Ziya was about to call for help.

The Tiangang Disha Formation changed.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh!" The Starlight Arrow shot at the Snow Demon, killing many of them in an instant.

"Prime Minister Jiang, there is nothing to do here, Master Big Dipper tells you to return to Xiqi City!" Qian Sihai shouted.

"Xiqi City, ah, it's not good!" Jiang Ziya sensed that there was something wrong with Xiqi City at this moment, and before he had time to say anything, Tudun went to Xiqi City.

This side of Xiqi City.

At the Qishan camp, when the hailstorm fell.

Something happened here too.

In the sky, countless boulders appeared and smashed down.

Five-color light shines.

The entire Xiqi City was covered by a five-color mask.

When the huge boulder hit it, it was turned into dust and disappeared.

This five-color mask is the five-party five-element formation.

Five clones of Xiao Sheng, holding five five-party flags, were arranged in a formation just before the attack.

Xiao Sheng still imitated the five-square flag, although it is not innate, but its power is not bad, and it is formed into a formation to resist the boulders in the sky, and there is no problem for the time being.

It turned out that Xiao Sheng's avatar felt wrong before, so he went back to the Luofu Cave of Emei Mountain, found Xiao Sheng's body, took the Wufang Banner that had just been refined, and summoned Xiao Sheng's other four avatars, all came to the vicinity of Xiqi City, and were on guard. .

Unexpectedly, a monster would sneak attack Xiqi City.

Xiao Sheng's avatar hastily arranged formations to protect the city.

So, why do monsters attack the camp and Xiqi City?
This was caused by Xiao Sheng.

When the Conferred God War started, Xiao Sheng appeared in Xiqi and made a rule.

Monks are not allowed to attack mortals, and interceptors are not allowed to be enemies with Xiqi.

Xiao Sheng did this, of course, to obey the destiny and gain merit.

For this reason, he also cleaned up the door and beheaded the "Four Sages" of Kowloon Island.

However, there is no good thing that is easy to achieve in the world.Xiao Sheng will not be allowed to gain merits easily.

The news that Xiao Sheng was in Xiqi gradually spread.

Xiao Sheng's enemy also knew what Xiao Sheng was doing.

Among them, there is the Snow Demon from Beihai, and the Mountain-moving Old Demon from Beimang Mountain.

They all have deep hatred against Xiao Sheng. (Before Xiao Sheng, he killed some of Snow Demon's faces and some of the concubines of Old Demon Qianshan.)
They want to slaughter mortals in order to take revenge on Xiao Sheng.

The Snow Demon sneaked in at the camp, and the old Moshan moved in Xiqi City.

If they are allowed to succeed, Xiao Sheng will be implicated in cause and effect, at least he will lose his merits, and at worst, he will be unimaginable.

Fortunately, Xiao Sheng felt something was wrong in advance, so he made arrangements early.

On the other side of the camp, there are Tiangang Disha Formation, Qian Sihai, Chen Jiugong, Yao Shaosi, Nezha, the four generals of the Mo family, etc., to deal with the sneak attack.

On the side of Xiqi City, Xiao Sheng's clones of the Five Elements came here just to prevent accidents from happening.

Because, the Conferred God War started, the secrets were in chaos, and Xiao Sheng disrupted the situation, making the secrets even more chaotic.

Therefore, it is impossible to calculate exactly what crisis will arise.

However, Xiao Sheng has made sufficient preparations, and nothing will happen for a while.

The huge boulders in the sky kept falling.

Xiao Sheng's five avatars operated formations and firmly guarded Xiqi City.

After a while.

Jiang Ziya arrived anxiously.

"Big Dipper, this is"

"Uncle Jiang, do you have a magic weapon for defense?" Xiao Sheng interrupted Jiang Ziya's question.

"Defensive magic weapon... yes, yes, I have the central Wuji xinghuang flag!" Jiang Ziya hurriedly took out the Wuji xinghuang flag.

"Uncle Jiang, please release the apricot-yellow flag and help me cover Xiqi City." Xiao Sheng said.

"Okay!" Jiang Ziya hurriedly chanted the spell, and raised the apricot-yellow flag.Since the apricot yellow flag does not belong to Jiang Ziya, it is not so convenient for Jiang Ziya to use it.

The apricot-yellow flag slowly unfurls.

The boulder fell on the Xinghuang Banner without causing any waves.

However, Jiang Ziya's mana was weak, and the Xinghuang Banner could not cover the entire Xiqi City.

"Uncle Jiang, be careful, I will help you!" Seeing this, Xiao Sheng hastily sent a powerful mana into Xinghuang Banner.

"Om" seemed to have an invisible sound.

The apricot-yellow flag quickly enlarged, covering the sky and the sun, protecting the entire city of Xiqi.

the next moment.

Xiao Sheng's five clones rose from the ground, each flying a body carrying a big banner, but it was too late to take it back.

They are like sleepy dragons ascending to heaven, and they don't need to be passively beaten.

They rushed forward and killed the old devil who moved the mountain.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the old devil Qianshan wanted to escape in a hurry.

But, it's too late.

The five-party five-element array covered the old devil who moved the mountain.

"Old Demon Xiao, let me go quickly, if not, I will move Qishan here and smash your Xiqi City to the ground!" The old demon who moved the mountain shouted confidently.

"Huh!" Xiao Sheng snorted coldly, ignored it, and never stopped his spells. The Five Elements Divine Thunder suddenly smashed at the old devil who moved the mountain.

"Ah, Xiao Laomo, you are looking for death, watch me move Qishan Mountain!" The old devil who moved mountains claimed to be moving mountains, but he was gifted with supernatural powers.

This gifted supernatural power is nothing but moving mountains and filling seas.

It is the pangolin in the mountains.

Later, the magical power of moving mountains and filling seas was awakened.

It's easy to move a small hill.

However, it is just a dream come true if it wants to move Qishan.

Fengming Xiqi, destiny returns to Zhou.

This is not empty talk.

It is still possible for the old devil to move to other mountains, but if he wants to move to Qishan, he can ask the list of gods on the stage of conferred gods if he agrees.

I saw an invisible force coming out of the formation from the old devil who moved the mountain, rushing towards Qishan.

This is the innate supernatural power of the old devil who moved the mountain. With such power, Xiao Sheng's five-direction and five-element formation cannot be trapped.

Of course, if it is the innate five-direction and five-element formation, it will definitely be trapped.

The invisible power reached Qishan in an instant and penetrated into it.

"Boom..." That force seemed to move Qishan, and it seemed that Qishan could be lifted up in the next moment.

However, on the Conferred God Stage, the Conferred God Ranking suddenly shone brightly.

The same invisible force spread out.

Directly expelled the supernatural power of the old devil who moved the mountain.

"Pfft..." The old devil Qianshan spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Its innate magical powers were broken and suffered backlash.

"What's going on here?" The old devil Qianshan still didn't understand what was going on.

"Hmph, ignorance!" Xiao Sheng couldn't help but sneer.

He never stopped his handwork and continued to attack.

It's just that the old demon Qianshan has rough skin and thick flesh, which is more resistant to attack, and Xiao Sheng still needs to sharpen his blood.

"Ah." The old devil who moved the mountain screamed a few times, and shouted angrily: "I can't move Qishan, I, I will move the small earth mountain in Xiqi City!"

There are also small earth hills and rockeries in Xiqi City.

And these small hills are in Xibohou's mansion.

If they were moved, Ji Fa's relatives in Bohou's mansion would suffer heavy casualties.

Hearing this, Xiao Sheng knew that he could not continue to entangle with the old devil Qianshan.

He must use his trump card.


Xiao Sheng hadn't used the power to kill with one blow before.

He is using the old devil to move the mountain to hone the five-direction and five-element formation.

Now, Xiao Sheng had no choice but to use it.

Without warning, a purple hammer appeared in the air.The Purple Electric Hammer was also brought by Xiao Sheng's avatar.

The old devil Qianshan only felt his whole body go stiff, and in the next moment, his consciousness became blurred and he died in a daze.

It turned out that at that moment, Zidian Hammer had already killed Laomo Qianshan.

What kind of a blow was that?
A bolt of purple lightning.

across the sky.

Passed by the old devil who moved the mountain.

Then, the old devil who moved the mountain was gasified.

Nothing is left.

Body and soul are gone.

The purple electric hammer is too powerful.

"Uncle Jiang, please take away the Wuji Xinghuang Banner." A clone of Xiao Sheng retracted the magic weapon and landed.The other avatars disappeared.

"Okay." Jiang Ziya took back the Xinghuang flag with great effort, "Big Dipper, who was that old devil just now?"

"It's one of my enemies. Knowing that I'm helping Xiqi, it came to trouble Xiqi." Xiao Sheng didn't hide anything, with guilt on his face. "This time, I brought disaster to Xiqi."

"Mr. Big Dipper, don't blame yourself, everything is God's will." Jiang Ziya comforted.

At this time.

A person flew from afar.

But it was Nezha who rushed over quickly on his Hot Wheels.

"Uncle, Big Dipper, are you okay here?"

"It's all right. Nezha, over there at the camp..." Jiang Ziya replied.

"Uncle, over there in the camp, the snow demon who cast the hail technique has escaped." Nezha said.

On their side, there is a fierce formation of heaven and earth defending, and a group of people besiege the snow demon.

Snow Demon didn't last long and ran away.

Afraid of trouble, Nezha came to see the situation first.

Yang Jian and others, as well as Tiangang Disha, are still guarding there.

"It can't run away." Xiao Sheng said casually.

Several of his other avatars have already killed the Snow Demon's lair, as well as the Laomo's lair.

Xiao Sheng wants to cut the grass and root out.

(End of this chapter)

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