Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 630 Huang Feihu Resigns

Chapter 630 Huang Feihu Resigns

Let's say that Mrs. Jia left the harem in a daze.

Arrived at the Nine Halls.

Jia's attendants are waiting here.They were not allowed in.

Jia tried to keep her face as calm as possible, and said: "Go back to the mansion." She came to see Huang Feihu's younger sister, Huang Fei, but she couldn't take care of it at this time.

The group of them returned to Prince Wucheng's mansion.

at this time.

Huang Feihu drank with his brothers, generals and three sons in the inner hall.

When Jia came back, he said hello and went back to the back house.

"You guys go out." Mrs. Jia sent his attendants out.

She stayed in the bedroom alone, her heart was broken, and she couldn't help but burst into tears.

At night.

After thinking about it again and again, Jia decided to tell Huang Feihu what happened before.

Why do you want to tell?
Because, many servants in the palace saw what happened before.

This matter must not be hidden.

Rather than having Huang Feihu learn about it from others in a few days, she should tell Huang Feihu first tonight, lest Huang Feihu misunderstand and think too much.

"Feihu, worship today..." Jia explained the whole story in detail.

"No dao and stupid king!" Huang Feihu couldn't help cursing angrily after hearing this.But it was just a curse, and there was no other reaction.

In "Fengshen Yanyi", Huang Feihu's reaction when he learned that Jia's death and his sister Huang Fei also died?Huang Feihu thought to himself: "Is it because of a woman that I failed the country's grace? The Huang family has been loyal to the seventh generation and has enjoyed the country's grace for more than [-] years. Could it be that I rebelled for a woman?!"

Huang Feihu's first consideration was the entire Huang family, not revenge for the Jia family.Jia Shi is nothing but a woman.

Huang Feihu's first reaction was that he couldn't rebel.

But why did he reverse it later?
Because, Zhou Ji, the general of Huang Feihu's family, said: "Brother, you occupy a high position, show off your rank, and wear a boa robe. Those who know it will say that you are the supreme one because of your merits; those who don't know will only say that you rely on your sister-in-law. It's rich."

Zhou Ji means: Huang Feihu, you have a high position and authority.People who know you well know that you got such a high position and rich salary by virtue of your ability.People who don't know you will think that you got rich by pleasing King Shou through your wife.

Zhou Ji's words turned Huang Feihu's words in reverse.

The key to this sentence is that if Huang Feihu doesn't rebel, Huang Feihu's reputation will be infamous.

It can be seen that Huang Feihu's rebellion was for himself.

"Feihu, this matter is not small, I'm afraid we can't cover it up, so what can we do?" Jia Shi was miserable and worried.She didn't know what to do.What she was worried about was not herself, but Huang Feihu and her three sons.

When something like this happened, what shame would Huang Feihu have?

Jiashi subconsciously didn't think about herself.

Huang Feihu's face changed back and forth, red for a while, blue for a while, and white for a while.

He was silent.

Occasionally looking at Jia's eyes, there is also the meaning of complaining.It seems that he thinks Jia Shi has caused him a lot of trouble.

Huang Feihu and Jia were worried all night like this.

It was almost dawn.

"I'm going to ask for my resignation and return home." Huang Feihu's voice was a little hoarse.

He thought all night that rebellion was impossible.

Continue to be a general in Chaoge and become king of Wucheng?

He has no face.

After such a thing happened, Huang Feihu was ashamed to continue staying in Chaoge.

His only way out is to leave Chaoge with his family.

His father, Huang Gun, was the guard of Jiepai Pass, and Huang Feihu planned to go to Jiepai Pass with his family.

"I" Jiashi hesitated to speak.She didn't know what to say.She also seemed to blame herself for causing Huang Feihu such a big trouble.

"No need to think too much, Prime Minister Shang Rong, Prime Minister Bigan Ya, and many veterans of the three dynasties all resigned and returned to their hometowns, and I am not one of them. Or, I can return to my hometown when I am sick." Huang Feihu comforted Jia, He also figured it out, went to the palace, and asked King Zhou to resign.

After a while.

royal palace.

"Please tell your majesty that my subject Huang Feihu's old injury has recurred and he is unable to take up the post of general. Please allow me to return to my hometown."

"Wu Chengwang wait a moment." The servant said.Huang Feihu resigned, it was not a small matter, he hurried to report to King Zhou.

Huang Feihu waited quietly.

He was thinking, if King Shou wants to stay, should he agree not to leave?But if you don't leave, what face will you have?
How many times have you experienced life and death before you got a high position, should you just give up like this?
Huang Feihu was very tangled.

He doesn't want to go.

He doesn't want to resign.

He was reluctant to be a high official and rich salary.

But he has no face and refuses to leave.

Do people really point fingers behind their backs?

His face changed.

He suddenly felt a little regretful, he felt that he shouldn't be in such a hurry to ask for resignation, he should think carefully about it.

The servant relayed Huang Feihu's words to King Zhou.

King Zhou did not come to see Huang Feihu, and only replied with one word: "Yes."

Hearing this word, Huang Feihu turned pale.

He thought a lot.

He thought about how he should continue to resign if King Zhou persuaded him to stay.

It never occurred to him that he had been loyal for decades, fought bloody battles, went through life and death many times, and finally got the word "quasi".

He left in a daze.

King Zhou didn't have a word to hold back.

How cold and ungrateful is King Zhou? !

Huang Feihu's heart turned cold.

Huang Feihu took his family and left Chaoge.

Just gone.

Wen Zhongping defeated King Pingling of the East China Sea and returned to Chaoge.

Just a little bit.

If Wen Zhong had come back a few days earlier, perhaps so many things would not have happened.

However, the timing is just so coincidental.

When Wen Zhong heard that Huang Feihu had returned home due to illness, he hurriedly sent Ji Li and Xu Qing to chase after him. He wanted to keep Huang Feihu.

Ji Li and Xu Qing are disciples of Wen Zhong.They can also be regarded as intercepting disciples.

The two of them were in a hurry.

It didn't take long to catch up with Huang Feihu and others.

"King Wu Cheng, the grand master has returned to Chaoge, please go back."

"I" Huang Feihu hesitated, "My old injury has recurred, and I will return to Chaoge after I recover from my injury." Huang Feihu declined.

Wen Zhong couldn't handle his family's affairs.

When he went back, there was nowhere to put his face.

Rather than being pointed at by others, it is better to hide.

Ji Li and Xu Qing advised a few words, but Huang Feihu insisted not to return to Chaoge.

Ji Li and Xu Qing had no choice but to report back to Wen Zhong.

"Grand Master, King Wu Cheng doesn't want to come back."

Wen Zhong nodded, he already knew the beginning of the matter, and understood that Huang Feihu came back now, with no face left.

It will take a few years to wait for the wind to pass.

At that time, invite Huang Feihu back.


royal palace.

"Your Majesty, why did you not carry out all the things you promised me? Why did you release Dong Bohou and Nan Bohou, and then arrested and killed them? And also killed Queen Jiang." Wen Zhong asked King Zhou.

"This" King Zhou couldn't quibble.He killed Queen Jiang also on impulse.

Wen Zhong didn't force too much.

He again proposed to let King Zhou do what he had done before.

"All right!" King Zhou happily agreed again.

But, this time it's not so easy.

No matter whether it was Shang Rong, Bigan, or other capable officials, they did not easily agree to return to Chaoge. They made a request: kill Fei Zhong and You Hun, abolish Queen Hu, and demote Ji Meiren.

Before, King Zhou was licentious and immoral, and changed his orders from day to day. These few people were accomplices.

Therefore, with this requirement.

But, "No!" King Zhou refused.

King Zhou attached great importance to Fei Zhong and You Hun, and even more to Queen Hu and Mei Ji, and refused to deal with these people.

Wen Zhong persuaded him several times, but King Zhou still refused.

Wen Zhong had no choice but to shelve the matter.

This time, Wen Zhong came back and had time to deal with various things.He was not in a hurry to persecute King Zhou.

He thought to himself: Is he still a loyal minister after being persecuted a lot?

This is Wen Zhong's bottom line.

If he was a powerful minister, similar to Cao Cao, maybe Chengtang's situation would be different.


Jinji Ridge.

The matter of Wu Cheng Wang Huang Feihu.

Xiao Sheng also knew.

According to the records in "Feng Shen Yan Yi", Huang Feihu's wife, Jia Shi, should have committed suicide, and Huang Feihu's sister was also thrown to death by King Zhou.

Huang Feihu's family, together with Huang Feihu's father, Huang Gun, should have turned against Chaoge and voted for Xiqi.

During this process, Huang Feihu's family encountered many disasters.

Huang Feihu died once.

Note, here is the point.

Huang Feihu died and came back to life once.

This is a bit lazy.

When others die, they die.

Huang Feihu was dead, but he could be saved, and not only Huang Feihu was saved, but Huang Feihu's family general Zhou Ji was also saved.

Huang Tianhua is the one who saves lives.

Huang Tianhua is the eldest son of Huang Feihu.When he was three years old, he was blown away by a strange wind.

It is the strange wind blown by the pure and moral true king.He accepted Huang Tian and turned him into a disciple.His method of recruiting disciples was somewhat inappropriate.At least say hello to your parents, even leave a letter.

Qingxu Daodezhen gave Huang Tianhua the medicine to bring the dead back to life, and revived Huang Feihu and Zhou Ji.

This method of bringing the dead back to life should only be used on Jiang Ziya in the future.

In "Fengshen Yanyi", Jiang Ziya should have died several times, but he was rescued.

Why did Jiang Ziya have to die several times?Is there a conspiracy here?

Others don't have the treatment of dying and resurrecting.If you die, you will die, and your soul will enter the list of gods.

After Huang Feihu voted for Xiqi, Wen Zhong worried that Xiqi would become a serious problem, so he began to march west.

In this way, the Great Conferred God War has begun.

Now, Huang Feihu's family has no objection.Huang Feihu just resigned.

So, can the Conferred God War still start normally?Do you have to wait a while?

Xiao Sheng's butterfly effect is here again.

He subtly changed the fate of many people.

He didn't know what would happen next.

Anyway, he was waiting at Jinji Ridge.

Wait until the Conferred God War starts later.


Let's say that Wen Zhong stayed in Chaoge for a few days.

Worried about Chaoge's current situation.

[-]. Jiang Wenhuan, the son of Dong Bohou, has been attacking Youhun Pass.

[-]. Eshun, the son of Nan Bohou, has been attacking Sanshan Pass.

[-]. Although Xibohou Jichang died, he also beheaded Beibohou Chonghouhu.Chong Heihu took control of Beibohou's territory.Now the two territories of Xibohou and Beibohou are both considered to belong to Xiqi.

After thinking about it for a few days, Wen Zhong still felt that Xiqi was the biggest hidden danger.

The destiny is in Xiqi, he knows this saying.

So, he beat the drum to gather all the generals, and expressed his idea of ​​conquering Xiqi.

"Grand Master Qi, you have been fighting endlessly for years...the treasury is already empty." Lu Xiong spoke first.He was sort of a general.He said: I heard that Zhong Beihai's campaign, the East China Sea's campaign, and Dongbohou's and Nanbohou's continuous attacks for many years have already caused the treasury to be empty and there is no money and food available.

What Lu Xiong said is the truth, everyone knows it.

But Wen Zhong was worried that Xiqi would become a serious problem, saying: "Xiqi Nangong is suitable for the three armies bravely, scattered and resourceful, and Jiang Shang is a Taoist. If something happens in the future, it will become a big problem."

Wen Zhong was right to be worried.

It was God's will to cut down merchants in the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Wen Zhong also heard about it from his master, Our Lady of Jinling.

But he doesn't believe in destiny.

He only believed in the male and female whips in his hands, and the fierce generals and strangers under his command.

Lu Xiong said: "Grand Master, why don't you send one or two generals to go out of the five gates to find out what is wrong with Xiqi."

When fighting a war, you must first understand what your opponent is doing.

"Good." Wen Zhong agreed with Lu Xiong's words and sent Chao Tian and Chao Lei to Xiqi.


a few days later.

Chao Tian and Chao Lei led [-] soldiers and horses, went out of Chaoge, crossed the Yellow River, went out of Wuguan, and arrived at the foot of Xiqi City, where they set up camp.

When they passed Jinji Ridge.

Xiao Sheng and Empress Shiji saw these soldiers and horses.

"Master, this is Chaoge's soldier. It seems that Chaoge is going to attack Xiqi again."

"With the great war, there will be another catastrophe, and many people will be displaced." Empress Shiji felt a little compassionate.It is here, seeing more refugees from other places.

In the whole world, it seems that only the people of Xiqi live a good life.The common people in other places are poorly clothed and hungry, and will flee famine if there is any natural or man-made disaster.

Empress Shiji witnessed the suffering of the common people.

Over the years, it has also tried its best to help the refugees settle down and live.

It has become the Shi Niangniang praised by the surrounding refugees, and its reputation is not small.

Empress Shiji has been here for some years, and it has completely changed.

It has a peaceful air about it.

It has a spirit of virtue.

It has an aura that reassures the common people.

It's not far from getting the Tao.

But it is no longer obsessed with attaining the Tao.

What it does the most every day is to help the suffering people.

"Uncle, there are no qi refiners participating in the current battle. In the future, once qi refiners also participate in the battle, ordinary people will suffer more casualties."

"Chanjiao Twelve Golden Immortals committed murder, why should they get involved with this ordinary person?" Empress Shiji was a little unhappy.Once the people who explained the teachings participated in the expedition against merchants in the Western Zhou Dynasty, the war of mortals would become even more cruel, and the casualties would increase by a thousand times.

"Master, I think that the people who explain the teachings deliberately participated in the mortal war because they wanted to use the destiny of the Western Zhou Dynasty to successfully complete the killing.

After all, Fengming Qishan, destiny is in Xiqi.

It is in line with God's will for them to help the leader Xiqi, which will help them overcome the catastrophe. "Xiao Sheng guessed.

"The monk who explained the teaching is too selfish." Madam Shiji said dissatisfied.It also felt so.


Under the city of Xiqi.

Chao Tian and Chao Lei were ordered to find out the truth.

But they didn't have any preparations, so they decided to fight Xiqi's people first.


Chao Lei invites a battle under the city.

Nangong asked for a battle and went out of the city to meet the enemy.

Chao Lei and Nangong Shi exchanged a few words and started fighting.

Nangong Shi has high martial arts skills.

Chao Lei is younger, and although his martial arts skills are good, he is worse than Nangong Shi.

Both of them fought with swords and horses for thirty rounds.

Chao Lei gradually broke down.

Nangong Shi deliberately bought a loophole, and Chao Lei was hit. Nangong Shi captured him alive and brought him to Jiang Ziya.

Then, under Jiang Ziya's persuasion, Chao Lei didn't last long and surrendered.

After Chao Lei surrendered, he persuaded Chao Tian to surrender together.

However, their family members are all chaoge.

Once they surrender, their family will be in danger.

What should they do?
(End of this chapter)

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