Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 626 Wen Zhong's Choice

Chapter 626 Wen Zhong's Choice
Xiao Sheng taught the three demons a lesson, and beat the jade pipa essence back to its original shape.

The three demons were sent by Empress Nuwa, why did Xiao Sheng dare to attack the three demons?

This is because there should be such a calamity in the life of the jade pipa. In "Fengshen Yanyi", Jiang Ziya burns the jade pipa into its original shape with three flavors of real fire.

Xiao Sheng left the palace, counting his fingers.

It is said to be counting, but in fact, I also recalled the plot of "Fengshen Yanyi".

"Ji Chang has returned to Xiqi, and Jiang Ziya is also living in seclusion in Xiqi. Soon there will be a scene where King Wen visits Ziya."

"Also, Wen Zhong is about to return to Chaoge."

"In "Feng Shen Yan Yi", after Wen Zhong returned to the court song, he would offer ten strategies, and King Zhou should have adopted seven strategies."

"If we follow Wen Zhong's intentions, Chengtang Jiangshan will gradually stabilize and turn the crisis into safety."

"However, just a few days after Wen Zhong returned to Chaoge, he was about to set off again, because King Pingling of the Eastern Sea had rebelled."

"Actually, it's quite strange here. Why don't other generals like King Wu Cheng go out? Why does Wen Zhong have to go out?"

"Don't Wen Zhong know that if he is not in Chaoge, King Zhou will continue to be licentious?"

"If it is said that in the seventh year of King Zhou, Wen Zhong went to war, there is no problem. Because at this time, King Zhou has not been licentious."

"However, now, because of Wen Zhong's absence, King Zhou has ruined Chengtang's country. Why did Wen Zhong go out in person? Why did Wen Zhong make such a big mistake at a critical moment, or is it called a mistake?"

"Maybe this is fate?!"

"It's God's will. Wen Zhong has been fighting abroad since the seventh year of King Zhou, and he had to return to Chaoge when the situation was irretrievable, but it was already too late."

"All Wen Zhong can do is to continue to put down the rebellion. In the end, he was besieged by Jiang Ziya and others, and died by Yun Zhongzi's pillar of fire."

"Poor Wen Zhong is so loyal, he wanted to change his fate for King Zhou, but he failed in the end."

In "Feng Shen Yan Yi", Wen Zhong actually knows the destiny.

He is a member of the Jiejiao, how could he not know about the Conferred God.

He knew that Fengming Qishan, the Western Zhou Dynasty ruled the world.

It's just that he doesn't want to fail.

He wants to fight for Chengtang Jiangshan.

but failed.

After his death, he entrusted King Zhou with a dream, "Man's words cannot be trusted, and the destiny cannot be feared."

It can be seen that Wen Zhong believes in the saying that "man can conquer the sky".

It's a pity that King Zhou was too disappointing.

In fact, the saying "man can conquer the sky" is also in God's will, because "there are fifty ways, and the sky plays fourty-nine, and you can get rid of one." There is a chance for everything.

If King Zhou hadn't been licentious and innocent, maybe Chengtang's country really had a chance of life.

However, it is only a glimmer of hope.There is a high probability that it will still fail.Destiny cannot be changed easily.

When there is not much gossip, let's get down to business.

Let's say that Xiao Sheng went to Sihai Trading Company.

"Brother, please have some tea." Qian Sihai said respectfully.To Qian Sihai, Xiao Sheng is not only a senior brother, but also a master.

Because, Qian Sihai's practice was taught by Xiao Sheng.

As Qian Sihai's master, Zhao Gongming usually doesn't care about his apprentices.

In addition, Zhao Gongming took in two more disciples, Chen Jiugong and Yao Shaosi, who were also taught by Xiao Sheng.

"Sihai, what's the news recently?" Xiao Sheng asked casually.He knew the affairs of the world, and when he asked Qian Sihai, it was just a conversation, and he asked Qian Sihai if he had something to do.

"Brother, Xibohou Jichang has been released by King Shou, and he has been conferred an official post to let Jichang conquer Dongbohou and Nanbohou.

When Ji Chang was released, King Shou ordered Ji Chang to walk the streets for three days to praise King Shou.

However, for some unknown reason, Ji Chang only walked the streets for two days.After that, he fled, far away from Xiqi.

King Shou was furious because of this, and ordered Yin Ruipai and Lei Kai to lead three thousand flying cavalry to chase after Ji Chang.

But Ji Chang was not caught. I heard that there were monsters blocking the road. "Qian Sihai told about Ji Chang.

Xibo Hou Jichang is considered a well-known figure in Chaoge, with many followers and timely news.

"Four seas, Fengming Qishan, the Western Zhou Dynasty ruled the world, and now that Ji Chang has returned to Xiqi, our cooperation with Xiqi must be strengthened." Xiao Sheng ordered.This is the purpose of his coming to find Qian Sihai, to make Sihai Trading Company, Baicao Medicine Museum, Wuguyuan, and other agencies start more exchanges with Xiqi.

Doing this, of course, is to gain merit.

The more merits and virtues, the better.

No matter who it is, it is the same. Saints also hope to have more merit.

"Senior brother, several of our Four Seas Commercial Bank's major shopkeepers have gone to Xiqi, and are currently negotiating more deals with Xiqi officials. There are specific deals that have been carried out." Qian Sihai explained the specific arrangements in detail.

"It's not bad. You send an order to the Hundred Herbal Medicine Hall to prepare wound medicines, an order to the Five Grain Garden to prepare food and grass, and an order to other establishments such as the Baiqiao Workshop to prepare accordingly. A war is about to break out in this world."

"Yes, senior brother." Qian Sihai said solemnly.

After exhorting, Xiao Sheng left Sihai Trading Company and went to Xiqi.This is of course Xiao Sheng's avatar.

Mount Emei.

Luofu Cave.

Xiao Sheng's body is here.

Zhao Gongming has already seen the return of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit.

His face was a little unsightly.

"Master, how is it?" Xiao Sheng asked.

"Sigh." Zhao Gongming sighed, and said, "Xiao Sheng, you can't attack Wen Zhong."


"Xiao Sheng, actually Senior Sister Jin Guang has talked with Wen Zhong several times." Zhao Gongming frowned.

"Already talked about it?" Xiao Sheng was not surprised by this.Everyone in the three religions knew about conferring the gods. It was normal for the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit to talk to Wen Zhong.

"That's right. After signing the list of gods in Biyou Palace that day, Senior Sister Jin Guang went to find Wen Zhong.

Senior Sister Jin Guang asked Wen Zhong to leave Chaoge and follow her back to the mountain to practice in seclusion. "

"But Wen Zhong refused?" Xiao Sheng interjected and asked.

"Yes, Wen Zhong refused. He said he didn't believe in the destiny, and he wanted to change his life for Cheng Tang."

"How can this be done?" Xiao Sheng asked in shock.Changing one's fate against the heavens is not just a joke, it is very difficult for a saint to do it, not to mention a Wen Zhong who is an Earth Immortal, it is simply a child's play.

"Yes, the destiny cannot be violated. Wen Zhong is just a fool's dream." Zhao Gongming also did not believe that Wen Zhong could change his fate against the sky.

"Master, didn't Uncle Jin Guang persuade Wen Zhong?" Xiao Sheng asked nonsense.The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit must have persuaded Wen Zhong.

"Of course I persuaded. Senior Sister Jin Guang persuaded Wen Zhong several times, but Wen Zhong has made up his mind and cannot change it."

"Master, can't Uncle Jin Guang take Wen Zhong away forcibly?" Xiao Sheng felt that practitioners don't need to follow the rules, and forceful suppression is the right way.You heard Zhong disobedient, right?Then I force you to go, knock you unconscious and take you away, okay?
"Alas." Zhao Gongming sighed again after hearing the words, "Of course Senior Sister Jin Guang tried to take Wen Zhong away by force, but Wen Zhong forced her to die. Wen Zhong would rather die than give up Cheng Tang. Jiangshan is loyal and willing to live and die with Cheng Tang." After Zhao Gongming finished speaking, he looked disappointed.

"Master, Wen Zhong is loyal to Cheng Tang, doesn't he know he is loyal to our Jiejiao?" Xiao Sheng said angrily.He understood why Zhao Gongming was disappointed.

Zhao Gongming was silent when he heard the words.

Sometimes, the person's choice reveals the person's thoughts.

Obviously, in Wen Zhong's heart, Chengtang is more important than cutting off teaching.

Wen Zhong's choice disappointed the Holy Mother of Jinling, Zhao Gongming and Jiejiao.

Xiao Sheng also remained silent, and he also understood the choice in Wen Zhong's heart.Wen Zhong's actions are similar to apostasy.

After a moment of silence.

"Xiao Sheng, Senior Sister Jin Guang said this time that we don't need to help Wen Zhong, but we don't need to deal with Wen Zhong. Especially you, Senior Sister Jin Guang specifically told you to let Wen Zhong go, and don't clean up. The portal." Zhao Gongming couldn't hide the disappointment on his face.He didn't expect the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit to have such a request.

"How can this be done?" Xiao Sheng was anxious when he heard the words, "Master, what if Wen Zhong invites fellow disciples to defy God's will together? Do I not care?"

"Senior Sister Jin Guang said that the disciples who were invited down by Wen Zhong are all famous people on the list, so don't worry about them." Zhao Gongming said helplessly.

Xiao Sheng was silent again.

He remembered that in "The Romance of the Gods", Wen Zhong never begged the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit until his death, which might be the reason.

Wen Zhong wanted to change his fate against the sky, but he also knew that the hope was slim, so he didn't dare to implicate his master, the Holy Mother of Jinling.

But the subsequent development was completely beyond the expectations of the people in the Jiejiao.

Those who explain the teachings, those who teach in the West, have obviously been digging holes and setting up traps to cut off the teachings.

Poor Jiejiao Tongtian leader, who still stays behind closed doors, thinking that Fengshen has little to do with him.

Yuanshi Tianzun, Lao Tzu, received and guided, Zhunti, kept going out to make troubles, and finally ruined Jiejiao.

You can't have the heart to harm others, but you can't have the heart to guard against others.

The leader of the Tongtian sect who cut off the teaching, as well as many disciples, were obviously killed, and they obviously did not guard against the assassination from the Chanjiao and the Western religion.

Another moment of silence.

"Master, my avatar will definitely go to Xiqi to help Zhou conquer merchants. At that time, if I meet a brother from the same sect, I will definitely take action, but I promise not to take action against Wen Zhong." Xiao Sheng said.

"Forget it, so be it. But, Xiao Sheng, if it's about your safety, don't worry too much, anyone can be killed!" Zhao Gongming said.He didn't want to restrain Xiao Sheng because of the order of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit.

"Yes, Master!" Xiao Sheng replied loudly.Nor is he pedantic.If Wen Zhong dared to attack him, he would definitely hit him with a purple electric hammer and kill Wen Zhong.

Let's say that Ji Chang was sent to Jinjiling by Lei Zhenzi.

Because of his teacher's order, Lei Zhenzi could not send Ji Chang back to Xiqi City, so he flew away.

This is actually a bit unkind.There is no reason to leave the old Ji Chang alone in the wilderness.

This seems to mean that Lei Zhenzi can't come out of the mountain yet, but only temporarily going down the mountain.

Ji Chang is old.

He is an old man without a horse, and he walks on foot. After walking a short distance, he becomes tired and hungry.

It happened that Biyun Boy from the nearby Shiji Empress saw Ji Chang.

"Old man, do you want to come here to have a rest and have something to eat?" Boy Biyun asked.

"Then, please trouble Xiaodaotong." Ji Chang did not refuse.

Arrived at the stone house of Empress Shiji.

Empress Shiji also came out to greet Ji Chang.

"Dare to ask old man, where are you going? Why did you go on the road alone, without a horse?"

"I, I'm going to Xiqi City." Ji Chang ate food and drank water, but when answering the question, he hesitated, not daring to say that he was Ji Chang.

"It's a long way to go to Xiqi City, old man, I'm afraid it's not right for you to go on the road alone. Why don't you contact the people from Sihai Trading Company and send you to Xiqi City."

"Sihai Trading Company? Is it the Sihai Trading Company founded by Daoist Sheng Dexiao?" Ji Chang said excitedly.Xiao Sheng's avatar traveled the world without leaving a name, and even his appearance was changeable, but when Qian Sihai helped, he somewhat revealed some information about Xiao Sheng, and he called Xiao Sheng: Senior Brother Xiao.

Therefore, the name of Xiao Sheng was circulated outside: Shengde Xiao Zhenren.There are two characters of holiness, which means the common people's respect for Xiao Sheng.

"Exactly." Empress Shiji said.It has also been in the human world for many years, and it also knows Xiao Sheng's great reputation in the world, and admires Xiao Sheng very much.

"I am Jichang, Marquis of the Xibo, please contact the Taoist priest to contact the Four Seas Trading Company." At this time, Jichang didn't hide his name anymore.He believed in the people from the Universal Trading Company.

"It turned out that it was Marquis Xibo in person, and Shiji, the poor man, is being polite." Mistress Shiji hurriedly called her head, and looked at the food for Ji Chang, "It is the poor man who has neglected the lord."

"The Taoist priest doesn't need to be too polite." Ji Chang chatted with Empress Shiji for a while.

The people from the Four Seas Trading Company are here.

Not only that, but also nearby officials came, and they greeted Ji Chang together.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for being late."

"You don't need to be too polite, please come here to borrow me." Ji Chang's attitude was very kind.He bid farewell to Shiji and went to Xiqi City.

Let's talk about Xiqi City.

Taijiang, Jichang's mother, misses Jichang every day in the palace.

this day.

Suddenly, three strong winds blew, and there was an unusual roar in the wind.

Tai Jiang feels different.

Then he ordered his attendants to burn incense, take money, and have a lesson in divination.

It turned out that Ji Chang's mother could also tell divination. Could it be that Ji Chang's innate fortune-telling was taught by his mother?
Not long after, Tai Jiang learned that Ji Chang had arrived in Xiqi.

Tai Jiang was overjoyed, and hurriedly ordered Ji Fa and other young masters, as well as all civil and military officials, to go out of the city to meet him.

The news spread outside.

The people of Xiqi were overjoyed and slaughtered pigs and sheep to celebrate Ji Chang's return to Xiqi.

Ji Fa and other princes, as well as civil and military officials, all dressed in red auspicious clothes, welcomed Ji Chang outside the city.

After years of separation, we finally meet.

Ji Chang, Ji Fa, and everyone else wept with joy.

Ji Chang briefly talked about the Chaoge matter.

But when it came to Boyi's exam, he felt a sudden abdominal pain, and he yelled, "It hurts me too!" and fell off the horse.

Ji Fa and other sons hurriedly helped Ji Chang up, hugged him in his arms, and fed Ji Chang a few sips of tea.

Ji Chang suddenly felt nauseated and spit out a piece of meatloaf.

The meatloaf rolled on the ground, with four legs and two ears, shaped like a rabbit, and ran away.

Ji Chang vomited meatloaf three times in a row, turned into three rabbits and ran away.

How is this going?

At first, Ji Chang ate three meatloaf.

These three patties are all made of Bo Yi Kao's meat.

Now, Ji Chang returns to Xiqi.

After Bo Yikao's death, he had a spirit, and when he knew that he had arrived in Xiqi, he came out of Jichang's belly, turned into a rabbit, and left.

The plot in "Feng Shen Yan Yi" is also quite weird.

Ji Chang went back to Bohou Mansion to rest.

a few days later.

Convene all civil and military officials.

Ji Chang once again elaborated on the past few years of going to Chaoge.

His Baizi Lei Zhenzi also elaborated.

Lei Zhenzi also told him about sending him to pass five levels.

After Ji Chang finished speaking, someone stood up and said, "We want to avenge Bo Yi Kao."

But Ji Chang didn't agree, he said: Bo Yikao didn't listen to my words, and went to Chaoge without authorization, and he brought on his own disaster!Bo Yi Kao is self-aware of the great festival of loyalty and filial piety, and he does not know how to obey power, manage affairs, current affairs, advance and retreat.Boyi is a man of poor morality and mediocrity, he is paranoid, he doesn't listen to people's persuasion, and when things don't go his way, he has this disaster.

Ji Chang said a lot about the inappropriateness of Bo Yi's exam.

The conclusion is that Bo Yikao's death was caused by him, and there is no need for revenge.

In the final analysis, Ji Chang didn't want to fight rashly.

"I want to build a Lingtai." Although Ji Chang didn't want to be a soldier, he wanted to build a Lingtai.

What is this altar?
It was built by Ji Chang for the examination of Boyi.

But in name, it is to pray for the people and hope that the weather will be smooth.

(End of this chapter)

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