Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 616 Xiao Sheng Is Still in Chaoge

Chapter 616 Xiao Sheng Is Still in Chaoge
After Mei Bo and Du Yuanxian were dismissed and asked to retire and return to their hometowns, within a few days, Shang Rong told King Zhou that he also wanted to retire and return to his hometown.

Shang Rong's move was intended to wake up King Zhou, but unexpectedly, King Zhou didn't care and let Shang Rong go.

Three ministers in a row resigned and returned to their hometowns, but King Zhou remained the same, singing and dancing day and night, ignoring the government.

At this time, Queen Jiang couldn't sit still.

She is the queen, the master of the harem.

King Zhou was fascinated by the three goblins, and he didn't care about anything.

Queen Jiang intends to exhort King Zhou and beat the three goblins.

this day.

King Zhou and the three goblins continued to eat, drink and play in Shouxian Palace.

Queen Jiang arrived.

A driver's official played to King Zhou: "Ms. Jiang has arrived at the gate of the palace to wait for the order."

King Zhou's eyes flashed, he knew why Queen Jiang came.

He is a smart man, but he is controlled by desire, addicted to wine and sex, unwilling to deal with government affairs, and is licentious every day.

King Zhou drank another cup, his drunken eyes dimmed, "Three beauties, you should go and fetch the queen."

King Zhou sent the three goblins out to meet Queen Jiang, which was regarded as a very important move for Queen Jiang.After all, Queen Jiang is the daughter of Dong Bohou Jiang Huanchu.Jiang Huanchu is a big prince, commanding two hundred small princes, with strong soldiers and strong horses, he is the most powerful prince among the four princes.

King Zhou wanted to give face not only to King Jiang, but also to Jiang Huanchu.

The three goblins went out of the palace to welcome Queen Jiang, saluted and guided Queen Jiang into the palace.

King Zhou asked people to set up a seat for Queen Jiang, and asked three goblins to dance for Queen Jiang, so that Queen Jiang would have enough face.

The three goblins danced obediently.

"Queen, time is fleeting, time flies, and there are not many scenery, so this is the right time to have fun." King Zhou meant that life must be full of joy, and don't let the golden cup be empty to the moon.

But there was anger in his words.It may be due to his temperament, King Zhou has unconsciously lost his will and is no longer the same as before.

They are just greedy for pleasure. It seems that if they don’t enjoy themselves now, they will have no chance in the future.

Obviously, he was right to think so.

In fact, no matter what King Zhou did, his ending was doomed.

Because God's will has been determined, and no one can change it, including saints.

Therefore, even if King Zhou became an emperor like "Chongzhen" and worked hard, the ending would be the same.

Better yet, have fun.

Otherwise, becoming a god after death will not be at ease.Just watch other people having fun.

Because King Zhou was named "Tianxixing" after his death, and he was in charge of human marriages. He could only watch other people's bridal chambers, but he could not replace them.

Isn't such a god position a bit interesting, isn't it a bit of cheating King Zhou?Are you not licentious?Then in the future, you can only watch and do nothing.Out of sight, out of sight, can't be done.It is tortured every day.

Less gossip, let's get down to business.

Queen Jiang didn't come to see the dance for pleasure, she came to admonish King Zhou not to continue his licentiousness.

So ever.

".Your Majesty is debauched and debauched, chasing songs and chasing skills, extravagance and lust, listening to slander, expelling righteous men, and displacing Li Lao, but using the words of women. May Your Majesty change the past. The concubine is very lucky! The world is very lucky!"

Queen Jiang is a good queen, she is virtuous and virtuous.She didn't persuade King Zhou at the beginning, but said a lot of words in circles.

It was only later that King Zhou did wrong things during this period, favoring Fei Zhong and You Hun, obeying the words of the three goblins, dismissing the elders of the three dynasties at will, and so on.

Then, Queen Jiang advised King Zhou to change the absurd things he had done before, and not to drink and have fun with the three goblins every day, and beat the three goblins.

Queen Jiang left after speaking.By doing this, she seemed to be giving King Zhou time to think, and to save face for King Zhou.

"This bitch doesn't know how to flatter her! I let three beauties sing and dance for her and share the joy with her. It's unreasonable for her to make irresponsible remarks! If she wasn't the queen, I would kill her with a gourd to kill me. " King Zhou was furious.

He already had the idea of ​​killing Queen Jiang.

The fact that King Zhou married Queen Jiang was actually for Dong Bohou behind Queen Jiang.

After marrying King Jiang, he won the support of Dongbohou Jiang Huanchu, which helped King Zhou stabilize the court and consolidate his position.

King Zhou didn't like Queen Jiang very much for such a marriage, and even hated it.

King Zhou is the third son of Emperor Yi, and to get the throne, he needs the support of the big princes.

Up to now, King Zhou's status has been consolidated, Queen Jiang's role is no longer significant, and there are three beauties in his arms, so Queen Jiang is no longer in King Zhou's eyes.

Seeing that King Zhou was angry, the three goblins took the opportunity to fan the flames, wanting to be the queen.

"Tomorrow, Gu will depose that bitch and make you queen." King Zhou agreed to the request of the three demons while drunk, planning to make Hu Meiren his queen.

However, the next day, King Zhou didn't mention this matter, and Queen Jiang didn't mean to abolish it.

Outside, there is Dong Bohou, who is strong and strong, and King Zhou cannot deal with Queen Jiang at will.

a few days later.

On the first lunar month, concubines and concubines from all palaces congratulate the queen.

This lunar month may refer to the first or fifteenth day of each month.

Concubine Huang from the West Palace and Concubine Yang from the Xinqing Palace all came to the Central Palace where Queen Jiang lived to pay their respects.

Not long after, the Three Demons from Shouxian Palace also came to congratulate them.

Queen Jiang had previously advised King Zhou to beat the Three Demons. She thought that King Zhou would be able to change it, but unexpectedly, King Zhou still drank and had fun every day, and did not think about government affairs.

Now, the Three Demons are here.

Queen Jiang wanted to beat the Three Demons again.

"Your Majesty is in Shouxian Palace, day and night, drinking and having fun, ignoring government affairs. Instead of persuading him, you and the other three continue to confuse His Majesty. If you don't repent in the future, you must be severely punished! Step down." Jiang The queen said harsh words, telling the three demons not to confuse King Zhou anymore, or else you will bear the consequences.

"Obey." The three demons retreated obediently.

They returned to Shouxian Palace, crying and complaining to King Zhou.

However, King Zhou just scolded Queen Jiang angrily, but did nothing.

Queen Jiang is different from ordinary ministers. King Zhou has no excuses and doesn't want to touch Queen Jiang easily.

"We can't forget it like this. We have to find a way to avenge today's revenge." The thousand-year-old fox said angrily.

"Yes, today's revenge must be avenged." Nine-headed pheasant also echoed.

"But with that Taoist priest watching, we can't kill people at will." Yushi Pipa said unwillingly.

"Yeah, we really can't kill people at will. Think about it, if we kill people at will, will we be sentenced to death when Chaoge is captured by Western Zhou?" The thousand-year-old fox said.It is the smartest of the three goblins.Xiao Sheng stopped them from killing people twice, but instead it thought about it, and felt that it really couldn't kill people at will.

"This is what Empress Nuwa ordered. When the time comes, we will seek Empress Nuwa's protection, and we will not be afraid of being liquidated by the Western Zhou Dynasty." Nine-Headed Pheasant said.

"But Empress Nuwa has told you not to harm sentient beings," Yushi Pipa said.

"That's right, if we kill people at will, Empress Nuwa will definitely blame us and won't protect us," said the thousand-year-old fox.

It has nothing to say, once the Shang Dynasty is destroyed, they may not seek the protection of Empress Nuwa, let alone seek the possible positive results promised by Empress Nuwa.

In "Fengshen Yanyi", the Chaoge was broken, and the three demons did not go to find the Nuwa Empress, but wanted to escape back to their lair to avoid disaster.

Then why didn't the Three Demons find Empress Nuwa?Didn't he tell Jiang Ziya that this was ordered by Empress Nuwa?
The reason is very simple.

The three demons didn't mention Nuwa Empress, they can also be reincarnated after death.If it is said, they must die without a place to bury them, and their souls will be scattered.

"It's okay not to kill, but we must find a way to express our anger so that Queen Jiang can't bully us like this. Otherwise, sooner or later, we will be killed by Queen Jiang." Nine-headed pheasant said.

"This..., we might as well listen to Queen Jiang's words, not to confuse the king, nor to see the king anymore." The thousand-year-old fox rolled his eyes and thought of a way.

"Ah? How can I not be confused?" Nine-headed pheasant was puzzled.

"Your Majesty can't leave us anymore. If we don't let your Majesty enter the Shouxian Palace, then your Majesty will not be able to bear it and will be very angry, and then..." The thousand-year-old fox's method is very simple, deliberately stay away from King Zhou, and provoke King Zhou to seek out Jiang Queen trouble.

"Yes, this is a good way. Let's start now..."


In Chaoge City, the Four Seas Trading Company.

Xiao Sheng was chatting with Qian Sihai.

"Senior Brother, the Beihai War is not progressing well, and Wen Zhongwen Grand Master won't come back in a short time. No one cares about Shou Wang, and he is still unscrupulous and licentious." Qian Sihai's business has spread throughout the Shang Dynasty, and he has also started business abroad.He's well-informed.

Qian Sihai is an outer disciple introduced by Xiao Sheng to Zhao Gongming, and he can be regarded as Zhao Gongming's thieves.

"This is God's will." Xiao Sheng shook his head.While chatting with Qian Sihai, he looked at the three goblins in the palace and heard the plot of the three goblins.The three goblins did not dare to continue killing innocent people, so Xiao Sheng was relieved.

In "Fengshen Yanyi", the millennium fox killed too many people.

It's not bad that Xiao Sheng can make the three goblins not kill people at will.

"Senior brother, the recent years of natural disasters and man-made disasters have caused the people to be displaced and miserable."

"Chengtang's life is about to run out, and disasters are coming, which cannot be avoided."

"Brother, you ordered the victims to be sent to Xiqi, and we have been sending them."

"That's good, Fengming Qishan, the destiny is in Xiqi, your firm should have more contacts with Xiqi, and in the future, Xiqi will be a meritorious deed."

"Brother, I have some problems in my cultivation recently..."

"Sihai, you can't be anxious, your cultivation is not slow to improve." Xiao Sheng has always been teaching Qian Sihai's cultivation.Zhao Gongming doesn't care about Qian Sihai.

(End of this chapter)

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