Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 600 Complete copy of the forbidden treasure

Chapter 600 Complete copy of the forbidden treasure
leave heaven.

Xiao Sheng brought the eight people from Tiangang and Disha to Hushan.

There are tigers eating people here, so it is called Tiger Mountain.

"Hey..." The tiger in the distance seemed to see Xiao Sheng and the others, and rushed over with a roar.

Xiao Sheng waved his hand casually, shot out a thunderbolt, and wiped out the tiger.

"There are still many monsters eating people in this mountain, you go and clean them up."

"Yes." The eight members of Tiangang Disha honestly removed the demon.

After a while.

The entire Hushan Mountain was cleaned up.

Tiangang Disha is Xiao Sheng's subordinate.

Xiao Sheng has a share of the merit they get from removing the demon, and it accounts for more than half of it.

This is the reason why it is good to practice in the government.

"There is a map here, which marks the places where there may be monsters. The eight of you are divided into four groups to investigate. I am waiting for you."

"Yes." The eight Tiangang Disha grouped freely and left quickly.

After a while.

Xiao Sheng's Gold Bank clone has arrived.

Also with dozens of disciples.

These disciples are all outer disciples that Xiao Sheng took in when he traveled around the world with his avatar.

They are all orphans with no food or clothing.Xiao Sheng gave them a way out.

"Fellow Daoist, I will leave it to you to subdue demons and eliminate demons." Xiao Sheng was polite to his avatar again.

"You and I are one, so you don't need to be polite." Xiao Shengjin's avatar replied coldly.

Xiao Sheng nodded, and left with the vertical golden light method.

Next, Xiao Sheng's golden avatar will replace Xiao Sheng and kill demons here.

"Clean up here, we'll stay here temporarily." Jin Xing's avatar began to get busy.

These clones of Xiao Sheng have been busy in the world.

Either disseminating knowledge and skills, or slaying demons, or collecting natural materials and earthly treasures.Anyway, not idle.


Xiao Sheng's disciples practiced the Big Dipper Array.

The Big Dipper Array is a formation obtained by Xiao Sheng after he became the Big Dipper King and obtained the authority of the Big Dipper, a Big Dipper disk.

The power of the Big Dipper array is impressive. Seven immortals form an array, which can block the attacks of golden immortals.

On the side, Xiao Sheng's avatar was still arranging the "star formation".

The star-leading array is a formation that can receive the star-leading power.

Xiao Sheng is now the Big Dipper King, who can control the Big Dipper and bring down the power of the stars.

The power of the stars is helpful for practice.


Mount Emei, Luofu Cave.

Xiao Sheng's body flashed, and he came back.

He went to Zhao Gongming's cave first.

"Xiao Sheng pays homage to Master."

"Xiao Sheng, how is it? Have you ever borrowed the plain cloud border flag?" Zhao Gongming asked hastily.He was worried that Heaven would make things difficult for Xiao Sheng.

"Master, I have already borrowed it. After I went to the Heavenly Court, I first met God Haotian in the Lingxiao Palace... I am now the Big Dipper Lord, and I can practice with the power of the stars." Xiao Sheng said about the Heavenly Court.Generally speaking, Haotian treated Xiao Sheng pretty well.

"Big Dipper Lord? This official position is not considered low." Zhao Gongming nodded, "Your avatar leads Tiangang Disha to eliminate demons, and there may be twists and turns.

Moreover, there are too few Tiangangdishas, ​​so you need to replenish your manpower as soon as possible.

After the Tiangang Disha is completed, you can spread the Tiangang Disha Formation, which is very powerful and will be of great help to you. "Zhao Gongming made a few remarks.

"Master, I have recruited a lot of outer sect disciples. If they perform well in the future, I will let them be the evil star officials."

"Alright. Xiao Sheng, where are you going next?"

"Let's go to Beitianmen first. The Zhenwu Zao Diao Banner is in the hands of Emperor Zhenwu of Beitianmen, and then go to Yuxu Palace to meet Yuan Shizu, and borrow the Wuji Xinghuang Banner." Xiao Sheng put the Qinglian Baose Banner taught by the West At the end.

The Western religion is definitely tough and difficult to deal with.Even if you can borrow it, you will definitely have to pay more.

In "Fengshen Yanyi", the quasi-promotion and introduction paid a very small price in exchange for great benefits for the Western religion.

When Guangchengzi came to borrow the Qinglian Baose Banner, Zhunti said a few words: "I told the Daoist brother before that twice in the southeast, there was a red air of three thousand feet rushing into the sky, which is related to my west; it is me. The number of flowers blooming in Bade Pond is 500 years. Although the west is bliss, when will its way be practiced in the southeast; why not use the great religion of the southeast and practice my way at the same time. Besides, brother Guangchengzi is here again, and he should be ordered .”

The three thousand feet of red energy that Zhunti mentioned were the three thousand disciples of Jiejiao.

They took these [-] disciples and took the opportunity to preach to the southeast, hoping to revitalize the Western religion.

At this time, the Western religion was located in the remote West.It is relatively barren and the aura is thin, and there are not many disciples.

In the Battle of the Conferred Gods, the interception suffered heavy losses, almost all disciples were wiped out, and only a few remained, barely maintaining the orthodoxy.Master Tongtian was taken to Zixiao Palace by Patriarch Hongjun, where he retreated and pondered over his mistakes.

After the conferment of the gods, there is no longer any way for ten thousand immortals to come to court.

The elucidation of teachings is not much better. The Daoist Ran Deng, the fear of leaving grandchildren, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Cihang Taoist, and Samantabhadra all apostate, went to Western religions, and became Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.There were also many casualties among the three generations of disciples.

Although the human religion is not damaged, it does not have many disciples.After that, it slowly developed and gradually prospered.

Although the Heavenly Court has filled the ranks of gods through conferring gods, most of the powerful gods are rebellious and do not listen to the Heavenly Court's orders.Only Li Jing is more obedient and has become the general of the heavenly court.His three sons also became the pillars of the heavenly court.

In the battle of Conferred Gods, the winner is the Western religion.Tianting is considered a half-winner.

"Emperor Zhenwu of Beitianmen has a good relationship with my teaching, and it is not difficult to borrow treasures. If you listen to the teachings from Master Yuanshi, you can also borrow the Wuji Xinghuang Banner. As for the Western teaching," Zhao Gongming said of the Western teaching. At that time, he didn't know what to do, and he also knew that the Western religion was not easy to handle.

"Master, the West is poor. I will bring more spiritual treasures and pills and trade with them." Xiao Sheng did not intend to owe favors to the Western Sect, he planned to trade fairly, leaving no cause and effect behind.

He believed that he was just borrowing for an hour, and after giving enough Lingbao and Lingdan, it shouldn't be too difficult to talk about Zhunti and Yingying.

"It's good to be able to trade."

"Master, how is Qian Sihai doing recently?"

Xiao Sheng chatted with Zhao Gongming for a few words.

"Master, please help me to set up a star-guiding formation here, and receive the power of the stars."

"Okay, the power of the stars has many wonderful uses. It can not only promote cultivation, but also make spiritual flowers and grasses grow quickly."

Finished setting up the lead star array.

After Xiao Sheng stayed in the cave for a few days, he went to Beitianmen.

Heavenly Court, the official residence of Emperor Zhenwu.

"It's just for an hour. You don't need any treasures, so you can just look at it here." Emperor Zhenwu was surprisingly easy-going.

After Xiao Sheng clarified his intention and sent some elixirs, Emperor Zhenwu didn't want the treasures from Xiao Sheng.

"Thank you, Great Emperor. If there is a dispatch in the future, I will definitely not refuse."

"You just became the Big Dipper Star Lord, and you went down to the world to eliminate demons. You are a good man. When you finish your enlightenment, let's have a few drinks." Emperor Zhenwu has a good temper.He knew something about Xiao Sheng, and thought Xiao Sheng was good.

"Dare not to follow orders!" Of course, Xiao Sheng would not refuse to drink and have fun.

"Krypton metal panel, copying Zhenwu soap carving flag innate treasure ban."

Soon, Xiao Sheng finished copying the treasure ban, and comprehended it for an hour.


The fairies were dancing.

The Yellow Turban Lishi brought a lot of wine.

"Come on, brother Xiao, this is heaven's fine nectar. It's very old and strong. Let's do it."

"Brother, I offer you a toast."

"Come on, this is the flat peach from the Heavenly Court. It takes 3000 years to ripen. Have a taste."

"Well, not bad. Brother, I have some monkey wine here. It is the fruit wine made by monkeys in the common world. You should try it." When Xiao Sheng passed by Monkey Mountain, he took a lot of wine made by monkeys.


Eat and drink for several hours.

Xiao Sheng left Heavenly Court and went to Yuxu Palace.

Here, it is more dull.

He respectfully met Empress Yuanshi Tianzun.

The Antarctic fairy brought the yellow flag of Wuji Xing.

After Xiao Sheng copied the treasure ban, he comprehended it for a while.

Yuanshi Tianzun began to teach seriously.

In his impression, the disciples of Jiejiao are not very good, they are all shaggy and horned people, the generation of wet eggs.

Now, Xiao Sheng who came here, he thinks it's not too bad, it's worth preaching.

"You can't be too high-spirited. It is not advisable to imitate the five-party and five-element flags. You can understand the principles of the Dao."

"You travel in the world, and what you do is pretty good, so you have to persevere."

"If you serve in the Heavenly Court, you must uphold justice and do more good deeds..."

"Junior Brother Tongtian, the disciples you accept are good and bad. Since you are in charge of the punishment of intercepting the teaching, you must eliminate the lawless people in the teaching..."

a few days later.

Xiao Sheng left.

He went directly to the West to teach.

"Fellow Taoist has a predestined relationship with our Western Sect. If you join our Western Sect, you will be given a ninth-grade golden lotus and six pure bamboos, but..." Zhunti promised many benefits when he saw Xiao Sheng.

This ninth-grade golden lotus was cultivated by Zhunti and Jieying with the lotus seeds of the twelve-grade golden lotus with countless efforts.

There are only two flowers in the entire Western religion, and to promise Xiao Sheng one flower is to take Xiao Sheng very seriously.

He fell in love with Xiao Sheng.

Xiao Sheng has a lot of merit.

Such a person of good fortune is really a talent that their Western religion urgently needs.

Of course Xiao Sheng would not agree.

No matter how good the Western teaching is, there will be big troubles in the future if the teaching is cut off.

Xiao Sheng would not apostate either.

This is a matter of principle.

Like, he is from the Xia Kingdom.He suffered great grievances in Xia Guo, and he would not betray Xia Guo.

Xiao Sheng declined, and gave away a lot of spirit treasures and spirit pills that he refined himself, in exchange for the Qinglian treasure color flag that has been enlightened for an hour.

"Thank you for the fulfillment of the Western Saints, Xiao Sheng bids farewell."

Xiao Sheng didn't dare to wait any longer.

He was afraid of being forced to stay by the Western religion.

A golden light flashed.

Xiao Sheng disappeared into the distance.

"Brother Dao, why don't you let me force Xiao Sheng to stay?" Zhun asked.He really wanted to put Xiao Sheng under house arrest.

"Xiao Sheng still has his avatar outside, and forcing him to stay will only cause disputes. The Sanqing is powerful, and the two of us still need to be patient." Jieyin also wanted to force Xiao Sheng to stay, but he felt that he and Zhunti could not beat the Sanqing , so, no shot.

"Oh, when will my Western religion flourish?" Zhunti asked worriedly.

The reason why he and Jieyin are very persistent in the prosperity of the Western religion is because when they established the religion, they made great ambitions and had a mission.

They advance the results of the task in advance, but only if the task is completed.

They can only be shameless and make trouble everywhere.

A troubled saint is not like a saint. "You are destined to be with me." This sentence has become a mantra.

"Soon, the catastrophe of heaven and earth is approaching, and then is the opportunity for prosperity."

(End of this chapter)

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