Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 6 Traditional Martial Arts

Chapter 6 Traditional Martial Arts
School in the afternoon.


"Lao Ma, after get off work, let's go to Lao Li's house to play cards together?" Mr. Sun invited.

"No, I'm going to the gym to teach people later." Mark said casually.

"You said you were working as a physical education teacher, and you went to the gym as a coach, so you lost your reputation." Teacher Sun laughed.

"Anyway, idleness is idleness. It's better to earn some money to support the family." Mark laughed.

"Old Ma, I'm not talking about you. You should find a way to remarry Tian Ye. You're not too young, and your children are about to go to college. Why are you getting divorced?" Teacher Sun advised.

"I don't want to leave either, but I can't cling to it and embarrass Tian Ye, right?" Mark said with a wry smile.

"That's right, your Tianye family is not an ordinary person, and it's understandable that they have higher pursuits." Teacher Sun said.

"Yes, everyone has the right to choose again. I have delayed him for 16 years, so it's time to let go." Mark laughed.

"Old Ma, it's impossible for you to remarry like this, why don't I ask someone to introduce you to someone?" Mr. Sun said in a low voice.

"Let's take it easy, didn't I just get the house purchase index? After I buy a house, you can introduce it to me." Mark smiled.

"Buy a house? Then you'd better go to the gym and be a coach. It's not easy to buy a house with our dead salary." Mr. Sun frowned.

School gate.

Ma Li saw Zhao Ling coming.

"Godfather, why are you here?" Ma Li asked.At this moment, she still didn't know that Zhao Ling liked her mother, and she didn't see Zhao Ling hugging her mother.

The reason why I can see it in the TV series is because Zhao Ling sent Tian Ye to her home, and Ma Li happened to come from her grandma's house to pick up her homework, so she happened to see it.

"I'm here to see you, do you want tickets for the concert?" Zhao Ling took out two tickets and smiled.

"Oh, is it a ticket to the big concert? Of course I want it, godfather, thank you!" Ma Li said happily.

"Look, it's the first row, with autographs, how about it?" Zhao Ling laughed.

"Is it autographed?" Ma Li asked hastily.

"Of course it is necessary. How about it, are you satisfied?" Zhao Ling smiled.

"Satisfied, so satisfied, thank you godfather!" Ma Li said cheerfully.

"I've made arrangements, we can take a group photo." Zhao Ling continued to laugh.

"Great, thank you godfather, let me treat you to dinner." Ma Li said happily.

"Are you treating me to dinner? Let me treat you." Zhao Ling laughed.

"Why don't you let him treat you to dinner?" Ma Li pointed to Lu Kuan behind and smiled.

"Let me invite you, you are all children, you can buy what you like if you have pocket money." Zhao Ling laughed.

Suddenly, Mary remembered Mark.

She hesitated and said, "Godfather, I'm not going to eat anymore, I'm going back to school to do my homework."

After she finished speaking, she turned and walked to the school.

"Lily, why are you here?" At this moment, Mark came out on his bicycle and asked.

"Dad, godfather wants to treat you to dinner, will you go?" Ma Li asked hurriedly.Lu Kuan walked away quietly, afraid of being lectured by Mark.

"I'm going to the gym to be a trainer. I can't take care of it. Go ahead and eat something good with your godfather." Mark laughed.

"Alright then." Ma Li was a little unhappy.Her father and her mother are divorced, and her father has no place to live now. I don't know if anyone will want his father in the future?Hmph, no one wants the best, she grows up and raises her dad.

"Lao Ma, let's go first. I'll take care of the house for you." Zhao Ling said.

"Okay, let's go." Mark rode his bicycle away.

"Godfather, do you know about my father and mother's divorce?" Ma Li asked.

"Got it. Yesterday afternoon, your dad told me that I was with him last night and stayed all night." Zhao Ling said.

"Godfather, do you think anyone else wants my dad?" Ma Li asked worriedly.

"Yes, how come no one wants it? Look how handsome your father is." Zhao Ling laughed.

"My dad is more handsome, and he doesn't even have a house, so how can he find a wife?" Ma Li frowned.

"The house is easy to handle. I'll take care of it for your dad. We can't let him have no place to live." Zhao Ling laughed.

"But, with my dad's temper, he definitely won't want your house." Ma Li said worriedly.

"Then lend money to your dad to buy a house, and let him pay it back slowly." Zhao Ling laughed.

"That's right. If my dad can't pay it back, I'll pay it for him. It's only natural for the father to pay his debts. My dad will definitely not refuse!" Ma Li said happily.


Mark didn't work on his muscles as usual.

He walked to an open place and practiced Changquan.

He intends to practice Changquan from entry to proficiency, and even proficiency, so that he can save millions.

After practicing for a while, a sissy young man came over.

After practicing a routine, Mark stopped.

"Teacher, drink water." The gym owner said respectfully.His name is Ding Ming, and he is a former student of Mark.

"Thank you, are you okay?" Mark asked.

"Teacher, why don't you guide the students to exercise, but practice Changquan instead?" Ding Ming said respectfully with his hands behind his back, like a primary school student.

"I plan to open a Changquan training class in the future, so get familiar with it first." Mark said casually.

"Changquan training class? Is there anyone learning this?" Ding Ming frowned.

"Yes, someone must learn from it. Although these muscle trainers look good, they are easy to break the body. It is better to practice Changquan. It can not only strengthen the body, but also make the body flexible. When danger comes, it can be flexibly dodged , and run away." Mark laughed.

"Run away? Teacher, after practicing the Changquan, can't you beat others?" Ding Ming frowned.

"I can't beat it. Changquan is mainly used to stretch the muscles and bones. No one has taught the way to hit people. The remaining routines are for everyone to exercise the muscles and bones, adjust the breath, prevent geriatric diseases, prevent osteoporosis, and... , can make people rejuvenate, but they just can't fight." Mark laughed.

"Rejuvenate youthful vitality? Teacher, is it really possible? I have always felt powerless in recent years. Should I also practice Changquan with you?"

"You're tired. How many beauties are there in this gym? Just stop staring for a while, think less, and exercise more."

"Teacher, it's settled. If you open the Changquan training class, I will be the first to sign up."

"Okay, if you don't practice well then, I'll punish you for running around."

"When I was in school, teacher, you punished me for running around."

"That's because you didn't practice well."

"I understand, teacher, if you hadn't been strict with me, I wouldn't have been able to get into college."

"It's the result of your hard work that you were able to get into the university, otherwise you wouldn't pass the culture class."

"The main reason is that you are catching up. I have no problem with cultural courses, but I am not good at professional courses. You have helped me a lot, otherwise I would definitely not be able to go to college."

"University, so many years have passed in the past, you have already graduated from university and become my boss."

"No matter the boss, I am also your student." Ding Ming said respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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