Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 584 Kung Fu Noodle House

Chapter 584 Kung Fu Noodle House

A Chinese restaurant.

It occupies a small area.

There are three floors.

"It looks good here." A Gui looked at the restaurant and felt that everything was good, and the location was also good.

"It's okay, it's just the previous shopkeeper, if he doesn't take care of it well, the business is not very good." Zhou Qiang said.

This restaurant used to be owned by the Axe Gang.

Not long after the Crocodile Gang took over, the shopkeepers, cooks, and waiters all ran away.

"Gui, how about you being the shopkeeper here?" Zhou Qiang planned to reuse A Gui.

"Ah? This, Mr. Zhou, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it well." Ghost was a little moved.He may not be happy to let him come here as a cook and be ordered around, but he thinks it's fine if he's the shopkeeper.It's just that he's worried about not doing well.

"It doesn't matter, ghost, your noodles are delicious, and you are very skillful. Why don't you call this restaurant Kung Fu Noodle House?" Zhou Qiang had a whim.Since it is a "Kung Fu" movie, that side is called 'Kung Fu Noodles'.

"Kung fu noodle shop?" Ah Gui was startled, he thought Zhou Qiang saw that he knew kung fu.

"Yes, ghost, the way you rolled the dough before was like practicing kung fu, don't you know kung fu with a stick?"

"This." Ghost hesitated, "Mr. Zhou, I do know how to do kung fu with sticks."

"Very good, ghost, can you slice noodles with a flying knife?" Zhou Qiang was very active.He wanted the noodle shop to perform flying knife slicing.

"Flying knife sliced ​​noodles? Mr. Zhou, I can try ordinary knife sliced ​​noodles, but I can't do the flying knife sliced ​​noodles."

"Gui, if you become the shopkeeper, you can find a few cooks from Shanxi and ask them to make noodles with flying knives. In addition, you can find some martial arts masters to come over.
From the beginning of cooking to the final serving, we use kung fu to complete it.

You said, can you make a lot of money from foreigners in this way? "Zhou Qiang plans to open a veritable kung fu noodle restaurant. Using this as a gimmick, sell high-priced noodles, such as a bowl of noodles, one hundred oceans, and sell them to foreigners.

"It should be able to make a lot of money, you can try it." Ghost said.

"I can be a traveler." The coolie insisted.

"Very good, Ah Qiang, I will hand over the management of this restaurant to you and Ah Gui, and we will split the profits every month."

The Crocodile Gang's industry.

Zhou Qiang divided it into two categories, one is legitimate business and the other is improper business.

He is now mainly in charge of legitimate business.

As for the illegal business, he handed it over to the second master and the master.

On the surface, Zhou Qiang is already a legitimate businessman.

Casino underground warehouse.

The second master came back with his younger brother.

"Hang them up for me!" The second master brought back Xingzai and Fatty together.

"We, the Crocodile Gang, have always bullied people, and no one dares to bully us.

We injured dozens of brothers today because these two guys pretended to be our Crocodile Gang.

Come on, hack them to death for me. "

"Yes." A boy with hairspray on his head threw an ax over him.


Xingzi fell to the ground.

He unlocked it and dodged the throwing axe.

"Hey? A thief? Can you pick the lock?" The wretched master came over and asked in surprise.He was a short, middle-aged man with glasses and a little gray waistcoat.

"Give me a chance." Xingzi hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Okay, once in a while, unlock that one too. I'll only count to three." The wretched master asked Xingzi to unlock Fat Boy's lock as well.

Xingzai hurried to Fatboy's place, ready to unlock it.

"Get ready..., 3!" The wretched master directly counted to three.

He's clearly a treacherous fellow.

Two boys in suits threw out two axes.

No one was hit.

Xingzi unlocked it instantly.

He and Fat Boy fell to the ground and crawled out.

"There are really two tricks." Er Dangjia came over and said.

"Brother, in fact, we really want to join the Crocodile Gang, so we pretend to be, give us a chance, okay?" Xingzi begged for mercy again.

"You guys provoked the matter of the Pigpen Walled City, so you can settle it for me." The second master was still thinking about revenge.

"Ah? Okay, big brother." Xingzi had to agree.

"Go." The second head sent Xingzai and Fatty away.

"Second master, they are two bums who don't know martial arts, what can they do?" The wretched master looked down on Xingzi and Fatty.

"Let them go," the Erdangjia whispered a few words to the wretched master.

The Erdang family asked Xingzai and Fatty to go to Zhulong Walled City to make trouble, and then he sent gunmen to hide in the dark, wait for the masters to come out, shoot black guns, and kill them directly.

As for the life and death of Xingzai and Fatty, the second leader doesn't care.

Outside the casino.

Zhou Qiang is eating ice cream.

Xiaofang, who sells ice cream, was talking to Zhou Qiang in sign language.

She is the heroine in "Kung Fu".

She is a good-looking dumb girl, young and beautiful, with a good figure.

It's impossible for her to sell ice cream with peace of mind.Unless, there is someone behind her.

There is no telling who is behind her in the movie.

Arrange a red identity for her here.

"How about I help you open an ice cream shop?" Zhou Qiang wanted to get to know Xiaofang.

"No, thank you." Xiaofang refused in sign language.

"Don't refuse, this ice cream shop of mine is dedicated to helping people with disabilities." Zhou Qiang intends to do some good deeds to help disabled people in this era.He does not seek to make money, but to do good deeds.

He told Xiaofang seriously.

Xiaofang hesitated.

She is disabled, and accordingly, she knows quite a few people with disabilities.

In this day and age, it is very difficult for normal people to live, let alone the disabled?

If you do open an ice cream parlor, that would really help a lot.

Just when Xiaofang was hesitating.

Starboy and Fatboy came out.

They squatted on the ground, trying to figure out how to get rid of the Pigpen Walled City.

After a while, they saw Xiaofang's ice cream cart.

"Ice cream?"

"Two cups, I want vanilla!"

"I want chocolate!"

Xingzai and Fatboy ran over, pushed Zhou Qiang away, and asked for ice cream.

Zhou Qiang didn't talk to Xingzai and Fatty, he casually glanced at the old beggar nearby, walked over and put a piece of ocean in the old beggar's bowl.This old beggar should have the highest martial arts in "Kung Fu".

"Thank you, thank you boss." The old beggar thanked, his eyes flashed, he observed Zhou Qiang, and found nothing wrong.

There are many beggars on the roadside.

When they saw Zhou Qiang giving alms to the old beggar, they all ran over and surrounded Zhou Qiang, begging.

There are younger brothers near Zhou Qiang, and they rushed over to protect Zhou Qiang.

"Then what, you take them to buy some eight-treasure porridge, buns and so on, buy more and give them a point." Zhou Qiang ordered.

"Okay, Mr. Zhou." Several younger brothers led a group of beggars to sell porridge and steamed buns.

next to.

"What are you looking at? Haven't you ever seen someone who doesn't give you money for food?" Xingzi and Fatty had already run away.They ran to the tram.

"Chasing? Hahaha, ahhahahaha." Xingzi laughed hysterically.His iconic laugh has the meaning of venting madness.

Xiaofang chased after a few steps, and stopped panting heavily.

"Are you okay?" Zhou Qiang walked over and asked concerned.

"I'm fine." Xiaofang gestured with sign language.

"Are you hungry? Shall I treat you to dinner? Then talk about opening the shop."

"Okay." Xiaofang agreed.She saw Zhou Qiang giving alms to beggars, and felt that Zhou Qiang was a good man, and she also wanted to get to know Zhou Qiang, and wanted Zhou Qiang to become a comrade.

"There is a Sichuan restaurant over there, can you eat spicy food?"

Xiaofang nodded, pushed the cart and followed Zhou Qiang away.

The beggar not far away frowned.

He knew that Xiaofang was Xingzai's childhood sweetheart.

But he didn't stop Xiaofang and Zhou Qiang from getting acquainted.

He also couldn't see anything wrong with Zhou Qiang, he just thought Zhou Qiang was a kind person.

(End of this chapter)

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