Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 491 Stronger Firepower

Chapter 491 Stronger Firepower

A large number of devils have arrived.

But they face the same problem as the devils before.

Zhou Qiang has rearranged the minefield and re-buried the explosives.

He made sufficient preparations and set up his net again.

"Crackling, boom, boom, boom." The small group of troops never stopped harassing the devils at night.

Puppet troops were sent out to drive away the harassers.

They want to fool but dare not.Because the devil is watching from behind.

The puppet troops who came out of "chug chug, bang" naturally had no good end, and many of them were beaten to death.

"This is really not a job for humans. Why don't we run away? Even if we become prisoners, it's better than being beaten to death like this." Every night, some of the puppet soldiers who came out ran away.

The devils also knew about this situation, but they didn't care, because there were many puppet soldiers, and it was nothing to escape a few, as if they were beaten to death.

the next day.

The devils sent puppet troops to open the way.

"You guys, open the way and work." The devils don't treat the puppet soldiers as human beings.

"Boom, boom, boom" The mine was detonated, and many puppet troops were blown to pieces, and they couldn't bear to look directly at them.

Devils are facing the problem of demining again.

The devil's engineers went up to clear the mines.

"Aim for me, and try to bomb them to death with a few shots." In the distance, Kong Jie let the artillery bombard the devil's engineers again.

"Boom, boom" a few shots went down, and the devil's engineers suffered heavy casualties.

"Baga, kill their artillery for me." The devils also brought a lot of artillery, and they counterattacked in time.

However, Kong Jie and the others hid faster.

Their temporary artillery position is connected to the air-raid shelter.

After the devil counterattacked.

"Attack!" The devil officer had a new move.

Machine guns, artillery, fired into the minefield.

Heavy machine guns burst into a large area.

Artillery also covered a large area.

"Boom, boom, boom" one by one the mines were detonated.

A cruel smile appeared on the devil officer's face.

In the distance, Kong Jie frowned.He had hoped that the minefield would block the devils for a few days, but now it seemed impossible.

Zhou Qiang also saw this situation, but there was no change on his face, and the devil's response was within his expectation.

Although there will be omissions in the mine clearance method of the devils, the devils don't care, because the devils will send puppet troops to find a safe way.

"Mr. Zhou, what should we do now?" Kong Jie panicked.

"Commander Kong, don't worry, let the heavy artillery position get ready, and fire when the devils pass through the minefield."

"Mr. Zhou, are you going to bombard now? The devil's plane will come at any time." Kong Jie was not worried about the devil's artillery, but the devil's plane.Because, the range of the devil's artillery is not far enough, without Zhou Qiang's artillery, it can shoot far.

"Captain Kong, don't worry, I have an anti-aircraft gun. If the devil's plane comes, it will only turn into fireworks." Zhou Qiang hasn't masturbated for a long time, and his hands are itchy.

Devil over there.

"Kill him." The puppet army had already blazed a trail of blood, and the devils continued to march towards Yangcun.

"That stupid fellow Aoki, who underestimated the enemy, was burned alive." The devil officer cursed casually, "And that Ishida-kun, who was blown to death in the canyon, is even more stupid."

He suddenly stopped cursing.

Because he heard a strange sound.

This strange sound is full of guns.

"Cannons, a lot of cannons? Where did this come from?" The devil officer was bombarded to death with a puzzled look on his face.

Zhou Qiang's hundred cannons fired, and they were all large-caliber cannons, with great power and extremely long range.

"Boom" a large number of devils were bombarded to death.

"Attack, attack!" The devil's artillery immediately fought back.

They found that their guns were a little short, and the range was too close to hit the opponent's guns.

"Boom, boom, boom" Another artillery bombardment came.

"Ah" Another piece of devils was blown to pieces.

"Oh, my god, run." The puppet army ran forward, but Kong Jie's men were guarding in front, and hundreds of machine guns fired at the same time, killing a large number of puppet troops.

"Oh, my God, we surrendered." The puppet army directly lay down and surrendered their guns.

The devils behind will not surrender.

"Onboard." They charged on.

"Tud, chug." The devils were swept to death in large numbers.

"Booming" the artillery kept booming, and the devils behind kept dying.

The devils panicked completely. They found that the opponent's firepower was too fierce. In the past, they bullied the opponent's firepower. Now their firepower has become a weak point.

"Moses Moses, request air support" the devil hurriedly called for help.

Over there in Yangcun.

"Captain Kong, I guess the devil's bomber is coming soon, have all of us hid in the air-raid shelter?" Zhou Qiang asked.

"They all hid in, and informed the surrounding troops to hide on the spot."

"That's good, old Kong, do you dare to see how I shoot planes?" Zhou Qiang has already made anti-aircraft guns out of krypton gold, which are specially used to shoot devil planes.

"Why don't you dare?" Kong Jie is a fool, he is not afraid of death.Where is he stronger than Li Yunlong and Ding Wei?It is estimated that they are even more afraid of death.Also, he even forgot to advise Zhou Qiang not to go out, but to avoid the devil's plane.


The ghost plane is coming.

"Da da da" Before the devil's plane bombed, Zhou Qiang fired.He still likes to strike first.

Of course, it wasn't just Zhou Qiang who was masturbating alone, many people also fired.But they basically miss the plane.They also need practice.

Zhou Qiang hasn't masturbated for a long time.

After this fight, I couldn't hold back, and kept masturbating.

Devil planes were blown up one by one.

They are terrified, terrified.

They hadn't been hit like this before.

They fled in a hurry, and even threw the bombs after escaping, and they threw them, which was useless.

They dare not come to Yangcun again.

The devil's air force bombing failed.

The devils on the ground are still being bombarded violently.

There were hundreds of machine guns in front of them, and they couldn't move forward.

They can only retreat to the left and right, and to the rear.

But Zhou Qiang was also prepared for the future.

Thousands of machine guns appeared on the periphery of the devils, blocking all exits.

Zhou Qiang's move was no small matter.

Every move is a big deal.

Thousands of machine guns fired.

Thousands of firepower lines were woven into a network, covering the devils.

This picture is too spectacular.

In an instant, countless devils were killed and injured.

"Mr. Zhou, such a big scene is rare!" Kong Jie exclaimed.

"It's nothing, you look at me." Zhou Qiang killed the ghosts and killed the rise, leveled the anti-aircraft gun, and blasted at the devils on the ground.

"Boom boom boom" The anti-aircraft guns hit the devils on the ground, which was more cruel than massacres.

In just a few minutes, countless devils were killed.

The devil's position could no longer hold on.

They were beaten to pieces.

Regardless of the thousands of machine guns, they all swarmed away from Zhou Qiang's anti-aircraft guns.

"Is that an anti-aircraft gun? Is Mr. Zhou shooting it? My wife is so cruel!"

"Yeah, all the devils have been smashed."

"The devil's artillery was also smashed."

"The devil's truck was also broken."

"Too brutal!"

under heavy fire,

lots of heavy firepower,

Countless heavy firepower,

No matter how many devils there are, people will die.

Tanks appeared.

Dozens of tanks launched a final attack on the remaining devils.

The battle came to an end.

Zhou Qiang looked calm and calm.

Kong Jie was stunned.

Many people were stunned.

Countless people were stunned.

It turns out that battles can still be fought like this.

In the distance, Li Yunlong rushed towards the heavy machine guns, tanks, anti-aircraft guns, and heavy artillery like crazy.

He must entangle Zhou Qiang and get these weapons and equipment.

He wants to crush the devils in terms of firepower.

He wants to attack the city and conquer the land, and fight the devils well.

"Moses Moses, heavy artillery, tanks, and heavy machine guns." The devil correspondent reported the battle situation before he died.

The old devils in Devil's Nest received these battle reports.

He was shocked.

He did not believe that the opponent had heavy artillery, tanks, and thousands of machine guns.

But the Air Force was bombed with dozens of planes.

It has been confirmed that the opponent has a lot of anti-aircraft guns.

Before he knew it, there were so many firepower weapons in Yangcun.

The old devil shuddered a little.

He sat down on the ground, he couldn't do it, and passed out.

"Quickly ask, how much is Mr. Zhou's anti-aircraft gun? There are also tanks, heavy artillery, and machine guns." The brigade commander hurriedly called after hearing the news.

"Brigade Commander, Mr. Zhou said that we will send us ten anti-aircraft guns, twenty tanks, and some ammunition. As for heavy artillery and machine guns, we will also send them."

"Mr. Zhou is benevolent! However, we can't really ask for nothing. Send ten tons of the gold ore we dug up to Mr. Zhou."


"We want to take advantage of the victory and pursue. I order." The boss gave the order and started a new round of attacking the Japanese army.

"Yes, resolutely attack the Japanese army." With sufficient ammunition and stronger firepower, Li Yunlong and the others wanted to fight the devils all the time.

They descended like tigers and continued to destroy the devils.

In the TV series, it was supposed to be the time for the devils to mop up, but now it has become Li Yunlong's crazy counterattack.

They have a better record.

(End of this chapter)

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