Chapter 484
a few days later.

Zhou Qiang's wedding has not yet arrived, but the devil's revenge has come.

They slaughtered several villages, led by Kazuki Yamamoto.

It was in retaliation for the destruction of the previous prisoner-of-war camp.

It is also revenge for the destruction of Kazuki Yamamoto's special forces.

Zhou Qiang locked himself in the room with a livid face.

He was careless.

He forgot to guard against the devil's revenge.

"Since the devil took revenge, I will also take revenge." Zhou Qiang was furious.

"Monk, notify the Special Forces and assemble urgently!"


After a while.

More than a hundred people have assembled.

"The devils massacred several villages in order to retaliate against the prisoner-of-war camp. This is my negligence, and I want revenge!

First, although I can't go to the Wa country yet, I will go to the Wa country sooner or later. I want to massacre the people of the Wa country, and I want to avenge the dead common people.Today, the Japanese army slaughtered tens of millions of our soldiers and civilians. Tomorrow, Lao Tzu slaughtered hundreds of millions of Japanese civilians.

Second, I am going to kill a thousand devils now.

Now, listen to Lao Tzu's order, set off, and go with Lao Tzu to kill devils. "

"Kill the devil, kill the devil!"

"Mr. Zhou, we are going too." Hundreds of apprentices also came, and they also wanted to kill devils.

"You can't go, the knowledge you have learned is precious, you are going to build bullet factories, shell factories, engage in military industry, and provide as much logistical support as possible for the frontline soldiers."

"Mr. Zhou, then you can't go either, your knowledge is more precious."

"I'm different. I'm stronger than you guys and devils. The devils can't do anything to me. I just went to slaughter and I will come back intact."

Zhou Qiang set off with one hundred and ten people.The apprentices were ordered by him to go back and continue making bullets and cannonballs.

But it wasn't long before they left.

He was blocked by Kong Er's fool.

"Mr. Zhou, what are you going to do?" Kong Er's idiot had already received the news and knew that Zhou Qiang was going to take revenge.

"Old Kong, I can do whatever I want, you don't care, just stay there." Zhou Qiang was furious, without any polite words.

"Mr. Zhou, calm down. The devils slaughtered our people, and I am also angry, but we can't act recklessly. We have to think long-term, and we must put the overall situation first. We..."

"Bullshit! Monk, put Lao Kong aside, let's go on."

"Mr. Zhou, these people are not all yours." Kong Er stunned hurriedly shouted.

"That's right, I don't mind those who are willing to follow me and kill devils, and those who don't want to go, I don't care, so get out!" Zhou Qiang yelled.He thought that many people would leave after shouting, but what he didn't expect was that after he finished shouting, more people followed him.

Two 300 people set off.

They followed Zhou Qiang and wanted to kill the devils.

Not long after Zhou Qiang and the others left, Kong Er also led the team to set off.

Kong Er's fool said that he was going to meet Zhou Qiang and the others.


Zhou Qiang and the others arrived near a county town.

It was freezing cold outside.

The camp of the devils outside the city was deserted.

They all hid in the city, got into a warm house, and fell asleep soundly.

"Monk, I have been to this county, I know there is an underground passage to enter the city quietly, let's do this later." Zhou Qiang arranged for a while, took a lot of effort, and led more than 200 people into a large courtyard in the city.

"Everyone is waiting here.

I will take the monk, the tiger, the dog, and the old cat to the place where the devils are stationed to check the situation first, don't act rashly, and wait for our news." Zhou Qiang ordered a few words, and left with the monk and more than ten people.

They went to another yard.

"Monk, here are the devil's military uniforms. Everyone, put them on. We will pretend to be devils later, sneak into the place where the devils are stationed, and then wipe their necks."

"Okay, Brother Zhou."

Soon they changed their clothes and walked down the street swaggeringly.

"Your, what are you doing?" The devil's station was heavily guarded.

"Baga!" Zhou Qiang let out a low growl, and walked over to "Papa" and gave two big mouths.

"You guys, come here to work." Zhou Qiang called all the devils who were in charge of guarding over.

"Ji Li Gu Lu." Zhou Qiang pretended to lecture, so that the devils in the distance did not notice the abnormality.

Just when the devil was relaxing, Zhou Qiang made a move.

"Shua, Shua, Shua" a silver light suddenly appeared, making more than a dozen devils unable to move, and unable to make a sound.

"Monk, wait a moment and wipe their necks. I'll take care of the devils in the distance. These devils can no longer move or speak. They are stuck by my silver needles." Zhou Qiang whispered a few words , to the devil in the distance.

The monk and the others nodded in shock.They actually saw the legendary silver needle piercing technique, which is an untold mystery.

The devils in the distance can see the situation here.

Therefore, Zhou Qiang couldn't kill him directly.

He walked over cursing in Japanese.

"You guys, come here to work." Zhou Qiang repeated his old trick and called the devils from the second level of security over.At the same time, he also saw the devil on the roof.

He frowned, and first slapped a devil who didn't like it a few times.

Then, start talking.

He walked around a few steps randomly, found a more suitable angle, and suddenly made a move.

"Shua, Shua, Shua" the silver needle appeared again.

He first tied all the devils below with silver needles, and then "swish" the devils on the roof with hidden weapons.

Due to the angle problem, he could only choose to kill the devils on the roof instead of stabbing them with silver needles.

A devil was standing on the roof, he was clutching his neck, and he was about to fall down with two groans.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Zhou Qiang directly caught the devil in mid-air.

At this time, the monk and the others also started.

When they saw the devil falling from the roof, they immediately wiped the neck of the devil next to them and ran over quickly.

They saw a flash of light.

Zhou Qiang wiped the necks of a dozen or so devils in an instant.

"What a fast knife!" The monk and the others felt a chill in their hearts.Zhou Qiang showed the strength of the nine cows, which stunned the monk and others.

"The vigilant devils outside are all killed, now two people, go into the room and kill all the devils, quickly!" Zhou Qiang rushed to the nearby room where the devils slept before finishing his sentence.

The monk and others also quickly dispersed.

A massacre in the dark began.

The sleeping devils became lambs waiting to be slaughtered, and their necks were wiped one by one.

How many ghosts are there in a county?
There is only one squadron of devils in this county, more than 200 devils.The others are puppet troops.

It is not easy to kill more than 200 people, it will take time to kill them one by one.

Moreover, not all devils are concentrated here.

Fortunately, monks and the others are nimble people, and it was easy to kill devils who couldn't resist, without any trouble.

Clean up the devils here.

This county is basically captured.

"Monk, let all our people come out, no need to hide, and quickly clean up the remnants of the enemy."

"Yes!" The monk and the others took the order and left.

Zhou Qiang went to the devil's command post.

There are still a few devils on guard here.

However, in Zhou Qiang's eyes, they are all lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

He didn't talk nonsense and went straight to kill.

The slaughter began.

He walked in the footsteps of Little Ma, holding a box cannon in both hands.

Kill a few people in one step, and kill the devils outside in a few steps.

"Baga, yours, what are you doing?" the devil officer held a kitchen knife and shouted.

"Pa, pa..." Zhou Qiang didn't talk nonsense, and directly killed the last few devils.He had no intention of taking it alive.

at the same time.

Outside, monks and the others took control of the entire county.

Of course the puppet troops surrendered.

"Brother Zhou, what are you going to do next?" Monk and others asked.

"Our battle has just begun. Now, I order" Zhou Qiang to occupy the county seat, and he will send troops to pull out all the devil strongholds around the county seat.

"Brother Zhou, Captain Kong and the others are here," the old cat reported.

"It's just right, let them cooperate with us."


A large number of soldiers and horses went in all directions.

Most of the devil strongholds around the county seat have been pulled out.

That night, over a thousand devils were killed and countless were captured.

Zhou Qiang let out a bad breath.

The devil's nest started to jump around.

(End of this chapter)

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