Chapter 480 Zhao Gang
POW camp.

Early in the morning.

"Sir, the higher-ups called to let you go to Dragon City." Kazuki Yamamoto was asked to report the situation.He suffered a disastrous defeat in the first battle, and the higher authorities wanted to hold him accountable.When he met Shangguan, at least a few big mouths were indispensable.Japanese people always like their superiors to slap their subordinates with big mouths.

"You continue to train and work here. This battle is not a crime of war. You are the best soldiers, but you have encountered even more terrifying opponents. Don't be discouraged." Before leaving, Kazuki Yamamoto told the remaining special devils, Training in a POW camp.He thought about it all night and came to a conclusion that the reason for their disastrous defeat was not that they were weak, but that their opponents were too powerful.

"Hi." The morale of the remaining special devils was low.They were suspected of being beaten by Zhou Qiang.Their current state is worse than that of ordinary devils.

In the ravine.

"I have something to go out today, you guys practice what I've said these days, your biggest problem is that you haven't worked hard enough, and there are always deviations." Zhou Qiang summoned a group of apprentices to lecture.

"Mr. Zhou, where are you going?" A very energetic young man asked.He can be regarded as a better learner among apprentices.His name is Chen Jinfu, and he is a young man from a nearby county town.His family is relatively wealthy, he has gone to school, and he is regarded as a cultural person.

"Xiao Chen, you can't inquire about my whereabouts casually. You and everyone should practice hard, don't slack off, and cherish the hard-won learning opportunities. You will all be able to be independent in the future and become a qualified engineer." Zhou Qiang is a good teacher and encourages everyone. Fan.

"Yes, Mr. Zhou, we must study hard." The boys were encouraged to yell.

Zhou Qiang's apprentices here are all men, and no female apprentices have been recruited yet.

After he crossed over, he hadn't had much contact with women.

He planned to find time to ask where Yang Xiuqin was.

He prefers the girl Yang Xiuqin.

Yang Xiuqin likes Li Yunlong in the TV series and wants to marry Li Yunlong.It's a pity that on the day of their wedding, before the bridal chamber, Kazuki Yamamoto came to the door.

Yang Xiuqin was captured alive.sacrificed afterwards.She is a beautiful and brave girl, worthy of Zhou Qiang's liking.

Now, Zhou Qiang wants to take advantage of Yang Xiuqin's absence from Li Yunlong, get to know her first, and then propose marriage or something.

He certainly won't be single forever.

He wanted to find a girl to warm the bed, do some washing and so on.

Of course, he also likes Feng Nan and Tian Yu, but they are still children and haven't grown up yet.At this time, they were probably only about ten years old.

Zhou Qiang rode a tall horse and walked away, leaving clearly visible horseshoe marks on the snow.

He is going to the prisoner-of-war camp to rescue Monk Wei Dayong.

Monk Wei is Zhou Qiang's favorite character in "Bright Sword".

He grew up in a temple since he was a child, and has been a monk for many years. He has practiced his skills and extraordinary martial arts. Later, he joined the army to kill devils, and he was also very brave.

In the TV series, Monk Wei escaped from the prisoner-of-war camp by himself.

Now, because of Zhou Qiang's intrusion, Wei He may not have a chance to escape from the prisoner-of-war camp.

Therefore, Zhou Qiang planned to go out in person to rescue Wei Dayong.

Brigadier there.

"Report." Zhao Gang came.He was dressed in a gray military uniform. He was in good spirits and looked good. He was a good boy.

Zhao Gang graduated from Yenching University and joined meaningful careers at a very young age. He is a veteran.He's been busy with work and single.

He didn't meet 37-year-old Feng Nan until he was 18 years old.

He fell in love with Feng Nan at first sight.

Feng Nan also fell in love with Zhao Gang at first sight.

Two people, one is handsome and has a sense of justice, the other is youthful and beautiful, has temperament, talent, and bravery, and they share life and death with Zhao Gang and will never leave.

They were together, Li Yunlong and Tian Yu were together, Zhou Qiang didn't know what to say.

All I can say is, "Revolutionary love is extraordinarily romantic."

"Come in."

"Brigade Commander, Zhao Gang is here to report, please assign tasks." Zhao Gang wanted to start working as soon as he arrived.He is a conscientious and responsible comrade.He didn't do the revolution to get promoted and get rich. He really wanted to make some contribution to this weak country.He is worthy of admiration.

"You came at the right time. Our brigade is short of cadres now. Do you have any ideas about work?" The brigade commander has a good attitude towards Zhao Gang. He did not lecture Li Yunlong like he did, but was gentle and amiable.

"Brigade Commander, I want to go to the front-line combat troops, any regiment will do." Zhao Gang said.The front line certainly represents danger.There were frequent battles, and hail of bullets was common.He asked to go, which means that he is not afraid of life and death.It says a lot about his quality.

"There is a position. The new regiment doesn't have a political commissar yet. You can consider it." The brigade commander wanted to send a political commissar to win over Li Yunlong's heart and give Li Yunlong, a runaway wild horse, a rein.

"Don't think about it, I'm willing to go." Zhao Gang agreed quickly.He is a bit like a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

"I'm not worried about your ability to work. The key is that your partner is a thorn. I'm worried that if you go, the work will not be easy to carry out." The brigade commander was worried that Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang would be awkward.

"Brigade Commander, please rest assured. No matter who I partner with, I will do my best." Zhao Gang looked confident. He was young and energetic, and he was not afraid of hardship, tiredness, or any danger or challenge.He dares to wrestle with anyone.

"You have to be mentally prepared. Li Yunlong, the head of the new regiment, can fight wars, but he can also cause troubles. If you are a donkey, you will get kicked at every turn. He had a bad relationship with the two political commissars before."

"Brigade Commander, please rest assured. As long as it is not a matter of principle, I will listen to him. He is an old comrade and has rich experience in leading troops. I will learn from him." Zhao Gang is a high-achieving student, but he is not proud of his talents, which is better than Zhou Qiang's performance good.Zhou Qiang always looks arrogant, which makes many people frown.

"It seems that you are very confident, so give it a try."

"Yes, brigade commander." Zhao Gang was about to go through the formalities and rushed to Xinyi regiment.

"Dinglingling" At this moment, the phone rang.

"Hey, boss, it's me."

"What? Form a special forces unit?"

"Send a political commissar to Mr. Zhou, preferably with a high degree of education?"

"Well, boss, I just came here with a young man named Zhao Gang. He is a high-achieving student who graduated from Yan University. Before him..." the brigade commander said Zhao Gang's resume.Zhao Gang has done many things before, and he is a good seed.

"Boss, is this Zhao Gang okay?"

"Okay, let me explain the situation, and I must do the work of the special forces well."

The brigade commander hung up the phone, and quickly asked someone to call Zhao Gang back.

"Zhao Gang, I have a new mission now. There is a base near the Independence Regiment. There is Mr. Zhou there. He is an expert in special warfare."

"Special warfare expert?" Hearing this, Zhao Gang was surprised. He knew about special warfare, but he heard it from foreign devils. He didn't expect to hear this word in a corner.

"You know special warfare?" asked the brigade commander.

"Yes, Brigadier, when I was in college, there was an instructor who said I had the potential to be a sniper, and he also said special operations."

"Really? That's great. We have a new mission to send you to. We want to set up a special force. Mr. Zhou is an instructor. How do you feel about sending you to be a political commissar?"

"Guaranteed to complete the mission."

"Okay, then you go to the independent regiment. When you arrive at the independent regiment, let Kong Jie take you to see Mr. Zhou. By the way, Mr. Zhou has a special status, so remember to keep it secret," the brigade commander urged.

Zhao Gang set off with curiosity about Zhou Qiang.

(End of this chapter)

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