Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 468 Hitting Charlotte Again

Chapter 468 Hitting Charlotte Again

The countdown to the college entrance examination in the classroom is 250 days.

"Students turn to page 152. Question 6 is a compulsory question. I didn't take it in the first two years, but I will definitely take it this year. The 18 points are here. I love it." Teacher Wang is in class.He was not affected by the fight before.

"Hmph." Zhang Yang couldn't help but snorted.He felt that Mr. Wang was fooling around.

"Why, Zhang Yang, look at your expression, don't you believe it?" Teacher Wang seized the opportunity to clean up Zhang Yang.

"No." Zhang Yang hastily denied.

"Then teacher will make a bet with you, let's bet on a toaster."

"Teacher, I don't gamble."

"That's the deal, the students will be a witness."

"Report." At this time, Ma Dongmei and Yuan Hua came back together.

"Go back." Teacher Wang responded.

Yuan Hua returned to Qiuya.

Ma Dongmei returned to Charlotte, staring at Charlotte while eating melon seeds.She wanted to ask about love letters.She always thought Charlotte liked her.

"Students, pay attention. Let's continue talking about the toaster, no, about the betting." Teacher Wang continued the class.

"Report." Charlotte stood up.

"Why, Charlotte, do you want to put on some weight?"

"Mr. Wang, I want to change seats."

"Charlotte, let me tell you, our business is not over yet. Don't push yourself here."

"Ma Dongmei always eats melon seeds in class, which affects my study."

"As far as your studies still use influence, is there still room for decline?"

"Look, Mr. Wang, I also want to study hard. No one wants to drag the class down all the time, right?"

"Okay, then tell me where you want to go?" Teacher Wang asked.

"It's fine for me to sit at the same table with Qiuya." Charlotte said reluctantly.

"Did you go to study with Ben? I'm too embarrassed to tell you." Teacher Wang said with contempt.

"Then how can Yuan Hua sit at the same table with Qiu Ya?"

"You can compare with Yuan Hua. Yuan Hua is an outstanding cadre of three good students every year. By the way, when it comes to Yuan Hua, I have to give a lot of praise. Just yesterday, Yuan Hua won the district composition competition. The first prize, the composition topic is my district chief's father." Teacher Wang didn't dare to argue with Yuan Hua about the past.

"Mr. Wang, is he competing to learn? That's fighting father."

"You don't care what others compare to, but you just sit here honestly. Anyway, you are sleeping wherever you sit."

"Then I want to sleep somewhere else." Charlotte was a little reluctant.Reborn, he wanted to live a more unscrupulous life.

"Charlotte!" Teacher Wang became a little angry, and shouted, "You are endless, is the school run by your family? Do you think you are the principal, where do you want to sleep?"

Teacher Wang's words have connotations.He definitely knew something about the principal that the students didn't.

Teacher Wang said with his back to the classroom door. Just at this moment, the principal came to the door and heard this meaningful sentence.

The headmaster was calm on the surface, but there was a murderous look in his eyes.

"Mr. Wang, come out for a while."

Teacher Wang's body suddenly became half shorter, and he knew that he had said something wrong.A little secret of the principal was revealed by him inadvertently.This is a big disaster.

"Go to self-study." Teacher Wang urged, and hurried to the principal's office.He needs to explain it.He didn't talk about Teacher Xiaona and the principal.

After Teacher Wang left, Charlotte picked up her schoolbag, walked to the first row in the middle of the classroom, threw the schoolbag on Yuan Hua's desk, and shouted at Yuan Hua, "You, get out!"

Charlotte began to be arrogant again.

His face is no longer swollen.He forgot to be slapped by Yuan Hua.

Yuan Hua stood up and looked at Charlotte indifferently.He was not surprised by Charlotte's behavior.

Even if Charlotte knew that Yuan Hua had helped him, she would not be grateful.

Charlotte is prejudiced against Yuan Hua.

Yuan Hua didn't expect Charlotte to be grateful to him either.

He helped Charlotte's mother out of respect for a mother, not because of Charlotte's face.

The reason why Charlotte is a loser is because he has too many problems.

The reborn Charlotte also couldn't support the wall with mud.

"啪" sounded.

Yuan Hua didn't talk nonsense, and directly slapped Charlotte.

Since Charlotte has forgotten the pain, let Charlotte remember it long.

"Papa." The crisp applause continued.

Yuan Hua fanned Charlotte expressionlessly.

The scene from the previous few days happened again.

The students in the class were a little frightened.

Yuan Hua's indifferent appearance made them feel scared.

But one person felt at ease.Qiuya felt that Yuan Hua was too handsome and felt too secure at this time.Her man was indeed extraordinary.

Charlotte wanted to hide, but couldn't. She wanted to fight back, but she couldn't fight back.

He can only be passively slapped.

"Stop!" Ma Dongmei yelled, and hurried over, protecting Charlotte like a calf, "Yuan Hua, how could you beat Charlotte like this? Look at Charlotte, her face is swollen." Ma Dongmei still protects Charlotte as always.

Yuan Hua stopped, and looked at Charlotte indifferently, "Charlotte, get out of the way, don't make trouble for me, or I will see you and beat you again and again."

Charlotte was dizzy from being slapped at this time, and was dragged back to her seat by Ma Dongmei.

As soon as Charlotte sat down, she was hit on the head by a schoolbag flying in front of her, lying on the table, and passed out.Yuan Hua threw Charlotte's schoolbag to Charlotte.

"Students, we are already in the third year of high school. We should study hard and don't make trouble. Otherwise, we will end up like Charlotte." Yuan Hua said indifferently like the monitor, and then began to study seriously.

"Yuan Hua, you are awesome!" Qiu Ya approached Yuan Hua and whispered.

"Qiuya, don't worry, I will protect you." Yuan Hua patted Qiuya lightly.

"Dingling bell." Not long after, the get out of class bell rang.

Yuan Hua took Qiuya to the grove.

In classrooms.

Charlotte woke up.

His face felt hot and painful.

"Charlotte, how do you feel? Does it hurt?" Ma Dongmei asked with concern.

"Yuan Hua beat me up again, I'm going to sue the principal." Charlotte was angry and wanted revenge.

"Charlotte, it was Yuan Hua who begged for mercy when you beat the teacher. How could you avenge him?" Ma Dongmei knew about Yuan Hua's help before.Charlotte's mother said everything.

"I don't care, I can't let Yuan Hua bully me for nothing." Charlotte stood up angrily, wanting to sue.

Ma Dongmei hurriedly grabbed Charlotte, "Charlotte, why don't you distinguish between good and bad? You are the one who troubled Yuan Hua, why are you still blaming him?"

"Ma Dongmei, do you like Yuan Hua? Do you think Yuan Hua's father is the head of the district, so he can find a good job for your mother?" Charlotte said in a hurry.

"Charlotte, how can you talk like that?" Ma Dongmei was hurt.She didn't expect Charlotte to say such a thing, it was too hurtful.

"Hmph, why can't I say it?" Charlotte walked out of the classroom after speaking, without complaining.He knew that he was asking for trouble by going to sue.He still can't afford Yuan Hua.

Ma Dongmei cried aggrievedly on the table.

School today.

"Yuan Hua, should we go to the hotel today?" Qiu Ya asked with a blushing face.She followed Yuan Hua to the hotel many times, and sometimes Yuan Hua forgot, and she would remind him that he could go this week.

"Haha, yes, I haven't been there for a few days, let's go now." Yuan Hua laughed.

"Yuan Hua, why are you talking to Beibei so often recently?"

"Beibei is good at English. I'm learning English with her."

"Really? I'm not bad at English, you just need to study with me."

"Qiuya, it's different. You and Beibei know differently. I have to learn."

"Really? Wanwan is good at studying, why don't you call her?"

"She can't, she's too fat."

(End of this chapter)

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