Chapter 442 Buy Audio

After Rui Xiaodan got home from work, he took a shower first.

She put on a bathrobe, turned on the computer, and started the daily compulsory classes.

That is to write a diary of more than 500 words in Chinese and German.

Usually there is only one situation that can make Rui Xiaodan drop this daily compulsory course.That is, she is out on a mission.

She is a criminal police officer, and sometimes she needs to go out to perform tasks.

However, what makes Rui Xiaodan uneasy today is that song.

"The Daughter of Heaven" played by Zhou Qiang's house was so good that Rui Xiaodan could not forget it for a long time.

It gives people exciting hope and endless reverie.

The music seemed to flow down from the sky, beautiful, illusory, and pure, like being in a legendary, distant heaven.

Rui Xiaodan couldn't help sighing again in his heart, people can still live like that, and their soul can still be nourished like that.

She stopped taking daily compulsory classes.

Take out the record that Zhou Qiang gave her, put it into the CD drive of the computer, and click to play.

A harsh voice sounded.

The song "Daughter of the Kingdom of Heaven" no longer has the pleasant voice in Zhou Qiang's house.

"This is not the song I've heard before." Rui Xiaodan ejected the record from the CD drive.

She lit a cigarette nervously.

She was a lady sitting on the stage, and she had sequelae. She likes to smoke, and also likes to look at men's figures. She knows some code words to evaluate men's bodies, such as thirteen and eighteen.

As she recalled the "Daughter of Heaven" she heard at Zhou Qiang's house, she also thought of Zhou Qiang's strong figure.

"Zhou Qiang really likes sports. His figure doesn't look like he was trained in the gym. He should be trained in outdoor sports. His endurance, explosive power, etc. should be good."

Women are also lustful, and Rui Xiaodan is no exception.Zhou Qiang's appearance is not ugly, and he has good taste. She doesn't dislike Zhou Qiang, and even has a good impression of him.

She pondered for a moment.

There is a decision.

"I'm going to buy a stereo."

"Zhou Qiang's stereo was given by someone else."

"Tens of thousands of stereos are free to give away, which is really not the life of ordinary people."

"Yawen said that Zhou Qiang is a billionaire, is it true?"

Rui Xiaodan shook her head, she didn't really care whether Zhou Qiang was a billionaire or not.

Although she is not particularly rich, she is not short of money, she has no worries about food and clothing, and does not have too high pursuit of material things.

She is not a material woman.

She will not throw herself into Zhou Qiang's arms just because Zhou Qiang is rich.

Although she thought Zhou Qiang was good, she didn't fall in love at first sight.She just pretended to be a lady on the stage, not really, she was still a girl, not a woman, and she didn't have the kind of urgent liking and material requirements that women have for men.

"A stereo worth tens of thousands of yuan is undoubtedly a luxury for me." Rui Xiaodan hesitated.

"But that sound is so nice."

Thinking of that voice, Rui Xiaodan's hesitation disappeared, her defense line was breached by that pleasant voice.

"I want to buy a stereo set worth tens of thousands of yuan!" Rui Xiaodan made up his mind.

For the next week or so.

Rui Xiaodan took the "Daughter of Heaven" and ran all over the audio stores in the ancient city.

"No, this is not the kind of voice I want." Rui Xiaodan did not find the voice of Zhou Qiang's family.

She was driving a police car, wearing a police uniform, looking for stereos everywhere.

Such an approach is ostentatious.

Soon, everyone in the audio circle in the ancient city knew that a policewoman driving a police car wanted to buy a set of speakers that could not be bought in the ancient city.

Rui Xiaodan made a mistake.She shouldn't be driving a police car, wearing a police uniform, not working during working hours, and wandering around.

She has been conscientious and conscientious since she worked, and never neglects her duties.

But this time, she was absent-minded about her work, and her serious and responsible attitude was gone.

In such a situation, the leaders and colleagues naturally saw it.

"Little Dan, what's wrong with you?"

"Xiao Dan, why are you looking for a stereo?"

"Xiao Dan, there is another problem with the material you wrote."

"Xiao Dan, are you dazed?"

Just when Rui Xiaodan was busy looking for the stereo.

Zhou Qiang was not in a hurry to ask Rui Xiaodan.

He knew that a beautiful woman like Rui Xiaodan usually had suitors.

If he took the initiative to pursue Rui Xiaodan, he would fall into a cliché like everyone else, with little success.

Therefore, he was not in a hurry, he knew that Rui Xiaodan would take the initiative to send it to his door.

The stereo is the bait, Rui Xiaodan will come sooner or later.

Zhou Qiang sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, waiting for the little fish to take the bait.

Beautiful women don't like to lick dogs, they may prefer to take the initiative.Therefore, Zhou Qiang wanted to give Rui Xiaodan a chance to throw himself into his arms.

He wanted Rui Xiaodan to take the initiative to express his love to him like in the TV series.He was looking forward to Rui Xiaodan cooking, changing his nightgown, and then gently pulling.
That scene should be beautiful.

At that time, how should he respond.He should be more beastly, or even more beastly.

this day.

Zhou Qiang ate a delicious, nutritious and healthy breakfast made by himself at home.

Just getting ready to go hiking.

the phone is ringing.

"Hey, Brother Zhou, I'll be in the ancient city later," Ye Zhiqiu's voice sounded.He came to Zhou Qiang.

"What are you doing here?" Zhou Qiang was a little impatient.

This kid Ye Zhiqiu always wants to introduce his sister to Zhou Qiang.

Zhou Qiang met him once, but it wasn't his type.

He doesn't like women with average looks and figures.

Although he is a womanizer, he is lustful and not messy.Not a beautiful woman, never intimate contact.

"Brother Zhou, I told a friend here about your visit to the ancient city. He wants to meet you and let me accompany you."

"What do you see me for?" Zhou Qiang was a little unhappy, he could not see everyone.

"Brother Zhou, your parents here want to see you, can you show me some face?"

"You don't want me to invest?" Zhou Qiang asked.He has seen this kind of thing a lot.

"Brother Zhou, I dare not lie to you, I really want you to invest."

"Got it, let's do this first." Zhou Qiang hung up the phone.


Under Ye Zhiqiu's pleading, Zhou Qiang reluctantly agreed to come over for a meal.

"Hello, Mr. Zhou, I'm from Gucheng." A smart-looking middle-aged man in his forties, in white shirt, black trousers, leather shoes, flat-headed, a little thin, chatted politely with Zhou Qiang.

There are a few other people who eat together as companions, and they are all people of status.

Zhou Qiang has a wealth of experience, and at a glance, he knows that Zhang Pengjun in front of him is a capable and accomplished leader.

Generally, when encountering such a leader, Zhou Qiang is willing to invest.

". Ding Yuanying and Ye Zhiqiu are responsible for the specific matters of the investment. As long as there is room for investment, there is no limit to the funds we invest." Zhou Qiang readily agreed to a large investment.


"Brother Zhou, is this the villa you rented? It looks good." After eating, Ye Zhiqiu was too lazy to leave, and came to the villa rented by Zhou Qiang.

"It's okay, Xiaoye. I have a task for you. I'm interested in this villa. Ask the landlord if he can sell it to me." Zhou Qiang found Ye Zhiqiu something to do, and Ye Zhiqiu kept pestering him.

"No problem, Brother Zhou, my sister." Sure enough, Ye Zhiqiu talked about his sister again.His sister fell in love with Zhou Qiang.

"Stop it, if you still want me to advise you on US stocks, don't talk about your sister. I don't know your sister."

"Brother Zhou, you are not young anymore, you can't be single, right?"

"I have someone I like, so I live in the villa next door."

"What? Brother Zhou, how could you be like this, you just moved on? You can't be that heartless person. What happened to Chen Shimei, Bao Zheng's guillotine is shining brightly."

"Get out!" Zhou Qiang drove away Ye Zhiqiu, who liked to be funny.

(End of this chapter)

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