Chapter 428 Soldier King
a certain camp.

Liu Feng came here to report.

"Are you Liu Feng, or a sharpshooter?" Sun Sheng, the commander of the eighth company, looked at Liu Feng suspiciously.

"Yes, company commander, my marksmanship is not bad." Liu Feng was questioned as soon as he arrived.He needs to prove himself with strength.

"The marksmanship is okay? Then try it." Sun Sheng didn't see anything strange about Liu Feng.He thought Liu Feng was here to mix his qualifications again.

Liu Feng nodded, didn't say anything, it's useless to talk too much, he was going to use his strength to face the doubters.


"Liu Feng, let's play at the fixed target first?"

"Yes." Liu Feng responded casually.

"I heard that you can hit the limit distance of the rifle's effective range, with a hundred shots?" Sun Sheng knew something about Liu Feng.


"Xiao Qi, set the target at the farthest effective distance of the rifle."

Prepare a little.

"Papa papa" Liu Feng stood casually and fired in a very non-standard posture.His shooting stance is amateurish.

People watching around frowned.

"Target!" Sun Sheng's face was ugly, "This Liu Feng is too shameless, even if he came here to mix his qualifications, he shouldn't even know the most basic shooting movements, such a person, I will definitely drive him out of the Eighth Company. The Eighth Tiger Company will never accept trash."

"Ten hits, one hundred rings!"

"How much?" The voice from a distance made Sun Sheng feel unreal.

"One hundred rings!"

This time Sun Sheng heard clearly.He looked at Liu Feng in disbelief, "Liu Feng, try a few more times, is it all right?"

"No problem, just try it casually, but it's better to have something difficult, otherwise it will be boring." Liu Feng looked very loose, not looking like a soldier.

"Difficult ones? Can moving targets work?" Sun Sheng asked.

"Sure, but, company commander, don't waste your efforts. I'll compete with whoever has the best marksmanship here. If I win, I'll stay. If I lose, I'll leave." Liu Feng said bluntly.As a gun god, he was too lazy to perform marksmanship in front of a bunch of rookies.

He intends to overthrow the most powerful one here, and directly ascend to the position of the strongest sharpshooter.

He doesn't need to upgrade his skills, he doesn't need to develop obscenely.

"Okay, refreshing enough." Sun Sheng had a good impression of Liu Feng.If you are a man, you should be more forthright, not a mother-in-law, "Jianjun, you and Liu Feng will have a competition, let him see your marksmanship."

"Yes, company commander." Wang Jianjun said.His eyes are firm, he is full of air, and he looks like a master.

"You guys should try moving the target first. At the same time, ten bullets, the one with the most rings wins." Sun Sheng said.

"Okay." Liu Feng nodded indifferently.

Soon, the venue was set up.

"Are you coming first, or am I coming first?" Wang Jianjun asked.

"I'll come first." Liu Feng said casually.He decided to quickly hit a hundred rings, crushing Wang Jianjun, so that he had no chance to play.

"Okay." Wang Jianjun also looked calm.His strength is not weak.He has the confidence to win.

"Start!" Sun Sheng shouted.

"Crackling." Liu Feng used one-tenth of the level and quickly completed the shooting.

"Report the target!"

"Ten hits, one hundred rings, total time 56 seconds!"

This voice, like Sun Wukong's immobilizing spell, immobilized everyone present.

They all have incredible looks.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Wang Jianjun subconsciously shook his head.

"Yeah, it's impossible. Our record is 30 minute and 56 seconds, but now it's [-] seconds. This is only eight seconds longer than the time the target appeared. That is to say, Liu Feng completed ten shots in eight seconds. It’s too fast, it’s still impossible to move the target Baihuan, is there something wrong?” Sun Sheng couldn’t believe it.

"If you don't believe me, let's do it again. However, you can increase the difficulty, make the target move faster, make more targets, and more targets can appear at the same time." Liu Feng still looked indifferent look.

"Go to hell-level difficulty!" Sun Sheng shouted, "Liu Feng, hell-level difficulty, you have to shoot [-] bullets and hit [-] high-speed moving targets. Many targets appear at the same time, and they are still appearing. After moving quickly, it will disappear after a few seconds, if you miss it, it is a mistake, and, can you do it?"

Sun Sheng directly raised the difficulty to a level that they had been unable to complete.

"You can try it." Liu Feng said casually.He is estimated to show two-tenths of his ability this time.

Ready soon.


"Crackling, crackling." Liu Feng's shooting speed was unimaginably fast.

As soon as many targets came out, before they moved quickly, they were hit by Liu Feng with a single shot.

It took time for the target to appear when shooting sixty rounds this time, so it couldn't be completed in a short while.

But the people around were dumbfounded.

They found that those high-speed moving targets were easily hit by Liu Feng.

This Liu Feng is not human!
It's not over yet, they were all conquered by Liu Feng's performance.

"Target!" Soon Liu Feng finished firing sixty rounds.

This time, the counting time is slightly longer.

"Sixty bullets, all hit the bull's-eye, six hundred rings, one minute and 58 seconds!"

"It takes one minute and ten seconds for our target to appear. That is to say, it took Liu Feng 48 seconds to fire [-] bullets, and he hit every shot!" Sun Sheng still couldn't believe it.

"It's your turn." Liu Feng looked at Wang Jianjun and said.He remembered who Wang Jianjun was.Isn't this Wang Jianjun from "The Bodyguard of Zhongnanhai"? He is still a soldier and a young man.He hasn't joined the war yet, nor has he gone to Xiangjiang to be a killer.

"I lost. I couldn't hit all the moving targets in eight seconds." Wang Jianjun lost the look he had just now, and he looked eclipsed.

"Young man, don't be discouraged. You can always improve if you work hard." Liu Feng patted Wang Jianjun on the shoulder and encouraged him.

Wang Jianjun bowed his head and remained silent.

Sun Sheng and the others were silent.

They thought that Liu Feng, the new member of the art troupe, was a rookie, but they didn't expect it to be a Tyrannosaurus rex.

Raptors do not cross the river, but strong dragons do not overwhelm local snakes.

But Liu Feng crushed them all.

They were momentarily hit and broken.

"Company commander, I want to fight Liu Feng." Wang Jianjun was silent for a while, and looked at Liu Feng with murderous eyes.

"Fighting?" Sun Sheng was stunned for a moment, then looked at Liu Feng, "Liu Feng, I heard that you are not weak, do you want to compete with Jianjun?"

"It's okay." Liu Feng still looked indifferent.

"Okay, then you can go to the end." Sun Sheng knew that Wang Jianjun was also very good at fighting, and he wanted to beat Liu Feng in fighting and let Liu Feng know how good he was.

"You attack first." After the two were ready, Wang Jianjun signaled.

"Okay, I'll attack first." Liu Feng always likes to strike first.

He stepped in front of Wang Jianjun and punched out, neither fast nor slow.

Wang Jianjun smiled contemptuously, trying to get out of the way, but,

With a bang, Wang Jianjun fell down.

After he fell to the ground, he looked incredible.

He didn't understand why he was knocked to the ground after he had already dodged.

"Wang Jianjun, what's going on?" Sun Sheng just wanted to see Liu Feng being abused, but Wang Jianjun fell to the ground in a daze.

"I don't know either." Wang Jianjun stood up like a carp, and got up.At this time, he felt a little pain in his shoulder, "Comrade Liu, did you hit my shoulder just now?"

"Yes." Liu Feng said lightly.

"Didn't I already escape?" Wang Jianjun was a little confused.

"Yes, you dodged my first punch, but I punched you twice, and you didn't dodge the second punch."

"Two punches? But I only saw one punch. Your fast punch!" Wang Jianjun was taken aback. "Comrade Liu, please forgive me for being rude. I still want to have a serious fight with you." He was unwilling to lose.He thought it was careless.

"Okay, this time you attack first." Liu Feng agreed.

Wang Jianjun nodded, stared at Liu Feng solemnly, approached methodically, and tried falsely.

with a snap.

Wang Jianjun fell to the ground again.

This time the people around saw it clearly.

Wang Jianjun just punched in vain.

But Liu Feng actually punched him.This punch was extremely fast, so fast that Wang Jianjun couldn't react, so he was hit.

"I lost." Wang Jianjun lay on the ground and admitted defeat.

"Young man, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. If you work harder in the future, you will always improve." Liu Feng encouraged.He was an old bird who bullied Wang Jianjun.

(End of this chapter)

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