Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 420 Received the Military Uniform

Chapter 420 Received the Military Uniform


"Political commissar, the situation is like this. I want to marry He Xiaoping." Leaving the rehearsal hall, Liu Feng went to political commissar Ning and told him about getting married.

"Liu Feng, you are a pacesetter, you even got married so early, do you still want to be a pacesetter when you get married?" Political Commissar Ning said with a smile.He had a good impression of Liu Feng.For him, the more people like Liu Feng, the better.

Liu Feng smiled and said nothing.I'm afraid he won't be able to be a pacesetter in the future.

"Liu Feng, your marriage is your freedom. As the leader, I can only bless you and will not object. However, I want to remind you that He Xiaoping's background is not very good. You should be clear about this, right?" Political Commissar Ning asked.

"It's clear, political commissar. I also went to the farm to see He Xiaoping's father. He is a kind father." Liu Feng said.

He Xiaoping's father is a man of culture, he treats people very elegantly.But if Liu Feng hadn't gone to see him, he would have died there.

"It's good if you figure it out. However, Liu Feng, our house is tight here. If you get married, we can only arrange a dormitory for you as a wedding room." Political commissar Ning was a little helpless.Lack of housing is the norm in this day and age, and being able to provide a dormitory is pretty good.

"It's okay, political commissar. I have relatives outside. I'll ask if I can borrow them." Liu Feng didn't plan to live in the art troupe.Living here, there are too many people, the room is not soundproof, and it is inconvenient to do anything.

It's not that he cared, he was afraid of He Xiaoping's embarrassment, and also afraid of being knocked on the door in the middle of the night.After all, they are young men and women, all passionate.

He plans to rent a good house outside, complete with utilities, kitchen, bathroom, furniture, etc.

"That's good, it's more convenient to live outside." Political Commissar Ning also understands.

Logistics supply warehouse.

"Quilts, quilts, washbasins, rice bowls, kettles, water glasses, rain boots... Curry doesn't have the winter clothes, and the summer clothes will be issued in two weeks. Just get the summer clothes when the time comes." Assistant Sun is in charge of distributing personal items.He didn't give He Xiaoping a military uniform.

"It will take two weeks before I can put on my military uniform." He Xiaoping frowned.She hurriedly took pictures and sent them back.

"Assistant Sun, where's the mosquito net?" Xiao Suizi asked.She accompanied He Xiaoping to collect personal items.

"I forgot." Assistant Sun hurried to get the mosquito net.

He Xiaoping and Xiao Suizi, carrying a bunch of things, just walked outside when they bumped into Liu Feng.

"Xiaoping, how are you? Have you received your military uniform?" Liu Feng came here specially.He knew that He Xiaoping could not receive a military uniform.

"Liu Feng, Assistant Sun said that there are no more winter clothes, so let me wait two weeks and get the summer clothes directly." He Xiaoping looked unhappy.

"No more? Wait a minute, I'll go take a look." Liu Feng said.

He went in.

"Assistant Sun, He Xiaoping is my friend. Please help me and look for winter clothes." Liu Feng said while handing Assistant Sun a bottle of canned yellow peaches.

"So it's your friend. I'll look for it again. I remember that there is a set somewhere." Assistant Sun put the can in the drawer skillfully, and then got up to look for winter clothes.

Assistant Sun said he was looking for it, but in fact, he took out a set of winter clothes from an inconspicuous place.There are quite a few more out there.

"Thank you, Assistant Sun." Liu Feng took the winter coat with a smile, turned around and left.

"Winter clothes?" He Xiaoping outside was a little surprised when he saw the military uniform in Liu Feng's hand.

"Yes, but there are a lot of pleats on it, and it needs to be washed before it can be worn." Liu Feng smiled.

"Liu Feng, you still have face, we didn't get winter clothes just now." Xiao Suizi was a little unhappy.

"Assistant Sun is kind-hearted, and helped to search carefully." Liu Feng didn't say much about Assistant Sun.

There is nothing wrong with Assistant Sun doing this. It is common sense that he must leave some military uniforms in case of emergencies.

"Let's go to the dormitory. Xiaoping is assigned to our dormitory." Xiao Suizi didn't get too entangled in Assistant Sun's matter.

"Well, let's not go now, Suizi, Xiaoping has a house to live in outside, she won't live in the dormitory for the time being." Liu Feng didn't plan to let He Xiaoping live in the dormitory.His woman cannot be wronged like this.

"Is there a house? Where is the house?" Xiao Suizi asked in surprise.

"It's at Xiaoping's relative's house. I'll help Xiaoping clean up first, and when she's settled down, please come over and sit down." Liu Feng said.Of course he lied, He Xiaoping's family has no relatives here.

"Liu Feng, Xiaoping can't live outside, it's not allowed." Xiao Suizi reacted.Even if there is a house outside, you can't just live outside, you have to obey the unified management.

"Lao Ning agreed." Liu Feng explained, and took the quilt from Xiao Suizi's hand, "Suizi, let's go first. You go take a bath." The girls have to take a bath after practicing.Xiao Suizi is the lead dancer, and she needs a bath even more.

He and He Xiaoping walked side by side.

"Lao Ning agreed? Why did he agree? This is not in compliance with the regulations." Xiao Suizi looked at the backs of Liu Feng and He Xiaoping, a little strange.She hadn't heard of anyone who could live outside.

"Liu Feng, where is the house outside?" He Xiaoping asked.She doesn't remember that there are relatives here, or where the house came from.

"My relative's house, I'll ask if I can borrow it." Liu Feng didn't tell the truth.He inquired about renting a house at the guest house yesterday.Although renting houses is not allowed in this era, it is possible to borrow between relatives.

Therefore, many people who rent houses have become relatives with the landlord.

"Liu Feng, let's stay in the dormitory, don't bother your relatives." He Xiaoping obviously didn't understand what was going on.She didn't want to trouble Liu Feng.

"Xiaoping, we are getting married, how can we live in a dormitory?" Liu Feng laughed.

"Ah? Liu Feng, have you already told Ning Political Commissar?" He Xiaoping was pleasantly surprised.She is eager to marry Liu Feng.This is how it is in this age, when you sleep, you get married.

"Of course. The Ning political commissar also said that we can arrange a dormitory for us to live in." Liu Feng is eager to get married, and he will not guard a bunch of beauties and suffer.He wants to marry He Xiaoping as soon as possible.In the movie, he and He Xiaoping seem to have never been married. Now, he got married as soon as he met He Xiaoping.This is a huge change.

"Then let's stay in the dormitory, don't we need to live outside?" He Xiaoping still didn't want to trouble others.She thought she was really borrowing a relative's house.

"Xiao Ping, it's inconvenient to live in a dormitory. There are too many people and it's not soundproof. It's inconvenient for us to do business." Liu Feng said brazenly.His face is as thick as a city wall.

"Yes," He Xiaoping blushed and lowered her head in response.She didn't dare to ask random questions anymore, for fear that Liu Feng would say something more extreme.She had heard Liu Feng say it before.In the boudoir, Liu Feng said
"Xiaoping, let's go to the guest house first, and then go to the house for dinner." Liu Feng roughly arranged the time.

a few hours later.

Liu Feng has found a house.

He climbed up with a relative and rented a house.

Although the house is a bungalow, it has a kitchen, bathroom, and all kinds of furniture inside, so you can move in with your bags.And not far from the Art Troupe.

Liu Feng has no shortage of money or anything.

Clean up and tidy up.

Liu Feng and He Xiaoping were lying on the bed.

"Xiaoping, this is our wedding room." Liu Feng looked at He Xiaoping tenderly.

"Liu Feng, am I dreaming?" He Xiaoping felt that everything in front of her was unreal.She was still a dependent child before, a child that everyone hated and no one wanted.

Now, she has seen her father, she has a husband, she is a soldier, and she has her own home.

In this home, she is the hostess.

She lived without looking at anyone.

"Even if it's a dream, it's still a sweet dream." Liu Feng rolled over and pressed He Xiaoping under him.

(End of this chapter)

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