Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 416 Eat Well, Sleep Well

Chapter 416 Eat Well, Sleep Well

Arrived at the mufta's camp.

Zong Dawei found a random place and fell asleep.

His performance stunned his guards again.

"Hey, Lao Zhang, Zong Dawei, that's the situation." Bai Hua told Zhang Ning everything.

"I see, Dawei should be fine, the mufta dare not do anything to him, don't worry, we will put pressure on the mufta in other ways.

In addition, Bai Hua, the convoy has already set off and will bring you back soon. "

"Okay, Zhang, I miss you."

"Boom, boom, boom"


Machine guns, tanks, helicopters, RPGs, all kinds of sounds resounded endlessly.

The mufta's weaponry is decent.

They started a fierce attack.

The sound of guns and guns outside kept ringing all night.

In the room, Zong Dawei was sound asleep, not affected at all.

After dawn.

Mufta's men take Sebrata.

"Mr. Zong, we have occupied another city." Mufta showed off in front of Zong Dawei.

Zong Dawei nodded and said nothing.What's the use of a mufta taking over an empty city?He didn't understand the famous saying, "Where there are people, there is hope. When there are no people, there is no hope."

"Mr. Zong, let's make a deal? Gold, I'll give you a hundred catties of gold, how about you do me a favor?" Mufta said with a sinister smile.He is one-eyed, and when he smiles, one eye changes and the other remains unchanged, which looks weird.

Zong Dawei shook his head to express his refusal.He knew what the mufta was going to do, and he couldn't possibly agree.He has integrity.

"Mr. Zong, two hundred catties of gold, as long as you recognize our legitimate status to the international community, and Hazaka is illegal, I will give you US dollars worth two hundred catties of gold." Mufta began to lure Zong Dawei .His men prepared the camera and shooting environment.He is a thoughtful leader, he wants to use Zong Dawei's identity to do something bigger.

"No." Zong Dawei refused simply and clearly.He won't change his mind easily for a little money.

"What about three hundred catties of gold, Mr. Zong, this is a lot of money, should you think about it?" Mufta pretended to feel distressed.All the gold in his mouth is lies.He cheated Zong Dawei with a bad check.He thought Zong Dawei was a fool.

"Don't think about it, no." Zong Dawei refused again, "I can't be bought with money, so you don't need to waste your efforts." At this moment, Zong Dawei maintained his dignity.

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" Mufta cursed, he became furious, "I will kill you." He drew his gun again and threatened to kill Zong Dawei.

"Muffta, if you kill me, justice will judge you, and our country will make you pay with blood." Zong Dawei stood up, releasing his murderous aura without reservation, the surrounding air seemed to be blood red s color.

Before, he still had some reservations in front of Bai Hua and the others.

Now, in the face of the vicious chaos army, all his murderous aura was released.

For a moment, the sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves seemed to resound in the room.

The surrounding temperature dropped a lot, and a trace of hoarfrost appeared.

Zong Dawei's terror finally showed a trace.

"Mr. Zong, you seem to have killed many people?" Mufta turned pale, stepped back, and asked with some fear.At this moment, he seemed to see hell.He saw mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and he saw countless Japanese buried alive.He saw countless ugly people being protruded by heavy machine guns.He saw countless bones and heard countless screams.

"I haven't killed anyone, but if someone wants to kill me, then I will defend myself." Zong Dawei smiled slightly, showing a few white teeth, which was a standard smile.

But his smile was terrifying in the eyes of the Mufta.

"Mr. Zong, relax, I won't kill you." Mufta's forehead was sweating.Being stared at by Zong Dawei, he felt like being stared at by a prehistoric beast. "It's horrible, he's not human."

"This is the best. Mufta, we will not interfere with your affairs.

But your war had better not hurt our compatriots, otherwise, you will feel how terrible the anger of a powerful country is. "Zong Dawei's words were resounding.

"We will not harm your compatriots." Mufta replied subconsciously.After he finished speaking, he realized that his entire back was soaked. "This is a terrifying man. He must not be what he looks like on the surface. He looks harmless to humans and animals. He is a prehistoric giant with hidden minions. He didn't eat us because he was restrained. I must not Enrage him." Mufta was terrified by Zong Dawei's murderous look and his indifferent eyes.He no longer dared to provoke Zong Dawei.

"This is the best way. I will return your car to you, and the money will not be small." Zong Dawei acted with reason and evidence, neither humble nor overbearing, he did not compromise or bully others.He did not use violence to solve the problem.Although he can kill all the chaos here.

He is set up as a civil servant, and he does things by his mouth and nose.He is not a wolf warrior, and he can't do anything casually.He is bound by identity.

"Mr. Zong, what would you like for breakfast?" Mufta asked.He changed the subject to ease the atmosphere.He didn't dare to provoke Zong Dawei anymore.

"Barbecue and spirits are fine." Zong Dawei said casually.

"Spirited wine? Mr. Zong, I also like to drink, let's have a drink together." Mufta tried to squeeze out a smile.


After a while.

The meal is ready.

Very shabby.

But it is not easy to have wine and meat.

"Mr. Zong, you must not be an ordinary person. I would like to offer you a toast." Mufta looked at Zong Dawei with some fear.At this time, Zong Dawei's murderous intent had been suppressed.But the mufta was still a little scared.

"Do it!" Zong Dawei smiled slightly, and drank it all in one gulp.

"Mr. Zong, I would like to toast you too." Mufta's subordinates also began to toast.They seemed to have a tacit understanding and wanted to get Zong Dawei drunk.

"Do it!" Zong Dawei never refused to come, "Muffta, I also offer you a toast, and hope that the war here will end as soon as possible."

"Okay, Mr. Zong." Mufta did it quickly.

"You are a loyal subordinate, I also offer a toast to you." Zong Dawei began to take the initiative.

"Thank you, Mr. Zong."

"You are very brave, come, have a toast." Zong Dawei continued to toast.


"The scars on your face are glory, and I offer you a toast."

"Thank you Mr. Zong, do it!"

Zong Dawei began to toast frequently.

Soon, Mufta and the others fell to and fro, and were all overthrown.

"You still want to get me drunk with just this amount of alcohol, it's really Lu Ban playing a big ax in front of the door, and you are beyond your control." Zong Dawei ate and drank alone for a while.

He took out his phone and called Bai Hua.

"Hey, Bai Hua, how are you doing?"

"Dawei? We've arrived at the border station. Lao Zhang sent a car to pick us up last night. How are you doing?" Zhang Ning still found enough cars to pick up Bai Hua and the others.

"I'm fine. I just had a barbecue and drank some spirits." Zong Dawei smiled.

"Ah? Dawei, didn't Mufta make things difficult for you?" Bai Hua was a little surprised.

"No, the mufta dare not do anything to me. Behind me is a powerful motherland, and I have nothing to fear." Zong Dawei said a little bit in a second.He knows he's a bit of a dick.

"That's good, Dawei, Lao Zhang wants to talk to you." Bai Hua and Zhang Ning were together.Zhang Ning was eager to know Zong Dawei's situation.

"Old Zong, how are you doing there? Can you come back?" Zhang Ning asked hastily.

"I'm fine here. I'm eating well and sleeping soundly. I'll be fine when I return those two cars to the Mufta." Zong Dawei laughed.

"Then shall I send someone to return the car to Mufta?"

"No, I guess Mufta will arrive at the border station soon, you just leave the car behind."

"Sebra Tower has fallen?!" Zhang Ning asked hastily.The news of the fall of Sebra Tower has not yet spread.

"Yes, Zhang, arrange for our people to evacuate quickly. Mufta's people will leave soon, and the border station is not safe."

"Understood, the people here, I will send them all away later, I will stay and wait for you."

Zong Dawei hesitated for a moment, "Okay, just you wait for me alone, and let the others leave quickly." He didn't persuade Zhang Ning to leave, because it was in vain to persuade Zhang Ning.

If he didn't go back, Zhang Ning would definitely not leave.

They are brothers who share life and death, brothers who treat each other with sincerity, and brothers who will never leave.

After hanging up the phone, Zong Dawei casually strolled around the Sabra Tower, which was in ruins.

War is never nice.

But careerists always start wars.

If God has eyes, let those who start the war go through the war.

After they have experienced the cruelty of war, will they still provoke war unscrupulously?

(End of this chapter)

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