Chapter 41
After the others left, Mary followed Mark to the office.

"Dad, is that the way to go?" Ma Li said unhappily.

"No. I will make a report and expel Di Ziming and the others from the basketball team." Mark said casually.

"Huh? Expulsion? Dad, isn't this punishment a bit heavy?" Ma Li was startled.She thought that Mark was going to let it go, but she didn't expect that Mark would severely punish the four basketball players.

"Is it heavy? If I go a little later today, that Di Ziming will hit you back." Mark said a little angrily.If Di Ziming dared to beat Ma Li today, he would break Di Ziming's leg.

"It's okay for him to fight back, he can't beat me." Ma Li said with a smile.

"Can't beat you? Ma Li, do you think Di Ziming can't beat you? He was just afraid of me, so he didn't dare to fight back at first. He is a basketball player. He is agile and strong. If he really wants to fight, he can beat you in a minute." You were beaten and disfigured," Mark said.

"Ah? Is it that serious?" Ma Li didn't believe it.

"Of course. Di Ziming can knock you out with a single punch. If you hit your nose, your nose will collapse and your face will be ruined," Mark said.

"Even if he is strong, he doesn't dare to hit me." Ma Li said firmly.

"Lily, you, you just haven't had any disadvantages by my side. I don't know how inconsiderate a middle school student like Di Ziming is. They can do anything on impulse, so what's wrong with hurting someone? Lengtouqing killed quite a few." Mark shook his head.

"No way, dad, are you scaring me?" Ma Li was a little disbelieving.

"Scaring you? Check it out on your mobile phone to see how many people are beaten to death or maimed by such middle school students every year," Mark said.

"Then I'll check." Ma Li said.

After a while.

"Dad, there aren't many cases on the Internet?"

"No? It's probably not allowed to be made public." Mark was typing while talking.

"Dad, are you lying to me?"

"Lie to you? Someday I will take you to the police station and ask the police comrades, let them tell you the cruel truth."

"Okay, I don't believe it's as scary as you said."

Mark printed the report and he was going to hand it to the principal tomorrow.

Official members of the basketball team are registered at the school, and he needs to go through a process to expel players.

the next day.



Mark is hesitant to turn in his expulsion report.

He wanted to expel Di Ziming and the others yesterday because he was angry, but today he was a little hesitant.

It's not because of anything else, but because they are afraid that Di Ziming and the others will do stupid things after they are fired.

Today's middle school students have strong self-esteem. They have been spoiled and spoiled since childhood, and they are used to going smoothly. Once something goes wrong, they are very impulsive and do very irrational things.

A middle school student takes a knife and swears, "I'm going to kill his whole family." Such similar things are not uncommon.

Of course, Mark is not afraid of revenge from Di Ziming and the others.

But he didn't want to cause irreversible results because of such a small matter.

Therefore, as a teacher, he must be cautious.He can't drive students to a dead end at will.He is not the kind of irresponsible teacher, he is a good teacher.

"Dad, have you handed in that report yet?" Ma Li and Xin Ran came together.

"Not yet, what's the matter?" Mark asked.

"Father, Xin Ran doesn't plan to hold Di Ziming and the others accountable. Can you not fire Di Ziming and the others?" Ma Li hurriedly said.

"Really? Xin Ran, tell yourself." Mark frowned.

"Teacher Ma, I won't hold Di Ziming and the others accountable." Xin Ran whispered.

"Well, I see. I'll talk about it later in physical education class. You guys go to class first." Mark frowned.

basketball court.

Mark stood at the front of the queue with a serious face.

"Di Ziming, you four, Ma Li, Xin Ran, come with me, and the others run around." Mark frowned.

Mark walked aside with a few people.

He took out the expulsion report and read it, "On May 2016, 5, four people, including Di Ziming, bullied their classmate Xin Ran on the basketball court.. The four of them behaved badly and had a very bad attitude.. It is now decided to Dismiss Di Ziming and four others from the basketball team,"

"Dad, didn't you promise not to fire them?" Ma Li said hastily.

Mark ignored Ma Li and continued: "Di Ziming, you four, I was going to expel you. The basketball team does not allow the existence of black sheep. But this morning, Ma Li and Xin Ran pleaded for you and hoped that I would not expel you. .Now, let me ask you, do you want to leave the basketball team?"

"I don't want to. Teacher Ma, I know I was wrong. I don't want to leave the basketball team, huh," Di Ziming cried.He is still a child. Although he is tall and big, his mind is immature and he cannot bear the blow and pressure.

"Teacher Ma, we were wrong, we dare not do it again, woo woo" the other three also cried.

"Why cry, hold back." Mark shouted.

The four little boys hurriedly held back, but they still twitched.

"My son bleeds but not tears. You have done something wrong and you will be punished. Now, please apologize to Xin Ran and Ma Li." Mark shouted.

"Xin Ran, I'm sorry,"

"Ma Li, I'm sorry," the four hurriedly apologized.

"Xin Ran and Ma Li are pleading for you regardless of past suspicions. You should thank them." Mark shouted.

"Xin Ran, thank you,"

"Marie, thank you,"

"You're welcome, we are all classmates,"

"Di Ziming and the four of you, although you don't need to be expelled, you should be punished. I will punish you to run laps, Di Ziming twenty laps, the three of you ten laps." Mark said.

"Okay, Teacher Ma." Di Ziming and the others responded.

"Okay. It's over. It's normal to fight among classmates. It will be a good memory for you in a few years. Go run around." Mark said with a smile on his face.

"Yes Sir!" Di Ziming and the others responded happily, and even saluted.They cry fast and laugh fast.

"Dad, should Xin Ran and I go for a lap too?" Ma Li said happily.

"Go ahead." Mark laughed.

Ma Li and Xin Ran ran twenty laps with Di Ziming and the others.Originally, only Di Ziming ran [-] laps alone, but they all ran [-] laps together by coincidence.

Mark saw this scene and smiled.

"If I handle it this way, I can be regarded as a wise and good teacher. Haha." Mark couldn't help but boasted to himself.He felt that he handled it well and did not turn small things into big things.

"The basketball match begins. Everyone play hard for me."

"The one with the ball, pay attention to passing the ball, the basketball is stuck in your hand."

"Lu Kuan, what are you thinking, why did you pass the ball off the field? Are your eyes crooked?"

"Di Ziming, why are you running so slowly? Are your legs weak? No, just go down and let the students who can do it."

"Run faster, you guys, our advantage is fast break, not old cow walking."

"Hit me hard and show your momentum."

Mark started to teach violently again.

 I wish all book friends a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, and everything is fine!
(End of this chapter)

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