Chapter 388 I Marry You

"I'll marry you when you recover from your injury." Yu Zecheng was stunned for a moment, then said softly.Although Chen Cuiping is not that outstanding in appearance and has a big mouth, Yu Zecheng has a good impression of her and doesn't mind taking Chen Cuiping in.

"Ah? Really marry me, er, aren't you already married?" Chen Cuiping asked shyly.She blushed again.

"The ancients said, three wives and four concubines, I can marry three ordinary wives, but now I only have one, so I can marry two more." Yu Zecheng said nonsense.

"Three equal wives? Then I'm not too young?" Chen Cuiping asked.She was happy, she didn't have to worry about being bullied by Da Fang.

"Not counting, you and Wan Qiu are on equal footing." Yu Zecheng said.

"Lanqiu? She is your woman, how is she? Is she easy to get along with?" Chen Cuiping asked.

"She likes to write poems and play the piano. She is quiet and easy to get along with." Yu Zecheng said.

"Quiet? Brother, do you like quiet ones?" Chen Cuiping asked.

"I like the quiet one, and I also like the one like you." Yu Zecheng smiled.

"Really? Hehe." Chen Cuiping laughed happily.

Yu Zecheng looked at Chen Cuiping with a smile on his face, and thought, "Cuiping's mouth is bigger when he smiles."

"By the way, my name is Chen Taohua, what's your name?" Chen Cuiping asked.Yu Zecheng was surprised that her name was not Chen Cuiping.

"Peach Blossom? Is this a nickname?"

"Well, yes, my name is Chen Cuiping." Chen Cuiping temporarily gave himself a name.

"My name is Yu Zecheng. I am 31 years old, how old are you?"

"I'm 26."

"Cuiping, where is your hometown?"

"It's from Yi County."

"My hometown is also in Yi County."

"Ah? We are fellow villagers. Your name is Yu Zecheng. I remembered. When you got married, I even ate at the floating banquet."

"At that time, we held a running banquet for three days, and I wanted to make the people in my hometown also lively and lively. Is the food delicious?"

"It was delicious."

"Cuiping, you've been wanted outside recently, and your portrait has been drawn, which looks quite similar to you. You can't go out at will." Yu Zecheng said.

"Portrait? How do they have my portrait?"

"Cuiping, when you were ambushing, you didn't cover up. People saw you, so you got portraits."

"So powerful? Can you draw me in a while?"

"Yes, your appearance is more unique, so it is easy to draw."

"Unique? How is my appearance unique?"

"Mouth." Yu Zecheng said honestly.He is an honest boy.

"Ah? Well... my mouth is actually not too big." Chen Cuiping hurriedly closed his mouth and spoke in a low voice.

"It's okay, Cuiping. It's a blessing that you can eat it with a big mouth. I don't dislike it." Yu Zecheng smiled.

"Hey." Chen Cuiping laughed again.

"Cuiping, there is a radio here, you can listen to it when you have nothing to do."

"Radio? How does this sound?"

"Here is the switch, here can turn"

At this time, there was a noise on the radio.

"The news will be broadcast below. More than [-] troops from the Central Plains of our army broke through in three ways and successfully crossed the Ping-Han Railway. They have arrived separately at the end of this month. The dictator's iron barrels are encircled, and there is no harvest. This battle in the Central Plains has achieved the reputation of Pi Lu .

I would like to express my gratitude to the intelligence agents who have made outstanding achievements in breaking through the Central Plains. These intelligence agents include Rattlesnake, Lou Shanguan, and Brother Ouyang. Comrade Shen Hai is especially commended. "

"Comrade Deep Sea? Brother, you joined us?" Chen Cuiping asked hastily.

"No, maybe someone else is called Shen Hai." Yu Zecheng said.He didn't know if this deep sea comrade was him.

"Dong dong dong" knocked on the door.

"Deep sea, can I come in?" Lu Zongfang asked.

"Come in." Yu Zecheng said.

"I heard the sound of a radio inside." Lu Zongfang asked curiously.

"Yes, I brought a radio." Yu Zecheng said.

"Comrade Lu, it was said on the radio just now, thank you Comrade Shen Hai, is this the big brother?" Chen Cuiping asked.

"What else was on the radio?" Lu Zongfang asked.

"Also talking about breaking out of the Central Plains." Chen Cuiping said.

"That's right, Comrade Shenhai is a big brother." Lu Zongfang said.

"Didn't the big brother join us yet?" Chen Cuiping asked.

"Although Shen Hai did not join us, we already regard Shen Hai as our comrade." Lu Zongfang said.Yu Ze has been successful and outstanding, and his superiors have already regarded Yu Ze as a comrade.

"Really? Haven't you always had problems with big brother?" Chen Cuiping doubted.

"No, I have no objection." Lu Zongfang said hastily.

"Don't you think big brother killed Japanese people? You always say that big brother shouldn't be killed, it's too cruel." Chen Cuiping said everything that Lu Zongfang said behind his back.

"Well, we have different ideas. This is just my personal opinion, not an opinion on the deep sea." Lu Zongfang began to sweat.He didn't expect Chen Cuiping to say anything without restraint.

"It's getting late, I should go." Yu Zecheng said.

"Well, Shen Hai, you helped get rid of Yuan Peilin, which is of great significance to the entire Beiping underground organization. The safety of dozens of comrades, the organizational structure of hundreds of people, and their families don't need to be transferred. The above comments on you are credit Great." Lu Zongfang has always reported Yu Zecheng's affairs, and the higher-ups praised Yu Zecheng very much.

"Thank you." Yu Zecheng said happily.He's happy to be commended, and while he didn't join in, he doesn't see himself as an outsider either.

"Comrade Lu, what about me? I killed Yuan Peilin, should I also be praised?" Chen Cuiping asked hastily.

"Captain Chen, the higher-ups have also praised you, saying that you are a hero in the girls' high school, and they want to transfer you to Yanzhou to study." Lu Zongfang said.

"Go to Yanzhou to study? Is it the same as my sister Qiuping? That won't work, I can't learn it." Chen Cuiping said.

"Captain Chen, it's a rare opportunity to study in Yanzhou, you should think about it," Lu Zongfang said.

"No, I'm going to marry my eldest brother, so I can't go." Chen Cuiping flatly refused.But her words surprised Lu Zongfang.

"What? Captain Chen, what are you talking about?" Lu Zongfang said with a look of shock.He thinks he heard wrong.

"I want to marry my eldest brother, and I won't go to Yanzhou anymore." Chen Cuiping said carelessly.She blushed a little after she finished speaking.She is a woman, but she also knows how to be shy.

"What's going on here? Shen Hai, aren't you already married?" Lu Zongfang asked.

"This is a flat wife, the eldest brother said to marry me as a flat wife." Chen Cuiping laughed.

"Equal wives? How can this work? Shen Hai, you can't have two wives, can you?" Lu Zongfang asked.

"It's okay, I will find a way to solve it." Yu Zecheng said indifferently.He has the ability to handle several issues with women.

"No, this matter needs to be reported to the organization and approved by the superiors. Besides, Shen Hai, you are not one of us, how can you marry Captain Chen. Also, Shen Hai, what about Zuo Lan?" Lu Zongfang felt his head It's going to explode.What he said was somewhat illogical.

"Zuo Lan? Who is Zuo Lan?" Chen Cuiping grasped the point right away.

"Zuo Lan is my ex-girlfriend. She should have gone to Yanzhou now, right?" Yu Zecheng said.

"Ah? Brother, do you still have a good friend?" Chen Cuiping asked in surprise.

"Cuiping, I have three women I like." Yu Zecheng said honestly.

"Three? Is there me?"


"Hey." Chen Cuiping was happy again.

"Cuiping, it's getting late. I should go. I'll come to see you when I'm free. There are some delicious foods here, all of which are yours." When Yu Zecheng came, he brought a big bag full of various dishes. For food.

"Okay." Chen Cuiping looked at Yu Zecheng with some reluctance.

Yu Zecheng left quickly.

"How could this happen? How could this happen?" Lu Zongfang still couldn't accept it.He couldn't accept that Yu Zecheng married Chen Cuiping, what would Zuo Lan do?Why did Yu Zecheng marry several wives?This is against the rules.This is no longer the old society.

(End of this chapter)

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