Chapter 383

All the dividends in the station have been distributed.

Unlike usual everyone has dividends, some people don't.

Li Ya did not.

Neither did Li Ya's action team.

This situation is of course Yu Zecheng's eye medicine for Li Ya.

Yu Zecheng was not a good person, Li Ya made him uncomfortable, and he wanted to make Li Ya even more uncomfortable.

Li Ya's office.

"Captain, everyone else's dividends have been paid, but the action team has not. Would you like to ask Director Yu?"

"Yes, Captain, I have a lot of people in my family, so I live on this dividend, if not..."

"Captain, I heard that your dividends have not been paid yet. Is there any misunderstanding between you and Director Yu?"

"Captain, does Director Yu have any complaints about our action team?"

"Captain, Director Yu is in the office now, why don't you come over and say something nice, and don't make trouble with money."

"That's right, Captain, Director Yu doesn't come here often, he will leave soon."

Many people surrounded Li Ya.

They just thought, if Li Ya offended Yu Zecheng, you should apologize and don't affect our dividends.

Li Ya's face was ashen.

he is very angry.

Not because of anything else, but because he too was short of money.

He misses that woman from the Japanese country, and spends a lot of money every time he goes there, and he has no money left.This is because he received a lot of gifts, otherwise, with that salary alone, it would not be enough to go to the Japanese women to spend money.

Because of the money, it is impossible to apologize to Yu Zecheng.

"I'm right, I'm all for work, I have no selfishness. Why should I apologize to Yu Zecheng?" These were the words in Li Ya's mind.He was determined not to apologize to Yu Zecheng.

"Don't worry, I'll ask the station master." Li Ya suppressed the anger in his heart and said.After he finished speaking, he went to Wu Jingzhong's office.

"Look, Director Yu is leaving, let's go and ask." At this time, someone saw that Yu Zecheng was about to leave, and he had already walked into the yard.

Yu Zecheng is like this, he just clicks a dick when he goes to work, wanders around and then leaves.At other times, he is basically in a few fixed places, enjoying the service of beauties.

"Hurry up, we can't let Director Yu go."

"Director Yu, Director Yu"

"Director Yu, our dividends haven't been distributed yet, do you think you forgot?"

"I didn't forget, the dividends of our action team will be paid later." Yu Zecheng said directly without explaining the reason.What he meant was obvious, that he wanted to make life difficult for the members of the action team.

"Distribute later, that's fine." The action team also understood what was going on. Li Ya offended Yu Zecheng, and Yu Zecheng deliberately delayed the distribution of dividends.

It's fine if you can send it, it doesn't matter if it's late.This is what they think.

"By the way, the person who watched me a few days ago stopped paying dividends for three months." Yu Zecheng Chi Guoguo's revenge was not concealed at all.He just wanted to tell everyone that he, Yu Zecheng, could not be messed with by anyone.

"Ah? Director Yu, this, I didn't mean to spy on you. Captain Li asked me to do it. It's none of my business. Director Yu, I have seniors and juniors, me."

"Yes, Director Yu, we are just following orders"

"Director Yu, what Captain Li did has nothing to do with us"

"Director Yu, please hold your hand high, our whole family depends on the money you send us to live."

"After three months of suspension, it depends on your performance. If your performance is not good, continue to suspend transmission." Yu Zecheng said expressionlessly.He left after he finished speaking, not caring what those people said at all.

"Director Yu, Director Yu, hold your hand high, woohoo." Several people who had been monitoring Yu Zecheng before cried.

Others subconsciously stay away from them.

Yu Zecheng walked to the door and said slowly, "My villa needs to be cleaned."

"Director Yu, let's go help." The action team shouted hastily.


Lu Qiaoshan watched the farce with a smile, "Li Ya, Li Ya, what are you doing to provoke Yu Zecheng?
Yu Zecheng is a jerk, how could he be from Yanzhou?
That idiot Li Ya actually spied on Yu Zecheng, he really got kicked in the head by a donkey.

Fight, fight, fight hard. "

Lu Qiaoshan looked like he didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement.He hoped that Yu Zecheng and Li Ya would fight.

Wu Jingzhong's office.

"Station Master, about the dividends." Li Ya had just started, but was interrupted by Wu Jingzhong.

"Li Ya, Zecheng has already told me about the dividends. Because of the cash flow problem, some people's dividends will be paid later. Don't worry, it will happen sooner or later." Wu Jingzhong said lightly.

"Station Master, what about my dividend?" Li Ya was short of money, and he wanted to ask for his money.

"Your dividends can't be paid yet, and Ma Kui's debts haven't been paid off yet, so just wait." Wu Jingzhong said.He took Li Ya's dividend, how could he give it to Li Ya so easily.

"Station Master, our action team also wants to take over one or two properties, do you think it is possible?" Li Ya planned to start a business on his own, so that he would not be subject to Yu Zecheng.

"What do you want?" Wu Jingzhong was stunned for a moment and asked.He already understood what Li Ya meant.This Li Ya is too incompetent to handle affairs, so he has to bear it.

"Station Master, our action team doesn't need much, just the refrigerated warehouse and the Dehong Hotel." Li Ya said.

"After you take over, how much can you pay for the station? Is it in US dollars?" Wu Jingzhong asked.

"Station Master, after we take over, we won't receive dividends from the station, but we shouldn't be able to pay any money, and there are no US dollars." Li Ya said.He is not good for business, where did he get the dollars, he would be fine if he didn't lose money.

"That's not okay. Zecheng has taken care of it very well, so you better not add to the chaos." Wu Jingzhong directly rejected Li Ya.For business matters, Wu Jingzhong only believed in Yu Zecheng.

"But, station master, Director Yu." Li Ya wanted to curse, but held back.

"What happened to Zecheng?" Wu Jingzhong asked.

"It's nothing." Li Ya suppressed the curse words.

"It's fine, go get busy." Wu Jingzhong sent Li Ya away.In his eyes, Li Ya has less and less status.

If you want to do something, be a human being first.If you can't even do well as a human being, how do you do things?This concept is deeply rooted.

In the past, things were simple, and such a concept is fine.

Things in later generations are very complicated, and they need dedicated people to do them well, but dedicated people are not so comprehensive in being a human being.

The result of this is that high-tech things and capable people have no chance to do it.People who have no ability, toss around and make trouble.

Many things are in vain.

Li Ya returned to the office and found that the people just now had left.

He breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that there was no need to explain.

He thought for a while and there were a few places that needed to be carefully monitored.He hurried back to work.He's a hard worker and he should be respected.But the reality is that he is squeezed out and has no living space.

"Hey, send me a few people and keep an eye on them."

"Sorry, Captain, there's no one here."

"No one? Where are people? Where have they all gone?" Li Ya asked strangely.He didn't arrange a mission to go out, so how could there be no one?

"Captain, you will know when you come over and take a look."

Li Ya put down the phone and went to the action team office.

In a large room, there is only one person left in it, and the others are gone.

"What about people?"

"Captain, they are all gone."

"Where did you go? I didn't arrange a task?"

"Captain, they all helped Director Yu clean the villa."

"Clean the villa? Clean the villa during working hours?!" Li Ya was shocked.

"Captain, you should speak well to Director Yu, otherwise, our life will be difficult."

"Yu Zecheng, you are too deceitful!"

(End of this chapter)

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