Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 380 Yu Zecheng Comes During the Day

Chapter 380 Yu Zecheng Comes During the Day

in the afternoon.

Chamber of Commerce.

Zuo Lan was busy in military uniform.

Director Deng is going to Beiping, and the military transfer meeting here is coming to an end.

"Zuo Lan, have you been to Baohe Hall?" Director Deng asked.

"Baohetang? Haven't been there." Zuo Lan said.Baohetang is Yu Zecheng's pharmacy. She actually wanted to visit it, but she was always busy and didn't have much time.

"Zuo Lan, I went to Baohetang. You see, this is the medicine I bought." Director Deng held two packs of medicine in his hand, one in ordinary packaging and the other in exquisite packaging.

"Director, the packaging of these two packages of medicine looks very different."

"That's right, the packaging is different, and the price is also very different, but the medicinal materials inside are exactly the same." Director Deng laughed.

"Huh? The medicine inside is the same? Then why are the packaging and prices different?"

"Zuo Lan, this beautifully packaged medicine is sold at a high price, and the profit is more than ten times that of this medicine. This ordinary packaged medicine is basically at the cost price and does not make any money. Do you understand?" Director Deng laughed.

"Director, you mean that Baohetang sells medicines and only makes money from the rich, and only charges the cost price from the poor?" Zuo Lan asked.

"Yeah, it's interesting what they do. Most of our Chinese medicine practitioners are very kind. They treat the rich without charging a ceiling, and they can treat the poor without charging any money." Director Deng laughed.

"Director, this is not the case with Western medicine. They treat patients equally and charge very high fees," Zuo Lan said.

"Zuo Lan, there is something tricky about Western medicine's fees. They charge less for the rich and powerful, but they charge the ordinary people unscrupulously. It's basically the other way around." Director Deng shook his head and said.He didn't like Western medicine.He believes that Western medicine is designed to exploit the bottom-level people, but dare not mess around with the upper-level people.

"Director, western medicine exploits the low-level people more thoroughly." Zuo Lan said.

"That's right, this western medicine completely violates medical ethics. Doctors are here to cure diseases and save lives. Western medicine has changed this original intention. A hospital only knows how to make money. Such hospitals are still everywhere. It's a shame." Director Deng said.He was helpless, he didn't want to see such a situation, but there was nothing he could do.

"Director, maybe it will be fine in the future." Zuo Lan said.Little did she know, the situation was even worse later on.Some medicines that can cure diseases have been abandoned, and medicines that can cure people to death have become popular all over the world.Even many Chinese medicine practitioners are like this. They wantonly amassed money, completely contrary to the original intention of curing diseases and saving lives, and have no medical ethics at all.

"I hope so, otherwise, our sacrifice would be worthless." Director Deng said.

"Director, are you going to Beiping?" Zuo Lan asked.

"Yes, go to Beiping. Zuo Lan, send the memorandum to the ugly army representative tomorrow." Director Deng ordered.He looked tired, there were too many big and small meetings these days, and they were all just talking, without any real content.He very much hoped for peace, but the opponent has been actively preparing for war, which makes him very powerless.

"Okay, Director."

"Zuo Lan, we will withdraw from here immediately, and the Peking side will continue. They may have to transfer you over there." Director Deng reminded.

"I know, Director, I will wait for the notice at any time."

"Probably only two or three days. By the way, Zuo Lan, the documents to be destroyed need to be checked again and again." Director Deng always cared about everything, and patiently told him.

"Okay, Director, I'll check right away."

"Zuo Lan, the aftermath work is very cumbersome, so be careful."

"Don't worry, I will definitely do a good job."

"Okay, Zuo Lan, see you in Peking." Director Deng shook hands with Zuo Lan to bid farewell.He came full of hope, but left disappointed.

After seeing Director Deng off, Zuo Lan returned to the room and began to destroy the documents.

"Report." At this time, a soldier came.

The soldier whispered a few words to Zuo Lan.

Zuo Lan said in surprise, "Impossible." The soldier said that Yu Zecheng had come, and was waiting outside to come in.She didn't believe that Yu Zecheng would come here openly, and Yu Zecheng would only come secretly at night.He is a heart thief.

"It's at the door." The soldier said.

"Bring him in." Zuo Lan remembered what Yu Zecheng told him last night, and became vigilant.

"Yes." The soldier led the order and went out.

After a while.

Yu Zecheng walked over.

"Hi, please come in." The guard said politely.

"The left represents good." Yu Zecheng looked like he was doing business.

Zuo Lan knew something was up when she saw Yu Zecheng's appearance, and she didn't show too close, just shook hands with Yu Zecheng, "Hello."

"Representative Zuo, I have something to talk to you in private, don't you know?" Yu Zecheng said while looking at the guards on the left and right.

"Then, please sit down." Zuo Lan signaled Yu Zecheng to go in, and then let the guards leave.

"Zecheng, why are you here?" Zuo Lan asked hastily, seeing that there was no one around.

"Lan, this is Li Ya's conspiracy. I guess there will be a call later. After you answer the call, be careful to let me avoid it." Yu Zecheng said.

"Telephone? What phone?" Zuo Lan still didn't quite understand.

"It's the kind of call I said last night. It may be from Tang Simao or someone else. Anyway, they are trying to trick you out, set a trap to catch you, and then force you to ask about your conversation with me. , if the content of our conversation doesn't match, they will attack me." Yu Zecheng said.What he was talking about was the plot in the TV series, which should be similar now.

"So insidious? This Li Ya is a powerful character, he really shouldn't be let go." Zuo Lan said.

"Lan, this is what we're talking about today." Yu Zecheng took out a piece of paper and handed it to Zuo Lan, "If someone asks, what did I do here and what did I say, just say what's on it .”

"Zecheng, do you suspect that there are spies on our side?" Zuo Lan asked.She looked surprised.

"Lan, I don't know if you have spies here, but we must make all preparations to minimize the danger." Yu Zecheng said.

"Understood, then it works, you have considered it thoroughly." Zuo Lan said.

"Lan, wait for a phone call to ask you out, you hold the other party first, don't agree, and don't refuse." Yu Zecheng said.

"Okay, it will work. I want to see what tricks they will come up with." Zuo Lan said.

"Lan, actually I don't have to come, but I haven't been here during the day, so I just want to come once, to have a good chat with you." Yu Zecheng smiled.He hid in the corner and put his arms around Zuo Lan.

"That's it, it can't be like this."

After a while.

"Dingling" the phone rang.

"Lan, remember, you have to pause for a while to allow me to avoid it." Yu Zecheng urged.

Zuo Lan nodded and picked up the phone.

"Hello, yes, here it is."

"What? Who are you? I didn't hear clearly, please repeat."

"Please repeat it again." Zuo Lan deliberately asked the other party to repeat it twice, and she deliberately paused in the middle.This time is enough for Yu Zecheng to avoid.

"Sorry, I have something to do right now, please call back later." Zuo Lan hung up the phone.She hung up the phone without saying anything to the other party.

"Whose phone is it?" Yu Zecheng asked hastily.

"She said she was Ma Kui's wife, Zhou Gendi, and she wanted to sell us information, and about Tang Simao, and she wanted to ask me to have an interview," Zuo Lan said.

"Ma Kui's wife? She has gone to Shanghai, and Tang Simao has become a traitor. This must be a trap." Yu Zecheng said.

"Then I'll just refuse to meet you." Zuo Lan said.

"No, Lan, if you refuse directly, you'll be taking advantage of Li Ya, a bastard. Let's find a way to teach Li Ya a lesson." Yu Zecheng narrowed his eyes, revealing a cunning look.

As he turned his mind, a trick floated in his mind.

"Lan, wait for her to call again, just like this." Yu Zecheng came up with a bad idea to make Li Ya drink a pot.

"Zecheng, you are too bad, so Li Ya will definitely not be able to eat and walk around." Zuo Lan laughed in Yu Zecheng's arms.She was hugged by Yu Zecheng again.

"Lan, I have to go now, remember I was kicked out by you." Yu Zecheng bowed his head and kissed Zuo Lan goodbye.


"Lan, I'll come back tonight." Yu Zecheng left gracefully.

(End of this chapter)

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