Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 377 Please Don't Be an Enemy

Chapter 377 Please Don't Be an Enemy


Chamber of Commerce.

Zuo Lan lay in Yu Zecheng's arms.

She should have been fast asleep.

But she held on to sleep.

She is leaving soon.

She cherishes every minute and every second she spends with Yu Zecheng.

"Zecheng, I heard that you have killed many Japanese people recently?"

"Yes, thousands of Japanese have been killed by me."

"Zecheng, many people say behind your back that you are a butcher."

"It doesn't matter. Lan, I actually killed too few Japanese people. Japanese people should be killed. You know, how many of our ordinary people were brutally slaughtered by Japanese people, how many mass graves, how many were subjected to live experiments, and how many pregnant women were killed. .” Yu Zecheng said many cruel facts.

"Zecheng, are these all true?" Zuo Lan was stunned.She knows some things, but not much more.She didn't expect the Japanese to do so many inhumane things.

"It's all true, the Japanese are all damned, I killed too few." Yu Zecheng wished to kill all the Japanese and wipe out the Japanese kingdom.

In later generations, so many people said that the Japanese country is good, willing to be the lackeys of the Japanese country, and did a lot of things to curry favor with the Japanese country. Such people are all fatherless and motherless, and they are all people who have forgotten their ancestors. Thousands of people cast aside.

During the epidemic in Wa country, there was a capitalist who donated a lot of money to Wa country.Later, not long after, he moved to the country of Wa.He also kept talking about patriotism, which is really nonsense.

What is a person's bottom line is not to let you treat your own country so well, but to ask you not to subsidize a country like Wa that has blood and deep hatred.

Your peaceful days were bought by the martyrs with their flesh and blood.

You have too many good days, so you go to lick the Japanese ass, it's really not something a human can do, even worse than a beast.

"Zecheng, is there any news from your place recently?" Every time Yu Zecheng came, Zuo Lan always wanted to inquire about something.

"Recently, the name of the Juntong was changed, and it became the Bureau of Secrecy.

Also, Ma Kui is dead, and a new action captain named Li Ya has recently arrived. "

"Li Ya? He has been to Yanzhou before. His name is Feng Jian. He is the teacher of Erbao Primary School. He went to Yanzhou before me.

I met him in Yanzhou.

Later, he was found out by Comrade Lu Zongfang and sent to reform through labor.

A few days ago, it was said that some people were exchanged, and Li Ya was also exchanged? "

"Yes. Lan, Li Ya is quite sinister, and he is planning a trap plan for you." Yu Zecheng said.In the TV series, after Li Ya arrived at Tianjing Station, he launched a trapping plan against Yu Zecheng and Zuo Lan, which directly led to Zuo Lan's sacrifice.

Now, Yu Zecheng is not the Yu Zecheng in the TV series, but Li Ya will definitely come up with a plan to target Zuo Lan and the others.Therefore, Yu Zecheng gave Zuo Lan a vaccination first to remind her.

"Trapping plan? What exactly?"

"I don't know the details. Based on the news I heard, I guess that Li Ya will let one of your traitors contact you, ask you out with excuses such as intelligence, and then ambush the good people in advance to capture you.

Now it is the period of military deployment, they can say that you are engaged in underground sabotage activities, disregarding the righteousness of the nation, and destroying peace.

After exposure, public opinion will be very unfavorable to you. "Yu Zecheng talked about Li Ya's routine in the TV series. But now the situation is different, will Li Ya still do this? Yu Zecheng doesn't know either.

"That's it, this is indeed an unpredictable conspiracy." Zuo Lan frowned.

"Lan, if one of your comrades suddenly contacted you, what would you do?" Yu Zecheng asked.

"I'm going to meet, it's a trap, so I can't go. If I don't go, I refuse to meet." Zuo Lan hesitated, "I'm afraid it's not appropriate to refuse to meet."

She was in a dilemma.If a comrade contacts her, she knows it's a trap and she can't go to see her, but she can't refuse, because after she refuses, that fake comrade will bite Zuo Lan back, saying that Zuo Lan has abandoned her comrades and betrayed her, anyway. If you want to add a crime, there is no reason to worry about it, and things can always happen.

"Zecheng, I'll find an excuse to say no, how about keeping the other party steady first?" Zuo Lan thought for a while.

"Lan, what if he has a reason for you to go?" Yu Zecheng asked.This reason is too easy to come up with.

"I have to go? I can only go, but I will fall into a trap and become more passive. If it is successful, then what should I do?" Zuo Lan asked.For a moment she didn't know what to do.

"Lan, when you encounter such a situation, you have to come here aboveboard, and you can't deal with it in private." Yu Zecheng thought of an unsolvable solution.

"Fair and fair? What do you mean?"

"Lan, if any of your traitorous comrades contact you suddenly, and then make up a reason to meet you soon, you have to meet.

In this case, you should first contact the other delegation and invite them to meet the traitor together. "

"To meet the traitor together? Is this appropriate?"

"Whether it's appropriate or not, doing so will at least not put you in a more passive situation. By the way, Lan, Ma Kui arrested one of your people before he died. He seems to be called Tang Simao. He couldn't bear the punishment and had already rebelled. gone."

"Tang Simao? I don't know him, but he should be an underground member of Tianjing." Zuo Lan lied.

Zuo Lan actually knew about Tang Simao.

She has a connection with Shopkeeper Qiu.Although she didn't contact her directly, she also knew about Shopkeeper Qiu and Tang Simao.

Some time ago, shopkeeper Qiu was notified by a mysterious person and successfully evacuated.

But Tang Simao's place has been closely watched.

Even so, shopkeeper Qiu tried to find a way to notify Tang Simao to withdraw quickly.

But Tang Simao lost the chain at a critical moment, wasting the opportunity to escape, and was injured and caught by Ma Kui's men.

Zuo Lan is clear about this matter.

But she can't tell Yu Zecheng.Because Yu Zecheng is not one of them, he did not join them, this is an iron discipline, he must obey, and he must hide from Yu Zecheng about the shopkeeper Qiu and others.

Zuo Lan sometimes wondered, could that mysterious man be Yu Zecheng?

However, she thinks not.She felt that Yu Zecheng didn't know Shopkeeper Qiu.

"Lan, whether you know it or not, if they set up traps through Tang Simao, you have to be careful, if one is not good, you will be put in a shit bowl." Yu Zecheng reminded.He could tell that Zuo Lan was lying.He and Zuo Lan are already so close, how can he fail to see that Zuo Lan is lying.However, he did not expose Zuo Lan.He can understand Zuo Lan's difficulty.

"Zecheng, thank you, otherwise, we might really be fooled." Zuo Lan felt a little guilty, she wanted to tell Yu Zecheng that she had lied, but she couldn't.

"You're welcome, Lan, you must stay calm at any time. For example, if someone suddenly says something happened to me, what will you do?"

"Have you had an accident? No, it will be successful. You will definitely be fine." Zuo Lan became emotional all of a sudden.She looked worried.

"Lan, it's not right for you to react like this. Outsiders know that my relationship with you has already broken up, and we belong to two camps. Not only can you not show worry, but you should also make some sarcasm."

"Zecheng, I can't do it. I don't know what method you used to help Comrade Lu Zongfang deliver supplies, but it must be very dangerous. You must be careful. You must not have any accidents. You have to promise me." Zuo Lan was still a little emotional. wrong.She knew that with so many materials, many people must have handled them, and Yu Zecheng must be very dangerous.She has been worried that something will happen to Yu Zecheng while delivering supplies.

"Lan, I can't tell you my method, but I'm absolutely safe, you have to rest assured.

If someone suddenly tells you that something happened to me, you must not believe it, remember, it is impossible for me to have an accident.That person is also lying to you, he wants to harm me through you. "

"Zecheng, you mean Li Ya would do this?" Zuo Lan finally got the hang of it.She guessed it at once, it might be Li Ya.Because Li Ya and Yu Zecheng were classmates, Li Ya met her in Yanzhou.Li Ya knew her and Yu Zecheng well, that's why he came up with such a vicious method.

"It's possible, Lan, you are my weakness now, you must keep calm at all times. When you talk about me in front of outsiders, you must show resentment in your eyes." Yu Zecheng said.

"I know, if it works, I will try my best to do it."

"Zecheng, you don't want me anymore, and you married a traitor's niece, I will bite you to death."

(End of this chapter)

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