Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 375 Then, You Can't Destroy Li Ya

Chapter 375 Then, You Can't Destroy Li Ya

Li Ya became the captain of the action team, so he naturally wanted to celebrate.

"Station Master, when you come back, someone will make the decision for me. Before, I was shot by more than a dozen Japanese indiscriminately. I almost toasted you." An entertainment place opened by Yu Zecheng, Wu Jingzhong, Yu Zecheng , Lu Qiaoshan and Li Ya drank together.

"Captain Li, come, let's have a toast."

"Director Yu, I offer you a toast."

"Director Lu, thank you, cheers."

Yu Zecheng kept making excuses, toasted and cheered.


"I can't do it, young people, drink it. I'll go get a massage." Wu Jingzhong got drunk and went to the bathing and massage room. There was a beautiful masseuse waiting there. She was a Japanese woman, very docile.This old fox will enjoy it very much.He knew he couldn't get drunk, and when he was drunk, he couldn't enjoy himself.

"Lao Li, come on, let's continue drinking."

"Old Li, we are classmates, come, let's have another drink."

"Old Lu, why did you get down? Come on, have another drink."

"Old Lu, old Lu?" Lu Qiaoshan slid under the table and fell asleep soundly.He couldn't enjoy it anymore.He's still not smart enough.There's a blond woman over there waiting to teach him English.

"Old Li, you have a good drinker, let's continue to toast."

"Director Yu Yu, I can't drink anymore." Li Ya was about to get drunk.He didn't drink alcohol at first, but Yu Zecheng made countless excuses, drank one cup after another, and finally drank too much.He thought he could drink Yu Zecheng, but he didn't expect that he was overthinking his abilities.

"Lao Li, let's go, I'll take you for a massage."

"Director Yu, no need, I don't." Li Ya wanted to refuse, but he couldn't do it.

"Don't be embarrassed, a man should be able to enjoy it."

"It can't be like this." Li Ya was still a boy and hadn't been raped by a woman yet.

"You guys, take good care of Captain Li's work, or you'll die." Yu Zecheng threw Li Ya to the masseuse of the Japanese country.Let them help Li Ya transform, don't always sleep in the office and work.That's so boring.

He made arrangements and left.

He doesn't mess around outside.

He has a fixed place, fixed beauties, who only serve him.

"Everyone is pretending that they don't drink, but they drink a lot, but they are not as good as me. They can't do it, just pour it after a few glasses. Another day, find Cuiping to make a drink. She seems to be better at drinking."

When Li Ya woke up, he felt something was wrong.

He checked it hastily.

He looked panicked.

He didn't even have any clothes on.

"Li Jun, you are awake, please have some tea." At this time, a woman from the Japanese country, wearing a kimono, walked over with small steps, holding a teacup.

"What's wrong with me?" Li Ya felt a little headache and couldn't remember what happened before.I just felt the depression all over my body, and I vented it out, and my legs were a little weak.

"Li Jun, you are drunk, and your clothes are a little dirty, and you have already washed them."

"Drunk? What about Director Yu? Where is he?"

"Yu Jun has already left."

"Gone? What about the others?"

"all gone."

"Help me find clothes and come here, I have to go too."

"Li Jun, don't worry, I will wait for you to get dressed." The Japanese woman lifted Li Ya's quilt openly.

Li Ya was stunned.He didn't even have time to resist.He fell while awake.

This morning.

Wu Jingzhong's office.

Wu Jingzhong called Yu Zecheng and the others to hold a small meeting.

Lu Qiaoshan hasn't come yet.He has been busy with Ma Kui's funeral recently.

Yu Zecheng chatted with Li Ya casually.

"Brother Li, are you feeling better recently?" Yu Zecheng asked with a smile.He knew that Li Ya often went to find that Japanese woman.

"Fortunately, Director Yu." Li Ya blushed a little.He was holding his breath and wanted to work hard.But before he had time to work, he was corrupted by Huahua World and became discouraged.His mind was changed by the Japanese woman.He felt that he should enjoy life, just like Yu Zecheng, a jerk.

"Li Ya, don't always go to that kind of place. You can play casually, but you can't be serious." Wu Jingzhong reminded.He is an old Jianghu, and he can tell at a glance that Li Ya is a little bit stuck.

He didn't expect that Li Ya, who had always been calm, couldn't touch women, and became like this when he touched them.He also counted on Li Ya to work hard.In Tianjing Station, there can't be people like Yu Zecheng, and someone still needs to do the business.

Of course, if he had to choose one, Wu Jingzhong still hoped that if there is more than one, it would be more useful.No matter how high Li Ya's work ability is, no matter how hard he works, it is all for the public and has nothing to do with him. If there is more, it will be good and bring him practical benefits.

"Yes, station master." Li Ya replied.He also felt that it was wrong, he shouldn't be fascinated by Japanese girls.He made up his mind not to go tomorrow.Go again today.

"Li Ya, why don't you go to Xiuchun Tower at night?" Yu Zecheng started to come up with bad ideas again.He wanted to take Li Ya to the ditch.

"No, there's no need, Director Yu." Li Ya dared not fool around with Yu Zecheng.He found that Yu Zecheng was too bad, he was proficient in eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, this is a disaster.He followed Yu Zecheng for the past few days without doing any serious business, and was just fooling around.

"Zecheng, you can't lead Li Ya down." Wu Jingzhong had to say something.It is not easy to learn good, but it is too easy to learn bad.

"Yes, station master."

After a while.

Lu Qiaoshan is here.

"Station Master, Mrs. Ma's place is difficult. She thinks the pension is too small and wants more."

"How much do you want? Didn't you already pay three times the pension, and still think it's not enough?" Wu Jingzhong frowned.

"Yes, the station gave three times the pension, and Director Yu also gave a lot of money, but Mrs. Ma still wants more money. She even wants to continue to get the monthly dividend." Lu Qiao mountain road.

"You still want to get dividends? Hmph, why?" Wu Jingzhong was not happy.The monthly dividends are paid on a head-to-head basis, and the more people there are, the less money will be distributed.Ma Kui is dead, Li Ya is on the top, the number has not changed, why does Mrs. Ma still want it.

"Station Master, that Mrs. Ma has come to cry several times, how do you think about it?" Lu Qiaoshan was a little worried.

"Leave her alone, next time she comes again, she will be thrown away." Wu Jingzhong became impatient.He doesn't have time for such crap.


"Okay, let's talk about a few things and sit down.

The military drama is almost over, and the guns and cannons are about to be fired. If we want to do a good job in intelligence work, we must not hold back. "Wu Jingzhong began to talk about business.

"It's the station master." The three of them agreed.

"Also, the military command is about to be rebuilt."

"Reconstruction? What is the reconstruction?" Yu Zecheng asked.

"I haven't decided on the name yet, but it's been confirmed that people will be laid off. Who do you want to lay off?"

"Station Master, if layoffs, how many people will be laid off?" Li Ya asked.

"I don't know yet, but the number of people should not be small." Wu Jingzhong frowned.He didn't know what the higher-ups were thinking, the war was about to start, and they laid off people, wasn't this just nonsense?This is afraid of winning.

"Station Master, most of my subordinates are field workers and rely on me to support them. There should be no layoffs, right?" Yu Zecheng is the director of the confidential office, and he doesn't have many well-organized subordinates.But in order to do business, he recruited a lot of field staff, who were from Tianjing Station in name, but in fact they were all his own subordinates, who had little to do with Tianjing Station.

"Of course you don't need to. Your people don't have any organization, so you don't count them." Wu Jingzhong said.

"Station Master, is Captain Li's dividend the same as Captain Ma's?" Yu Zecheng asked.

"That's right, in the future, the dividends that Captain Li will receive will be that of Captain Ma." Wu Jingzhong said.

"Dividends? What is that?" Li Ya asked.

"The dividend is." Yu Zecheng roughly explained.

"Thank you, Director Yu." Li Ya also understood that the dividend was created by Yu Zecheng for everyone's welfare.

"You're welcome, just buy me a drink if you have the chance." Yu Zecheng said with a smile.

Li Ya nodded and said nothing.He thought to himself, "I will resolutely refuse to drink in the future. Yu Zecheng drinks alcohol. After drinking once, he loses his virginity. If he drinks again, will he die?"

Wu Jingzhong arranged some daily work, and the little boss' meeting was over.

The next step is to wait for the file to be downloaded from above, and start the formal meeting of all the bosses in the station.

(End of this chapter)

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