Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 366 Private meeting with Zuo Lan

Chapter 366 Private meeting with Zuo Lan
Wu Jingzhong's office.

Wu Jingzhong, Yu Zecheng, Lu Qiaoshan and Ma Kui were all present.

Yu Zecheng has already rushed back from the pier.

"I remember the last meeting, I didn't invite the representatives there, why do they know everything?" Wu Jingzhong looked unhappy.The list given by Zuo Lan at the welcome meeting today, Chi Guoguo slapped him in the face, making him very angry.

"Station Master, I arranged the people over there, and I am willing to accept the punishment." Ma Kui first admitted his mistake.He didn't quibble, he was still somewhat responsible.

"Punishment is a pitiful means, I am not used to it.

Originally, I wanted to give them a big blow, but this is good, because some people have trouble with our Tianjing station. "Wu Jingzhong said casually with his hands behind his back. He has experienced a lot. In just a few words, he has put down the anger in his heart, and his face has returned to normal.

"Station Master, it's not surprising that they found out that we placed people in the clubhouse, but how did they know such a detailed list of personnel?

However, their rosters are all from the action team, and there are no field personnel from the guild hall, which means that only the action team has a problem. "Lu Qiaoshan said. His mind is still clear, and he has hit the point.

"Give me the truth within three days, and this is your punishment." Wu Jingzhong pointed at Ma Kui's nose and shouted.His punishment for Ma Kui is very clever.Not only let Ma Kui work hard, but also let Ma Kui have no complaints.He knew that there was someone behind Ma Kui, so he didn't expect Ma Kui to be loyal to him, as long as Ma Kui could be a good dog.

At Tianjing Station, why does Wu Jingzhong favor Yu Zecheng so much?

Because there is a backing on Luqiao Mountain.There is also a backer on Ma Kui.Only Yu Zecheng, whose backer is Boss Dai, is not really a backer.In addition, Wu Jingzhong is Yu Zecheng's teacher, so Wu Jingzhong only dotes on Yu Zecheng.But this kind of favor is also in quotation marks, and his investigation of Yu Zecheng also followed the rules, basically without favoritism.

"Yes, station master." Ma Kui responded hastily.He is so confused now that he doesn't know anything.Although he had a backer, he was just that character's former bodyguard, and his backer didn't take him too seriously. At critical moments, he couldn't save his life.

Wu Jingzhong lingered a few steps, glanced at Yu Zecheng and the three of them, "There is an inner ghost in the family, can you say that?"

"Yes." The three of Yu Zecheng nodded and replied.

"But where is the ghost? I want to hear your opinions." Wu Jingzhong asked.

"Station Master, there are at least three errors in the list they mentioned. Judging from the analysis of these errors, I think the information leak is not from the upper echelon of our Tianjing Station.

I think the inner ghost is on the lower level.Because many people below are not familiar with it. " Lu Qiaoshan said clearly. He still has some skills. He can remember many people's information clearly, such as age, place of origin, and other information.

"That's right, Director Lu is right, if something goes wrong at the top, then the list of my field personnel will also be leaked.

Now, the information of the field personnel has not been leaked, which means that the problem only occurred in Captain Ma's action team. It should be someone familiar with the action team who leaked the information. We can start to investigate from this aspect. " Yu Zecheng answered. He didn't wait for Wu Jingzhong to ask questions. He is not a deep person, so he doesn't need to pretend to be a city man.

"Okay, let's investigate from this aspect." Wu Jingzhong nodded, staring at Ma Kui again, "Ma Kui, remember, you only have three days."

"Yes, station master." Ma Kui was already sweating profusely.

"If it's okay, the meeting will end." Wu Jingzhong said casually.

Lu Qiaoshan and Ma Kui left, but Yu Zecheng did not.

"Zecheng, what's the matter, did Mu Liancheng run away?" Wu Jingzhong asked.

"Station Master, this is Mu Liancheng's money for buying roads." Yu Zecheng took out a cloth bag, which was full of small yellow croakers and US dollars.He hid large yellow croakers and more dollars.

Wu Jingzhong took a look at it, frowned and said, "It seems that Mu Liancheng still ran away."

"Station Master, do you want to send someone to Japan to arrest Mu Liancheng?" Yu Zecheng eagerly asked.He was thinking, if Wu Jingzhong sent someone to the Wa country, he would fight for it, and then kill some people who deserved to be killed in the Wa country.Thinking of the mass graves that are often found in later generations, he can't help but want to kill the Japanese.He really wanted to kill the Japanese people, and also buried thousands of people in the Japanese country alive.

"To arrest Mu Liancheng in the country of Wa?" Wu Jingzhong was stunned for a moment, he never thought of doing this, he shook his head, "Forget it, it's not appropriate to go to the country of Wa to arrest Mu Liancheng, and everyone will know the trouble."

"Station Master, let's make Mu Liancheng such a traitor." Yu Zecheng looked filled with righteous indignation, and did not treat Mu Liancheng as a crooked relative at all.

"Even if it's cheap for him, this traitor is a bit lucky, and he can survive for a few more years. Then, tomorrow, a warrant will be issued for Mu Liancheng, and all of Mu Liancheng's fixed assets will be seized."

"Okay." Yu Zecheng nodded, "Station Master, I've taken a fancy to Mu Liancheng's villa, can you let me handle it?"

"No problem, it will be successful. This time, all the real estate and shops of Mu Liancheng will be handled by you. Just like before, you can take care of it and pay us dividends."

"Okay, webmaster, I promise to manage well and strive to make more money." Yu Zecheng smiled.He wanted to live in Mu Liancheng's villa.That villa is huge, with a garden, a swimming pool, etc. Mu Liancheng took good care of it.Yu Zecheng was very satisfied.

"By the way, Zecheng, do you think you have the confidence to instigate Zuo Lan?" Wu Jingzhong asked.Yu Zecheng chatted with Zuo Lan tonight, Wu Jingzhong, the old fox, had another idea.

"Station Master, it's unlikely. That woman has a strong belief and is a diehard. Don't waste my money-making time." Yu Zecheng said casually.

"That's right, you can't waste your money-making time on that Zuo Lan. The people over there have very firm beliefs, and their brains are different from normal people." Wu Jingzhong laughed.

Chamber of Commerce.

Zuo Lan and the others found many bugs in the room.

"Zuo Lan, protest to them tomorrow." Director Deng said helplessly.

"Okay." Zuo Lan replied, "Director, I exchanged a few words with Yu Zecheng before, and I found that he has completely changed. I can't complete the task of instigating him."

Lu Zongfang is not dead, he suggested that Zuo Lan continue to plot against Yu Zecheng, so Zuo Lan still has the task of plotting against Yu Zecheng.

"Zuo Lan, don't draw conclusions lightly, and don't be in a hurry. Comrade Lu Zongfang said that Yu Zecheng is friendly to us, and he can still win over." Director Deng said.He knew something about Yu Zecheng.

Lu Zongfang reported to his superiors what Yu Zecheng had done in the past few months.

The above also briefly said something to Director Deng:
"Yu Zecheng was very kind to us and helped us get a lot of medicines, weapons, and other supplies, but because Yu Zecheng was worried about strict discipline and other issues, he was afraid to join us.

Yu Zecheng can be won.

Even if you can't win it, you can still keep in touch.

Yu Zecheng is very useful now.

He can get a lot of materials in short supply, which is the biggest source of materials in short supply such as medicines at this stage, and is more important than providing information.

He can stand up to an army by himself.


The news about Yu Zecheng was top secret, so Director Deng didn't tell Zuo Lan what Yu Zecheng had done.

Director Deng is very grateful to Yu Zecheng, an outsider.

"Director, Yu Zecheng is now Boss Dai's confidant, he is highly regarded by Boss Dai, and now he is full of capitalist abuse, likes to drink red wine and eat steak, he has been corrupted.

He also married the niece of the big traitor Mu Liancheng, who has completely changed and become a complete stranger to me.

I can't face him, let alone instigate him. "Zuo Lan said. She was very disappointed in Yu Zecheng in her heart. Especially when she thought of Mu Wanqiu's beautiful face, fair skin, and graceful figure, she was very angry. She never wanted to see Yu Zecheng again.

"Okay, Zuo Lan, you go to rest first, you have to negotiate with the ugly people tomorrow." Director Deng said.He knew that Zuo Lan misunderstood Yu Zecheng deeply, but he couldn't tell the truth.This is strict discipline.


Zuo Lan couldn't sleep, she tossed and turned.Her mind was full of Yu Zecheng and Mu Wanqiu.

At this time, a figure came in from the window.

He stood in front of Zuo Lan's bed, looking at Zuo Lan.

He is Yu Zecheng.he came.After he killed Mu Liancheng and Nakajima Hidemi, he hurried over.He was the god of killing the moment before, and the god of love this moment.

"Who?" Zuo Lan sensed that someone was coming.

"Lan, it's me." Yu Zecheng said softly.

"Zecheng, you... why are you here?"

Yu Zecheng didn't say a word, just rushed forward.

Zuo Lan resisted.

but failed.

"Woooo." Zuo Lan lowered his voice and began to cry in Yu Zecheng's arms.She knows she made a mistake.But she couldn't refuse Yu Zecheng.Yu Zecheng's warm embrace made her lost again.

"Don't cry, Lan, you are not wrong. I have been in touch with Section Chief Lu, and I have obtained a lot of supplies for him." Yu Zecheng told Zuo Lan everything he had done.

"Then why did you marry Mu Wanqiu?" Zuo Lan is a woman, she likes to be jealous.Especially Mu Wanqiu is more beautiful, so she is very jealous.

"It was requested by Wu Jingzhong, the station chief of the Military Command Tianjing Station, and I had no choice but to agree." This bastard Yu Zecheng lied.He lied to the innocent Zuo Lan.

"It turns out that's the case, then it's done. It's my fault. I shouldn't ask."

"Lan, you should pretend that you don't know about my affairs, and you should treat me as a villain."

"Yes, I understand."

The two hugged each other again.

This time, it was Zuo Lan who took the initiative to throw himself into his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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