Chapter 362

Yu Ze married.

On the table.

"Zecheng, my uncle called and said that you were going to scare him again, and that you were going to take his Japanese lover away." Mu Wanqiu said casually.Mu Liancheng complained to Mu Wanqiu.

"In late autumn, Mu Liancheng was about to run away, so I warned him."

"Is he going to the Wa country? He wanted to go a long time ago, but he couldn't bear to part with those family properties, so he didn't go."

"In late autumn, Mu Liancheng should have been arrested, but our station master took him a lot of valuable antiques, so he let him go. But he can't escape. Once he escapes, we will be negligent of duty, and the higher-ups will hold us accountable. "

"Zecheng, then you have to be careful, my uncle will definitely run away, he has long wanted to go to the country of Wa, for the sake of his lover from the country of Wa, he can do nothing."

"Mu Liancheng doesn't even want his ancestors anymore. People like him will not end well."

"Zecheng, my uncle's children have all gone to the Wa country, and they have stayed there for several years."

"In late autumn, Mu Liancheng's family will not end well. Well, let's not talk about him. What did you and Mrs. Wu do in the afternoon?"

"Just play mahjong and chat."

"What are you talking about?"

"It's nothing, it's just..." Mu Wanqiu talked about the private things they talked about.

"Wan Qiu, you are right. I am a senior professor in that field, much better than that Dr. Zhang." Yu Zecheng said brazenly.

Mu Wanqiu blushed a little and was embarrassed to speak.

Yu Zecheng didn't say anything, he picked up Wanqiu and went to the bedroom.


a few hours later.

Yu Zecheng looked at the sleeping Mu Wanqiu and left quietly.

He knew that Mu Wanqiu was exhausted and could sleep until dawn.

Yu Zecheng walked on foot.

In the dark night, he quietly went outside the city.

As before, he released a truck full of weapons and ammunition, and then went to the place agreed with Lu Zongfang.

All the way without incident.

When they arrived at the meeting point, Yu Zecheng called out softly, "Guan Guan Jujiu is at the River Continent."

"The day of hoeing is noon." Lu Zongfang replied.This is Yu Zecheng's catchphrase.Lu Zongfang thought it was very good.

"Section Chief, hurry up, the weapons are here." Yu Zecheng said.

"Big brother, we're here too." Chen Cuiping walked out with a smile.During this period of time, Yu Zecheng sent weapons, medicines, cotton-padded clothes, food, and other supplies, all of which were received by Lu Zongfang and Chen Cuiping, and everyone was familiar with them.

Chen Cuiping had a good impression of Yu Zecheng.She wanted to make friends with Yu Ze, not the kind of buddies.She has a good impression between men and women towards Yu Zecheng.But she dared not speak out.

"Big sister, how are you doing recently?" Yu Zecheng asked casually.He always had a different feeling when he saw Chen Cuiping.It stands to reason that Chen Cuiping's looks can't attract him, but he always has a unique feeling that he wants to talk to Chen Cuiping more, have more fun, and chat as he likes.

"I'm fine, big brother, how are you?" Chen Cuiping smiled.She stared blankly at Yu Zecheng, and she had a lot to say.

"I'm fine too." Yu Zecheng smiled.In front of Chen Cuiping, he was unrestrained and very relaxed.

"Captain Chen, you carry the weapons first, and I'll have a few words with Shen Hai." Lu Zongfang interjected.When he saw Yu Zecheng today, he had something important to say.

"Okay." Chen Cuiping replied unhappily.

Lu Zongfang and Yu Zecheng went aside.

"Deep Sea, Zuo Lan is going to Tianjing." Lu Zongfang first said what Yu Zecheng was most concerned about.

"Section Chief, I heard about it too. She is the deputy representative of the military investigation."

"Deep Sea, I hope you can help Zuo Lan and the others."

"It's no problem, Section Chief, Tianjing Station has prepared a lot of means for Zuo Lan and the others, just take a look." Yu Zecheng handed over a note.It said that Zuo Lan's residence was arranged in the Commercial Securities Clubhouse, and all the rooms were bugged, and everything arranged by Wu Jingzhong was inside.

And not only that, there are also some military dispatches, Boss Dai's upcoming secret missions, such as repackaging American weapons through Japan, shipping them to Northeast and other places, training students to go to Yanzhou in batches, and the employment of Okamura, etc.

The rest of the story is written on it.

He provided much more information than Yu Zecheng in the TV series.

"So they are delaying time, and they must fight?" Lu Zongfang frowned.

"Yes, Section Chief, I believe that you have also seen the old man's plot." Yu Zecheng nodded.He believed that the people on Lu Zongfang's side were more powerful and far-sighted.

"I can see it, but it's just speculation. Now that we have the evidence you provided, we can be more calm." Lu Zongfang laughed.

"As long as it is useful, Section Chief, the war is about to resume, what can I do for you?"

"In the deep sea, there are mainly medicines and sugar, and they need a lot of them. It's not enough for you to transport them in such a truck."

"I see, section chief, I will think of other ways, you wait for my news."

"Shen Hai, for the sake of confidentiality, only a few people at the top know what you did. I didn't tell Zuo Lan. She only knows that you rejected my instigation. She may have misunderstood you."

"Section Chief, it's actually not a misunderstanding, after all, I didn't join you."

"Deep Sea, you have helped us so much, why are you still unwilling to join us?"

"Chief, as I said, my beliefs are not pure enough, and I can't adapt to your iron-like discipline. If I go there, I will definitely be tied up and can't do anything. It's more convenient to maintain the current relationship."

"Okay then, Shenhai, you have to take care and be safe." Lu Zongfang reminded Yu Zecheng every time. He felt that Yu Zecheng's handling of these materials was very risky.

"Big sister, I'm leaving." Yu Zecheng greeted Chen Cuiping and drove away.

Chen Cuiping looked at the truck going away, feeling a little reluctant to part.

"Comrade Lu, has that Big Brother Deep Sea married yet?" Chen Cuiping couldn't help asking.

"He's already married." Lu Zongfang said regretfully.Originally Yu Zecheng wanted to marry Zuo Lan, but Zuo Lan went to Yanzhou and missed with Yu Zecheng.

"Now Yu Zecheng is married to Mu Wanqiu under Wu Jingzhong's arrangement. What about Zuo Lan?" Lu Zongfang felt helpless.

Before Yu Zecheng told Lu Zongfang that the marriage was arranged by Wu Jingzhong.

Of course Yu Zecheng lied to Lu Zongfang, he would not foolishly say that he wants to change when he sees a difference, and loves the other when he sees one.

Lu Zongfang hasn't told Zuo Lan about Yu Zecheng's marriage yet.

"Big brother already married?" Chen Cuiping was also a little disappointed.She often carries the supplies sent by Yu Zecheng and chats with Yu Zecheng, she has fallen in love with Yu Zecheng unconsciously.

At this moment, both Chen Cuiping and Lu Zongfang remained silent.


Yu Zecheng quietly approached the warehouse where Mu Liancheng stored the goods.

It was already late at night, and the bustling pier became quiet.

Under normal circumstances, the warehouse of the Ugly Navy is guarded by several people.

But nothing happened for a long time, they slackened, and they were so drunk that they had already fallen asleep.

"It's useless." Yu Zecheng contemptuously opened the door of the warehouse and walked in.

Not long after, Yu Zecheng came out again casually.

He took away all the cultural relics and other valuables in Mu Liancheng's collection.However, instead of leaving the box empty, he put some stones in it.

Quietly leave the pier.

Yu Zecheng went to other places where Mu Liancheng hid his things, took away all the gold, silver and jewelry that Mu Liancheng hid, and replaced them with stones.

In silence, Yu Zecheng returned home and continued to sleep with his arms around Mu Wanqiu.



"I wonder if I can meet Zecheng this time in Tianjing?" Zuo Lan felt sleepless at night.She thinks it will be done.

She knew that Yu Zecheng was in Tianjing, and she also knew that Yu Zecheng had not been instigated by Lu Zongfang.They belonged to two camps now, and she should have parted ways with Yu Zecheng, but she still couldn't help but miss Yu Zecheng.

The more time passed, the more she missed Yu Zecheng.

"Zecheng, why did you reject Comrade Lu Zongfang?"

"Don't you know that we are just and you are corrupt?"

"What is corrupt will be destroyed, but the power of justice is invincible."

"Zecheng, seeing you this time, I must persuade you to join us." Zuo Lan also wanted to instigate Yu Zecheng.

(End of this chapter)

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