Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 357 Big Brother, You Are Amazing

Chapter 357 Big Brother, You Are Amazing

A truckload of medicines was moved out of the car.

"Big Brother" Chen Cuiping was about to speak.

"Someone is here." Yu Zecheng said softly.

He sensed it immediately.In the distance, a group of people came.

"Who's here?" Chen Cuiping hurriedly asked in a low voice.

At this time, a soldier in charge of sentry reported, "Captain, it seems that bandits from the mountains near Yongding River Beach have come."

"The bandits on the Yongding River Beach? Damn the bandits, I will kill them." Yu Zecheng roared, drew his gun, and rushed up.

In the TV series, Chen Cuiping was robbed by bandits on the Yongding River Beach.

Thinking of this, Yu Zecheng suddenly became furious. He wanted to beat to death this bunch of clumsy, vile, despicable, fatherless and motherless turtle bastards.

"Deep Sea." Lu Zongfang wanted to stop Yu Zecheng, but Yu Zecheng moved like a mad rabbit and ran away.

"This big brother is also impatient, hehe, even more anxious than me." Chen Cuiping smiled and picked up a few box cannons, loaded the magazines, and rushed out.She has no fear, only a heroic posture.

"Papapa" At this time, Yu Zecheng was already firing.As he ran, he shot one by one, killing the bandits quickly.

It was pitch black, and the bandits couldn't see anything, but they were beaten to death one by one.Night is dark to them.But for Yu Zecheng, night is the same as day.

"Oh, my god, run quickly." They were scared at once.They don't know what's on the other side.

They got the news that there was a donkey cart driving at night, and they should be smuggling good things, so they wanted to come and rob, but they didn't expect to encounter a hard stubble.

"The wind is blowing!" the bandit leader Cyclops shouted, trying to run away.

But, they can't run away.

With Yu Zecheng fully firing, none of them could escape.

"Papa papa" Yu Zecheng turned the pistol in his hand into a machine gun.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" the bandits kept screaming.

"Papa." The gunshots kept ringing, but most of them were caused by Yu Zecheng.

The bandits on the opposite side just fired sporadically.

Yu Zecheng fired fifty or sixty shots in one go.

He emptied many magazines and killed all the fleeing bandits, leaving only a few wimps who wet their pants, hiding behind a tree and shivering.

At this time, Chen Cuiping and others were still observing the situation.

They could not see the flashes of the bandits' guns.

They have no night vision and cannot see where the bandits are.

They even have night blindness, blind at night.Night blindness is caused by a lack of nutrition.In this day and age, many people lack nutrition and cannot see clearly at night.

Chen Cuiping and others observed it, and saw that Yu Zecheng kept shooting, and there were screams in the distance.

Waiting for Yu Zecheng to stop shooting.

"Big brother, are you okay?" Chen Cuiping asked hastily.

"I'm fine. There are not many bandits dead. Do you want to keep them alive?" Yu Zecheng asked.

"What? There aren't many dead? Let's keep alive and ask." Chen Cuiping said.

Yu Zecheng nodded and walked forward.

"Big brother, be careful, you can't walk over like this, you have to stoop." Chen Cuiping instructed Yu Zecheng to make tactical moves.

Yu Zecheng smiled and shook his head, he continued to walk forward swaggeringly, seemingly fearless.

"Why don't you listen to my big brother?" Chen Cuiping hurried to Yu Zecheng, trying to block possible bullets.Her team members also rushed to the front one by one, trying to block the gun.

They are heroic at the moment.The thin body due to malnutrition is also extremely tall.

"The remaining six soft-legged shrimps, get out of here, don't hide!" Yu Zecheng shouted.He was afraid that someone would be shot coldly.

"Grandpa Balu, we surrender, we surrender." The six bandits, who were lucky enough to survive, threw away their guns and knelt down to beg for mercy.They regarded Yu Zecheng as the eighth way.

"It's all right, let's take a look with the flashlights." Yu Zecheng took out a few flashlights from his body and handed them to Chen Cuiping and the others.

"Big brother, why didn't you take out this good thing earlier?" Chen Cuiping said carelessly.She and her teammates searched for the bandits with a flashlight.

Yu Zecheng stopped.

His anger gradually dissipated.

He knew he was acting wrong.He was not impulsive.

But when he saw Chen Cuiping and the bandits who kidnapped Chen Cuiping, he exploded.

"This woman, Chen Cuiping, has a big mouth and a hot temper, but she is a good woman. In some respects, she is better than Mu Wanqiu."

"Shen Hai, are you alright?" Lu Zongfang also chased after him.

"Section Chief, I'm fine."

"Shen Hai, if we contact you by telegram, the password book and the medicine money have been transferred to the bank for you." Lu Zongfang took advantage of Chen Cuiping's departure and quietly talked about the follow-up matters.

"I see, section chief, it's getting late, I have to go back. Tomorrow night, I'll bring another load of weapons over." Yu Zecheng wanted to leave.He didn't want to be asked by Chen Cuiping.He could guess that Chen Cuiping would be very surprised, and would say, "Big brother, you are so powerful, how did you beat him to death?"

"Deep Sea, don't worry about weapons. Can you bring some medicine over here? This is the list." Lu Zongfang is most in short supply of medicine.

"Okay, section chief, I'll try to make two trips tomorrow night, one for the medicine and one for the weapon I promised my sister." Yu Zecheng didn't want to disappoint Chen Cuiping, he must do what he promised Chen Cuiping.

"Okay, deep sea, you have to pay attention to safety, if it is inconvenient, you can cancel it"

"I know, section chief, I'm leaving." Yu Zecheng glanced at Chen Cuiping who was still checking the bandit's body, and left.He was a little bit reluctant.

After a while.

"Captain, out of sixty or seventy bandits, there are only these six bastards left, and the rest are all dead, all shot down."

"They were all killed by that big brother just now?" Chen Cuiping was really surprised.She wanted to ask Yu Zecheng for a question.

"Yes, captain, the battle started quickly just now, but I saw that big brother kept shooting. The gangsters ran away without firing a few shots. They were all shot in the back and died."

"That big brother is so powerful!" Chen Cuiping said in surprise.

"Captain Chen, are you all right?" Lu Zongfang sent Yu Zecheng away and came to find Chen Cuiping and others.

"Comrade Lu, where's the big brother?"

"he's gone."

"Gone? Why did you just leave?"

"He still has something to do."

"Comrade Lu, what's the name of that big brother? Why is he so generous? He's so capable, he got so much medicine and weapons, by the way, he's so powerful, it's so dark, he beat him to death by himself There are so many bandits, he is a sharpshooter!"

"Captain Chen, the big brother's identity is kept secret and cannot be revealed."

"Secret? Comrade Lu, that big brother is so good, why isn't he our comrade?"

"He must have his own reasons." Lu Zongfang remembered that Yu Zecheng had said before that the discipline here was too strict and he couldn't get used to it.

"Is there any difficulty, can I help?" Chen Cuiping also has a good impression of Yu Zecheng.She also felt Yu Zecheng's kindness.She also has a special feeling for Yu Zecheng.

"He doesn't need our help."

"Why don't you need it?"

In the car.

Yu Zecheng was a little emotional.

He originally thought that he would have nothing to do with Chen Cuiping, but unexpectedly, he still met her, and he also had a special feeling for her inexplicably.

Chen Cuiping is a natural fighter, making her a rich wife is wronging her.

She should be her heroine on the battlefield.

What Yu Zecheng can do is to provide her with weapons, ammunition and other supplies.

"If you like her, just be her."

(End of this chapter)

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