Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 352 Lu Zongfang Appears Again

Chapter 352 Lu Zongfang Appears Again

Yu Zecheng drove home.

He just put a radio tracker on Mu Liancheng's car.

Of course, this tracker is not something of this era, it is his krypton gold.

He flipped his hand, and a signal receiver appeared.About the size of a pad.

The tracker at Mu Liancheng would send out a radio signal, which this receiver could receive.Through the red and green dots on the receiver screen, you can roughly locate where Mu Liancheng's car is.

He can also drive around the city of Tianjing and enter the road name into the receiver, which will show the exact location of the tracker.

He intends to monitor Mu Liancheng and never let Mu Liancheng sneak away.


Yu Zecheng eats at home.

In the afternoon, drive to work.

Just arrived at the gate of the military command station.

I saw Long Er and the others waiting here.

"Long Er, what's the matter?"

"Director Yu, you're here. We've packed everything up. We thought we could help you if you have something to do this afternoon, so we came here." Long Er respectfully said.They all want to help Yu Zecheng as soon as possible.They are all righteous people.

"Here, that's okay. Here's the registration book. There are shops and houses on it. Here's the key. Go and see what kind of business these places are suitable for. Then find a few shopkeepers with clean backgrounds. I'm going to make a big deal. " Yu Zecheng ordered casually.

"Okay, Director Yu, we will finish it as soon as possible." Long Er hurriedly responded.

He stepped forward to take the registration book and key.

"Long Er" At this moment, Yu Zecheng called out to Long Er in a low voice, "You bring some people who are good at stalking, and let me keep an eye on Mu Liancheng. I want to know his every move."

"Okay, Director Yu." Long Er replied in a low voice.He knew about Mu Liancheng.

"Remember, you must not let him notice." Yu Zecheng warned.

"Understood, Director Yu, don't worry, I promise it will be fine." Long Er replied.

Arrange for Long Er and others.

Yu Zecheng went to Wu Jingzhong's office.

"Station Master, Mu Liancheng will visit your home with a gift tonight. I wonder if he will take the liberty?"

"Oh? What gift will he bring?" Wu Jingzhong understood immediately, and Yu Zecheng told Mu Liancheng what to do.He didn't think it was presumptuous, he just felt that it was long overdue.

"Of course it is the best cultural relic in his collection." Yu Zecheng laughed.

"Haha, Mu Liancheng is a profiteer who doesn't know anything, and likes to collect. Those precious cultural relics should be collected by suitable people." Wu Jingzhong laughed.

"The station master is right. I think Mu Liancheng should have understood the meaning." Yu Zecheng said with a sinister smile.

"It's good that he understands. If he doesn't understand, let him wake up again." Wu Jingzhong said casually.A stern look flashed in his eyes.He is a greedy and ruthless person.Many people died because of him.He doesn't care about human life.

Strange that he should admire the brave and the fearless.Maybe he wasn't like that at first.He may have been a hot-blooded youth.It's just that I have experienced many things, and I am as dusty as the light.

"Station Master, if it's okay, I'll go to work on the store." Yu Zecheng didn't care about work, he just wanted to make money.

"Go ahead and manage the store well with your heart." The same goes for Wu Jingzhong.

in the afternoon.

Yu Zecheng saw college students on the street, giving out porridge enthusiastically.

The porridge they cook does not fall over with chopsticks standing upright.

Many ragged people are waiting in line to eat porridge.There is hope in their eyes to survive.

Yu Zecheng smiled lightly and drove away.He is still a kind person.

When he passed the Xuanji Pharmacy, he suddenly stopped.

He goes into the pharmacy.

"Sir, are you grabbing the medicine?" the pharmacy boy asked.

"Do you have tiger bones here?" Yu Zecheng asked casually.

"Tiger bone? Wait a moment, I'll ask the shopkeeper."

After a while.

A middle-aged man came out from the back room, he was shopkeeper Qiu.He looks ordinary.

Shopkeeper Qiu is the pharmacy shopkeeper who meets Yu Zecheng in the TV series.After he was arrested, he bit off his own tongue in front of Yu Zecheng.He said, "No one can defeat my belief. I can die, but I will never betray my fighters."

He is a person who is not afraid of life and death.His bravery and fearlessness even made Wu Jingzhong stand up and express his respect.

He is a man to admire.

But now, he doesn't know Yu Zecheng, and he is not Yu Zecheng's contact person.

"Sir, we don't have tiger bones here yet, but we have been collecting tiger bones from outside. If we receive them, we can send them to you." Shopkeeper Qiu said politely.Although he opened a pharmacy here as a cover, it is also a real pharmacy. He wants to make money to supplement the lack of funds.

"Forget it. In a few days, I will open a medicine store. When the time comes, if you have tiger bones, you can send them to xxx. By the way, this is the medicine list. The ginseng on it can be sent there." .” Yu Zecheng said casually.

"Okay, sir." Shopkeeper Qiu was very polite.

Yu Zecheng left the pharmacy and drove directly to the shops in the city center.

Here, someone has already come, and it is the decoration person that Ma Kui is looking for.

"Director Yu, you are here, how do you plan to decorate?"

"This shop, I plan to open a medicine shop, you guys think about what kind of decoration style should be suitable for medicinal wine. Another shop, I want to open a high-end foreign goods shop, and you have to pretend to be a foreign style."

Yu Zecheng was thinking, talking, and talking more and more.Several decoration masters hurried to find paper and pen to record.

After half an hour.

"Okay, I'll leave the decoration to you, and the decoration must be completed in a month at most."

"Okay, Director Yu, I promise to finish the decoration for you within one month."

Yu Zecheng nodded and was about to drive away.

At this moment, he sensed that someone was staring at him.

He glanced at it casually.

"Lu Zongfang? Why is he here?"

At a glance, Yu Zecheng recognized who that person was.

When he was in Jinling, Yu Zecheng killed the person who monitored Lu Zongfang, and left a message to warn Lu Zongfang, so that Lu Zongfang escaped Ma Kui and Li Haifeng's stalking and assassination.

After Lu Zongfang knew the situation at that time, he made a decisive decision and left Jinling overnight for Yanzhou.

Later, he unearthed, in Yan'an's undercover 'shrine', Li Ya.

Li Ya, a character who performed well in the TV series, was laid off early.

As a veteran undercover agent, Lu Zongfang did not receive a lunch box in advance, so he played a huge role.

After that, Zuo Lan also went to Yanzhou.

After Lu Zongfang and Zuo Lan met, they asked about Yu Zecheng, and found out that Yu Zecheng didn't want to come here.His instigation against Yu Zecheng was considered a failure.

Recently, Zuo Lan went abroad to study.

Yu Zecheng went to work at Tianjing Station.

Lu Zongfang had the idea of ​​instigating rebellion against Yu Zecheng again.He felt that there was still hope for Yu Zecheng to be rebelled.He felt that Yu Zecheng was a man of conscience and a person who could be saved.

In addition, when Zuo Lan went abroad, he left a personal letter to Yu Zecheng, hoping to continue to instigate Yu Zecheng.

So, Lu Zongfang came.

After he arrived in Tianjing, he first exchanged information with Shopkeeper Qiu.

He was in the back room of Xuanji Pharmacy, chatting with Shopkeeper Qiu about the matter here.

Suddenly, I heard Yu Zecheng's voice and knew that Yu Zecheng was going to open a medicine shop.

He didn't tell Shopkeeper Qiu anything about Yu Zecheng, he came here quietly.

He wanted to meet Yu Zecheng alone.

He was not afraid that Yu Zecheng would arrest him.

He believed that Yu Zecheng's conscience was still alive.

He deliberately stared at Yu Zecheng just now, just to attract Yu Zecheng's attention.This is eye contact.

"The car is parked here, I'll go over there." Yu Zecheng said casually, and walked to Lu Zongfang's side.

He also planned to meet Lu Zongfang.

(End of this chapter)

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