Chapter 336

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

Under Wu Wanli's precise blocking, the Ugly Army paid a huge price to barely repair the bridge.

this evening.

Wu Qianli, Tan Ziwei, Mei Sheng and others have all arrived at Wu Wanli.

"Wanli, Smith and the others will be here tomorrow, how are you going to blow up the bridge tonight?" Wu Qianli asked.In the past few days, the members of the Seventh Company and the Ninth Company have not been idle. They have killed many ugly soldiers through cold shooting tactics.Using mortars, many ugly army tanks were blown up.

"Brother, tonight I plan to blow up the bridge with heavy hand grenades." Wu Wanli said.

"Wan Li, the Ugly Army must be heavily guarded tonight. Isn't it a bit too risky for you to use heavy grenades to blow up the bridge? Why don't you use anti-aircraft guns?" Tan Ziwei said.

"That's right, Wanli, let's use anti-aircraft guns. Tonight should be the last time to blow up the bridge. The Ugly Army and the others don't have time to repair the bridge anymore. You can evacuate directly after blowing up the bridge with anti-aircraft guns," Mei Sheng said.His implication is that after Wu Wanli blows up the bridge, he can drop the anti-aircraft gun and run straight away.

"That's right, Wanli, you don't need the anti-aircraft gun, it's safer." Lei Suisheng said.He also didn't want Wu Wanli to take the risk of blowing up the bridge with a heavy grenade.

"Wanli, let's use anti-aircraft guns to blow up the bridge." Yu Congrong and others also advised.

"Brother, old company commander, Brother Lei, I think it's better to blow up the bridge with heavy grenades.

First of all, we don't know if the ugly army has a spare 'rut bridge'?
According to my guess, the ugly army should still exist.

Chances are, we'll blow up the bridge tonight.Tomorrow morning, the Ugly Army will build a new 'rut bridge' again.

Secondly, I must keep the anti-aircraft guns to deal with the ugly planes.

Otherwise, even if we block the ugly army, we will not be able to stop the indiscriminate bombing of the ugly army's planes.

At that time, if we want to eat Smith, we may suffer heavy casualties, and even be counterattacked by Smith.

Lastly, I've never blown up a bridge with a heavy grenade before.I estimate that the Ugly Army will not be prepared for a grenade bombing the bridge 800 meters away.

In this way, I should be able to blow up the bridge smoothly and evacuate safely. "

"Wanli, you must be careful, you will have to rely on you to deal with the ugly army planes later." Wu Qianli and the others naturally understood that what Wu Wanli said was correct. adventure.

"Brother, don't worry, I'll come back as soon as I go." Wu Wanli checked his equipment while talking, and then left quickly.

Wu Wanli was wearing white clothes.

In the snow, move fast.

Not long after, he ran near several hills controlled by the ugly army.

At this time, the Ugly Army's defense range covered 1000 meters of the Shuimen Bridge.

If Wu Wanli wanted to blow up the bridge, he had to enter this area.

He carefully avoided the nearby searchlights.

Keeping his figure as low as possible, he passed the blockade of the ugly army quickly and silently.

After a while.

"The distance is almost the same. To be on the safe side, let's throw three heavy grenades in a row." Wu Wanli threw it after a little preparation.

After throwing it away, he left quickly without looking at the result.

After ten seconds.

"Boom, boom, boom" three huge explosions sounded on the Shuimen Bridge.

"Boom" the Shuimen Bridge collapsed.

"Ah, help, god" the ugly army near the Shuimen Bridge let out a scream of crying for father and mother.They weren't on the Watergate Bridge, they were just affected.

As for the ugly soldiers on the Shuimen Bridge, they are all dead.They couldn't even scream.

Coincidentally, the new chief of the Ugly Army was also working at the Shuimen Bridge. He and a group of his subordinates were all killed by the bomb.

The ugly army fell into a brief chaos.

Wu Wanli took the opportunity to escape.


"Wanli, are you okay?" Wu Qianli asked hastily.

"Brother, I'm fine. No one found me when I came and went, and no one shot at me." Wu Wanli smiled.He was so fast that he didn't have time to spot him.

"Great, Wanli, you are amazing!"

"Wanli, we all saw that the Shuimen Bridge was completely blown up. Even if they had a 'rut bridge', they couldn't repair it for a while." The flames on the Shuimen Bridge were soaring into the sky. It collapsed, even more thoroughly than before.

"Wanli, thank you for having you, otherwise, we would be here."

"Thank you, Wanli!"

"Wanli, you should be the first to blow up the bridge mission."

Everyone was lively for a while, and Wu Wanli went to rest with a calm face.

The others were still discussing enthusiastically, they were too excited to fall asleep.

Yu Congrong and others also reported the situation of the bridge bombing to the top.

On the side of the ugly army, a brigade was dispatched, tanks were bombarding everywhere, and they were venting their great anger.

"Oh, my god, no matter what, the bridge must be repaired" Smith gave the following death orders.

In a blink of an eye, it was the next morning.

"Wanli, you really hit the spot. The Ugly Army really has a spare 'rut bridge', but they haven't prepared enough length. They seem to be renewing the missing part with timber. They are very likely to repair the bridge today." Wu Qianli and the others said solemnly.

Wu Wanli took the binoculars and looked at them, "Brother, it's time to use anti-aircraft guns. But I'm using it on that mountain alone, so don't go there."

"Wanli." Wu Qianli hesitated to speak.He understood what Wu Wanli meant.

Because Wu Wanli bombed the Shuimen Bridge again with anti-aircraft guns, he would inevitably be bombarded indiscriminately by the ugly army.

"Brother, I have small goals alone, and it's convenient to retreat. If you are here, I will take care of you, and I will be easily distracted." Wu Wanli laughed casually.

"Wanli." Wu Qianli still hesitated to speak.He didn't want Wu Wanli to carry out such a dangerous mission, but he couldn't stop it.Because no one except Wu Wanli could collapse the Shuimen Bridge at such a distance.

Didn't engage in too many sensational scenes.

Wu Wanli left in style.

Wu Qianli and others also left soon.They also have tasks.They wanted to prevent the enemy from evacuating from the Watergate Bridge on foot.They all went to the mountains and forests near the south of the bridge, and they wanted to stop them.

Watergate Bridge.

"This time, your logistics engineering department performed very well. I want to apply for a medal for you." An ugly military officer said happily.The Watergate Bridge was bombed last night, and he was ordered to supervise the construction of the Watergate Bridge. Just when he was at a loss, the engineers and soldiers of the Ugly Army showed amazing strength, and they repaired the Watergate Bridge again in just a few hours.

"That's what we should do."

The ugly soldiers on the Shuimen Bridge were all very happy.

Last night they were hopeless, thinking that God had abandoned them.

Now they find that God is still on their side.

at this time.

"Boom, boom, boom" the continuous bombardment sounded.Wu Wanli opened fire on a distant hill.

"god, help"

The ugly army on the Shuimen Bridge, the smile froze on his face,

The newly built Shuimen Bridge didn't last long before it collapsed by Wu Wanli.

All the ugly soldiers on the Shuimen Bridge were also killed.

"Oh, my god" At this time, Smith led the team just over.

A moment ago, he received news that the Shuimen Bridge that was bombed last night had been repaired. At this moment, he witnessed the Shuimen Bridge being bombed and collapsed.He is still on the north side of the bridge and has not crossed the bridge.None of his [-]st Marine Division crossed the bridge.

"Has God abandoned us?" Ugly Army fell to their knees and kept praying.They are desperate.

Just when the ugly army was in a mess.

Wu Wanli did not stop the bombardment.

He turned around and started bombarding the ugly army to the north.

The mountain he is on is to the north.

Smith's troops also came from the north.

They have more than 1 people and have a lot of heavy equipment.

The marching line was long.

But they were all within the bombardment range of Wuwanli anti-aircraft guns.

He did not aim at the ugly army tank bombardment.Their tanks will be trophies.

He bombarded the Ugly army troop carrier, or the northernmost troop carrier.

"Boom, boom, boom"

"Ah, help, god" Chou Jun began to cry for his father and mother.

They first heard the huge explosion and collapse in front of them. Although they couldn't see the situation ahead, they guessed that the Shuimen Bridge might have collapsed.

Now, they are being bombed and killed frantically.

They are completely broken at the moment.

They ran forward desperately, they wanted to escape from the mountains in the north, they were going to the port in the south, they wanted to leave this horrible place by warship.

It's messed up, the ugly army is completely messed up.

Bombed, the ugly army bombed the camp.

They rushed forward frantically.

Anyone who dared to block their way, they pushed down, or killed the person in front.

"Beep beep beep beep beep." At this moment, the soldiers of a certain company who were chasing after him took the opportunity to blow the charge horn.

The sound of the trumpet was like a magic sound, which made the ugly army who was still awake at the end go crazy.

They went crazy and rushed forward.

The people in front are driven and also move forward.

The guards around Smith set him up and ran south.

Although the Shuimen Bridge has collapsed, people can walk through it from below, and heavy equipment must not be taken away.

The ugly army ran south from under the Shuimen bridge in dense numbers.

bridge south.

Wu Qianli and the others were also shocked.

They didn't expect the ugly army to bomb the camp.

"Pinghe, did you see that foreign devil? He must be a high official, kill him." Wu Qianli said.

"I saw it, wait a little longer, and guarantee a one-shot kill." Ping He said calmly.

Tan Ziwei and others also aimed at the officers of the ugly army, and they wanted to continue to cause chaos for the ugly army.

"Boom, boom, boom" Wu Wanli continued to bomb.

"Buzzing." The Ugly Army plane is coming.

They saw the crumbling ugly army.

They swooped down as if to remind the ugly army that the air force is coming, so don't panic.


"Boom, boom, boom"

The ugly army plane was bombed by Wu Wanli.

The wreckage of the plane directly hit the crowd of ugly soldiers, killing everyone.

"Ah, ah, ah, god, mom" Ugly Army fell into greater fear and madness.

(End of this chapter)

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