Chapter 32 Meeting
Shopping mall near the courtyard.


"Grandma, Wang Xiaomi and I have an appointment to meet at restaurant A1. There is restaurant C1 opposite here. You and Ma Nao are in restaurant C1, right? You must not run over to talk." Ma Li warned.

"Understood, Ma Nao and I will take a look, and then we will go to the Children's Paradise, it will not affect you." Ling Mingyu said.After she finished speaking, she took Ma Nao into the mall first.

"Dad, I'm going to pretend later that I don't know that you know Wang Xiaomi, so don't expose me." Ma Li whispered.

"Understood." Mark responded casually.He thought to himself, "I have to pretend that I don't know Wang Xiaomi very well. Also, I can't tell about the beauty salon."

A1 restaurant.

Wang Xiaomi has arrived.

She is waiting for Mary.

In the C1 restaurant opposite, Ling Mingyu and Ma Nao were staring at Wang Xiaomi.

"Grandma, that sister Xiaomi is so beautiful." Ma Nao whispered.

"She's pretty, but she's too young." Ling Mingyu frowned.

"Isn't it good to be young?" Ma Nao wondered.

"There's nothing wrong with being young, it's just that your father is getting old." Ling Mingyu frowned.

Mark and Mary walked into the restaurant together.

"Second Uncle? Ma Li? Why did they come together? Do they know each other? Mark, Ma Li, oh, they are father and daughter?" Wang Xiaomi reacted instantly.She looked at Mark and Mary at a loss, wondering if she should know Mark, or should she pretend not to know Mark?
"Miss Xiaomi, my dad sent me here." Ma Li explained with a smile.

"Wang Xiaomi, we meet again." Mark said politely.He could see that Wang Xiaomi was going to pretend not to know him.

"Yeah, we met again." Wang Xiaomi said in a daze.She didn’t expect that Mark didn’t pretend not to know her.

"Miss Xiaomi, Dad, do you know each other?" Ma Li asked pretendingly.

"Yes, we met when we were traveling in Hainan. How did you and Wang Xiaomi meet?" Mark also pretended.

"Miss Xiaomi and I met in a pet shop." Ma Li looked at Wang Xiaomi and winked.

"Ah, yes, yes, we met in a pet shop." Wang Xiaomi agreed.She reacted in time and didn't say anything about the police station.

"Dad, let's talk first, I'll go to the bathroom." Ma Li said.After she finished speaking, she ran away.

In the distance, Ling Mingyu and Manao had also left.They went to the children's playground to play.

"Second Uncle, what's going on? You and Ma Li are father and daughter?" Wang Xiaomi was surprised.

"It's father and daughter. I didn't expect you to know Ma Li." Mark nodded.

"It's such a coincidence. Ma Li and I met before we went to Hainan." Wang Xiaomi was surprised.She met Mary and Mark without knowing it. It was fate.

"Before going to Hainan? Didn't you say it was at the pet shop?" Mark laughed.

"Um, it's at the pet shop." Wang Xiaomi was stunned for a moment.She is not slow to respond, quite clever and mischievous.

"Really? Xiaomi, how dare you lie to your boss? Be careful with deducting your salary." Mark threatened with wide-eyed eyes.

"This." Wang Xiaomi hesitated whether to continue lying.

"Let me remind you, the police station." Mark laughed.

"Oh, second uncle, you already know." Wang Xiaomi said with a smile.

"Of course I know. You told me before that you and Qiu Feng separated after going to the police station. You even bandaged a little girl at that time. Ma Li's mother told me about Ma Li going to the police station. You guys The time and place are all right, how could I not know." Mark laughed.

"So it's like this, Second Uncle, you're so bad, you know it all, and you asked Ma Li just now." Wang Xiaomi laughed.

"No way, Ma Li doesn't want me to know that she has been to the police station, so I'll just pretend not to know." Mark laughed.

"Hey, Second Uncle, did Ma Li know about me and you in Hainan?" Wang Xiaomi asked suddenly.She felt something was wrong.

"Do you think Mary knew about us before?" Mark asked without answering.

"Ma Li must know. Second Uncle, did you tell Ma Li about me?" Wang Xiaomi asked.When she remembered eating with Ma Li before, she always felt something was wrong.

"Of course I said it. The story of the fight in Hainan spread in our school. When Ma Li heard that I was fighting for a beautiful girl, I didn't hide anything, so I told her. She knew that you and I knew each other before.

However, she doesn't know about the beauty salon, so don't tell Ma Li about that. " Mark laughed.

"Ah? Second Uncle, did the news about your fight really come back to school? Have you been punished?" Wang Xiaomi asked hastily.

"No. The school thought I was brave and gave me a bonus." Mark laughed.

"That's okay. Second Uncle, thank you for the Hainan incident. I'm still a little scared." Wang Xiaomi patted his chest and said.

"Don't be afraid, it's over, that kind of thing is rare." Mark said in relief.

"Second Uncle, it's rare to see people like you who are brave enough to stand up for righteousness."

"No, if you had yelled that day, I guess I would be surrounded by brave people."

"is it?"

"Yeah, you are so beautiful, and the young men around hope to help you. Remember that Zhao Hu? He is so enthusiastic. He is the one who caught those three gangsters alone."

"It would be fine if Zhao Hu didn't catch those three punks, we don't have to go to the police station, and you don't have to be almost detained, Second Uncle."

"You can't say that. What Zhao Hu did was right. We should all thank him."

"I understand, Second Uncle. Your daughter is such a clever girl, she fooled me."

"It's okay, her cleverness just doesn't apply to her studies."

"Second uncle, what's the matter with today's meal?" Wang Xiaomi asked.She didn't feel right again because Marley was eating with her and shouldn't have brought Mark.

"Ma Li, she wants me to go on a date with you. It's a bit of a match for us. She doesn't know that we know each other better. If she wants to have dinner, she doesn't need her to make an appointment." Mark said with a smile.

"Well, then I'll go on a date with my second uncle today, go shopping together later, and then help you choose clothes." Wang Xiaomi said happily.

"Forget it. You can call Ma Li over later, and I'll leave first. You young people should play." Mark said with a smile.He still doesn't want to get too close to Wang Xiaomi, especially when it comes to the relationship between men and women.

Now that he has a beautiful view villa, he still wants to play for a few more years and is not in a hurry to get married.

Once you get in close contact with Wang Xiaomi, even if you don't get married and become boyfriend and girlfriend, it's not convenient to mess around outside.He is a principled person, and if there is not enough temptation, he generally does not violate the principle.

Also, Ling Mingyu and the others saw it.Even if he wanted to be a scumbag, he had to avoid Ling Mingyu and Ma Li.

"Second uncle, don't you like me?" Wang Xiaomi asked directly.She has a crush on Mark, but Mark is always ambiguous and his attitude is not clear.

"No. There are too many inappropriate things about us. Tell Ma Li to come back. I'll go first. Remember not to tell Ma Li about the beauty salon." Mark left after finishing speaking.He left gracefully again.

Wang Xiaomi looked at Mark's back with some reluctance.She understood what Mark meant, and she also felt that there was a big age difference between the two. Even if she wanted to, her mother would not agree.But she couldn't help but like Mark now.

Ma Li was watching secretly from a distance. She was a little disappointed when she saw Mark get up and leave, thinking that Mark and Wang Xiaomi were dead.

"Ma Li, your dad is gone, why did you go to the bathroom for so long?"

"Miss Xiaomi, I feel a little sick to my stomach."

"Then are you better? Do you want to go to the pharmacy to buy medicine?"

"It's much better, no need for Miss Xiaomi, let's order."

"Okay, what do you want to eat? My treat."

"Miss Xiaomi, you don't need to invite me. My dad gave me a secondary credit card, and I'll invite you."

(End of this chapter)

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